Trump at 900 days plus


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Trump attracts 20,000 to his NH rally. On the same day in NH Warren attracts 700 and Biden attracts 30.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Millions more are doing each other's laundry. Is the overall wealth of the country increasing or are more Americans forced into part-time work to survive? The well paying, Middle Class manufacturing jobs are going the way of the Dodo and the Middle Class are fairly doomed.

Can't sell more American cars because no one wants to buy their stuff, outside the USA. Can't sell more Harleys because their over 60 demographic is saturated with bikes. Can't sell more steel, metals overseas because the American dollar is too high. The World doesn't need to buy overpriced American anything and US doesn't necessarily stand for "Quality" like, say Japanese, Swedish and German does.

It's an illusion.

So Comrade Curious................................................

you are INSISTING that our Cdn economy.................................

that LIE-berals INSIST is "booming"..........................................

IS ALL A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all.........................

millions more CANADIANS are being forced to do each others laundry................................

and many Cdns are being forced into part time work "to survive"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have a VERY ODD WAY........................................

of measuring SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like your LIE-beral MASTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or are you tring to tell us this stuff.....................

is ONLY BAD for Yankees?????????????????


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Bernie Sanders’ Los Angeles Rally Draws So Many, Overflow Crowd Fills City Hall Steps Across the Street [PHOTOS]

Today Bernie Sanders hosted what is likely his largest rally yet for his 2020 campaign. The rally took place in Los Angeles, California at the Grand Park downtown, across from City Hall. Exactly how many people attended isn’t yet known, but the numbers are significant since the park can hold from 25,000 to 50,000 people, depending on the setup. On top of that, 22,000 RSVP’d on Facebook for Sanders’ event in LA, and crowd size photos show a significant turnout. In fact, so many people showed up that an overflow crowd formed on the steps of City Hall across the street. An early report shared that 15,000 might have been there tonight, but it’s not yet clear if this is accurate or includes overflow crowds. We’ll update this story as more details are known. Here are photos and highlights from his rally today.



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Bernie Sanders’ Los Angeles Rally Draws So Many, Overflow Crowd Fills City Hall Steps Across the Street [PHOTOS]

Today Bernie Sanders hosted what is likely his largest rally yet for his 2020 campaign. The rally took place in Los Angeles, California at the Grand Park downtown, across from City Hall. Exactly how many people attended isn’t yet known, but the numbers are significant since the park can hold from 25,000 to 50,000 people, depending on the setup. On top of that, 22,000 RSVP’d on Facebook for Sanders’ event in LA, and crowd size photos show a significant turnout. In fact, so many people showed up that an overflow crowd formed on the steps of City Hall across the street. An early report shared that 15,000 might have been there tonight, but it’s not yet clear if this is accurate or includes overflow crowds. We’ll update this story as more details are known. Here are photos and highlights from his rally today.

Long time ago from a fading star.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Hahahaha Cliffy can hold crowds from 25-50k, 22k reserved 15k showed up maybe more depending on if that includes overflow, yeah you go girl, you refute those Walter links Hahaha


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdn LIE-berals CONTINUE whining about Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In order to try and fail to distract Cdns...............................................

from Our idiot Boy and his apparently CRIMINAL SUPPORT ......................................................

of Lavalin BRIBERY SPECIALISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating that LIE-berals treat our civil rights with contempt. With some comments of my own in brackets):

New roadside stop laws are a slippery slope

By Lorne Gunter.

Published: December 22, 2018. Updated: December 22, 2018 4:00 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

It’s possible, I suppose, that the federal Liberals’ new drunk driving law will be upheld by the courts. Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould believes it will be even though it clearly seems to violate the Charter’s protections against unreasonable searches.

(The new law is so unreasonable that a B.C. woman who had been spotted out shopping at a local liquor store and then drove over to a friends house- and spent the NEXT TWO HOURS - in a lawn chair - having a nice time - with drinks- was traced through her car license plate by a sharp eyed Mountie- she was hauled out of the yard and compelled to supply a breath sample- naturally as she had been drinking at the pals house -she blew over the limit and was arrested- even though there was ample evidence that she ONLY DRANK AFTER arriving at the pals house- meaning AFTER she had PARKED THE CAR FOR THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Charter itself recognizes that no right is absolute. Section 1 says all rights are subject to “reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.”

(And what of the guy who was spotted by cops one afternoon returning a bunch of empties to the beer store- he was traced to his home, detained and tested but came up clean - even though the ONLY suspicion was his substantial pile of empties -that merely IMPLIED the POSSIBILITY of guilt - and maybe we should ask just how many legal short cuts LIE-berals are willing to take in their enforcement of laws?????)

(WE KNOW that LIE-berals think that operating a legal system is a costly nuisance and they see jailing people as a costly failure- as witness their repeated EXCUSES for legal slaps on the wrists to major thugs and their endless plea bargaining and early release for alleged good behaviour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals are political BULLIES seeking the easy AND CHEAP road in all things!! They are scared of losing votes if they take strong action against drug dealers and thieves - so they make a big fuss about how they are PRETENDING to protect us from drunk drivers on one hand - even as they RELEASE drunken idiots without convictions - just throwing out the charges simply because no cop was not available to translate the charges into Urdu or Hindi or Swahili and thus the drunks rights were “VIOLATED” by lack of translator even though the idiot blew well over the .o8 limit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So to excuse their kid glove treatment of non English speaking drunks- LIE-berals have turned to harassing ordinary citizens going about their legal business! In other words the LIE-beral solution to drunk drivers is the same as for criminals with guns- harass the legal citizens and catch and release the criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!)

So the Supreme Court might decide that allowing police to demand any driver take a roadside breath test – even if police have no reason to suspect that driver has consumed alcohol or marijuana – might be considered a “reasonable limit” if the changes will save lots of lives.

(The ROAD SIDE TEST is one thing- pesterring people who have NOT DRIVEN for hours is quite another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

But the whole thing seems like a dangerous slippery slope.

As of Dec. 18, it became possible in Canada for police to demand every driver they stop blow into a breathalyzer, even if there is no “reasonable suspicion of impairment.”

(I admit to not being too bothered by the idea of a driver being pulled over while actually operating a motor vehicle- it is this idea that you CAN BE CONVICTED HOURS AFTER YOU STOPPED operating the vehicle that is worrying!! How does one prove that one ONLY HAD SOME DRINKS AFTER getting home and parking the car?? What logical defence is there to “you were driving the car earlier and you are drunk now and thus you must be a drunk driver”??????????????)

In effect, the new law presumes you are guilty of driving while impaired by alcohol or weed until you can prove you aren’t.

(AS I have said- LIE-berals are BULLIES with LOW RESPECT for our rights!!!!! And like any bully- they will not confront those who stand up to them - thus a gang banger facing charges compels LIE-berals to bend over backwards to defend his presumption of innocence while ordinary citizens get harassed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

This is especially paradoxical coming from the Liberals. They have made a big stink about police “carding” – i.e. demanding ID from individuals just walking down the street – because that practice tends to harass many innocent black and Indigenous citizens.

Yet, suddenly they’re okay with, say, your local constabulary setting up a Check Stop and making every driver pulled over blow.

The biggest problem with this is that refusal to blow is a criminal offence. That has been one of the reasons police have had to have a “reasonable suspicion of impairment” before they could demand a breath sample. Once police demanded a sample, motorists had no option.

That is still the case under the new law. If you refuse to blow, you face a minimum fine of $2,000. A third refusal carries a mandatory minimum of 120 days in prison. You’re also likely to have your vehicle impounded on the spot.

(So the woman sitting her lswen chair for several hours COULD HAVE HAD her car impounded if she refused the test- even htough SHE WAS NOT DRIVING!! The presumption of innocence and no punishment until convicted is GONE!!!!!!!!)

Months later you might be able to justify your refusal in court, but at the time the police have the power to punish, so they have always had to have a reason to test you.

(This ability to condemn first and punish immediately means that even if you can clear yourself later- you are still left with the PUNISHMENT AND COSTS!! LIEberasl are so worried about our be3haviour and yet they are trying to BREAK LAWS to excuse Lavalin- the contempt of the public is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(This LIE-beral rush to punishment rather than rush to trial is the most notorious element of the LIE-beral legal system!! They can immediately PUNISH ANY person they deem guilty of moderate crimes - but are “helpless” to deal with REAL CRIMINALS - such as the SEVEN accused killers they released in 2017 without any trial as such a long wait would violate the rights of the KILLERS!!!!)

(Or we could talk about the more recent LIE-beral habit of releasing GENUINE DRUNK DRIVERS without trial - due to the slowness of the LIE-beral legal system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Any logical Cdn can CLEARLY SEE the difference between a woman sitting in the sun with some drinks in a back yard- not having driven anyplace for some hours previous - versus some idiot weaving in traffic till the cops pull him over and haul him out of the vehicle he was operating at that moment!! So how is it that LIE-berals are comfortable sending the woman to trial because her case is simple - while eventually RELEASING the actual drunk driver because his case is serious and requires a senior prosecutor and high level judge and costly translator - and LIE-berals refuse to spend the money to hire such people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-beral values are all about political expediency and SAVING GRAVY!! Logic and legal justice are disposable in the LIE-beral system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

You can call a lawyer before you blow, but police are not obliged to postpone your breath test until your lawyer arrives. And if you insist they wait, that can be construed as a criminal refusal.

(If cops have honest reason to suspect you have been drinking and driving- I see no reason why you should not be immediately tested- after all the presence of a lawyer will not affect your level of intoxication!! And of course many cunning drunks know that if they can stall the test long enough then they will NOT blow a dangerous level so an immediate test is most useful and fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(But the LIE-beral Devil is in the details!! Is it fair to insist that a lawyer MUST BE PRESENT for the test- when everybody knows that an unscrupulous lawyer will tell his client -don’t worry - I will rush right over “as soon as I can , don’t let them test you till I get there” and then the SHYSTER HIDES OUT for some hours till the drunk sobers up enough that the test is worthless!! I say this is NOT JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Or we could discuss the cases of several men -who were stopped and tested and both blew over the legal limit in separate cases -and because BOTH MEN CLAIMED they spoke no English and thus could not understand the charges against them -the evidence of the Breathalizer was thrown out by our LIE-beral hug a thug judges- thus NO CONVICTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And aint it ODD that BOTH non English speaking Drunks came from countries where drunk driving is ILLEGAL!! LIE-berals make a MOCKERY of law and justice as they suck up to ethnic citizens whose votes they seek to BUY!!!!!!!!!!)

One of the big arguments in favour of the law is that 50% of drunk drivers avoided detection under the “reasonable suspicion” method. If only police could force all drivers or even just random drivers to blow, the argument goes, they would catch many more impaired drivers and save lives.

But if we’re going to permit arbitrary infringement of Canadians’ rights in this area, how long will it be before we permit the government to infringe in the name of other crimes?

Nearly a third of murders (and in some places more), go unsolved. If police had the right to force everyone in a neighbourhood to undergo interrogation, fingerprinting, and DNA sampling, that would help solve a lot of the uncleared cases.

And what about DNA sampling? One of the hottest gifts this Christmas has been home DNA kits. With nearly a quarter million Canadians expected to have been tested by the end of this year, that represents a huge databank that would help police clear up a lot of current and cold cases.

Why not give them arbitrary authority to access your DNA sample? Or to search all laptops for kiddie porn? Or make everyone provide a urine sample to check for illicit drug use?

Our rights are not held at the pleasure of the government no matter how well-meaning.

(LIE-berals have made it very clear that we will enjoy ONLY SUCH RIGHTS as they deem necessary!! LIE-berals have even decided it is legal to confiscate private property in their war on drugs- even if there is NO EVIDENCE against those who are accused - just so long as some LIE-beral hug a thug judge believes society will be protected by CONFISCATING YOUR PROPERTY- without even getting an actual drug conviction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(As our debts mount to frightening heights, our LIE-beral overlords dig ever deeper into our pockets with ever more FLIMSY EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Trump held another impromptu presser today. Most transparent admin ever.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Trump held another impromptu presser today. Most transparent admin ever.


Isnt it FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO other western leader is HALF SO CANDID...........................

nor nearly as happy to tell us................................................

exactly what he thinks of so many things..........................................

and yet all the LIE-berals DO IS BITCH about Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While Our idiot Boy Justin........................................

who LIED THROUGH HIS TEETH..........................................

when he promised an open and transparent govt................................

is the idiot poster boy for LIE-berals everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!