Trudeau’s abortion move guarantees renewed debate within Conservative party


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Is that the only time that it matters?

The Great Conservative Scandal is Nigel Wright trying to pay BACK the taxpayer $90,000.

Trudeau called 'the antithesis of liberalism'.

Conservatives complain.

2 + 2 = 5

You need to take a Poly Sci 101 course and learn the difference between liberalism and the Liberal Party. The Conservatives have been more liberal than the Liberals for decades.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
The Great Conservative Scandal is Nigel Wright trying to pay BACK the taxpayer $90,000.

Nigel didn't give anything to the taxpayers. He paid the money to a crooked senator that his boss had appointed to try to cover up his illegal activity. But that is only ethics, right? We are talking about cold hard cash here.

We could start with the 50 million of dollars of money that was supposed to be spent on the G8 that Tony Clement misappropriated.

Or should we start with the 3.1 billion dollars for public safety and anti-terrorism that simply went missing.

Or the millions of our dollars that he has spent on "Economic Action Plan" advertising for programs that don't exist.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Are you under the impression that Trudeau just invented the idea of a whipped vote?


Certainly not. They are all at fault here. Only platform policies and confidence votes should be whipped.

He hasn't had a chance at a general election yet, but he already has results in term of by-elections, fundraising, and yes, polls.

Even if you discount polls, the fundraising is still huge. By election results are huge. The party is in much much better shape than before he took the reins.


There is only one poll that counts.

And the Conservatives still draw more money, and will draw more votes.

There is no way that you got some of that stuff from CBC. Some of that has been summarily discredited by every reputable news organization.


WHAT has been discredited by "every reputable news organization"??

But you are correct there are one or two things on there that did not come from the Ministry of Truth..

I mean, you put the whole "Quebecers are better" thing right at the top, and everyone knows that was him talking about his father's views in a documentary years before he was an MP. The chopping of the tape would be funny if some people didn't believe it.


Fair enough.....I researched it, and you are correct.

But it seems obvious to me in the clip that these are his own views as well.........


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Certainly not. They are all at fault here. Only platform policies and confidence votes should be whipped.

And you don't think this constitutes a platform policy?

There is only one poll that counts.

And the Conservatives still draw more money, and will draw more votes.

They definitely do pull more money, but that doesn't discount the huge gains that the Liberals have made.

Whoever gets more votes in the next election remains to be seen. The polls sure don't agree with you right now though.

WHAT has been discredited by "every reputable news organization"??

But you are correct there are one or two things on there that did not come from the Ministry of Truth..

I clearly explained which ones had be discredited. Such as the "Quebecers are better", one. Even CTV, which generally runs more right wing, made a point to play the entire comment so that you can see that he was talking about his dad. How can you still put that forward as a reasonable point knowing that it is such a cheap hack job?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

The very first one "Budgets balance themselves." is written as if that was the complete sentence, but again, they chopped up a statement to remove any context and misrepresent his statement.

This is straight out of the conservative attack ads. The only "news" organization that reports this stuff the way you seem to understand it is Sun News.

One of the "off the cuff" remarks....but he still said it, and it is still really stupid.

So of the 19 things I listed, you have a point on one issue.....


Reputable news organizations? WTF is that?

To these guys??

The Ministry of Truth (CBC)

And the Toronto Star.

And you don't think this constitutes a platform policy?


It does not, because the idiot claims the issue has already been settled by the SCOC, which is simply not true.

Nigel didn't give anything to the taxpayers. He paid the money to a crooked senator that his boss had appointed to try to cover up his illegal activity. But that is only ethics, right? We are talking about cold hard cash here.

We could start with the 50 million of dollars of money that was supposed to be spent on the G8 that Tony Clement misappropriated.

Or should we start with the 3.1 billion dollars for public safety and anti-terrorism that simply went missing.

Or the millions of our dollars that he has spent on "Economic Action Plan" advertising for programs that don't exist.

1. Yes, Nigel gave the money out to be returned to the taxpayer.......and the guy is SO straight and so frugal with OUR money that he refuses to file his own expenses.....he is a great loss to the gov't of Canada.

2. Every bit of which is accounted for, and NONE of which went into the pockets of political bagmen.

3. Went missing between 2001 and 2011.....who was in power between 2001 and 2006??? HMMMM??????? And there as NO evidence of wrongdoing, according to the A-G.

4. Yep. Not misappropriation, but stupidity. Happens with every gov't.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
One of the "off the cuff" remarks....but he still said it, and it is still really stupid.

So of the 19 things I listed, you have a point on one issue.....


Growing the economy does help balance the budget.

If you are just going to throw as much **** as possible against the wall and claim victory because I can't be bother to deal with every last thing you say, then fine, you will "win".

Some of it is just you criticizing established Liberal Party policies, like the Carbon Tax(which is supported by a lot of very smart people).

Other stuff is just you disagreeing on this very point about abortion.

More **** right from the Conservative attack ads, like making fun of him for being a teacher(it is much better to be a life long partisan political lackey like Harper, right?).

Making fun of him for saying he stands for the middle class, just like every single other politician in the world?

The rest if just stuff based on the fact that he actually talks to people like a human being. He is willing to actually have discussions rather than just spout talking points like Canada's Dear Leader.

To these guys??

The Ministry of Truth (CBC)

And the Toronto Star.

And the Globe and Mail, National Post, CTV.........

No reputable media sources would get behind the hack jobs that the Conservatives put out as attack ads.

I long for the old days when news wasn't for profit and lacked bias.

So, the CBC then?

It does not, because the idiot claims the issue has already been settled by the SCOC, which is simply not true.

What does that have to do with whether it is a platform issue or not?


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
1. Yes, Nigel gave the money out to be returned to the taxpayer.......and the guy is SO straight and so frugal with OUR money that he refuses to file his own expenses.....he is a great loss to the gov't of Canada.

Who's name was on the cheque? Why was the source of the money hidden? This had nothing to do with the taxpayers.

2. Every bit of which is accounted for, and NONE of which went into the pockets of political bagmen.

That is questionable. Who do you think got all of the contracts to build these things? Why do you think it is ok for the government to misappropriate money?

3. Went missing between 2001 and 2011.....who was in power between 2001 and 2006??? HMMMM??????? And there as NO evidence of wrongdoing, according to the A-G.

Yeah, nothing wrong, just 3.1 billion dollars missing........

4. Yep. Not misappropriation, but stupidity. Happens with every gov't.

You act as if they spent millions of dollars to create a self promoting advertising campaign by accident.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
No, not CBC. Not for a quite few years.

They are pretty much the only non-profit news organization in the game up here.

Right wingers tend to think they are biased, but I really think it is more that right wing journalism like Sun News has veered so far to the right. For anyone who went along with them on that journey, pretty much anything else is going to be left wing to them.
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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Regarding process, of course we should demand more accountability, transparency and internal democratic practice from political parties and leaders, especially given the centralization of power in the Prime Minister’s Office over the last decades. There is, however, a world of difference between a prime minister gaming the Supreme Court appointment process and a party leader declaring that what was previously considered a “free vote” issue would now be subject to party discipline. The former profoundly erodes the norms and traditions crucial to the functioning of our Westminster system. The latter is a reflection of them.

Critics of Trudeau's abortion stance are missing the point