Trudeau Is Going To Bury Us In Debt


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
That's the point, isn't it. Trudeau had options that he didn't exercise. While he was telling Saskatchewan that their refusal to sign onto his carbon scheme would result in being ineligible for $62 million in low carbon project funding initially earmarked for the province, Federal transfers to BC’s treasury accounted for $8.9 billion this fiscal year, or almost 17% of BC’s budget that wasn't even on the table for "negotiating" and exercising federal jurisdictional authority.

Brad Wall put it well yesterday...I think the feds got their first and last resorts mixed up!!

LIE-beral hypocrisy going to get WORSE before it gets kicked off the stage for good! And that vile Wynne-bag is ALREADY PLANNING A COME BACK!!!!!!!!!


Here is an article illustrating how utterly poisoned is all LIE-beral policy. AS Wynne-bag has told us: “SORRY- NOT SORRY” for that 15 year run of insane greed and DEBT! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Liberal MPP 'proud' of deficit spending, would do it again

By Antonella Artuso. Published: April 2, 2018. Updated: April 2, 2018 5:29 PM EDT

A Liberal MPP would “cheerfully” run up the province’s debt again, saying he’s proud of his party’s 15-year record in government.

As first reported in the Mississauga News, local MPP Bob Delaney reacted strongly to criticism of his government’s spending Thursday during a “budget breakfast.”

(So who is afraid of Canada going into desperate debt just like the Europeans? Certainly LIE-berals are not worried! This is the LIE-beral Party legacy- AND it is the future that LIE-berals are working for- massive debts and endless bribery of special interest groups and to hell with ordinary people!)

Ontario can easily carry its current debt load, insisted the MPP for Mississauga-Streetsville.

(Various fiscal advisors have told us repeatedly that our debt is manageable -IF there are no sudden economic shocks- you know - things like $1.60 a litre gas, or the failure of NAFTA- and Our idiot Boy Justin is so determined to insult Yankees and keep on ignoring national security issues related to the mobs of strangers swarming across our borders that idiot Justin seems complacent about the death of NAFTA and the resulting economic chaos!)

“I would do it again and I would do it proudly,” Delaney said of the debt incurred, according to an audio recording of the event. “I would cheerfully do it again.”

(LIE-berals are so determined to change every major feature of Ontari-owe that one has to wonder how miserable they are living here!)

Ontario now carries a debt of more than $300 billion, up from about $140 billion from the time the Liberals took office in 2003.

(And if Wynne-bag LIE-berals win that June 2018 election then we can expect them to go FULL SPEED AHEAD- taxing and price gouging and borrowing madly to pay off their civil service union Hog pals for their support! Another LIE-beral election win takes us into incredible record debt with reckless speed!)

Much of the new debt was accumulated after the 2008-09 recession as the Ontario government bailed out the auto industry and began borrowing billions every year to cover operating costs.

However, having finally balanced the books this past year, Premier Kathleen Wynne is proposing six more years of deficits.

(Oh- that crap is out of date! Wynne-bag has NOT balanced the budget- she has merely LIED in a sophisticated and comprehensive way about her DEBT! She has LIED and she has got caught! In addition the debts she would run between 2018 and 2022- if she is re-elected will be at least DOUBLE what she is claiming! And she is OFFENDED that we call her a LIE-beral! HAHAHAHAHA!!!)

In an interview with the Toronto Sun Monday, Delaney said he was talking about the many investments the government had made in Mississauga — especially following the recession — in post-secondary education, hospitals and transportation.

(And all those investments add up to gravy for Hogs! Those vaunted LIE-beral investments are nothing more than vote buying for Hog support! Our water system still routinely breaks and floods. Our electrical system is still the most costly and unreliable in North America. Our roads are still full of potholes and LIE-berals are DUCKING QUESTIONS about their paving scandals! The Pickering pedestrian bridge WAS built upside down after all and LIE-berals do not want to tell us how much extra that crap cost! And LIE-berals have gone silent about the repair costs for that collapsing Nipissing bridge. And they have nothing to say about how much it costs to tend to the illegals that LIE-berals are collecting as if they were no more trouble than stray cats! And LIE-berals have long ago STOPPED talking about how close to bankruptcy are the pension plans of the various Hog unions -and how many HUNDREDS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS LIE-berals will need to bail out their gravy grabbing Hog pals! If buying votes in DESPERATE bid to cling to power at any price is a virtue then LIE-berals are SAINTS!)

“I was very proud of those projects … I would be pleased to go into the streets with that track record and I would do it again,” he said.

(LIE-berals are hiding the true number of illegals who have come here in the same sloppy way they hid their deficits! LIE-berals admit there are 200 illegals per day crossing into Quebec- but that is only ONE of many crossings! So- 200 illegals per day X 365 days gives 73,000 people- WITHOUT the bother of counting in illegals from other crossing points and without getting into the possible LIE that LIE-berals are telling us as they do admit that as many as 500 people per day cross- rather thyan their highly suspect “average” number of 200 per day!)

(How much will it cost to feed, house and train all these LIE-beral PETS? And what will happen to our democracy when LIE-berals decide it is too much trouble to process all the illegals in a sensible way through regular immigration channels and simply start issuing blanket amnesties so the illegals can start casting ballots in our elections?)

PC finance critic Vic Fedeli said the Liberals clearly don’t understand the pain they’ve inflicted on Ontarians with their budget deficits and plans for even more borrowing.

(LIE-berals understand very well- its that they are NOT interested! If we are stupid enough to trust them then we deserve the chaotic LIE-beral economic results!)

“They simply do not understand the fiscal reality and how people shake their head at that when they’re hurting all throughout Ontario,” Fedeli said. “We still have the highest hydro rates in North America; we still have this red tape that’s crushing businesses; we have businesses that are leaving Ontario; and more importantly we have businesses that announce they’re not coming to Ontario.”

Amazon and Google recently announced first ever data centres in Canada, and chose to locate them in Quebec, Fedeli said.

Amazon says Quebec’s lower hydro rates helped give that province the edge over Ontario.

(And LIE-berals CERTAINLY DO NOT want to talk about their mouldy green energy scam that is designed to turn our electrical system into a vast slush fund for LIE-berals! This appears to be the reason why LIE-berals sold off part of our electrical system to their pals and then slammed shut the books so we could not see their DIRT!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
7,500 fewer jobs last month.

I have said since summer 2015 that Our idiot Boy Justin would perform a magic trick for us if he ever got elected!

I said that if he got elected- he would make all our jobs and money disappear!

But since he really does not understand the trick- he will make the jobs and money disappear smoothly enough - but he will find it impossible to make the jobs and money re-appear!

Our idiot Boy is well on track with his muddled magic!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Maybe it's time to grow up! There is no political party that is any less nefarious than any other political party.


JLM attempts to excuse the MANY FAILURES of LIE-berals and their less intelligent cousins by claiming that all political parties are nefarious!!!!!!


Civil service union Hogs hate Ford because he is going to cut off any new supplies to the LIE-beral sponsored gravy train!

With idiot NDPers shouting "me too" as they also oppose killing the gravy train!

People- the MAJORITY of Ontarians- voted Ford BECAUSE he wants to kill off the shameless bigotry of the unaffordable and economy killing GREED of the civil service Hogs!

Politicians are not created equal- in spite of the CRAP spouted by desperate Hogs!

LOve him or hate him- Ford is the BEST AVAILABLE LEADER and his party is PREFERRED at this time by the majority of Cdns!

And doesnt that FACT just put Hogs off their lunch!


Cdns are not buying the LIE-beral bullsh+t any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007

JLM attempts to excuse the MANY FAILURES of LIE-berals and their less intelligent cousins by claiming that all political parties are nefarious!!!!!!


Civil service union Hogs hate Ford because he is going to cut off any new supplies to the LIE-beral sponsored gravy train!

With idiot NDPers shouting "me too" as they also oppose killing the gravy train!

People- the MAJORITY of Ontarians- voted Ford BECAUSE he wants to kill off the shameless bigotry of the unaffordable and economy killing GREED of the civil service Hogs!

Politicians are not created equal- in spite of the CRAP spouted by desperate Hogs!

LOve him or hate him- Ford is the BEST AVAILABLE LEADER and his party is PREFERRED at this time by the majority of Cdns!

And doesnt that FACT just put Hogs off their lunch!


Cdns are not buying the LIE-beral bullsh+t any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t use exclamation marks.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

JLM attempts to excuse the MANY FAILURES of LIE-berals and their less intelligent cousins by claiming that all political parties are nefarious!!!!!!


Civil service union Hogs hate Ford because he is going to cut off any new supplies to the LIE-beral sponsored gravy train!

With idiot NDPers shouting "me too" as they also oppose killing the gravy train!

People- the MAJORITY of Ontarians- voted Ford BECAUSE he wants to kill off the shameless bigotry of the unaffordable and economy killing GREED of the civil service Hogs!

Politicians are not created equal- in spite of the CRAP spouted by desperate Hogs!

LOve him or hate him- Ford is the BEST AVAILABLE LEADER and his party is PREFERRED at this time by the majority of Cdns!

And doesnt that FACT just put Hogs off their lunch!


Cdns are not buying the LIE-beral bullsh+t any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go find a life somewhere!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
7,500 fewer jobs last month.

Jobs matter again?



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Jobs matter again?

Here is an article illustrating what passes for LIE-beral strategy in these strange days where all LIE-beral policy is collapsing in disgrace. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Let's make Family Day a national holiday

By Jim Warren. Published: February 17, 2018. Updated: February 17, 2018 4:38 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

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Family Day should be a statutory national holiday in Canada on the third Monday of every February.

Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government often talk about improving the lives of lower and middle class Canadians. Why not provide them with the biggest break they can give them – the gift of time together.

(HAHAHAHAHA!!! FAILED LIE-beral economic policy IS ALREADY giving Cdns lots of family time- sitting home unemployed and discussing how to survive!)

A holiday on the third Monday of February provides Canadians a break in the middle of winter to spend time together with family and friends.

Canadian winters are harsh. A long weekend provides an opportunity to get out and ski, skate or participate in other winter activities.

A long weekend provides extra time to plan for a getaway to travel to see friends and family. It gives you an excuse to do something you wouldn’t have planned to do.

(And best of all -offering such a holiday costs LIE-berals NOTHING! LIE-berals are trying yet again to bribe us with other peoples money! Cdn small biz is already reeling with the minimum wage hikes, already staggering under new LIE-beral income tax rules and suffering as a result of mad LIE-beral property tax increases that tax biz owners on the ALLEGED INCREASE in value of any property they own or rent! And now LIE-beral strategist Warren wants all Cdn biz- not just in Ontari-owe- to give union Hogs YET ANOTHER PAID day off- while ordinary people- hourly paid wage slaves are FORCED to take an UNPAID day off- whether they can afford it or not! LIE-berals are desperate to buy civil service union votes and cling to power at any price!)

(If LIE-berals wrre really interested in families then they would ORDER all businesses to close for a certain number of hours per week- times to be determined by biz owners using their sales data for highest and lowest sales times- no need to open the entire store 24/7 Every day just for a couple of customers with insomnia- think of the heating and cooling costs that could be saved!

February is the worst month. It is the coldest stretch of time in the middle of winter. It is a month of ice, frozen faces and grey skies. If at any time in the year Canadians deserve a break – it is in February.

(Warren IGNORES the one third of Cdns whjo cannot afford a holiday! His suggestion is focussed on Hogs who already get too much PAID time off!)

There are three months between the New Year and Easter holidays. A February statutory holiday comes at the perfect time to break up the long stretch of the winter blues.

Some Canadians get to celebrate Family Day and some do not – leading to confusion when it comes to daycare, shopping or sending a letter.

Family Day where it is celebrated is a provincial statutory holiday – not a federal holiday. Federal civil servants must work as well as the many industries that are federally regulated. Post office staff work on the Monday.

OH! Poor babies! Posties must work while other Hogs relax! Welcome to the REAL Canada EH!)

I work Mondays at radio station Newstalk 1010 in Toronto and I am expected to work as we have regular programming.

Family Day is currently a provincial holiday on the 3rd Monday in February in New Brunswick, Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan. British Columbia celebrates it on the 2nd Monday.

Prince Edward Island celebrates Island Day on the 3rd Monday and Manitoba has Louis Riel day.

A federally declared standard holiday will ensure all Canadians can celebrate Family Day together and at the same time.

Former Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty declared the third Monday in February to be an annual statutory holiday as his first act of office when he was re-elected in 2007.

He said at the time that Family Day “is a small thing, but it’s an important recognition of our priorities.”

(Yes- it is an important recognition that LIE-berals CAN NOT SURVIVE without civil service union Hog votes!)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Canada experimenting with new approach to foreign aid: Giving cash directly to poor people

Canada is experimenting with a new method for spending millions of dollars in foreign aid: handing cash directly to people in poverty-stricken or war-torn countries, two senior officials with Global Affairs Canada said.
Global Affairs, the government department responsible for Canada's $5.6 billion annual aid budget, couldn't provide a breakdown of how much money Canada is spending on direct cash transfers.
But interviews with experts, including charities that receive money from Global Affairs for unconditional cash transfer programs, as well as a review of funding commitments to the UN and aid groups show the government has been spending tens of millions of dollars annually on these programs.
"Direct cash transfers have become a key element of humanitarian response and development in the last two to three years," said one of two senior aid officials with Global Affairs who spoke with CBC News by phone on condition they not be quoted by name.
"It is much more efficient to deliver assistance this way. There is no middleman to decide what the needs are. In humanitarian projects, it is being considered the default approach now."
Efficiency questions
The officials said the money is being spent in around three dozen countries, although they could not provide a full breakdown, as direct cash transfers are usually intertwined with other aid programs.
Refugees in Jordan and Ethiopia are some of the people receiving cash aid from Canadians, officials said.
Supporters of giving cash directly to poor people overseas said the transfers help reduce overhead expenses by cutting out high-priced foreign aid consultants, shipping costs and some of the bureaucracy.
Supporters of this type of aid said that recipients, especially women, know what they need more than outside experts. And giving people — particularly refugees — cash to buy their own food, clothing and other essentials helps stimulate local economies in host countries. It also has the potential to reduce local animus toward the new arrivals.
Critics said there isn't enough data on this strategy to properly gauge its long-term effectiveness in reducing poverty and helping poor countries to develop.
"This type of a thing is good as a kickstart, almost like a jump, but not as a ladder to fundamentally lift people out of poverty," said Aniket Bhushan, a Carleton University professor who leads the Canadian International Development Platform, a research group focused on aid policy.
"The real question is sustainability: What happens after the fact?"
As for reduced bureaucracy and overhead, he said, governments and large aid agencies still need to send their experts to set up, administer and evaluate the programs.
Cash transfers don't "offer enough of a short-circuit to drive up efficiency," said Bhushan.
Others question whether more Canadian tax dollars should be given away overseas. According to an Angus-Reid poll released in March, 72 per cent of Canadians believe the country is spending either too much or the right amount on foreign aid. Only 28 per cent support an increase.
Still, aid groups said the new tactic has been well received.
"I haven't come across any political blowback over cash disbursements," said Gregory Queyranne, manager of Oxfam Canada's humanitarian unit.
"If you are dispersing cash, you save on the overhead … the reality is if you want impact, you need to include cash in your approaches."
Refugee investments
Nyatlak Nyiet, 30, a South Sudanese refugee living in a camp in western Ethiopia, is one of the people receiving direct cash transfers under a program run by Oxfam and partially financed by the Canadian government.
Nyiet ran a tea shop in South Sudan before she was forced to flee last year amid civil conflict.

When she arrived in the camp, Nyiet, a widow, gave birth to her sixth child, who was severely malnourished.
"It was not possible for me to breastfeed. I had only [a] small [amount of] milk, so the baby kept crying," she told Oxfam researchers in June, in an interview shared with CBC.
Nyiet's only source of income for food in the camp was collecting firewood to sell at a market.
"We used to go in groups, but we still did not feel safe," Nyiet said. "We fear getting bitten by a snake or raped."
She was approved for the unconditional cash transfer program, which normally amounts to roughly $30 per month, Oxfam Canada's spokesperson said.
Along with using the cash to buy food, cooking oil and clothes, Nyiet invested some of it in four chickens (including a rooster), corn and okra seeds.
"Sometimes, we eat the eggs that the hens lay, but I am planning to let the eggs hatch so that I could sell roosters for emergencies," she said.
One size doesn't fit all
Government officials acknowledge there are plenty of cases where direct cash transfers don't work. After a major earthquake, for example, there often isn't food or medicine available for purchase amid the rubble, even if victims have money.
"Giving people money to procure health services in the absence of health services doesn't help too much," a Global Affairs official said.
The same is true for conflict zones. In northern Mali, where Canadian troops are working on a UN peacekeeping mission, "markets often don't exist," the official said, so cash transfers wouldn't be effective. There, the government is delivering traditional aid.
To combat corruption and double-dipping, the UN's World Food Program, in an initiative partially funded by Canada, uses iris scans and digital cards to transfer cash to some Syrian refugees living in Jordan.
One of the officials who spoke to CBC said the "digital revolution happening across the developing world" has made cash transfers a more efficient tactic for giving out aid in the last three years, although the strategy "hasn't reached the level of maturity yet."
That is in part why Carleton's Bhushan remains skeptical. For the few cases where long-term data exists, the impact of the transfers on poverty reduction is "sanguine," he said, citing a study from Uganda that compared two groups over nine years.
Members of one cohort initially received $400 in unconditional cash transfers, and the others didn't.
At first, savings and consumption rose markedly for the beneficiaries. But within a decade, the two groups had mostly levelled out in terms of employment income and overall economic well-being.
Back at the refugee camp, Nyiet and other women told researchers that they're thankful for the cold, hard cash, regardless of the broader economic theory behind the program.
"Now, we cook and eat three times a day," Nyiet said.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
While cash may be helpful to those who have somewhere to purchase goods & services, I wonder if having cash may be an incentive for crooks to intimidate/rob those who are receiving it. Hopefully, that won't be an issue, as long as the bad guys haven't figured out how to do it. On the other hand, there are countries who were given aid the "old" way and that aid never got to who it was for - the military and their dictators got it all and the people continued to starve.

My wish is that whatever aid is given, that it benefits those who it was meant to help otherwise, it's a waste of money!



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I agree it is the best way to help those that need it, and help them stimulate a local economy, I would still like to know how many cents on the dollar actually make it to them though. I also would like to know if the $5.6 Billion also includes the new money pledged to the UN for Climate change or is those Billions on top of this.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
While cash may be helpful to those who have somewhere to purchase goods & services, I wonder if having cash may be an incentive for crooks to intimidate/rob those who are receiving it. Hopefully, that won't be an issue, as long as the bad guys haven't figured out how to do it. On the other hand, there are countries who were given aid the "old" way and that aid never got to who it was for - the military and their dictators got it all and the people continued to starve.

My wish is that whatever aid is given, that it benefits those who it was meant to help otherwise, it's a waste of money!


Salvation Army may be the best way to go. Having said that it is probably not reasonable to expect every charity to fork over the total donations. People can't be expected to work (in some cases full time) and not be paid for it. They have to eat too!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
While cash may be helpful to those who have somewhere to purchase goods & services, I wonder if having cash may be an incentive for crooks to intimidate/rob those who are receiving it. Hopefully, that won't be an issue, as long as the bad guys haven't figured out how to do it. On the other hand, there are countries who were given aid the "old" way and that aid never got to who it was for - the military and their dictators got it all and the people continued to starve.

My wish is that whatever aid is given, that it benefits those who it was meant to help otherwise, it's a waste of money!




Apparently you not noticed there is FAR MORE CREDIT CARD FRAUD in the world than there is armed robbery these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is FAR SAFER- and more profitable too- to use computer and phone to rob people these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you rob somebody in your home town then you invite a visit from the LOCAL COPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But if you do as the Nigerians do and FORGE CDN health cards- then the only cops who are investigating are on the other side of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nigerian cops and govt are probably HAPPY for the extra income that Nigerian letter scams bring in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Nobel Peace prize winner, former Peace Corp volunteer and more recently famous author author Paul Theroux is so disgusted

with how foreign aid issues are handled in Africa that he OPENLY MOCKS- in his book "Dark Star Safari" - charities such as Save the

Children and World Vision- calling them : "SHAVE THE CHILDREN and BLURRED VISION!!!!!!!!!

Nobel Prize winner Theroux suggests African are being turned into a nation of apathetic beggars who will do nothing but BEG!!!!!!!!

He writes of a village in sub Saharan Africa that he visited - which has ONE LONE FRUIT TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the entire village spends its day in the shade of the tree- and there is STANDING ROOM ONLY- due to the large number of shade seekers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They spend ALL day in the shade of the tree- ONLY EMERGING from the shade of the tree to beg from bus passengers such as Theroux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they do not get "gifts" then they retire back to the shade of the tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whenever the tree produces a ripe fruit it is quickly grabbed and eaten...........


What will these people do when that tree dies of old age??????????????????

What will they do when the village gets large enough that not everybody can fit into the shaded area???????????????

Will there be violence as people FIGHT FOR SHADE???????????????????????????????

Will there be Bribery????????????????????????????

Will there be a LIE-beral govt commission to determine WHO is entitled to first chance at the shade??????????????????

You do realize that if they planted and sometimes watered the occasional seed from that fruit tree then there could be MORE SHADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if there was more shade then they could SIT in it instead of being PACKED into a standing room only MASS of sweating humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And.........they ARE HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they EAT the fruit of their tree.........................if there was MORE FRUIT.............would they be less hungry???????????????????

This is the same problem that Cdn natives on reserves have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral govt has turned an entire population into apathetic GOOFS who have NO THOUGHT for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Guess we should brace ourselves once again, just waiting for word on the Liberals' fall fiscal update. I wonder what Morneau and potato have in store for the next 6's doubtful it will be anything that would include any semblance of fiscal restraint or responsibility.

Liberal deficits, apparently, work for everyone

We assume he’ll assure Canadians the federal Liberal’s track record of rising debt, massive deficits, tax hikes and growing government red tape were part of a proven plan to modestly grow Canada’s economy over the past three years.

That adding a national carbon tax that will hike the cost of gas, groceries and cost of living will magically put more money into everyone’s pockets.

That following his government’s taxpayer credit-card fueled spending spree, that saw government spending top $300 billion annually for the first time ever, fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets are on the horizon.

Meanwhile, fiscal irresponsibility has defined the past three years.

During the 2015 federal election campaign, then Liberal leader Justin Trudeau predicted that if elected he would run a $9.9 billion deficit in 2016-17.

Instead, it hit $19 billion — 92% higher than planned.