Trudeau Begs the U.S to Tighten it's Immigration Laws


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
They don't have to. TrudOWE will just give them 10 million for hurt feelings. More if they get frost nip crossing the ice free by 2013 Arctic ocean.

Well..........................most Cdns are more worried about home grown Cdn Socialist asshats than they are about far away Russians!!!!!!!!!!


DELIBERATELY OBTUSE LIE-berals find it hard to understand why many Cdns see LIE-beral style immigration policy as a threat! So I offer some details to Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firstly- large scale Muslim immigration is a threat to us all!! Accepting limited numbers of Muslims as was traditionally our habit; means firstly that we get ONLY the ones that are relatively educated, moderate, worldly and comfortable with our ways and values; thus they are TOLERANT - knowing they will always be a minority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

But throw open the gates as LIE-berals have done - and you get a MOB! LIE-berals have made a virtue of accepting less well educated people from third world pest holes!! As we have seen- once Muslim population and numbers build to a critical mass - they begin using their numbers and votes to CHANGE US!!

Muslims DO NOT assimilate!! It did not matter when they were few in number but now we hear of Muslim areas designated as “NO GO Zones” were white people are not welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus having a large number of Muslims in Canada automatically means FRICTION!! The devout Muslim happily assures us that Sharia Law is the DIRECT WORD OF GOD - and thus it MUST supercede ANY LAW written by Cdn politicians!! Thus our democracy is set aside at the whim of people claiming they speak for GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

Thus Muslims claim DIVINE RIGHT to ERASE any part of our constitution they choose!! This should be seen as OMINOUS for any woman and her civil rights in Canada!!!!!

Further - the Muslim world is at war!! Acts of Muslim terror against the west are commonplace!!

Muslim terrorists attack us for many reasons ranging from semi logical to out right idiotic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muslims sneeringly call us “Crusaders” while at the same time IGNORING their own depredations launched against Christian kingdoms!!

The Holy Roman Empire was attacked by Muslim Turks- thus it was Turks who were the catalyst for Crusader Response to Muslim attacks!!

Muslims deliberately forget about their invasion and occupation of Spain!! Nor do Muslims have much to say about the long history of savage abuses they heaped on eastern Europe- before the corrupt western kings put aside their differences and drove Muslims out of Europe!!

The truly frightening aspect of Muslim political and religious strife is that various Muslim groups hate each other even more than Christians!!

The Muslim terror attacks with highest casualty rates gave been Muslims attacking other Muslims !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The biggest beef that Muslims have with western “Crusaders” is that Muslims are currently to weak to win military victories against us!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have completely failed to offer any valid reason for allowing such argumentative and violently disputatious people into Canada!!!!!!

Nor have LIE-berals explained coherently why it is a virtue to cripple our lives with massive debts incurred while rounding up the illegals trespassing across our borders as if they were no more important than some stray cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals shrug off the reality that the illegals are taking the entry level jobs that our kids NEED if they are to save any money to pay for tuition!

All our lower cost housing is filled up with these trespassers that most Cdns do not want LIE-berals to cater to!

Cdn kids justifiably resent seeing the low cost housing that they want - going to trespassers who are also swallowing up masses of govt aid that might otherwise be used to aid Cdns in need!!!!

Many Cdns realize that the need for extensive govt aid to the illegals - most of whom lack the language and education skills to survive in Canada- is driving our massive govt debts!!

And our kids are PAINFULLY AWARE of who will be paying for those debts - for the rest of their lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was LIE-beral Pierre Trudeau who opened the immigration flood gates so that much lower classes - meaning LESS EDUCATED AND LESS SKILLED immigrants could come to Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we see the results of that cynical LIE-beral vote buying exercise on our evening news!!!!

That sad parade of non white faces- mostly black ones but there are others as well- Sikhs in B.C. and assorted Asian gangsters and MOST OF THEM HAVE LINKS to Pierre Trudeau!!!!!

Too many of the most notorious gang bangers on Cdn news are the FAILED children of people brought here by Pierre Trudeau LIE-beral immigration policy!! And now Our idiot Boy Justin has completely thrown open the borders in an UNPRECEDENTED act of political vandalism that will have UGLY REPERCUSSIONS for MANY DECADES to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals have actually harmed the lost children!! The DESPICABLE LIE-beral habit of referring to Cdns as “SYSTEMIC RACISTS” has encouraged the most irresponsible children of Pierre`s immigrants to blame their personal failures on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral member of parliament Hedy Fry was born on some Carribean island and she immigrated to Canada as one of Pierre`s choices - and Fry is now one of our longest serving MP`s!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hedy Fry has grown RICH in govt service and yet her attacks on white people are as shrill and insulting as ever!! And Fry now has a chorus of white haters to howl with her- Muslim immigrants Iqra Khalid and Maryam Monseff both daily growl their hate of “systemic white racists” even as they grow RICH on our tax money - with rank an file LIE-berals singing their despicable support for anti white bigots!!!!!!!

The hypocrisy and ingratitude of these LIE-berals is STUNNING!!! The Cdn population is APPALLED to have such ingrates in our midst!!!!!!

Cdns know well that the idea of accepting immigrants is essentially a sound one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Cdns expect that immigrants will be selected based on CDN NEEDS and an expectation of honest and diplomatic behaviour!! Cdns DEPLORE watching illegals swarming here on the whim of shameless vote buying LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What LIE-berals decry as “bigoted Cdn hostility to immigrants” is really and truly a REJECTION OF SELF SERVING LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are willing to FORCE US to pay any price just so long as LIE-berals can cling to power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals are willing to TELL ANY LIE that they think will hide their ugly truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The problem is instigators.
the answer is "be good or be gone!"


LIE-berals ARE INSTIGATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many Cdns HOPE THEY WILL BE GONE after October 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And international bnd rating services are hoping the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

because if Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals get re-elected.........................................

the bankers are GOING TO FREAK OUT AT OUR demonstration of COLLECTIVE STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Canada is BANKRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if Our idiot Boy gets re-elected.....................................

then the bankers are GOING TO PROVE IT to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With HUGE new lending charges for DEADBEAT Cdn LIE-berals who do not understand money and who think the deficit will balance itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The problem is instigators.
the answer is "be good or be gone!"

With wretched LIE-berals encouraging "instigators" to "be bad..............................................

and get PREFERENCE from Cdn govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just look at bomb maker SWINE Omar Khadr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The worst of the worst............................................

and loaded down with $10.5 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
New asylum laws to restrict flow of migrants from U.S. yield few results

Oh pay no attention to Our idiot Boy Justin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is standard LIE-beral practice to blame others for pretty much EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news - Socialists NEVER FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They just GET SABOTAGED BY LOGIC AND REALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Do you really even know what's going on, the mainstream media does.

These Caravanas are not all people from Central America..

A great majority or Islamic from Africa.

Nuevo Laredo was called Nergo Laredo by the citizens for a month as a joke, you would hear Africa is empty, let's move there.

The Cartels are getting $50,000 per person, pay now or pay in the USA

Children were being sold for $5000 to walk into the US as a family unit.

The cost from a regular Mexican to be smuggled in is $5000 to $7000 or smuggle drugs in for the Cartels.

It's the Cartels running this shit show.

Trump has to START calling the Cartels terrorists and start grabbing their money, dual citizenship for Cartel members stripped


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Do you really even know what's going on, the mainstream media does.

These Caravanas are not all people from Central America..

A great majority or Islamic from Africa.

Nuevo Laredo was called Nergo Laredo by the citizens for a month as a joke, you would hear Africa is empty, let's move there.

The Cartels are getting $50,000 per person, pay now or pay in the USA

Children were being sold for $5000 to walk into the US as a family unit.

The cost from a regular Mexican to be smuggled in is $5000 to $7000 or smuggle drugs in for the Cartels.

It's the Cartels running this shit show.

Trump has to START calling the Cartels terrorists and start grabbing their money, dual citizenship for Cartel members stripped

OH DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH YOU HAVE UPSET LIE-berals with those comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How will you face yourself after they call you a "Systemic Racist"................................

simply because of your perverse insistence on making sensible and logical statements??????????????????

What kind of world do we live in where reason and logic are seen as valid forces for GOOD???????????????


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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Nah, that crisis started the moment Groper took office.

So true. He invited everyone to come to Canada but he did not expect for them to come. The Arctic, two oceans, and the southern border sheltered Canada for years and Trudeau expected that to be enough.

He did not expect the wave of immigrants to flood Canada.

But now all it takes is a US Visa...a flight to Laguardia Airport in NYC... a bus ride to Plattsburgh, NY.... a cab ride to Roxham Road... and cross the border pass the whining Canadian Border Guards.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
So true. He invited everyone to come to Canada but he did not expect for them to come. The Arctic, two oceans, and the southern border sheltered Canada for years and Trudeau expected that to be enough.

He did not expect the wave of immigrants to flood Canada.

But now all it takes is a US Visa...a flight to Laguardia Airport in NYC... a bus ride to Plattsburgh, NY.... a cab ride to Roxham Road... and cross the border pass the whining Canadian Border Guards.
I guess we really are a post national state .