Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
If you are a Canadian Jew, or you are one of the many who supports Canadian Jews and Israel, it’s been a bad week.

The mayor of Canada’s largest city refused to attend the raising of one Israeli flag at City Hall, because it was too “divisive.” McGill University failed to get an injunction to remove a weeks-long anti-Israel, pro-Hamas encampment.

A Jewish kid was beaten up by a Muslim kid at a Fredericton-area school, and teachers did nothing to stop it. Vancouver artists are being kicked out of exhibits for being Jewish. Canada, for the first time, showed its willingness to recognize a Palestinian “state” run by Hamas – a listed terror organization.

And, to top it all off, CBC broadcast a couple “facts checks,” as they called them, about whether the aforementioned encampments – the Infant-fada – were receiving support from outside.

The “fact checks” were so replete with errors, so completely unbalanced, we will not even link to them, because we have a policy against publishing fake news at this organization. Suffice to say that the “investigative reporter” who broadcast the stories mainly relied upon (a) other CBC reporters (b) Israel-hating protestors and (c) an anti-Zionist professor for his sources.

So, what is the truth? Are the protests we are seeing on our university campuses, and in our streets – across Canada and the United States – planned and connected? Are they being funded by others?

Well, yes and yes.

As far back as January, this newspaper has published multiple sourced reports about “pro-Palestine” protestors getting paid to protest, from Victoria to Montreal. We have documented that self-styled “progressive” organizations here and in the U.S. are using their non-profit status to pass along millions to those who despise Jews and the Jewish state. It’s all right there in Google, by us and other news organizations.

But perhaps CBC can’t afford Google. Perhaps, too, they didn’t see a bombshell lawsuit that was commenced earlier this month – and well before CBC broadcast their fake news reports – in the Virginia’s District Court. It wasn’t hard to find. We certainly found it, within minutes. Google can be your friend.
That lawsuit, all 49 pages of it, lays out in granular detail the way in which the anti-Semitic American Muslims for Palestine (AMP, which isn’t as active in Canada) and the pro-Hamas Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP, which assuredly is, with 200 chapters here and around the globe) “serve as Hamas’ propaganda divisions” in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere.

In Canada, some SJP chapters have taken slightly different names, like Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA), or Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR). But they’re all branches of the same poisonous tree – about which the Anti-Defamation League has said: “Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and many of the organization’s campus chapters explicitly endorsed the actions of Hamas and their armed attacks on Israeli civilians… SJP chapters issue pro-Hamas messaging and/or promote violent anti-Israel messaging channels.”

So, SJP is here and they are very active on campuses – and they help oversee just about every anti-Semitic protest in this country. Good times.
Their lawsuit against SJP and AMP is a legal work of art, basically. It is a thing of beauty. It meticulously and surgically lays out the ways in which SJP and its allied organizations “provide on-campus management and control hundreds of university chapters of SJP.” Why? “To operate a propaganda machine for Hamas and its affiliates across campuses.”

In the statement of claim, the victims write: “[SJP and its affiliates] provide ongoing, continuous, systematic and material support for Hamas its affiliates … by operating and managing Hamas’s mouthpiece for North America, dedicated to sanitizing Hamas’ atrocities and normalizing its terrorism.”

It’s all right there, page after page of it. The allegations haven’t been tested in court yet. But would it have killed CBC to, say, reach out to someone involved in the lawsuit and try and get both sides of the story?

Apparently. Perhaps they were too busy counting their taxpayer-funded bonuses to, you know, go out and do some real reporting.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
For many Canadians, the 9/11 terror attacks and the 2014 Parliament Hill shootings were a wake-up call to the dangers of Islamic extremism. A 2017 Public Safety Canada report stated that more than 190 extremists with ties to Canada were suspected of engaging in terrorist activity abroad; at that time, the government knew of about 60 who had returned. In March, a mysterious propagandist associated with the Islamic State of Khorasan (ISIS-K), the group behind the recent Moscow terror attack that killed more than 140 people, was suspected of living in Canada.

Canada has now earned the unwanted distinction of becoming a hub for Islamist terror financing. A March report by the online publication Focus on Western Islamism noted that five groups with Islamist ties in Canada received at least $42 million in taxpayer funds from government departments between 2018 and 2022.

Aiding their goals are their Islamist sympathizers in the West who resort to the use of transnational criminal gangs, social media, universities and questionable charities to conduct clandestine hybrid tactics such as spreading hateful propaganda, fundraising to support foreign armed militancy, radicalizing and recruiting youth, manipulating voters and threatening critics. Thanks to their well-established networks, Islamists are able to quickly mobilize resources and capitalize on the social tensions that erupt in the wake of global conflicts such as the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Notwithstanding the controversial appointment of Amira Elghawaby as Canada’s Islamophobia czar, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s deafening silence on the Islamism threat — along with his reluctance to quickly and forcefully condemn the antisemitic mobs ruling our streets — is a barefaced dereliction of duty to Canadian citizens and a betrayal of the Jewish community. From the glorification of terrorism and cheering for the destruction of Canada, Israel and the U.S., to the Islamist mob’s total disregard for law and order, it is clear that Canada is sleepwalking towards an impending crisis of extremism.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
For many Canadians, the 9/11 terror attacks and the 2014 Parliament Hill shootings were a wake-up call to the dangers of Islamic extremism. A 2017 Public Safety Canada report stated that more than 190 extremists with ties to Canada were suspected of engaging in terrorist activity abroad; at that time, the government knew of about 60 who had returned. In March, a mysterious propagandist associated with the Islamic State of Khorasan (ISIS-K), the group behind the recent Moscow terror attack that killed more than 140 people, was suspected of living in Canada.

Canada has now earned the unwanted distinction of becoming a hub for Islamist terror financing. A March report by the online publication Focus on Western Islamism noted that five groups with Islamist ties in Canada received at least $42 million in taxpayer funds from government departments between 2018 and 2022.

Aiding their goals are their Islamist sympathizers in the West who resort to the use of transnational criminal gangs, social media, universities and questionable charities to conduct clandestine hybrid tactics such as spreading hateful propaganda, fundraising to support foreign armed militancy, radicalizing and recruiting youth, manipulating voters and threatening critics. Thanks to their well-established networks, Islamists are able to quickly mobilize resources and capitalize on the social tensions that erupt in the wake of global conflicts such as the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Notwithstanding the controversial appointment of Amira Elghawaby as Canada’s Islamophobia czar, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s deafening silence on the Islamism threat — along with his reluctance to quickly and forcefully condemn the antisemitic mobs ruling our streets — is a barefaced dereliction of duty to Canadian citizens and a betrayal of the Jewish community. From the glorification of terrorism and cheering for the destruction of Canada, Israel and the U.S., to the Islamist mob’s total disregard for law and order, it is clear that Canada is sleepwalking towards an impending crisis of extremism.
Everyone is beautiful in there own way . Grab a coke and sing along .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
An Ontario mother has pulled her Jewish daughter out of high school fearing she is no longer safe, saying the school is allowing and encouraging pro-Palestinian activists to display and promote threatening antisemitic messages.

“I live in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, and my child is not in school because she’s Jewish. That’s insane,” said Anissa Hersh, after withdrawing her daughter from Burlington Central High School last week.
“I can’t believe that this is happening. My daughter, who does really well at school, she loves school, isn’t able to attend public school, unless she is willing to hide her Judaism. Her daughter, in grade 11 and who did not want to be named, said: “Since October 7, I’ve had a hard time going to school. Mentally I have had to prepare myself each morning.”

The breaking point came last Thursday.
Ontario’s education minister, Stephen Lecce, said the school board that runs Burlington Central High needs to smarten up when it comes to addressing antisemitism.

“The gross rise of antisemitism needs to be a wake-up call to the director and leadership of the Halton District School Board to do something about this disturbing trend,” Lecce told National Post.

(Isn’t that the same district as Booby McShopTeacher?)

The board acknowledges the antisemitic incident at the Arts & Craft event with a map displayed that had removed Israel, etc…“The Halton District School Board does not tolerate the erasure of any nation or identity and views the erasure of Israel from a map as antisemitic. I can assure you that staff are investigating this issue.

On Monday evening, three hours after the National Post asked the school board about last week’s incident, the board sent an email to the Burlington Central school community about “incidents” at the culture event.

In it, the board said the map at the event was antisemitic, just as the board’s statement to the Post said, that was sent on Tuesday morning about “an incident.” The letter to the community, however, said that “discriminatory behaviour was also directed toward some students at our school who were targeted by a community member for wearing a keffiyeh and jewelry with a Palestinian flag. This behaviour demonstrates anti-Palentinian (sic) racism and is not tolerated in our school.”

It gets weirder and there’s more at the above link.
Then is is just a different CBC thing…

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has found himself. For a while, he was lost. But the Gaza war has given him an issue he can get his teeth into.For much of the last year, Gaza and the Hamas war were seen in Liberal party circles as problems the prime minister would do well to ignore. That’s because they highlighted the fundamental split over Israel that bedevils the party.

If the government criticized Israel, it was called antisemitic. If it didn’t it was called anti-Islamic.
1717161175218.jpegFor months, the Canadian government’s position on the Hamas war was near impossible to winkle out. It supported those calling for a ceasefire. But it did not support the idea of a ceasefire itself.
Canada vigorously criticized — in the abstract — those who attacked civilians. But it rarely got around to naming them. But along the way something changed. Trudeau got less mealy mouthed. He was less reluctant to take on Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Indeed, he singled Netanyahu out for his opposition to the two-state solution, calling him an obstacle to peace. When the International Criminal Court compared Netanyahu to the outlaw head of Hamas, Trudeau mumbled that maybe this was inappropriate.
But after a few days, when another tribunal, the International Court of Justice, called on Israel to end the war in Gaza, Trudeau was almost gleeful. The ICJ’s demands, he said, were not optional. Israel had to abide by them. “We expect everyone to follow them as a matter of international law,” he said.
The war between Israel and Hamas is at one level a familiar conflict between two long-time adversaries. But outside the region it is also a defining conflict between generations. It is the Vietnam War of the modern era. Trudeau understands this. It is why he feels free to be critical of Israel at all. It is his key (in his own mind) to winning the next election.
“Sunny ways,” he told reporters. “Sunny ways.”