Trickle of Illegal Immigrants into Canada Could Become Deluge in the Spring


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Your wee mind has been stretched way beyond it's limit, Ivan.

SO WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE CURIOUS?????????????????????????????

Our idiot Boy sends another $15 million dollars

to Ontari-owe that is DEMANDING $300 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With Quebec standing right behind DEMANDING
$200 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently Our idiot Boy is saving all the gravy to

pay for an army of advertisers he hopes can polish

up his image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad SH+T is so resistant to polish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
SO WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE CURIOUS?????????????????????????????

Our idiot Boy sends another $15 million dollars

to Ontari-owe that is DEMANDING $300 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With Quebec standing right behind DEMANDING
$200 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently Our idiot Boy is saving all the gravy to

pay for an army of advertisers he hopes can polish

up his image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad SH+T is so resistant to polish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes if you throw enough at the wall some will stick .


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
SO WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE CURIOUS?????????????????????????????

CuriousCdn prefers to keep his head in the sand with regards to Canada's Immigration Crisis. He believes if people do not talk about it, then it won't exist.

He kind of reminds me of all of the Canadians who wanted Canadians to stop talking about the Vancouver Cannuck Stanley Cup Riot. I got a chuckle out of the comments.

"Guys! Just stop talking about the riots! The whole world thinks we're a bunch of idiots!"


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
CuriousCdn prefers to keep his head in the sand with regards to Canada's Immigration Crisis. He believes if people do not talk about it, then it won't exist.
He kind of reminds me of all of the Canadians who wanted Canadians to stop talking about the Vancouver Cannuck Stanley Cup Riot. I got a chuckle out of the comments.
"Guys! Just stop talking about the riots! The whole world thinks we're a bunch of idiots!"
Russian troll


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
CuriousCdn prefers to keep his head in the sand with regards to Canada's Immigration Crisis. He believes if people do not talk about it, then it won't exist.

He kind of reminds me of all of the Canadians who wanted Canadians to stop talking about the Vancouver Cannuck Stanley Cup Riot. I got a chuckle out of the comments.

"Guys! Just stop talking about the riots! The whole world thinks we're a bunch of idiots!"



Curious is simply following standard LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if it is not admitted by a LIE-beral then it does not exist and never happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals present a childish and strongly ALLERGIC reaction to truth and reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005


Curious is simply following standard LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if it is not admitted by a LIE-beral then it does not exist and never happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals present a childish and strongly ALLERGIC reaction to truth and reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He just sees Russians everywhere.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Not everywhere.

You're one, though.

Shall I remind you of just HOW FOND THE ENTIRE TRUDEAU CLAN IS of Russian style Soviets??????????????????

Yeah....................I think you need a refresher course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are citizens in Canada who do not wish be believe that the Trudeau family are a pack of wretched communist revolutionaries and aspiring dictators seeking to permanently change AND DAMAGE Canada. These willfully blind Trudope supporters IGNORE all manner of evidence and cherry pick through the historical record-routinely discarding any information that does not reflect nicely through their rose coloured glasses!

Pierre Trudope wrote and spoke often of his support for BOTH Nazi Germany AND Soviet Russia! Our nasty PET also told us that the “war against Nazi Germany was nothing but British Imperialism”!! But after the Nazi invasion of Russia, he stopped supporting Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals and their followers do not wish to believe the historical record supplied by Max and Monique Nemni- the long time friends of Pierre Trudeau and self professed staunch LIE-beral supporters. As such they were given privileged access to the voluminous writings of Our Pet. What they found about their long time friend during their detailed examination of his papers while writing his biography prompts them to admit we MUST re-evaluate the position of Pierre Trudope in Cdn history.

LIE-berals scoff at the idea that Our Pet was a Nazi supporter and ignore the historical record. They DENY that Our Pet rode around suburban Montreal on his Harley Davidson wearing a Nazi army uniform-and sometimes giving the finger to Jews. They claim he only went out once on a lonely Laurention side road in a Prussian army uniform he found in the attic of his parents house-just a prank the apologists say. But such a claim defies credibility! There were multiple reports from citizens LIVING IN Montreal! LIE-beral defense of Trudope is laughable!

German prisoners of war were not shipped to Canada during the first world war as there was no reason to do so-they were put to work on farms and such in France and Britain. And even if some German prisoners were sent to Canada, on what grounds would a Trudope purchase TWO uniforms from them and store them in the attic for the next 20 years???????????

But during the second world war-German prisoners were very frequently sent to Canada to prevent them from starting an uprising if German forces should invade Britain. With masses of Germans being sent to Canada it would be quite easy to pick up a uniform or two as temporary Nazi supporter Trudope has obviously done.

LIE-berals pick on a couple of reports that say Trudope appeared only once or twice out in the country in his `Prussian` (WW1) uniform and they IGNORE other eye witness accounts of Trudope being spotted repeatedly IN Montreal in his NAZI (WW2) uniform. We may be assured that LIE-berals want to believe the best of their `hero` and so will ignore unpleasant reports no matter how reliable they may be!

Our Pet was a hard core communist and the Nemni`s document Pierre LEADING Cdn `Peace ` delegations to meet with Soviet leaders in Moscow in the 1930`s on several occasions. British, American and Cdn security people denounced those Soviet propaganda shows as a sham but it did not stop Our Pet from repeatedly visiting and getting involved!

The Soviets signed a non aggression pact with Germany and this meant that Hitler became an ally of Stalin-and thus Hitler earned Trudope support. Hence, the repeated Trudope stunts in the German uniform! Trudope displayed `solidarity ` with Hitler and Stalin. The Nemni`s document AND QUOTE the Trudope hostility to the `imperialist war` of Britain (and Canada) against Hitler. Soviet and Trudope friendship with Hitler ended once Nazis invaded Soviet Union.

In 1947, Trudeau was a student at the London School of Economics, founded by the Fabian Society. In the late 19th century the Fabian Society boasted an impressive list of members dedicated to alleviating conditions in what Charles Dickens referred to as the “dark satanic mills” of 19th century industrial Britain-the Fabians did good work in a time of non existent safety equipment, frequent use of child labour and repeated worker exposure to dangerous chemicals and unhealthy situations-clearly changes needed to be made! Fabian founders included H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw.

Sadly-the original members-responsible and sensible members of society-wanting a balanced and sensible economic operation died and were replaced by Soviet Moles- and western “useful idiots” - meaning wolves in sheep’s clothing. The Fabian Society and its London School of Economics became a breeding ground for training Marxists. Professor Harold Laski, then head of the Fabian Society, was publicly advocating violent revolution at the time.

Almost twenty years later, Trudeau, about to become Prime Minister, reflected on his training and told reporter Norman DePoe that Laski is,

"the most stimulating and powerful influence he has encountered."

Its odd how many foolish things Our Pet blurted out without harming his career-and its proof that LIE-berals are far more interested in power than integrity! In the 1950`s Trudope told Toronto Telegram reporter Lubor Zink that if he became prime minister he “would take Canada from the past into the future via the route of radical socialism”!!!

Self professed life long LIE-beral supporter/journalist Peter Newman states in his book- When the Gods Changed-that the LIE-beral party lost the first election (with Paul Martin as leader) to Stephen Harper because the LIE-beral party no longer stands for anything except power and self promotion”!

The same LIE-beral absence of values or real economic plan hampered Dion and Ignatieff in their runs for power. Sadly the current crop of LIE-berals have come to power thanks to their willingness to BUY civil service Working Family votes! This is what LIE-beral friends say of the party so its no wonder that others are much less complimentary!

And now the gravy has run out and LIE-berals are in desperate trouble and disgrace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trudope traveled widely and under mysterious circumstances between 1950 and 1960. Apparently, he visited Communist Yugoslavia. He was in the Middle East during the first Arab-Israeli war. He was in Shanghai when Mao Tse-tung took over. Trudope made some strange allies in that time.

Those who make jokes about Justin Trudope being the “love child|’ of Margaret Trudeau and Cuban Soviet Castro may not be far wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

. In 1949, Trudope got a job as an economic advisor to the Privy Council in Ottawa. Igor Gouzenko, the Soviet Embassy official who exposed Communist espionage activities in Canada after World War II, says Trudeau got that job with the help of Robert Bryce, who was Clerk of the Privy Council at the time.

Isnt that nice....Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick continues the PRO LIE-beral stance of the office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bryce had earlier served in Washington, says Gouzenko, where he belonged to a Communist study group and was a close friend of Soviet spy Alger Hiss. Trudope also spent time in Paris with Canadian Gérard Pelletier, who was then with World University Service, he says,

"giving American money to countries that were about to go Communist."

(Maclean's, February 24, 72.)

LIE-berals debunk statements made by Gouzenko about Soviet moles in Cdn govt and point out there is no proof of Soviet affiliation. They IGNORE reality-Gouzenko spilled such a mass of secrets to his RCMP handlers they sought help from Britain. The head of M.I. 6 at the time was Kim Philby-exposed a decade later as a Soviet mole!

Philby debunked virtually all that Gouzenko told the RCMP and by the time Philby was exposed (and had fled to MOSCOW) the moles had either retired or simply died of old age. And Trudope was well on his way to being prime minister-and of being in control of all files related to Soviet activity in Canada thanks to his govt allies and fellow travelers/moles!

It is proven historical fact that un-authorized Cdns GAVE Moscow the formula for making an atomic bomb in late 1945. Contacts between Cdns and Moscow were extensive and Moscow was also given the date of the D-day Normandy invasion in gross violation of security at the time.

In Montreal, in 1951, Trudeau and Pelletier began to publish a magazine they called Cité Libre, in which they carried the commentaries of various distinguished intellectuals.

There was Professor Raymond Boyer, for instance, who earlier had been exposed by Gouzenko and convicted of Soviet espionage. There was frequent contributor Pierre Gélinas, Quebec Director of Agitation and Propaganda for the Communist Party. There was Stanley B. Ryerson, leading theoretician of the Communist Party and editor of Marxist Review.

In 1951, the Communist World Peace Council, and the Communist World Federation of Trade Unions, then run by V.V. Kuznetsov of Soviet Intelligence, began planning an international economic conference to be held the next year in Moscow.

Indeed, so obvious was the nature of the forthcoming conference that in December, 1951, then-Canadian Justice Minister Stuart Garson warned all Cabinet Ministers that it was a Communist operation, and advised that government employees should not attend.

The conference was held in April, 1952. Of the 471 delegates, 132 were from officially Communist countries. Observers at the time estimated that 300 of the remaining 339 were known or suspected Party members - which left 39 or so for window dressing.

Marcus Leslie Hancock, one of the six delegates from Canada, says the Canadian delegation was organized by the Canadian Communist Party, which also paid the delegates' bills. Hancock, then a Communist, says that everyone else he knew in the delegation was also a Party member.

The report of that conference, printed in Moscow, is now very hard to get. All copies in Canadian libraries have disappeared. One of the delegates was Pierre-Elliott Trudeau-the Nemni`s state that because Trudeau's name appears first in the list of Cdn delegates, it means he headed the Cdn Communist delegation. In their biography of Trudope they supply photos of the Moscow delegates including Our PET.

Trudeau apparently was inspired in Moscow. He couldn't wait to get home, where he began writing pro-Soviet articles. He couldn't understand why Le Droit (Ottawa) and L'Action Catholique (Quebec City) began calling him a Communist.

All he had done was attend a Communist meeting in Moscow as a guest of the Communist Party at the head of a Communist delegation. All he was doing now was publishing his thanks.

Former Communist Marcus Hancock has testified that the Canadian delegation, headed by Trudeau, was organized by Canada's Communist Party, which paid the delegates' bills. Hancock, himself a delegate, says everyone he knew in the delegation was a Party member.

Trudope and his pal Jacques Hebert traveled to Red China at a time when only staunch, TRUSTED Communists were permitted entry. He met his idol, Mao Tse-tung. He collaborated on a book called Two Innocents In Red China. (Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1968.)

Trudeau describes his meeting with the Communist leaders in his book like this:
"...It is a stirring moment: these greybeards, in their ripe old age, embody today the triumph of an idea, an idea that has turned the whole world upside down and profoundly changed the course of human history."

Of the greybeard (Mao) who has murdered more than 30 million Chinese, Trudeau says:

"...Mao Tse-tung, one of the great men of the century, has a powerful head, an unlined face, and a look of wisdom tinged with melancholy. The eyes in that tranquil face are heavy with having seen too much of the misery of men."

Yeah, if you murder 30 million people you may experience the “misery of men”!

Trudeau goes on to say: "Everyone knows that the Communists summarily rushed to the gallows or to jail many of the great landed proprietors. It was the genius of Mao Tse-tung to realize the extent to which his revolution must depend on the peasants, and he mercilessly suppressed the class that inspired in these peasants awe, respect, and submissiveness towards outworn traditions." In his book Trudeau not only justifies Mao Tse-tung's mass murders - he applauds them. They are good, he says. They are necessary. They prove Mao's genius.

Trudope loves to travel. He was in Ghana when Communist Kwame Nkrumah took control. He was in Algeria when Communist Ahmed Ben Bella took over. Early in 1961, at about the time of the Bay of Pigs, the U.S. Coast Guard picked him up south of Miami.

Pierre was paddling a canoe to Cuba from Key West. The Coast Guard deported Pierre to Canada, but he did get to Cuba in 1964, after all. He doesn't say what happened there. Neither does Fidel. What we do know is that Trudope son Sasha has written a gag inducing `love letter` to his old pal and blood stained Soviet dictator Castro that was published (with a straight face) in our Toronto (Red) Star newspaper and the Sasha letter was then neatly lampooned in The National Post!

One may ask: so what if Trudope was a communist? Firstly-Pierre Trudope did his best to bankrupt Canada as a way of weakening the country and reducing its influence in the western world. He also persuaded his sons to pursue his mad dream of socialist utopia. This is why our prime minister-that idiot Boy with nice hair-for brains has stated he admires the Red Chinese party-he has his fathers enthusiasm for bloody Marxist dictators! Further Our Brainless Boy is running up THIRTY BILLION DOLLAR deficits in Ottawa-these are crippling debts which Boy HOPES will cause IMPERIAL Canada to collapse and be susceptible to being rebuilt in a Trudope socialist version of utopia!

In 1963, Trudope campaigned (as a candidate) with the New Democratic Party against the Liberals. At the time Trudope called the Liberals "idiots" because they had decided to allow United States to set up its nuclear missile warning system in Cdn north. The Liberals, he said, were "a spineless herd." And yet-after the election and recognizing that NDP had NO chance of forming a federal govt, Trudope found his way over to the LIE-beral party! And quickly became LEADER of the `spineless herd`! No wonder even LIE-berals like Peter Newman are bemoaning the total lack of LIE-beral morals or values! And no wonder Our Pet so often seemed to be sneering when he met the adoring public-he WAS laughing at the gullible sheeple!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Shall I remind you of just HOW FOND THE ENTIRE TRUDEAU CLAN IS of Russian style Soviets??????????????????

Yeah....................I think you need a refresher course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are citizens in Canada who do not wish be believe that the Trudeau family are a pack of wretched communist revolutionaries and aspiring dictators seeking to permanently change AND DAMAGE Canada. These willfully blind Trudope supporters IGNORE all manner of evidence and cherry pick through the historical record-routinely discarding any information that does not reflect nicely through their rose coloured glasses!

Pierre Trudope wrote and spoke often of his support for BOTH Nazi Germany AND Soviet Russia! Our nasty PET also told us that the “war against Nazi Germany was nothing but British Imperialism”!! But after the Nazi invasion of Russia, he stopped supporting Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals and their followers do not wish to believe the historical record supplied by Max and Monique Nemni- the long time friends of Pierre Trudeau and self professed staunch LIE-beral supporters. As such they were given privileged access to the voluminous writings of Our Pet. What they found about their long time friend during their detailed examination of his papers while writing his biography prompts them to admit we MUST re-evaluate the position of Pierre Trudope in Cdn history.

LIE-berals scoff at the idea that Our Pet was a Nazi supporter and ignore the historical record. They DENY that Our Pet rode around suburban Montreal on his Harley Davidson wearing a Nazi army uniform-and sometimes giving the finger to Jews. They claim he only went out once on a lonely Laurention side road in a Prussian army uniform he found in the attic of his parents house-just a prank the apologists say. But such a claim defies credibility! There were multiple reports from citizens LIVING IN Montreal! LIE-beral defense of Trudope is laughable!

German prisoners of war were not shipped to Canada during the first world war as there was no reason to do so-they were put to work on farms and such in France and Britain. And even if some German prisoners were sent to Canada, on what grounds would a Trudope purchase TWO uniforms from them and store them in the attic for the next 20 years???????????

But during the second world war-German prisoners were very frequently sent to Canada to prevent them from starting an uprising if German forces should invade Britain. With masses of Germans being sent to Canada it would be quite easy to pick up a uniform or two as temporary Nazi supporter Trudope has obviously done.

LIE-berals pick on a couple of reports that say Trudope appeared only once or twice out in the country in his `Prussian` (WW1) uniform and they IGNORE other eye witness accounts of Trudope being spotted repeatedly IN Montreal in his NAZI (WW2) uniform. We may be assured that LIE-berals want to believe the best of their `hero` and so will ignore unpleasant reports no matter how reliable they may be!

Our Pet was a hard core communist and the Nemni`s document Pierre LEADING Cdn `Peace ` delegations to meet with Soviet leaders in Moscow in the 1930`s on several occasions. British, American and Cdn security people denounced those Soviet propaganda shows as a sham but it did not stop Our Pet from repeatedly visiting and getting involved!

The Soviets signed a non aggression pact with Germany and this meant that Hitler became an ally of Stalin-and thus Hitler earned Trudope support. Hence, the repeated Trudope stunts in the German uniform! Trudope displayed `solidarity ` with Hitler and Stalin. The Nemni`s document AND QUOTE the Trudope hostility to the `imperialist war` of Britain (and Canada) against Hitler. Soviet and Trudope friendship with Hitler ended once Nazis invaded Soviet Union.

In 1947, Trudeau was a student at the London School of Economics, founded by the Fabian Society. In the late 19th century the Fabian Society boasted an impressive list of members dedicated to alleviating conditions in what Charles Dickens referred to as the “dark satanic mills” of 19th century industrial Britain-the Fabians did good work in a time of non existent safety equipment, frequent use of child labour and repeated worker exposure to dangerous chemicals and unhealthy situations-clearly changes needed to be made! Fabian founders included H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw.

Sadly-the original members-responsible and sensible members of society-wanting a balanced and sensible economic operation died and were replaced by Soviet Moles- and western “useful idiots” - meaning wolves in sheep’s clothing. The Fabian Society and its London School of Economics became a breeding ground for training Marxists. Professor Harold Laski, then head of the Fabian Society, was publicly advocating violent revolution at the time.

Almost twenty years later, Trudeau, about to become Prime Minister, reflected on his training and told reporter Norman DePoe that Laski is,

"the most stimulating and powerful influence he has encountered."

Its odd how many foolish things Our Pet blurted out without harming his career-and its proof that LIE-berals are far more interested in power than integrity! In the 1950`s Trudope told Toronto Telegram reporter Lubor Zink that if he became prime minister he “would take Canada from the past into the future via the route of radical socialism”!!!

Self professed life long LIE-beral supporter/journalist Peter Newman states in his book- When the Gods Changed-that the LIE-beral party lost the first election (with Paul Martin as leader) to Stephen Harper because the LIE-beral party no longer stands for anything except power and self promotion”!

The same LIE-beral absence of values or real economic plan hampered Dion and Ignatieff in their runs for power. Sadly the current crop of LIE-berals have come to power thanks to their willingness to BUY civil service Working Family votes! This is what LIE-beral friends say of the party so its no wonder that others are much less complimentary!

And now the gravy has run out and LIE-berals are in desperate trouble and disgrace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trudope traveled widely and under mysterious circumstances between 1950 and 1960. Apparently, he visited Communist Yugoslavia. He was in the Middle East during the first Arab-Israeli war. He was in Shanghai when Mao Tse-tung took over. Trudope made some strange allies in that time.

Those who make jokes about Justin Trudope being the “love child|’ of Margaret Trudeau and Cuban Soviet Castro may not be far wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

. In 1949, Trudope got a job as an economic advisor to the Privy Council in Ottawa. Igor Gouzenko, the Soviet Embassy official who exposed Communist espionage activities in Canada after World War II, says Trudeau got that job with the help of Robert Bryce, who was Clerk of the Privy Council at the time.

Isnt that nice....Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick continues the PRO LIE-beral stance of the office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bryce had earlier served in Washington, says Gouzenko, where he belonged to a Communist study group and was a close friend of Soviet spy Alger Hiss. Trudope also spent time in Paris with Canadian Gérard Pelletier, who was then with World University Service, he says,

"giving American money to countries that were about to go Communist."

(Maclean's, February 24, 72.)

LIE-berals debunk statements made by Gouzenko about Soviet moles in Cdn govt and point out there is no proof of Soviet affiliation. They IGNORE reality-Gouzenko spilled such a mass of secrets to his RCMP handlers they sought help from Britain. The head of M.I. 6 at the time was Kim Philby-exposed a decade later as a Soviet mole!

Philby debunked virtually all that Gouzenko told the RCMP and by the time Philby was exposed (and had fled to MOSCOW) the moles had either retired or simply died of old age. And Trudope was well on his way to being prime minister-and of being in control of all files related to Soviet activity in Canada thanks to his govt allies and fellow travelers/moles!

It is proven historical fact that un-authorized Cdns GAVE Moscow the formula for making an atomic bomb in late 1945. Contacts between Cdns and Moscow were extensive and Moscow was also given the date of the D-day Normandy invasion in gross violation of security at the time.

In Montreal, in 1951, Trudeau and Pelletier began to publish a magazine they called Cité Libre, in which they carried the commentaries of various distinguished intellectuals.

There was Professor Raymond Boyer, for instance, who earlier had been exposed by Gouzenko and convicted of Soviet espionage. There was frequent contributor Pierre Gélinas, Quebec Director of Agitation and Propaganda for the Communist Party. There was Stanley B. Ryerson, leading theoretician of the Communist Party and editor of Marxist Review.

In 1951, the Communist World Peace Council, and the Communist World Federation of Trade Unions, then run by V.V. Kuznetsov of Soviet Intelligence, began planning an international economic conference to be held the next year in Moscow.

Indeed, so obvious was the nature of the forthcoming conference that in December, 1951, then-Canadian Justice Minister Stuart Garson warned all Cabinet Ministers that it was a Communist operation, and advised that government employees should not attend.

The conference was held in April, 1952. Of the 471 delegates, 132 were from officially Communist countries. Observers at the time estimated that 300 of the remaining 339 were known or suspected Party members - which left 39 or so for window dressing.

Marcus Leslie Hancock, one of the six delegates from Canada, says the Canadian delegation was organized by the Canadian Communist Party, which also paid the delegates' bills. Hancock, then a Communist, says that everyone else he knew in the delegation was also a Party member.

The report of that conference, printed in Moscow, is now very hard to get. All copies in Canadian libraries have disappeared. One of the delegates was Pierre-Elliott Trudeau-the Nemni`s state that because Trudeau's name appears first in the list of Cdn delegates, it means he headed the Cdn Communist delegation. In their biography of Trudope they supply photos of the Moscow delegates including Our PET.

Trudeau apparently was inspired in Moscow. He couldn't wait to get home, where he began writing pro-Soviet articles. He couldn't understand why Le Droit (Ottawa) and L'Action Catholique (Quebec City) began calling him a Communist.

All he had done was attend a Communist meeting in Moscow as a guest of the Communist Party at the head of a Communist delegation. All he was doing now was publishing his thanks.

Former Communist Marcus Hancock has testified that the Canadian delegation, headed by Trudeau, was organized by Canada's Communist Party, which paid the delegates' bills. Hancock, himself a delegate, says everyone he knew in the delegation was a Party member.

Trudope and his pal Jacques Hebert traveled to Red China at a time when only staunch, TRUSTED Communists were permitted entry. He met his idol, Mao Tse-tung. He collaborated on a book called Two Innocents In Red China. (Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1968.)

Trudeau describes his meeting with the Communist leaders in his book like this:
"...It is a stirring moment: these greybeards, in their ripe old age, embody today the triumph of an idea, an idea that has turned the whole world upside down and profoundly changed the course of human history."

Of the greybeard (Mao) who has murdered more than 30 million Chinese, Trudeau says:

"...Mao Tse-tung, one of the great men of the century, has a powerful head, an unlined face, and a look of wisdom tinged with melancholy. The eyes in that tranquil face are heavy with having seen too much of the misery of men."

Yeah, if you murder 30 million people you may experience the “misery of men”!

Trudeau goes on to say: "Everyone knows that the Communists summarily rushed to the gallows or to jail many of the great landed proprietors. It was the genius of Mao Tse-tung to realize the extent to which his revolution must depend on the peasants, and he mercilessly suppressed the class that inspired in these peasants awe, respect, and submissiveness towards outworn traditions." In his book Trudeau not only justifies Mao Tse-tung's mass murders - he applauds them. They are good, he says. They are necessary. They prove Mao's genius.

Trudope loves to travel. He was in Ghana when Communist Kwame Nkrumah took control. He was in Algeria when Communist Ahmed Ben Bella took over. Early in 1961, at about the time of the Bay of Pigs, the U.S. Coast Guard picked him up south of Miami.

Pierre was paddling a canoe to Cuba from Key West. The Coast Guard deported Pierre to Canada, but he did get to Cuba in 1964, after all. He doesn't say what happened there. Neither does Fidel. What we do know is that Trudope son Sasha has written a gag inducing `love letter` to his old pal and blood stained Soviet dictator Castro that was published (with a straight face) in our Toronto (Red) Star newspaper and the Sasha letter was then neatly lampooned in The National Post!

One may ask: so what if Trudope was a communist? Firstly-Pierre Trudope did his best to bankrupt Canada as a way of weakening the country and reducing its influence in the western world. He also persuaded his sons to pursue his mad dream of socialist utopia. This is why our prime minister-that idiot Boy with nice hair-for brains has stated he admires the Red Chinese party-he has his fathers enthusiasm for bloody Marxist dictators! Further Our Brainless Boy is running up THIRTY BILLION DOLLAR deficits in Ottawa-these are crippling debts which Boy HOPES will cause IMPERIAL Canada to collapse and be susceptible to being rebuilt in a Trudope socialist version of utopia!

In 1963, Trudope campaigned (as a candidate) with the New Democratic Party against the Liberals. At the time Trudope called the Liberals "idiots" because they had decided to allow United States to set up its nuclear missile warning system in Cdn north. The Liberals, he said, were "a spineless herd." And yet-after the election and recognizing that NDP had NO chance of forming a federal govt, Trudope found his way over to the LIE-beral party! And quickly became LEADER of the `spineless herd`! No wonder even LIE-berals like Peter Newman are bemoaning the total lack of LIE-beral morals or values! And no wonder Our Pet so often seemed to be sneering when he met the adoring public-he WAS laughing at the gullible sheeple!

He simply doesn't want to acknowledge the massive Canadian Immigration Crisis.



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Sometimes if you throw enough at the wall some will stick .


LIE-berals are EXPERT AT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals spew their Fake News sh+t like super charged high octane manure spreaders!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why LIE-beral polling numbers ar getting so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are BURYING US IN THEIR SH+T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
... big, red MAGA hats and gloves with three fingers ....

Here is yet another article illustrating how badly LIE-berals are handling issues of crime and punishment!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

Murder victim a 'Neptune Four' teen who alleged police misconduct

By Michele Mandel

Published: November 15, 2018. Updated: November 16, 2018 7:28 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Toronto & GTA

His youth was shattered by a police gun. And now his life has been cut short by a thug’s.

Yohannes Brhanu, 22, was this year’s record-tying homicide #89, killed in a midnight gun battle waged on a quiet residential street this week, yet another casualty of the gun violence that has plagued our city this year.

But he was supposed to have escaped it.

Brhanu was one of the infamous Neptune Four, black teens from Lawrence Heights who were stopped by Toronto Police on their way to an after-school program in November 2011. The police were looking for robbery suspects and demanded identification.

When one of the boys tried to walk away after learning they weren’t under arrest, he alleged he was beaten while his twin brother and their two friends were told at gunpoint: “Don’t move or I’ll f—–g kill you.”

(Guy SAYS he was beaten- or was he “forcibly restrained” from running away?)

The four boys were arrested but all charges were dropped after a Toronto Housing security video surfaced showing the police encounter.

Const. Adam Lourenco and Const. Scharnil Pais were later charged under the Police Services Act: Pais faces one count of unlawful arrest while Lourenco is charged with unlawful arrest as well as two counts of using unreasonable force for allegedly punching the teen and pointing his gun at Brhanu and the others.

(So we have LIE-beral hug a thug judges excusing thugs and complaining about cops who are looking for robbery suspects? What about the robbery VICTIM? Why ot give soem thought to WHO cops are really working for?)

Both officers pleaded not guilty in 2017 — and unbelievably, their disciplinary hearing is still ongoing with another date set for next week. The four teens also launched a civil suit against them in 2013.

(That the legal mess is ongoing is an illustration of how nebulous the “charges” really are! If the matter was referred to a jury of “peers” it is likely the cops would walk free! The general public is disgusted with LIE-beral hostility to cops!! And that a guy at the centre of the problem would subsequently be shot to death does suggest cops had reason to approach the guy originally!!!!!)

Roderick Brereton had known Brhanu since 2011 when his Urban Rez Solutions ran a mentoring program in the Neptune housing project. “He was an individual who was bright, very witty, full of life and had tonnes of potential.

“He wanted to get into construction and we helped him get into a pre-apprenticeship program. I hadn’t talked to him in the last couple of months but he was working in construction and seemed to be doing pretty well.”

(Yes- all that POTENTIAL! I recall a controversial cop shooting about 25 years ago up on Langstaff Drive- an area of factories and warehouses- usually deserted on a Saturday night! Its an area viewed with distrust by cops ever since a burglar alarm went off- a lone cop responded- and the cop was later found face down -executed with his own gun- NO killer ever caught!)

(So later- when another burglar alarm went off - TWO cops arrived this time to investigate- and found two black guys stealing VCR`s and the chase was on- each guy running in a different direction!)

(One guy was cornered against a fence and while being searched for weapons the cops gun accidentally fired and hit the guy in the hip! And that shot RUINED the guys hip AND ruined his budding career in the NBA! Yes- the guy was heading to the NBA for a try out that autumn and was killing some time stealing VCR`s! Potential is just that- and counts for NOTHING till you act on it!!!!!)

And so the community consultant was shocked when he learned not only that Brhanu had been killed in a gun fight but that a loaded, unused firearm was found in his vehicle.

(Uh huh...... in other words cops HAD very good reason to suspect the kid!! Shall we ask if LIE-berals have any plan to drop the discipline charge against cops who clearly DID KNOW what manner of dangerous punks they were dealing with???)

“I was utterly surprised,” said the shaken Brereton, 47. “I didn’t know him to be involved in any of this activity. To be honest, nobody knows what happened. I don’t know if he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The police said they found a gun. I don’t know if it was his.”

(Yeah - pals of the deceased are ALWAYS THE LAST TO KNOW about criminal activity by their good friends! And is it not odd how often criminals are SECRETIVE about their activities!!!!!!!!!)

His mother and siblings are equally stunned and none of it fits with the young man he thought he knew.

(And shameless LIE-berals aid and abet this willfull blindness in exchange for votes!!!!!!!!!!!)

“There was no indication this would be in his deck of cards,” he said. “I’ve been trying to wrap my head around what the message is. There’s still shock that this young person is gone. I’m still trying to process it.”

Brhanu had testified last year at the police tribunal against the two officers who stopped him and his friends when he was 15.

“I think it had a huge adverse impact on his psyche,” Brereton said. “There was a loss of trust, there was paranoia. The police are supposed to be there to serve and protect …they ran into some bad apples that day.”

(It is too bad that LIE-berals are more focused on protecting the rights of sketchy minorities than they are in catching criminals! In one case of mistaken identity I personally was accosted by an OPP officer with gun drawn! OUR RIGHT to travel the public streets is tempered by the DUTY of cops to protect life and property! And having a very agitated cop pointing a gun at me did not prompt me to become a criminal!!)

The three surviving Neptune Four are all doing well, he said, attending university and starting businesses. They’re equally mystified by what’s befallen Brhanu, he said. “They grew up together. They’re a close-knit family. They’re very traumatized by what happened.”

Brereton is still waiting for more information before accepting that the teen he mentored was involved in gang activity. He insists the rest of us should wait as well.

And if turns out to be true? “Everybody’s accountable for their choices,” he sighed. “I couldn’t say what has gone wrong. Sometimes people fall off the path.”

(Its just too bad that LIE-berals want to blame cops for bad choices and stupid policy made by LIE-BERALS AND HUG A THUG JUDGES! There is such a thing as personal accountability! My encounter with that OPP officer did not persuade me to carry a gun - so why should being detained by cops seeking robbery suspects persuade a black kid to get a gun?? This is all just the logical reaction to idiot LIE-beral policy gone BADLY WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!)