Toronto Turning into Real ****-e Hole


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
A 14-year-old girl is dead after a shooting a west Toronto apartment complex on Thursday.

The teen was shot with an “illegal, prohibited semi-automatic handgun” while visiting at a house in the complex, Det. Rich Petrie told a news conference Thursday. Asked whether the shooting could have been an accident, the detective said it was “certainly something that I’m looking into.”

Toronto neighbourhood devastated after 14-year-old girl killed in shooting: ‘She’ so young’ | National Post

Poor little girl. She didn't deserve this. Seems like there is a shooting like this in Toronto every other week. Our cities in this country are really starting to go to Hell and resemble American ones.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Seems like there is a shooting like this in Toronto every other week. Our cities in this country are really starting to go to Hell and resemble American ones.

Sure does seem like it, but frankly every time I've thought this and then looked at the statistics, they tend to tell a different story. Not saying that's necessarily the case here, not saying it isn't, just saying this has been my experience. So much so that I wonder how much of it is our cities going to hell and how much is is our media becoming more and more sensationalistic?

Of course doesn't much matter what the numbers really show, no child should ever be in danger of a stray bullet.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Per capita, Toronto is pretty good. Regina is still I believe the leader in this regard for reasons we are likely not supposed to ask about.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
A gun registry would have prevented this.Oh wait............... handguns have been registered in Canada since 1935.

I'll bet I own more firearms than you, carry one physically more hours and kill more things with them in any given year so I am by no means some anti gun kook but following the shock of Sandy Hook and listening to the NRA response I have decided that we need to return to the original concept of gun control as envisioned by it's original rightwing proponents at the turn of the last century.

That is specifically to do what is necessary to protect our families and communities and to keep firearms out of the hands of undesirables such as immigrants, the mentally unstable, past and present criminals and poor ethnic communities. These founding values in firearms control were corrupted by Liberals with the same wonky philosophy that suggests Iran deserves nukes because America has them and extends down to inner city blacks should have the same access to firearms as rural whites or people with mental illness should have the same access to purchase as those who are perfectly sane.

Today 'equal access to guns for undesirables' is the battle cry of the hard right in some mistaken belief that it is better to personally arm everyone then even try and keep some Somali kid freshly minted from a violent refugee camp from buying on the black market (like increased legal supply won't make illegal demand easier to meet).

You Liberal types that want to put firearms in the hands of everyone like it is some sort of equal right are to blame when they are used for criminal purposes.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Remember the savage shooting sprees back in the 90s?

Guess who are being released from the pokey after 20 years?


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Per capita, Toronto is pretty good. Regina is still I believe the leader in this regard for reasons we are likely not supposed to ask about.

Pretty much. When you take population into account its not a major problem. There have been a little over 20 shootings here in Ottawa in the past year. Most people outside of Ottawa only heard about the big one in October. I still feel perfectly safe going anywhere here. The odds of something happening are slim. Im probably more likely to be killed by an idiot who cant drive properly. Same is true in Toronto.

Guess who are being released from the pokey after 20 years?

There is a difference between being eligible for parole and getting it. I doubt any of them will.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Pretty much. When you take population into account its not a major problem. There have been a little over 20 shootings here in Ottawa in the past year. Most people outside of Ottawa only heard about the big one in October. I still feel perfectly safe going anywhere here. The odds of something happening are slim. Im probably more likely to be killed by an idiot who cant drive properly. Same is true in Toronto.
Ladders are more dangerous.....ask Flossy....;-)


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Just for clarification, police belief she was targeted for no reason the same way that guy who was smoking a cigarette on his porch was recently murdered.

Horrific. Sadly, horrific things happening to innocent undeserving people is not new. And as sad as it is, it doesn't really alter my view that it may be the perception that is worse, but not the actual statistical crime.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Toontown is the worst.

Canada's most dangerous cities: homicide -

Prince George, British Columbia
Seven murders gave the city top spot in 2010, well above the national rate. Prince George, B.C., consistently has a high homicide rate: in 2009, its rate was 121 per cent above the national rate, exactly where it was in 2000.
Worst cities (% higher than national average)
1. Prince George, B.C. (486%)​
2. Wood Buffalo, Alta (202%)​
3. Saskatoon (168%)​
4. Thunder Bay, Ont. (163%)​
5. Regina (148%)​

Looks like Regina has improved. Aside from the deadbeats in Thunder Bay, all western cities.