Topic for aeon - Quebec separatism and France bashing


Senate Member
This is from another thread, but I wanted to pursue it further, so I started a fresh thread.

aeon said:
Toro said:

You realize, of course, that Blackleaf is British. And he's talking about France, not Quebec.

That doesnt matter, france and quebec are like cousin, same origin, basically the same culture.

English Canada is very similar to America, and the reflexive response from Canadians is to differentiate Canada from America, if not bash them outright (which is also a sign of insecurity and immaturity IMHO). Also, you don't see many English Canadians getting all upset when someone takes a run at Britain.

But bashing France gets the separatists in Quebec all worked up. Why?

It appears insecure. Are the Quebecois separatists insecure people?


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
That's odd; in my opinion, I have always held quite a distinction between the French in France, and the French in Québec. They have always seemed to be quite different from one another, in my opinion — including, but most certainly not limited to, the language.


Council Member
Jan 17, 2006
Toro said:
This is from another thread, but I wanted to pursue it further, so I started a fresh thread.

English Canada is very similar to America, and the reflexive response from Canadians is to differentiate Canada from America, if not bash them outright (which is also a sign of insecurity and immaturity IMHO). Also, you don't see many English Canadians getting all upset when someone takes a run at Britain.

But bashing France gets the separatists in Quebec all worked up. Why?

It appears insecure. Are the Quebecois separatists insecure people?

Good question.I admit you are right, about canadians not getting upset.

Fist , lets make something clear, basically i am not separatist,i understand their vision though, and i support strongly the bloc(which mainly because they will never be in power)and i voted for the PQ last elections, only because the rest just don t make sense.

I only take french people side, because, we are not in majority in the world,i feel very strong hatred towards the french from americans, britain,and even canadian more recently, mainly because of the media, which is irrelevent and unjustified, cause just like others peoples, french peoples, has their strenght and weakness, just like canadian, just like the americans, just like everyone else in the world, nobody is better than anyone else.Moronity and stupidity is a world wide problem.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
aeon, be assured that this is one Canadian who supports the idea of equal status of French and English in Canada — even though I live in the Province of British Columbia, I am trying to learn French to the point to where I can speak it fluently. I think having two official languages is an awesome — and in terms of North America, unique — thing.

Vive le Québec, dans le Canada — le Canada, ce n'est pas complète sans d'autre.