Tony Clement out for sexting


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Veteran conservative MP Tony (Fake Lake) Clement is stepping down over a sexting scandal where his dick pics were sent to an extortionist rather than a 12 year old girl as he had hoped.
Where will Scheer dredge up another justice critic with the proper...endowment?

Why didn't he just say something like his smartphone accidentally slipped down his pants, took a photo, and sent it while he was trying to retrieve it and scratching his itchy scrotum at the time? Just saying it with a straight face and resolve.

Well, too late now; he more or less confessed by apologizing that it wasn't an accident.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Veteran conservative MP Tony (Fake Lake) Clement is stepping down over a sexting scandal where his dick pics were sent to an extortionist rather than a 12 year old girl as he had hoped.
Where will Scheer dredge up another justice critic with the proper...endowment?
The same place the Ontario Liberals dredged up a pedophile to draw up their new sex-ed curriculum.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Veteran conservative MP Tony (Fake Lake) Clement is stepping down over a sexting scandal where his dick pics were sent to an extortionist rather than a 12 year old girl as he had hoped.

Where will Scheer dredge up another justice critic with the proper...endowment?

Nothing about Clement really surprises me. While I realize it's not a valid reaction, I always had a feeling there is something unsavory about him- just call it a hunch or sixth sense! Anyone else get the same vibes?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
LOL, yeah my nut bar evangelical friends who live in his riding thought he was da man
well I guess now they have the pics to prove it.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Veteran conservative MP Tony (Fake Lake) Clement is stepping down over a sexting scandal where his dick pics were sent to an extortionist rather than a 12 year old girl as he had hoped.

Where will Scheer dredge up another justice critic with the proper...endowment?

POOR HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE HAS TO LIE IN EVERY SMALL DETAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clement was texting to AN ADULT WOMAN - and HOID HAS TO LIE AND MAKE UP DETAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is how DESPERATE LIE-berals have become!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That ONLY LIES can save them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The TRUTH about LIE-beral policy and their planned looting and pillaging of our economy with their carbon crap and trade tax MUST NOT become public knowledge or LIE-berals ARE TOAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT IS public knowledge that the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade tax scam only cleans cash from wallets an leaves the dirt in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoid is forced to LIE about 12 year old girls because he has NO REAL FACTS with which to defend his beloved LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we saw some solid TRUTH last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have said before that LIE-beral fate hangs on just how many of the silent majority chose- for once- to get out and vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And last night voter turn out in United States SET RECORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have said before that the best Our idiot Boy Justin can hope for in the 2019 election is a short lived minority govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that is basically what Yankees created last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One gang controls the House and another controls the Senate.........with Trump in the middle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We Cdns can THANK GOD that Our idiot Boy DID NOT manage to get his electoral reform crap implemented here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I have said before- LIE-beral designed electoral reform is specifically DESIGNED to turn our parliament into an out of control spending machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral electoral reform is designed to CUT all the normal govt controls so that NO single group can ever get control and turn off the mad spending!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy wants to turn us into Italians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Italians have had something like 65 govts in 67 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many govts coming and going like that means NO LONG TERM PLANNING for ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Govt simply lurches from crisis to crisis- and TALKS EACH PROBLEM TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until a bigger problem comes along.......or the govt coalition falls apart and a new gang with new priorities takes over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdn LIE-berals and their vile leader Justin are engaged in a MASSIVE ACT OF POLITICAL VANDALISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Nothing about Clement really surprises me. While I realize it's not a valid reaction, I always had a feeling there is something unsavory about him- just call it a hunch or sixth sense! Anyone else get the same vibes?

Er... no.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Tony now out of caucus because they found out that it wasn't a one time thing.

Andrew Scheer is a fool me once sort of guy.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Tony now out of caucus because they found out that it wasn't a one time thing.
Andrew Scheer is a fool me once sort of guy.

Where does it say more than once. Clement claimed it was his first time and Scheer decided to take him at his word. whether Clement is telling the truth or not, the decent thing to do is to no make assumptions, so I applaud Scheer's wisdom, in the absence of prof to the contrary, to assume take Clement at his word.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
until later that same day when he found out Tony was lying and turfed him


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017


POOR STUPID LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They THOUGHT they got some ammunition to shoot at conservatives with this Tony Clement stuff!!!!!!!!!!

But oh MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW WRONG THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clement sent dirty photos to an ADULT WOMAN WHO INVITED THE CONTACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By contrast- LIE-beral Kent Hehr openly harassed women who did NOT APPRECIATE HIS ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So LIE-berals are hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what else is new?????????????????????

Here is an article illustrating the slippery and sleazy nature of LIE-beral values and morals. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau hiding behind a woman’s skirt.

By Mark Bonokoski. Published: October 30, 2017. Updated: October 30, 2017 3:57 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

For a man who claims to be an avowed feminist, Justin Trudeau sure likes to hide behind a certain woman’s skirt.

And so, apparently, do many in his cabinet, most particularly Finance Minister Bill Morneau, the infamously dubbed Willy Porno during his teenaged years at Toronto’s Senator O’Connor College School.

Yes, high-school yearbooks have always wrought a certain hell.

What we have heard now is that a number of Trudeau’s cabinet ministers have taken advantage of the same loophole that Morneau used to maintain control of his wealth while deciding on the wealth of the country, and all are hiding behind the same skirt that Trudeau so loves to cite as their guidance counsellor — the skirt of Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson.

(Too bad Our idiot Boy will not tell us if he has answered ANY of the questions put to him by the ethics commissioner! He blandly asserts that he is cooperating regarding things like his holiday with Aga Khan- the guy who gets hundreds of millions in govt grants for various charitable foundations he runs! And Our idiot Boy is refusing to tell us how it happened that he invited a convicted Sikh terrorist along with him on a visit to India! As for Morneau- he sees nothing wrong with himself and his father selling about $10 million dollars of shares in his pension company Morneau Shepard a mere week before introducing legislation that significantly dropped the value of the shares!)

(If I had been the guy buying the shares that so suddenly dropped in value I would certainly be screaming FRAUD! It is specifically to AVOID such nasty accusations that people like Morneau- and at least 3 other senior LIE-berals SHOULD have put their holdings into a bind trust- but did not- because they are ENTITLED- far more so than mere mortals! But hey- they are LIE-berals so we can trust them even when they ignore the rules? Maybe? And we can be reassured that the integrity commissioner has all well under control- even though LIE-berals refuse to discuss ANY details in parliament? And the commissioner is dependent on LIE-berals for her job so all is entirely above board? Or not?)

Now, two things should have happened by now, but haven’t.

One, Mary Dawson should no longer be the federal ethics commissioner, now working through her third extension.

And, secondly, Bill Morneau should no longer be finance minister, not flailing away to regain lost trust.

Indeed, when a finance minister has lost the trust of the people, and Morneau unquestionably has, then it is the duty of a prime minister to yank him out of the front row, and put him somewhere in the back benches where he can do no harm.

Trudeau went to the polls promising to be a cut above his predecessor, the controlling Stephen Harper, and provide Canadians with an accountability and transparency that would stir pride.

But he has done no such thing.

(At least Harper style “control” was in the public favour! Conservative senators Wallin and Brazeau were accused by Conservative party of wasting tax payer money and they paid it back when ordered. Conservative senator Duffy refused and so the Conservative party paid for him! And then they took Duffy to court to recover their money! But it turns out that senate spending rules are so sloppy that Duffy is ENTITLED to waste our money if he wants! At the same time- LIE-berals were quietly laughing because LIE-beral senator MacDonald Harb had wasted MORE MONEY than Wallin, Brazeau and Duffy- COMBINED! And Harb walked away with his gravy! No wonder Harper is on record as wanting to do away with the senate- and its why ever ENTITLED LIE-berals want to keep it!)

This is the prime minister who, when in opposition, went after Harper like a dog on a bone for any and all improprieties, and hounded him relentlessly when Sen. Mike Duffy got himself in a pickle over Senate expenses and a $90,000 cheque from the chief of staff in the PMO.

But the time the dusted settled, and Duffy was acquitted on all charges, the Liberals were on their way to a majority victory and Duffy was yesterday’s news.

So, let’s talk ethics.

As Mary Dawson has confirmed, a number of Trudeau’s cabinet ministers — supposedly “fewer than five” — who watched Morneau get grilled in Question Period by Tory leader Andrew Scheer and NDP house leader Guy Caron on his dodge of inscrutable ethics were playing the same game with their own investments.

Instead of putting their assets in a blind trust, they retained control of their money by holding it indirectly in a numbered corporation, or some similar mechanism.

(This sort of money handling scandal is the sort of stuff one expects of army generals who have taken control of govt in a banana republic!)

And these are people who have insider information that goes way beyond normal insider information.

They are legislators, and they are legislators who sit in on cabinet meetings that decide on financial policy.

They are the most powerful flies on the wall in the country, yet Mary Dawson obviously gave them the advice that did not prohibit them from doing a Morneau.

(Or else they ignored Dawson and bribed or intimidated her into silence! One has only to look at the relationship between Ontari-owe auditor general Bonnie Lysyk and Wynne-bag LIE-berals! She has caught them multiple times on various screwups and LIE-berals have responded by suggesting she is incompetent and has no clue what she is saying about things like dirty LIE-beral accounting, Hydro price gouging, a pedestrian bridge built upside down, the snow plow scandal and the road paving mess! The funny thins is that it was LIE-berals who HIRED Lysyk- and now apparently do not dare to fire the allegedly “incompetent” Lysysk for fear of a savage wrongful dismissal suite by Lysyk- who has exposed so many LIE-beral skeletons in various closets!)

As PMO spokesman Cameron Ahmad told the Globe and Mail, “We expect all Members of Parliament to work with the Commissioner and structure their affairs according to her guidance.”

This, of course, has been Trudeau’s pitch since the outset of the Morneau Affair, capitalized here to because it is indeed a scandal.

It enabled Trudeau to stand up in the House of Commons and, with the sincerest of faces, tell Canadians that Morneau — and now a bunch of his cabinet ministers — were complying with the ethics commissioner, and that Canadians had nothing to fear because everything was above board.

If this is not hiding behind Mary Dawson’s skirt, what is?

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
Clement is taking time off for 'addiction therapy'.

Since when is video taping your johnson and swirly balls and sending it to some woman, now all of a sudden labeled an 'addiction'??


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Clement is taking time off for 'addiction therapy'.
Since when is video taping your johnson and swirly balls and sending it to some woman, now all of a sudden labeled an 'addiction'??

Research actually does exist of what the ICD refers to as 'compulsive sexual behaviour disorder.'

However, that usually relates to people who've suffered emotional, physical, or sexual abuse or have experienced some other kind of trauma. And who knows, maybe Clement falls in that category and if he does, my sympathies to him. It's still not an excuse though: if he did have that problem, why didn't he seek help for it before he got caught, not after?

The way I see it, a big difference exists between a person who says:

'Hey, I engage in compulsive sexual beahviours: perhaps I should seek help for that before it escalates and I hurt someone.'

And the one who says:

'Hey, now that my compulsive sexual behaviours have escalated to the point where they've now hurt someone (i.e. my career and my family), maybe I should now seek therapy to excuse myself.'


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Clement is taking time off for 'addiction therapy'.

Since when is video taping your johnson and swirly balls and sending it to some woman, now all of a sudden labeled an 'addiction'??
He is a sleaze bag , and is going to do all he possibly can to hold onto his seat on the gravy train .