This Beautiful Muslim Woman Just Stabbed A Woman In The Neck And Killed Her Because…


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
This woman was probably paranoid schizophrenic. Jesus Christ, Boomer why don't you just become a fooking Neo-Nazi or join the KKK, because you're being complete racist a$$hole.

I love when I get a red for something I wrote over a year ago. It makes me feel good.

Gez, don't hear nothin' about no psychiatric exam - guess she isn't nuts afterall.


Pretty much anybody that stabs anyone in the neck is nuts. Even the Isis Morons are nuts. The guy that shot up the airport in Florida is nuts. You have to be nuts to listen or read some religious zealotry and kill people based on that. That doesn't always mean they're not criminally responsible. Jeffrey Dahmer, who ate people was found criminally responsible for his actions and you'd have to be blind in both eyes to think he wasn't nuts.

But its always easier say they're not nuts and generalize by condemning those who practice a particular religion. In that line of thinking, I guess all Catholics must be pedophiles. And all Evangelicals must be thieves and all Jews must be cheap.

Why do we look to Muslims for reassurance after a terrorist act and demand that they condemn the actions of these knuckle dragging zealots? Think about this for a second, Dixie Cup. How would you feel if every time there was an horrific act committed by a white Anglo (pick your religion or lack thereof) and you were singled out to condemn it.

As to your giving me a thumbs down a year after I chastised Boomer who was spamming the forum with thread after thread about Muslims and how they are all terrorists is pretty out of date and obviously of context.
If you want opinion on terrorism. Well here's my opinion. Let me qualify my position by stating a few facts. My son, my nephew my comrades have all stepped up for this country in the fight against terrorism. Some of those friends and comrades paid the ultimate price. A soldier I trained lost half his hand after saving four Canadians when they were ambushed by the Taliban and I am damn proud to know him and share a beer. A friend of mine who I just had coffee with was burned from the neck down after his APC was blown up by an IED.

If you want to create more terrorist, especially home grown terrorists, all you have to do is single out young Muslim men who were born here and went to school here and grew up to work here and strip them of the same rights of any Canadian. Single them out, treat them differently and paint them with that broad brush and I guarantee you will be instrumental in creating even more homegrown terrorism.

If Canadians want to do something, they should be writing their government and asking why the F_CK a soldier with PTSD would murder his entire family. Why did this happen when it was completely preventable and treatable. I can tell you why. Because Canadians are f_cking lazy. They don't want to do anything other than put a magnetic yellow ribbon on their car, but RAH RAH when its time to send these kids off to war. It's easier to spread hate and paranoia about Canadians who have a the same religion as the mental retards who commit horrific acts than to take a moment to think about it.

Call me an assh_le, call me a trader, call me a Muzzie Lover if you like, but my family and friends have paid their dues in full for your right to say what you want on this forum. Some with their lives.

I hold no animosity over the red you gave me. Honest.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Accused PATH stabber appeals mentally unfit ruling
Sam Pazzano Courts Bureau
More from Sam Pazzano Courts Bureau
January 9, 2018
January 9, 2018 6:14 PM EST
Rohinie Bisesar
Accused killer Rohinie Bisesar is appealing the decision of a jury which determined she is mentally unfit to stand trial in the stabbing death of Rosemarie Junor in the PATH two years ago.
Last month, a jury returned its verdict in less than an hour, concluding unanimously that Bisesar has “a disease of the mind,” rendering her incapable of conducting her own defence or instructing a lawyer to do so.
Bisesar, who’ll turn 43 on Saturday, filed an inmate appeal at the Ontario Court of Appeal last Thursday.
“I can do all legal things for fit (sic). Jury’s verdict was unreasonable and not supported by the evidence,” wrote Bisesar. “No physical testing done to remove real time features. Drugs damaging,” wrote Bisesar, referring to devices she believes have been implanted inside herself — a delusional belief. according to a psychiatrist’s testimony at her trial.
She added a line about the “performance of the judge, lawyer, Crown” and then concluded to “charge all above for none (sic) performance since 2016 spring.”
Justice John McMahon sent Bisesar for 60 days of treatment and medication but that order may be stymied by her notice of appeal.
Bisesar will return to Superior Court on Feb. 9 to see if her condition has improved enough to allow her to stand trial.
A tentative trial date has been set for Oct. 29. Bisesar was charged with first-degree murder after newlywed Rosemarie “Kimberly” Junor, 28, was fatally stabbed in the Shoppers Drug Mart in the downtown PATH walkway on Dec. 11, 2015.
Bisesar, an unemployed MBA graduate, has been in custody and undergoing psychiatric assessment since her arrest shortly after the slaying.
The victim had graduated from university and built her career at Medcan, using an ultrasound machine to screen people for signs of heart disease.
Junor had wed just months before her death.
Veteran forensic Dr. Ian Swayze testified that Bisesar is “acutely psychotic,” schizophrenic and suffers from hallucinations and delusions. She believes someone implanted a device inside her body which controls her movements, court heard.
Accused PATH stabber appeals mentally unfit ruling | Toronto Sun


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Love these old threads. Boomer likes to pretend he doesn't like Trump but we all know he supports everything Trump stands for.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Accused PATH stabber gets another 60 days of treatments, tests for 'abnormalities'
Sam Pazzano Courts Bureau
More from Sam Pazzano Courts Bureau
February 9, 2018
February 9, 2018 2:04 PM EST
Rohinie Bisesar
Accused killer Rohinie Bisesar will receive another 60 days of treatment and undergo physical testing “for any abnormalities,” a judge ordered Friday.
Justice John McMahon said Dr. Ian Swayze “is going to do a second assessment” to determine whether the 43-year-old former financial analyst with an MBA from York University is fit to stand trial in the stabbing death of Rosemarie “Kimberly” Junor.
Bisesar is appealing the decision of a jury which determined she is mentally unfit to stand trial but she has abandoned her objection to receiving treatment.
Rohinie Bisesar is pictured in this undated handout photo.
In December, a jury returned its verdict in less than an hour, concluding unanimously that Bisesar has “a disease of the mind,” rendering her incapable of conducting her own defence or instructing a lawyer to do so.
Dr. Swayze testified that Bisesar is “acutely psychotic,” schizophrenic and suffers from hallucinations and delusions. McMahon asked that Swayze continue treatments with Bisesar and physical tests such as CT scans and X-rays be performed on Bisesar.
“I think it can be beneficial if she has the physical tests,” said McMahon.
Bisesar has referred to devices she believes have been implanted inside herself – a delusional belief, testified Dr. Swayze at her fitness trial.
Rosemarie Junor is shown in a Toronto Police Service handout photo.
She believes the implanted device controls her movements and that Junor isn’t dead and the murder charge should be withdrawn, court heard.
Court heard Friday that the internal “interference” is “quieting,” but not completely eliminated after months of anti-psychotic medication and treatment.
A tentative trial date has been set for Oct. 29. Bisesar was charged with first-degree murder after newlywed Junor, 28, was fatally stabbed in the Shoppers Drug Mart in the downtown PATH walkway on Dec. 11, 2015. Bisesar will be back in court on April 12.
Bisesar, an unemployed MBA graduate, has been in custody and undergoing psychiatric assessment since her arrest shortly after the slaying.
The victim had graduated from university and built her career at Medcan, using an ultrasound machine to screen people for signs of heart disease.
Junor had wed just months before her death.
Accused PATH stabber gets another 60 days of treatments, tests for ‘abnormalities’ | Toronto Sun


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Now don't be equating the terrorist movement with the Irish Troubles that was
a family feud and nothing more

A family squabble? HAHAHAHAHA!!!! IRA gunmen dragged a Catholic mother of SIX KIDS out of her home in the middle of the night and shot her in the head and buried the body in a field for the sin of giving a DYING BRIT soldier a glass of water after he fell bleeding on her door step! FOR MOST OF US THAT IS TERROR!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
A family squabble? HAHAHAHAHA!!!! IRA gunmen dragged a Catholic mother of SIX KIDS out of her home in the middle of the night and shot her in the head and buried the body in a field for the sin of giving a DYING BRIT soldier a glass of water after he fell bleeding on her door step! FOR MOST OF US THAT IS TERROR!
Yes, there were individual incidents like that but that was never the primary tactic for the IRA. Besides, I've heard just as brutal stories coming from Brits who served with the Royal Army during the "Troubles". Some of them weren't particularly humane with the IRA or its supporters either.
But when looking at incidents in the rest of Britain, the aim wasn't to cause as much death and carnage as possible. Bombs were normally set with enough time to warn the local authorities there was a bomb so they could clear everyone out of the area. They didn't need to engage in mass murder and mayhem to demonstrate to the British govt that they could get to Britons anytime, anywhere.
Hell, I remember when I was in Edinburgh in the mid '80s there was a bomb threat a few blocks from where I was staying. The authorities managed to clear everyone out and disable the bomb. Again, the aim wasn't to kill and maim people, it was merely to demonstrate that they could anytime they wanted. There were a few bomb threats throughout Britain that summer and yet not once did I ever feel that my life was at risk from one.
Basically, if you were sitting in a pub drinking a pint and they just announced a bomb threat to the area, you still had time for another pint.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
A family squabble? HAHAHAHAHA!!!! IRA gunmen dragged a Catholic mother of SIX KIDS out of her home in the middle of the night and shot her in the head and buried the body in a field for the sin of giving a DYING BRIT soldier a glass of water after he fell bleeding on her door step! FOR MOST OF US THAT IS TERROR!

I'm sorry...I missed that.



Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Google your poodle and exercise yer noodle.


Christian camp in Alberta.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yes, there were individual incidents like that but that was never the primary tactic for the IRA. Besides, I've heard just as brutal stories coming from Brits who served with the Royal Army during the "Troubles". Some of them weren't particularly humane with the IRA or its supporters either.
But when looking at incidents in the rest of Britain, the aim wasn't to cause as much death and carnage as possible. Bombs were normally set with enough time to warn the local authorities there was a bomb so they could clear everyone out of the area. They didn't need to engage in mass murder and mayhem to demonstrate to the British govt that they could get to Britons anytime, anywhere.
Hell, I remember when I was in Edinburgh in the mid '80s there was a bomb threat a few blocks from where I was staying. The authorities managed to clear everyone out and disable the bomb. Again, the aim wasn't to kill and maim people, it was merely to demonstrate that they could anytime they wanted. There were a few bomb threats throughout Britain that summer and yet not once did I ever feel that my life was at risk from one.
Basically, if you were sitting in a pub drinking a pint and they just announced a bomb threat to the area, you still had time for another pint.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Somebody is trying to make the Irish Troubles sound like a LIE-beral party leadership debate- ad is FAILING! Consider:

I got some very absurd propaganda from some doofus trying to defend the Irish Republican Army- and here is what he said- along with some comments of my own in brackets):

(I had mentioned that a Catholic mother of 6 kids had been dragged out of her home late at night by IRA gunmen and she was murdered in a field- and her “crime” was to give a Brit soldier- dying on her doorstep- a glass of water before he bled to death- so IRA DECREED SHE HAD TO DIE! And IRA fools wonder why we do not see them as benign “freedom fighters”? HAHAHAHA!)

Yes, there were individual incidents like that but that was never the primary tactic for the IRA. Besides, I've heard just as brutal stories coming from Brits who served with the Royal Army during the "Troubles". Some of them weren't particularly humane with the IRA or its supporters either.

(And THERE IS THE BIG IRA LIE! Brits were rough with ARMED MEN! IRA causally murdered civilians who opposed their views! The wider world does not accept IRA excuses!)

But when looking at incidents in the rest of Britain, the aim wasn't to cause as much death and carnage as possible. Bombs were normally set with enough time to warn the local authorities there was a bomb so they could clear everyone out of the area.

(Another BIG IRA LIE! IRA was losing the propaganda war- being portrayed as brutal dictators and mad gunmen seeking to build a dictatorship using aid from countries hostile to Britain! To soothe the public the IRA was forced to dial back the carnage and reduce the public anger and limit civilian dead. And they had to LIE about the level of support they were getting from Soviets and other terror players! So the bombs were planted and the public warned to RUN- or else! )

There were a few bomb threats throughout Britain (he mentions 1970`s) that summer and yet not once did I ever feel that my life was at risk from one. Basically, if you were sitting in a pub drinking a pint and they just announced a bomb threat to the area, you still had time for another pint.

(HAHAHAHAHA!!! Picture it: The hard core alcoholics slurping up another pint while ordinary people FLEE just in case the Soviet and or Libyan timers and detonators are just as reliable as their cars and other consumer goods!)

(For over a century Cdn Member of Parliament Darcy McGee held an UGLY record! McGee was born in County Sligo or some such pesthole and came to Canada as a child during the Potato famine. He grew to be a man here and eventually was elected to parliament- where he made himself notorious for telling the Irish: “put down your guns and stop shooting at the Brits and start talking to them in a sensible way and they will respond in kind”! So a pair of deeply offended Sein Fein gunmen waited outside Parliament for a late session to end and when McGee came to the street they shot him to death- merely for suggesting that violence would be less effective than calm, rational discussion! So for 100 years, McGee- the Irish man advocating peaceful talks with Britain was the only Cdn politician to be assassinated on the job! Not till Pierre Laporte was murdered by Quebec FLQ terrorists was another Cdn politician to die on the job!)

(IRA and its offshoots used whatever tactics they thought would bully Britain into surrender and they only gave up assassinations when security got too tight and public opinion moved against bombing! And is it not ironic that McGee got murdered because he advocated putting away the guns and talking in a sensible way to Brits- and HEY! THAT IS EXACTLY what happened! Moderates on both sides shoved the radicals off the stage and made the current peace! And it did not hurt that the Soviet Union went bankrupt and could not afford to make trouble any more and that Libya and Daffy Gaddafi were put under a military and political quarantine after Libyan gunmen shot a Brit cop from the window of their embassy after Libya was blamed for the Lockerby terror bombing! With friends like that its no wonder IRA radicals were sidelined!)

(The Irish certainly had some legitimate grievances but siding with revolutionary France under Napoleon, siding with Imperial Germany during WW1, siding with Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War and siding with Muslim terrorists- or anybody else that would supply weapons and explosives- against the west simply poisoned the IRA position in the general public mind! And now IRA supporters want to “clean up” the history books to make the radicals in the “glorious cause” look like freedom fighters instead of bloody handed revolutionaries of the sort that even many Irish citizens don’t approve of!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Somebody is trying to make the Irish Troubles sound like a LIE-beral party leadership debate- ad is FAILING! Consider:

I got some very absurd propaganda from some doofus trying to defend the Irish Republican Army- and here is what he said- along with some comments of my own in brackets):

(I had mentioned that a Catholic mother of 6 kids had been dragged out of her home late at night by IRA gunmen and she was murdered in a field- and her “crime” was to give a Brit soldier- dying on her doorstep- a glass of water before he bled to death- so IRA DECREED SHE HAD TO DIE! And IRA fools wonder why we do not see them as benign “freedom fighters”? HAHAHAHA!)

Yes, there were individual incidents like that but that was never the primary tactic for the IRA. Besides, I've heard just as brutal stories coming from Brits who served with the Royal Army during the "Troubles". Some of them weren't particularly humane with the IRA or its supporters either.

(And THERE IS THE BIG IRA LIE! Brits were rough with ARMED MEN! IRA causally murdered civilians who opposed their views! The wider world does not accept IRA excuses!)

But when looking at incidents in the rest of Britain, the aim wasn't to cause as much death and carnage as possible. Bombs were normally set with enough time to warn the local authorities there was a bomb so they could clear everyone out of the area.

(Another BIG IRA LIE! IRA was losing the propaganda war- being portrayed as brutal dictators and mad gunmen seeking to build a dictatorship using aid from countries hostile to Britain! To soothe the public the IRA was forced to dial back the carnage and reduce the public anger and limit civilian dead. And they had to LIE about the level of support they were getting from Soviets and other terror players! So the bombs were planted and the public warned to RUN- or else! )

There were a few bomb threats throughout Britain (he mentions 1970`s) that summer and yet not once did I ever feel that my life was at risk from one. Basically, if you were sitting in a pub drinking a pint and they just announced a bomb threat to the area, you still had time for another pint.

(HAHAHAHAHA!!! Picture it: The hard core alcoholics slurping up another pint while ordinary people FLEE just in case the Soviet and or Libyan timers and detonators are just as reliable as their cars and other consumer goods!)

(For over a century Cdn Member of Parliament Darcy McGee held an UGLY record! McGee was born in County Sligo or some such pesthole and came to Canada as a child during the Potato famine. He grew to be a man here and eventually was elected to parliament- where he made himself notorious for telling the Irish: “put down your guns and stop shooting at the Brits and start talking to them in a sensible way and they will respond in kind”! So a pair of deeply offended Sein Fein gunmen waited outside Parliament for a late session to end and when McGee came to the street they shot him to death- merely for suggesting that violence would be less effective than calm, rational discussion! So for 100 years, McGee- the Irish man advocating peaceful talks with Britain was the only Cdn politician to be assassinated on the job! Not till Pierre Laporte was murdered by Quebec FLQ terrorists was another Cdn politician to die on the job!)

(IRA and its offshoots used whatever tactics they thought would bully Britain into surrender and they only gave up assassinations when security got too tight and public opinion moved against bombing! And is it not ironic that McGee got murdered because he advocated putting away the guns and talking in a sensible way to Brits- and HEY! THAT IS EXACTLY what happened! Moderates on both sides shoved the radicals off the stage and made the current peace! And it did not hurt that the Soviet Union went bankrupt and could not afford to make trouble any more and that Libya and Daffy Gaddafi were put under a military and political quarantine after Libyan gunmen shot a Brit cop from the window of their embassy after Libya was blamed for the Lockerby terror bombing! With friends like that its no wonder IRA radicals were sidelined!)

(The Irish certainly had some legitimate grievances but siding with revolutionary France under Napoleon, siding with Imperial Germany during WW1, siding with Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War and siding with Muslim terrorists- or anybody else that would supply weapons and explosives- against the west simply poisoned the IRA position in the general public mind! And now IRA supporters want to “clean up” the history books to make the radicals in the “glorious cause” look like freedom fighters instead of bloody handed revolutionaries of the sort that even many Irish citizens don’t approve of!)
Yet the Irish Canadians who are descendants of the famine settlers have thrown aside those chains and are now Canadian first and foremost .