Things to worry about


Jan 6, 2007
I find if you read and research something, establish if it's a valid concern or not, and take a rational step to try to do what is within your power, then you don't need to 'worry'. The 'food shortage' scare. We stocked up an emergency kit to last almost a month, and 'foodscaped' the yard with potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, swisschard, nasturtiums, lettuce, peas, turnips, zuccini, radishes, and herbs.

Plastic bag issues. It's not hard to carry cloth ones, so, we don't stress about it. If we forget them one day, oh well, it's still a lot of bags kept out of the recycling.

Plastic bottles, well, I prefer reusable steel bottles anyway, they don't trap smells, so, no issue.

Fruit, well, I avoid prepackaged foods, so, my carbon foot print for not buying packaging balances out any shipping of foods to me. Besides, I live in Alberta... unless I want to live off wheat and rapeseed, I need just about everything shipped to me anyway. lol.