They're Gathering What Little Courage They Have


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
"Every time I turn on the TV set I'm bombarded with racist messages from CNN and other liberal media outlets and commentators?
Should I be scared?
Where's the outrage?
When I was in public school and had 10 black guys waiting to bust me up in gym class every day just because I was white, was at a new school and had no friends or allies, nobody seemed to notice and nobody seemed to care.
The fact is, people have a first amendment right to free speech. Yes, even if some find the speech offensive.
When it crosses the line into action then it becomes a crime.
The fact is, race baiting makes sensational news and sells a lot of advertising. Especially among the crybabies and the more common sense challenged."

from the comments section in the link in the OP


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
The constant yapping about racism is the major contributor to the rise in racism.

When hiring practices are based on ethnicity and skin color, people resent it.
When a crime committed against a member of a minority is punished more harshly than for a crime against a white person, people resent it.
When people can be fined for using a word that is considered 'racist', it goes against freedom of speech and people resent it.
When an incompetent person loses a job and can sue for discrimination, people resent it.
When people of minority can be exempted from regulatory laws, people resent it.

When minorities stop playing the 'race' card and start acting like everybody else, they will be treated like everybody else.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The constant yapping about racism is the major contributor to the rise in racism.
Can I throw in a fact or two? Feel free to ignore them, I know you will. This is just for people who are interested in reality.

When hiring practices are based on ethnicity and skin color, people resent it.
Hiring by ethnicity and skin color is illegal in the United States, and insofar as it is practiced, is practiced against minorities. Evidence? Sure. The black unemployment rate is 2 1/2 times the white unemployment rate, and the black college graduate unemployment rate is twice the white college graduate unemployment rate.

When a crime committed against a member of a minority is punished more harshly than for a crime against a white person, people resent it.
Incarceration rates for blacks, Latinos, and Indians are far higher than for whites, and there are reams and reams of statistics that show that minorities are punished more harshly for the same crimes than whites. Google "sentencing by race."

When people can be fined for using a word that is considered 'racist', it goes against freedom of speech and people resent it.
Doesn't happen in the U.S. UnConstitutional.

When an incompetent person loses a job and can sue for discrimination, people resent it.
Such a person can sue in the U.S., but will almost certainly lose. It is settled law that a person pushing a discrimination suit must prove not only that she was fired/not hired/denied promotion, but that it was because of her race or sex. The burden is on the plaintiff, and is almost impossible to meet. Example: Lily Ledbetter. Google it.

When people of minority can be exempted from regulatory laws, people resent it.
Doesn't happen in the U.S.

When minorities stop playing the 'race' card and start acting like everybody else, they will be treated like everybody else.
And until then, they'll be discriminated against for the color of their skin, like the Republican United States Senator pulled over seven times in one year. Guess what color he is?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
hey, let's assume these trolls were trumpers eh. Lol

sure hope it's not another one of them 'racist' hoaxes boy oh boy.

oh well.


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
To me that is unacceptable. There is freedom of speech, but then there's bullying. Sending black students pictures of black men hanging from a trees is not freedom of speech; at best it's intimidation and definitely bullying. A clear message needs to be sent to these racist students; they need to be outed, expelled and yes made an example of what happens to provocative racism. School will have enough of a hard time controlling schoolyard name calling and fighting. This might send a message to parents to not encourage their kids to join in their hatred, else there might be consequences.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
To me that is unacceptable. There is freedom of speech, but then there's bullying. Sending black students pictures of black men hanging from a trees is not freedom of speech; at best it's intimidation and definitely bullying. A clear message needs to be sent to these racist students; they need to be outed, expelled and yes made an example of what happens to provocative racism. School will have enough of a hard time controlling schoolyard name calling and fighting. This might send a message to parents to not encourage their kids to join in their hatred, else there might be consequences.
I'm afraid I have to disagree. Speech must be free. Punishing any kind of speech, however vile, only leads to more problems.

Police officer who drove with Confederate flag at ‘Love Trumps Hate’ rally resigns

This is too bad. I don't think his intention was racist, it merely and expression of Southern culture and heritage.

In Michigan.

‘Trump Nation whites only’: Montgomery County Police investigate vandalism


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
we'll ignore the dindus caught on video beating Trump voters.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
...and democrats being the party that supported slavery, while republicans ended it