TheGuy's repeating theme Threads, that're all on the same tangent, merged here.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A great discussion was cut off when the last thread was closed. It would be a shame if we didn't continue it.

There is TRUTH
There is OLD
There is STINKY
There is CDNBear
There is CHEESE

Is it TRUTH that CDNBear is OLD and STINKY? Is CDNBear CHEESE?
CDN Brea if you go presto-chango?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

Having to tack to get to your destination star is a decent solution even if the extra time eliminated that kind of travel indefinitely.

Where is the OP hiding?
While waiting for the OP to resurrect himself a follow up.

When tacking towards a star what is holding the 'keel'? Having to tack would mean having to pack a bigger lunch and that would mean a bigger sail which is more weight etc.
Could a black sail be used when traveling toward light (heat) and a white one when moving away?

In that discussion one photo was referenced that appears to be proof that light is bent through gravity of a galaxy. 3 faint images of one galaxy can be seen to the side of the galaxy that is bending the light. I'm more of the opinion it is caused by something like a mirage where light is reflected. The mirror IMHO is water that goes from a vapor to absolute zero fast while in a 'complete' vacuum. Call it clear matter and if a 'patch' was in a certain 'form' at a certain distance at just the right angle then we could see a spacial mirage rather than light being bent in just 3 places out of the full circle (and in focus)

Keeping some of the above in mind and adding this experiment that was done in the early 1900's during a total eclipse. During that event is was (measures as closely as it could be for the era) By observing the background stars they could show that the sun could and did bend light emitted from a star/galaxy that was far away. Do details on what the observation actually showed.

Today we have the ability to track the sun in a perpetual eclipse state. Did anybody ever update that experiment because I don't thing you can see behind a star if a star can bend light, just the opposite would happen. As a visible star moved towards the (blacked out) edhge og the sun it should 'disappear' before it gets to the edge. If it can be linked to two other points of stable light all 3 should move in the same smooth progression through the sky if the sun cannot bend light

Anybody going to time how long The Guy is gone, 3 days and 3 night would be wierd? Is that how long we have to discover what his message is. I'm not going back any further than when I joined the thread.