The Worst Movies Ever Made


Council Member
Mar 21, 2005
Tom Green Fan said:
Zan said:
Freddy Got Fingered

I generally like dark and twisted comedies, stuff that's 'outside the box' but this movie was just.... I dunno.. awful just doesn't cover it...
You can't be serious!?!?

That will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the greatest movies of all time

As for the worst movie, mine would be Austin Powers Goldmember

I was wondering when you would catch on to that! :lol: I love that movie. I'm with you... Tom Green is way under-rated. I can't believe some of these movies mentioned. Pulp Fiction? A History of Violence? Showgirls? These are all great movies - total classics.

The worst movie of all time? Gotta be "The Core" - where the earth's core stops spinning so a bunch of people get in a drill rig and travel to the centre of the earth to restart it. It is so bad it's almost good if ya know what I mean. Also, put any Michael Bay film on the list of worst movies... Bad Boys, the Rock, etc.... :pukeleft:


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
Re: RE: The Worst Movies Ever Made

jimmoyer said:
Moulin Rouge tried to emulate India's Bollywood movies,
but fails miserably.

India's Bollywood movies are quite interesting.

Bravo Network used to show a lot of India movies
during the 1990s.

Jim, with all due respect, Moulin Rouges, scene with a "Bollywood" like look to it had nothing to do with the movie... well nothing core at least. The movie is a musical set in Paris durning thre boheminian revolution and the reason the play took place in India was quick thinking. The story is planly a tragic love story which reflects the time and age of the boheminian revolution of the day. I liked the movie a lot and thought it paced very well and the mixing of pop culture music was nicely done. If you don't like musicals I can see why you wouldn't like it, but it was not trying to be a Bollywood movie.

It's closer to "Greece", "Rent" or the Phantom.


Electoral Member
Feb 5, 2006
Yah I'm with Finder on this one. I think Moulin Rouge is a beautiful film with fabulous acting.

Cant believe you didnt like 'Passion of the Christ' Pastafarian!!! Are you a Christian? Cos I am but not really a practicing one, but I thought the movie was incredible. It's good to finally see a more realistic approach to filmography about Jesus, however 'boring' you might find it.

I stand by my original choice that 'Cherry Falls' is the WORST by a long shot!