The secret of eternal life


New Member
May 28, 2008
Hi Spade

You said.......
“Catholics believe that the good are saved regardless of religion, Christian or otherwise! if you are mean mouthing Catholics, at least get it right! After all, getting it right is the Christian thing to do!”

This is only the public persona of the Catholic church:

The REALITY is, that only “good Catholics”, can take part in the communion.

And a good Catholic, is one who jumps through all the hoops of the Catholic Church.
But there are no “hoops” to jump through, according to the Bible!


New Member
May 28, 2008
Some have said, that people in today’s world, have gotten so far away from the LORD, that before you can even share the Gospel with them, you must first convince them of God’s existence.

But I disagree.
I believe that if we tell them about........
God’s Love.........
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Man’s sin..........
Romans 3:23
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
Romans 6:23
“For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
God’s means of forgiveness........
Romans 5:8
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
and the way of salvation........
Romans 10:13
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

That this is all they will need to know, in order to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior.


New Member
May 28, 2008
Hi Northboy

It’s nice that you read your Bible.

And to a casual reader, it might appear that my quotation from Romans, contradicts your quotation from James, but they really don’t contradict each other.

As with everything else in life, that is really important, “we must look at the details”.

And if you look at the details of James, you will see that although both Romans and James are talking about “justification”;
(Romans is talking about, being justified before God.)
(While James is talking about, being justified before men.)

Notice James 2:18......
“Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.”
God knows our heart, therefore no works are required to be justified before Him.
But other people, don’t know our heart, so we must prove to them, that we are saved.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
That this is all they will need to know, in order to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Big Ape,

It doesn't convince me one bit. I have been listening to that for going on sixty years and I still wonder how an intelligent person could buy into that nonsense.

First of all, what kind of sadistic lunatic sends his son out to die for our sins... (Oh, we do. We send our sons and daughters out to be sacrificed in the poppy fields of A-stan so that we can hook a generation on heroin).

Sorry got off track. My point is, if god is so almighty powerful, why didn't he come down and do the dirty deed himself? And if you think that your creator, who knows everything, doesn't know that he designed you to sin and that you think that living up to your god's design will get you in a heap of trouble, then the fault lies with the creator, not you. If god is going to punish me for being me then I don't want to spend eternity singing his praises because he is a lunatic.


Electoral Member
Hi Northboy

It’s nice that you read your Bible.

And to a casual reader, it might appear that my quotation from Romans, contradicts your quotation from James, but they really don’t contradict each other.

As with everything else in life, that is really important, “we must look at the details”.

And if you look at the details of James, you will see that although both Romans and James are talking about “justification”;
(Romans is talking about, being justified before God.)
(While James is talking about, being justified before men.)

Notice James 2:18......

God knows our heart, therefore no works are required to be justified before Him.
But other people, don’t know our heart, so we must prove to them, that we are saved.

I see no contradiction between Paul, who played the role of Evangelist and James who was the Bishop of the Christian Church, just an evolution of thought.

Paul was speaking to convert new people to Christianity and James was speaking to the already converted.

Yes, Jesus is our saviour, but how many have taken them as their King?

What I mean by that is how many have studied the teachings of the Lord and have adopted them as a philosophy to live by?

Those that have would being doing good works without being told.

You started this thread as the "Secret of Eternal Life", that being belief that Jesus Christ as your saviour, and in my case, King as well.

But, I'll go you one more and say adopting the teachings of Christ as your philosophy will provide the key to developing solutions to a sustainable way of living for the individual and the ripples through society will lead to a sustainable society for followers of the Way in this world as well.
Yes, I read my Bible, Teachings of Bhudda, Koran, the writings of Ellen White, Book of Mormon,
Dead Sea Scrolls and many other writings as I strive to learn the Truth of things and try to figure out how we got where we are.

Remember, Paul reported to the Jerusalem Church of his activities and sought the Church's sanction for his actions. It was James that sanctioned Paul's actions.

I could trundle some versuses out of Acts to prove my point, but as you know your Bible, I'm sure that I don't have to.

As far a Christ's story is told, did he not return after his resurection (sp?) and speak to his disciples about the Kingdom of God and a result of which, as the writing of the Book of Acts tells introduces the Way?

The Lord's story in my view did not end at the Cross, it only just began.
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Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
There is a secret, that most of the world knows nothing about.

I know this joke!!

Secret of eternal life?

Don't stop breathing.

As for Jesus: he didn't exist.

He is just a myth in the Horus and Mithras genera. Seriously, do you still believe in tooth fairies and Santa Clause? It's time to grow up. ;-)


Electoral Member
I know this joke!!

Secret of eternal life?

Don't stop breathing.

As for Jesus: he didn't exist.

He is just a myth in the Horus and Mithras genera. Seriously, do you still believe in tooth fairies and Santa Clause? It's time to grow up. ;-)

Hey Scott,

I see you don't believe in the Christ story, but do you believe in the power of prayer?

Does heaven exist? Are there powers out there beyond our comprehension?

Do you believe there is no God?

Just asking.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Hey Scott,

I see you don't believe in the Christ story, but do you believe in the power of prayer?

There can be a placebo effect from it. Also meditation can help healing but video games work better.

Prayer in and of itself has no power; that has been proved beyond doubt.

Does heaven exist?

Extremely unlikely. I can only think of one way there might be a slight possibility of life after death but I highly doubt it. There definitely is nothing like the mythical bible heaven which originated out of Sumeria.

Are there powers out there beyond our comprehension?

Powers? You mean like super powers? No.

There definitely are things we have yet to discover though.

Do you believe there is no God?

There is no holy thunderer if that's what you mean?

Just asking.



Electoral Member
There can be a placebo effect from it. Also meditation can help healing but video games work better.

Prayer in and of itself has no power; that has been proved beyond doubt.

Extremely unlikely. I can only think of one way there might be a slight possibility of life after death but I highly doubt it. There definitely is nothing like the mythical bible heaven which originated out of Sumeria.

Powers? You mean like super powers? No.

There definitely are things we have yet to discover though.

There is no holy thunderer if that's what you mean?


Thanks for your reply.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
That seems to be the conundrum. Those that see god as something separate from everything, that imposes its will upon the actions of man think that if you don't believe as they do, you are an atheist, that you don't believe in god. But there are people, possibly a majority, who believe in a higher intelligence or conscious energy that is not concerned with the lives of men, but is just the binding force that holds reality together.

There are many thousands of faces of god, images that various peoples hold of a power greater than themselves. Which one is the correct one - none. If a god exists, then it is unknowable, unimaginable, incomprehensible, so why both. Religion is just so much farting in the wind. Wishful thinking will not manifest as reality. You god is just a figment of your imagination. To spend so much time contemplating it is to avoid life.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
God of the bible was created in man's image and man was created by hybridization. Thre are parts of the populus in all races that can't breed with others due to different genes. 15% of us do not have Reese's monkey genes and can't breed with those with the monkey gene.

I'm neither a creationist nor an evolutionist. My votes goes to panspermia. A place where few creationists dare enter.


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
Eternal life, what a crock, and truly wishful thinking for those who believe it

Suck it up, live your life well, you have one, it begins, then it ends, handle it.

Lady of the Island,

Extremely well said.



Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Gawd's been around forever!
She waited an eternity before she created Christianity.
Christianity must have been an afterthought.
She might've had a bad day.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
What I want to know is, after JC comes back for his encore and resurrects the dead, are we all going to be walking around in our rotting corpses?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Does that fit in with doing hand-springs? You just get out of a prison and you would zombie around, maybe you should consider arriving a bit later in the program.It certainly says there will be that are lame when they make their way to Israel the first time. I would think that that might apply to the remnant of the nations rather than those who have glorified bodies. If those bodies are free from feeling pain it is probably that potentially painful things just wouldn't get close, that way the glorified body can still appreciate the sense of touch.
Now you might find this interesting, when a Christian gets a glorified body they are no longer given in marriage. No marriage no making babies. Do you think that would put a kink into the 'presumed lifestyle' of somebody who suddenly finds himself surrounded by a lot of virgins (that are destined to remain that way), is that irony or hell?