The real scandal.


Electoral Member
Feb 21, 2005
Lesser Vancouver
I don't know about you folks, but I'm getting tired of this Separation "Bluff". Quebec has been threatening to go for nearly 140 years. It ain't going to happen! They have been getting their 'Special Status Bribes' for so long they wouldn't know how to live without them.
Just think, no more Government Contracts! The collapse of Bombardier (move to Europe?). Goodbye shipbuilding contracts! You would go from a 'Have(?)' Province to a 'Have-Not' Country in a flash. You've got to stop listening to that cadre of intellectuals who know they never have to walk-the-walk, only talk! :roll:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: The real scandal.

cub1c said:
Btw, french accent not only drive nut guys.

I make every english girl wet with my french accent ;)

Even on the internet there is a thing called TOO MUCH INFORMATION.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: The real scandal.

Reverend Blair said:
Are you saying you spit when you talk, Cub1c? Most people don't consider that an accent. ;-)

Rev wins the best joke of the day award!!


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario

I have a question. You have had 2 seperation votes and lost both. What makes you think that you should seperate the next time you get 50% plus one vote?

From what I see, the seperates will have 10,000 referendums and on the 10,001 time, they vote for seperation, you seperate forever.

This doesn't make sense to me.


New Member
I agree. I mean, after 2 referendums, I think we can safly say that the people of Quebec do not want to seperate.

Also, the isea of having so many referendums is stupid; like having multiple guesses on a game show. You can't just have referendum after referendum untill dumb luck gives you a majority of 50.00000000000001%.


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2005
Québec, Montréal
I don't know about you folks, but I'm getting tired of this Separation "Bluff". Quebec has been threatening to go for nearly 140 years.

It's not a bluff and it's 245 years old.

What makes you think that you should seperate the next time you get 50% plus one vote?

1980: 40/60
1995: 50.6/49.4
(If we rely only on simple mathematics)
2008: 60/40

And the 49.4 CAN'T go down. People that voted yes last referendum are going to vote yes again. The only way it will not happen is if you procede to a genocide.

Youth is in a WAY BIGGER majority of separatists. Thanks to 101 bill.
And when I say youngs, I mean people from 18-30 (me). They were all unable to vote last referendum.

Next referendum will be monitorized by internationnal commitees. No more 10 times more money for the NO than the YES. No more red propaganda. No more threats such as: we'll send in the army, you are going to be a third-world country, and all kind of stupid stuff.

The langage and immigrant as a factor for the yes or no is slowly disappearing.

And the scandal will probably help. We sparked refendum for much less than this scandal.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
....shaking my head at all the above nonsense.The only scandal is that the liberals thought of this scheme first,and now that the secret is out-none of the other parties dare try this money laundering stunt.That is the real reason for all the outrage in the House!


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
I'm sure the politicians are cooking up a new plan missileThere like junkies they can't keep their hands off our money


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Another problem with this scandalis all the testimony of those Quebec advertising executives..professional liars,every single one of them.Therefore,they are a good match for the average politician--who are trying hard to be as professional! As to the money passed on tto the PQ-most companies hedge their bets and donate to all political parties,just to be on the safe side.


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2005
Québec, Montréal
How can opposition parties promise contracts to companies for money if they are not in power?

I'm not saying they are all clean, but you have to have the power to use that scheme.

The party in power is responsible for the scandal.


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
Did they really think a movement that is 245 years old would just disappear by spreading maple leafs everywhere? How come English Canadian believed that? How they justify these spending sprees?

Nobody really believed that. It's just the way the Liberals do things, spend vast amounts of other peoples money to serve their own purpose. And remember, many, if not most, of them were French Canadian (such as the prime minister).


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
Nobody really believed that. It's just the way the Liberals do things, spend vast amounts of other peoples money to serve their own purpose. And remember, many, if not most, of them were French Canadian (such as the prime minister).

Good point. This scandal was committed by Quebecers. What makes cub1c think that if they seperate they will suddenly be exempt from scandals.

Next referendum will be monitorized by internationnal commitees. No more 10 times more money for the NO than the YES. No more red propaganda. No more threats such as: we'll send in the army, you are going to be a third-world country, and all kind of stupid stuff.

What makes you think it is idle threats? A VAST majority of countries had to fight and die for their countries. I for one would fight to keep Quebec in Canada, are you? Don't answer that, the world knows very well the French's military track record.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Quebec goes Canada with crumble The US will move in the writing is on the wall fellas.I don't like what I see


Electoral Member
Feb 21, 2005
Lesser Vancouver
Re: RE: The real scandal.

mrmom2 said:
Quebec goes Canada with crumble The US will move in the writing is on the wall fellas.I don't like what I see

Relax man! This side of the mountains is the safest place to be. Let the Great Lakes Goofs battle it out among themselves. We don't need to get involved. Notice that no one is trying to bribe us to stay in Confederation; or Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba for that matter. Just the usual suspects.