The Plan to Disappear Canada


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
And here is one of the latest installments,
Canadians Completely Unaware of Looming North American Union
Bush and Calderon to Visit Canada

by Kevin Parkinson

Global Research, July 17, 2007

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In just over a month’s time, on August 20, the most powerful president in the world will be arriving in Montebello, Quebec for a two-day conference. President George W. Bush will be meeting with Stephen Harper and their Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderon. So far, the silence from the Canadian and American media has been deafening.
Talk to 90% of people on the street and they won’t know about this upcoming conference, and if by a slim chance they do, they won’t know the purpose of the meeting or why the leaders of Canada, United States and Mexico are meeting in the dog days of summer under what amounts to a veil of secrecy.
So, what’s this upcoming conference all about, and why are the newspapers, radio and television keeping silent about it?
The purpose of the upcoming conference is to ratify the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, which was initiated by Bush, Martin and Fox in 2005 in Waco, Texas. Essentially, this so-called ‘partnership’ will result in what the politicians refer to as ‘continental integration’-newspeak for a North American Union- and basically a harmonization of 100’s of regulations, policies and laws.
In layman’s terms, it means that once this ‘partnership’ has been ratified which is a fait accompli; we will be following in the footsteps of the European Union. It will mean that Canada will become part of the North American Union by 2010, and that our resources, agricultural, health and environment issues, to name a few, will be controlled not by Canada, but by the government of the North American Union.
A huge ‘NAFTA’ highway, one quarter of a mile wide, is already being built in Texas, where private land is being expropriated, and will eventually reach the Manitoba border.
Water will be the ‘issue’ of this century, as more than 25 states in the U.S. are currently in desperate need. Where do you think they will get the water they need?
The United States is already guaranteed 60% of our natural gas resources from NAFTA, which mean that even during emergencies when we need energy, we will have to import it, while we are forced to export gas to the U.S. This is just one example of how Canada is being shortchanged, and it’s only going to get worse.
Why has there been absolutely NO public consultation on the biggest issue (North American Union) facing Canadians since Confederation? Why isn’t Guy Lauzon, our local MP for Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry, holding town hall meetings, bringing in cabinet ministers and explaining how the emerging North American Union will affect our Canadian way of life? Ask the citizens of Canada for their feedback. Isn’t that how democracy is supposed to work?
Folks, I suggest that Mr. Lauzon isn’t even aware of the SPP or the North American Union, which explains why the Conservative government has denied all Canadians information to which they are entitled. If he does have something to say about it, then let him raise the issue in our riding.
Furthermore, the example of the North American Union illustrates that our government claims to be democratic, but in fact, does it act like one, or does it prefer to make the big decisions at committee level behind closed doors, while masking its real intentions?
The ratification of the SPP, and the emergence of the North American Union have been organized entirely by government committees and private enterprise. I refer readers to my website at
for further information on the North American Union.
If our citizenry allows the North American Union to come into existence, then our way of life will change drastically, for the years to come. With privatization of our resources, increased foreign ownership, and a Canadian government with less and less authority, our children and grandchildren will be come ‘North Americans’ and our quality of life will drastically decline.
The founding fathers of Canada must be rolling over in their graves.

Global Research Articles by Kevin Parkinson Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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This isn't the only article I've come across about this that hasn't had anything said about it on this site. Apparently nobody gives a ****.


Just a tiny fish
Dec 13, 2006
The European and African Unions already exist.
The East-Asian Union is in the works, and now so is the North-American Union (NAU).
After all the unions are implemented and functional, there will be talks, and then a movement, to merge the four unions together into a World Union. And that's the New World Order.
Isn't the World Union idea very nice?
A world government would most likely be centralized around the USA (it already is, in a way). This is because it's the most powerful country, and it has allies worldwide. But what must be understood is that America's government is actually based around the interests of a select few. The recent Presidents and cabinets are a very tight-knit group, and many of them have been friends for decades before the elections. And this is consistent throughout many terms.
Also, take into account the federal reserve bank (no pun intended) in the US, which essentially controls the nation's supply of currency and thus its value, and it becomes clear that the nation is in the hands of only a few people. (One of the owners of the bank made US$200 million - over one trillion US dollars by today's standards - in the late 1920s by spreading lies about rival banks and causing panic and mass withdrawals.)
Anyway. Then there's the fact that the world is actually run by its economic status, or rather, those who control it (since the global market is needed by every nation), and that means it's run by a few major corporations that have or almost have a monopoly on certain aspects of the market. Halliburton is an excellent example of this.
A world government would essentially mean that there are no opposing forces. These few people would have absolute control, and there's very, very little we can do about it once that occurs. It's even been alleged that there's going to be a revolution in technology to the point where microchips will be marketed - and implanted into the body - that will act as credit cards, IDs, driver's licenses, GPS trackers, and debit cards. Every aspect of one's life would be on them. So all they have to do is "turn you off", or excommunicate the chip, and you'd be stripped of everything you own.
But that's more speculation. The fact still remains that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and a world government would (in)definitely possess the former.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You shouldn't post anything from Global Research if you want to be taken seriously.
Well how 'bout this one.

(in part)

1) Pesticides 'harmonized.' The most thoroughly reported story (though even this did not go much beyond the CanWest chain) was the revelation that Canada was about to "harmonize" its regulations, setting limits for pesticide residue on fruits and vegetables. In 40 per cent of the cases, the U.S. allows for higher levels. Richard Aucoin, chief registrar of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency, which sets Canada's pesticide levels, said that Canada's higher levels were a "trade irritant."
The downgrading of health protection had been a NAFTA initiative, but is being "fast-tracked" as part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Some 300 regulatory regimes are currently going through the same process.
2) Tory tirade. The next story that broke through the wall of media silence reported on the paranoid reaction of the Harper Conservatives to any criticism of the SPP. The occasion was hearings of the Commons International Trade Committee into the SPP, forced by the NDP.
Gordon Laxer, head of Alberta's Parkland Institute, was testifying on the energy implications of the SPP, warning that eastern Canada could end up "freezing in the dark." He had barely started when the chair of the committee, Conservative MP Leon Benoit, demanded that Laxer halt his "irrelevant" testimony. The Committee members overruled Benoit -- who promptly (and illegally) adjourned the meeting and stomped out. The NDP and Liberal members nonetheless continued without him.
3) Council of corporate power. The SPP initiative began in earnest back in 2002 with the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (formerly the BCNI), the most powerful corporate body in the country. It continues it leadership role, but does not promote the scheme just in its own name. It instead has helped create several supportive bodies that now help drive the agenda. Included in these are the North American Competitive Council (NACC), which includes CEOs of the largest North American corporations, and which institutionalizes the exclusively corporate nature of the agreement. The NACC is the only advisory group to the three NAFTA/SPP governments.
4) Secretive summit. The NACC at least is public. But much of what happens in building the elite consensus for deep integration is done in absolute secrecy or very privately, away from the prying eyes of the media. The most secretive of these was held last year from Sept. 12 to 14, in Banff Springs. As The Tyee reported, the gathering was sponsored by something called the North American Forum* and it was attended by some of the most powerful members of the North American ruling elite.
Attendees, according to a leaked list that could not be confirmed, included Donald Rumsfeld, George Schultz (former U.S. Secretary of State), General Rick Hillier, Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor and Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day. The media was not informed of the meeting and it was first revealed by the weekly Banff Crag & Canyon.
Stockwell Day refused to even confirm he was there, but said that even if he was, it was a "private" meeting that he would not comment on. There is no better indication that these meetings, and the SPP itself, constitute a parallel governing structure -- unaccountable to any democratic institution or the public.
5) 'No fly' coordination. Canada will have its own "no-fly" list just like our U.S. "partner."
As the Council of Canadians pointed out: "The no-fly list is very much a Security and Prosperity Partnership initiative. 'The SPP Report to Leaders, August 2006' outlines 105 SPP initiatives. Initiative #93 states, 'Develop, test, evaluate and implement a plan to establish comparable aviation passenger screening, and the screening of baggage and air cargo (for North America).'"
Canada's privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart has raised a number of concerns about the plan including the fact that the list will be shared with the U.S., that "false positives" are a virtual certainty, and that there is no evidence put forward by the government that the list will improve airline security.
6) Bye, bye Canadian dollar? David Dodge, the head of the Bank of Canada, told a Chicago audience that a single currency for North America "is possible." That would see a big chunk of Canadian Sovereignty and the ability to guide the economy through monetary policy go out the window. It's not the first time Dodge has mused about abandoning the Canadian dollar - or deep integration.
7) Water and oil giveaways. The deep integrationists clearly see Canadian water as a North American resource, not a Canadian resource. At yet another very private meeting, held in Calgary on April 27th under the auspices of yet another forum, it was made clear that water is on the table for negotiation.
Discussion of bulk "water transfers" and diversions took place at a Calgary meeting of the North American Future 2025 Project (partly funded by the U.S. government). The meeting based its deliberations on the false notion that Canada has 20 per cent of the world's fresh water. Actual available supply amounts to only around six per cent -- about the same as has the U.S.
The water (and environment) meeting was preceded by another on April 26th talking about "North American" energy. The beneficiary of these discussions is pretty clear when you realize Canada has no national energy policy. We are the only energy exporting country in the world without a one.
Gordon Laxer told the Parliamentary committee: "The National Energy Board wrote me on April 12: 'Unfortunately, the NEB has not undertaken any studies on security of supply.'" He was also told by the NEB that Canada does not maintain a 90 day energy reserve as other developed nations do. As Laxer points out, "Canada may be a net exporter, but it still imports 40 per cent of its oil -- 850,000 barrels per day -- to meet 90 per cent of Atlantic Canada's and Quebec's needs, and 40 per cent of Ontario's."
Canada exports 63 per cent of its oil production and 56 per cent of its natural gas, percentages that can never decrease under NAFTA.
8) NAFTA Superhighway. State governments in the U.S. are becoming increasingly alarmed at the prospects of deep integration. Earlier this year, Idaho became the first state to pass a legislative resolution directing the U.S. Congress to drop out of the SPP, which is referred to as the North American Union amongst U.S. opponents. Thirteen states in addition to Idaho are calling on Congress to abandon the SPP: Georgia, Arizona, Missouri, Illinois, Oregon, Montana, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington and Virginia.
Part of the opposition is focused on plans for a so-called NAFTA Superhighway: actually a corridor several hundred metres wide including rail lines, freeways and pipelines from Mexico to the Canadian border. There is a growing grass roots movement against the SPP in the U.S., but led by the right over the issue of compromising American sovereignty.
9) Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA). While U.S. states, concerned about state rights under an unaccountable "North American Union," are organizing against the scheme, Canadian provinces are either blithely unaware or knowingly complicit in the deal. More Canadians may be aware of TILMA -- the investors' rights agreement between B.C. and Albert -- than they are about the SPP, but in reality they are one and the same.
TILMA is major piece of the deep integration, deregulation imperative and fits hand in glove with the SPP. There is a similar, though more informal, process evolving in the Atlantic provinces, called "Atlantica." And B.C. is now pushing the so-called Gateway Initiative, a kind of regional superhighway project that will see huge and environmentally disastrous expansion of ports, highways and pipelines to further supply the U.S.'s insatiable demand for resources and cheap Asian goods.
10) The next SPP summit. The third leaders summit on the SPP will take place this August 21-22nd in Montebello, Quebec, not far from Ottawa. By the time it does many more Canadian will be aware of it.
Part of the reason that news of the SPP/deep integration issue is finally seeing the light of day is that opposition is growing and groups fighting the SPP are having an impact. The Council of Canadians, the CLC and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives held an SPP teach-in in Ottawa last month and many civil society groups are now taking deep integration to their members. Demonstrations are planned for the summit. The NDP continues to press the government on SPP secrecy and the Green Party's Elizabeth May has said deep integration will be a focus of the party's election platform.
It is hard to think of any other issue in modern Canadian history, especially one that will literally determine whether the country survives or not, that has taken so long to get public attention. I first wrote about it September, 2002.
By the time the SPP summit has come and gone and the fall political season begins, deep integration, the most treacherous plan for the country yet devised by Bay Street, will be increasingly exposed.
And by the next election, we could see a repeat of the great "free trade" election of 1988. This time we have to win.

So nothing like the above is in the wind, you have got to be kidding me.

You would think this would have to have a vote by the common people, call it a ratification if you will. Democracies are full of votes by all the voters, no authority has even been to 'members sent to the provincial and federal capitals' do not have that right in matters concerning Sovereign matters (nothhhhjj. It only takes a very few names on a petition to take the matter 'to a vote by the common person to validate anything before parliament. A vote to join in Quebec would not be binding on Alberta, or any other sovereign Province, or territory.


Senate Member
Why are they so sure about introducing a new currency then, if they are not interested in creating a boarderless North America?


So we're all getting excited over nothing? WHY if this is so benign is it basically being done as steath legislation?

Are you willing to perhaps CONCIDER that this might actually be happening now? :)

I mean all you had to do was look it up yourself.


Because its not happening.

There is no Amero. I don't care how many frickin' Youtube clips there are out there. All that proves is that people who don't know what they're talking about know how to produce a movie.

If there was such a currency in the works, you would read about it in the financial press.





Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The Communists already tried to take over the Canadian Governemt, but the couldn't find it

It is amazing how much crap people put credence in, Lou Dobbs, I agree with his attack on the middle class in America and on securing the boaders, but making one country out of north america is not going to fly.
There are so many right wing half baked ideas coming out of America, the most silly is none other than Ann Coulter. America has become occupied by the crazies who have all gone to Washington with George and they are about to self destruct. I am more conserned that Harper will get a majority and bring the wake of conservative destruction north into this country. We should make Canada a conservative free zone


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
I don't know that it makes any difference any way.

Canadian politicians will play lap-dog to American interests with or without the Stars and Stripes flying over Ottawa, always have and always will. No politician worth his salt could deny the importance of a happy America, a placated satisfied cigar smoking beer swilling bacon rind chewing moron without the integrity of an ally the future of his fat pension and golden parachute.

On one level I doubt very much that Canada as a nation survives today. When Denmark grunts about owning the Arctic, Stephen "I just wannabe a Yank" Harper makes all the right noises and like a farmer would work his fields...cultivates an ersatz patriotism, buying dinkly little ice-breakers and yammering about building-up Canadian military defenses.....

When the time is ripe...When Harper or some other equally despicable pseudo-Canadian elected by the sheep, defense contracts will be let to American industries...Carlyle and Chaney and Frank the remaining billions that the Bush-League hasn't already stolen from Americans can be made from Canada......

All in the name of Arctic sovereignty of course.... Whereas Chretien sought to buy the separatists in Quebec with AdScam money, Harper and folk who think like him, won't let the opportunity of selling Canada down the tubes...see Mulroney....and getting their "fair" rake-off from their American friends in the process.

I don't mind Americans by and large. Yes they're as arrogant as the Nazis ever were, prepared to lie cheat and steal just like any Canadian but can't afford to be forthright about it, and would rather play the slime game.......say one thing and make fancy overtures about trade agreements with an added dash of free-floating was the commies once now it's the "terrorists"....and whine like little children when Canadians laugh at American paranoia.

The end product though is even if 30 million Canadian-Americans voted against someone like George Bush, the far greater majority of 300 million Americans suffering arrested development would happily vote for anyone who promises them paradise at the gas pumps....In America the song by Meat Loaf is re-worked into "Paradise by the Piled Body-Bags" and Americans are so prepared to send not only their own children off to die in the name of a dollar, but everyone else as well that WWIII is all but inevitable.

As I've said before borders are imaginary invisible and indefensible when all's said and done, but as Oscar Wilde has illustratrated; "Patriotism is the last refuge of the vicious." The American penchant for swallowing lies corruption and plane-loads of body-bags from a lost war in Viet Nam to a lost war in Iraq, a preparedness to denial of everything from global warming to their own participation in world terrorism....anyone heard of the School of the Americas....American's simply don't have the capacity to see anything beyond "America".

When some corrupt American like a Nixon or a Reagan or a Bush is sitting in Canada making decisions for the dog and pony show that Canadians refer to a the "House of Commons" nothing dramatic will change but of course following the strategy of these folk, military conscription and even greater rape and pillage of Canada will be the outcome.

Canada is simply part of the American Dream. The American dream that's unrelated to a car in evey driveway of every hovel the poor can build..., but the American dream that the world will be Planet America.

America and Americans don't see themselves as part of the world. That's why sometimes you'll hear..."Americans don't care what Canadians think....America doesn't care what anyone thinks...!

They don't. Their arrogance is exceeded only by their capacity for denial.