The Official Trump U.S Supreme Court Justice Nomination Thread


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Collins blasted ‘dark money’ groups in Kavanaugh fight. One just paid to thank her for her vote.

A conservative group that poured more than $5 million into a campaign to defend Brett M. Kavanaugh launched a new ad buy this week: thanking Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) for her vote supporting the nominee.
“In the midst of the chaos one leader stood out,” one of the Judicial Crisis Network’s ads says. “She did the right thing, supporting him. Thanks Susan Collins, for being a reasonable voice in Washington.”
The ad ends with a phone number for Collins’s Washington office. The group did not disclose the cost of its ad buy but said it would amount to more than $100,000 for television and digital ads.
Judicial Crisis Network is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization — a “dark money” group that is not required to disclose the sources of its funding, regardless of the industry groups or individual donors behind them. It poured at least $5.3 million into its pro-Kavanaugh advertising campaign, much of it targeting vulnerable Senate Democrats in red and swing states. At least $1.5 million of that was spent defending Kavanaugh after Christine Blasey Ford went public with her allegation of sexual assault against him.
A liberal group of a similar stripe, Demand Justice, spent at least $700,000 of a planned $5 million campaign trying to scuttle Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Both groups represented the intense emotion and political energy generated by Kavanaugh’s nomination and confirmation fight, and both were subject to heated accusations that moneyed interests were clouding the debate.
Collins, who was the focus of a sustained effort by activists concerned by the prospect of Kavanaugh’s confirmation on the court, was one of the loudest of these voices. During a 44-minute speech on the Senate floor last week in which she announced her support for Kavanaugh, effectively sealing his confirmation, she lambasted special-interest groups that spent an “unprecedented amount of dark money” to oppose him.
On Friday, she did not immediately respond to a request sent to a spokeswoman about whether she disavowed the use of “dark money” in the campaign to support her.
Collins’s reelection chances in 2020 are already the subject of considerable intrigue. Her reputation as a moderate has taken a hit because of her support of Kavanaugh, a distinctly conservative judge who displayed a level of partisan fury at one of his hearings that raised questions about his fitness for the Supreme Court.
A group of liberal activists raised more than $3.5 million during the nomination fight to be given to Collins’s eventual opponent. Susan E. Rice, a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and national security adviser under President Barack Obama, hinted on Twitter that she could be interested in the seat. Rice’s family is from Portland, Maine.
This week, Collins broke party ranks to vote with Democrats in a failed attempt to block a plan touted by the Trump administration for short-term health plans as an alternative to Obamacare.

Why would a group that supports her decision post her phone # publicly?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
So what's the final story on Professor Ford, anyhow? Is she an EEE-vil deep-cover operative of the Democratic Party, directed by the Clintons and paid by George Soros and leftist opposition groups to destroy Kavanaugh's family?

Or is she a victim who was sexually assaulted and was hypnotized by Diane Feinstein into believing it was Kavanaugh?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
So what's the final story on Professor Ford, anyhow? Is she an EEE-vil deep-cover operative of the Democratic Party, directed by the Clintons and paid by George Soros and leftist opposition groups to destroy Kavanaugh's family?

Or is she a victim who was sexually assaulted and was hypnotized by Diane Feinstein into believing it was Kavanaugh?
She appears to have disappeared underground.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Christine Blasey Ford Wants to Move On

Christine Blasey Ford has no intention of further pursuing the allegations of sexual assault that threatened to upend Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Asked about the possibility of assisting Democratic lawmakers in an impeachment campaign against Kavanaugh, Ford’s attorney Debra Katz told CNN that her client does not want to see Kavanaugh removed from the bench.
“Professor Ford has not asked for anything of the sort. What she did was to come forward and testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee and agree to cooperate with any investigation by the FBI, and that’s what she sought to do here,” Katz told CNN’s Dana Bash on Friday.
“She does not want him to be impeached?” Bash later asked.
“No,” Katz replied.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
So she is not going to pursue something she had no intention of ever pursuing.

Good to know.