The home of Rome's legendary Ninth Legion is found in Yorkshire


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Rome's legendary Ninth Hispanic Legion - one of the oldest and most feared legions in the Roman Empire - mysteriously vanished in 108AD never to be seen again (and it may have been the Britons who were responsible).

Now, whilst a road was being upgraded in the area, archaeologists have discovered ancient ruins in Yorkshire which may once have been home to the feared legion.

The unearthed site includes the remains of a water-powered flour mill used to grind grain and produce food for the soldiers, clothes, food remains, graves and pottery.

The site was excavated as part of a £318 million scheme to excavate the A1 between Dishforth and Leeming in North Yorkshire.

It is close to a ruined fort at Healam Bridge, which formed part of the Roman frontier 2,000 years ago.

The Ninth Legion fought victorious campaigns across the Roman Empire and formed part of the invasion of Britain under Aulus Plautius in AD43.

One theory as to the legion's mysterious disappearance in 108AD is that it vanished in the wild, bleak, mountainous, rainy and windswept landscape of Scotland after it went there to fight the barbaric Picts.

In 60AD, the legion was almost wiped out during the Boudiccan Revolt, when the red-haired Boudicca, queen of the Iceni who lived in what is now eastern England, led an army against the Roman occupation after the Romans killed her husband and raped her two daughters. Along the way her army slaughtered the mainly Roman inhabitants of Colchester and London, burning the two cities to the ground.

Found underneath the A1, the home of Rome's legendary lost Ninth Legion

By Chris Brooke
26th August 2010
Daily Mail

It was one of the oldest and most feared legions in the entire Roman Empire.

But, at some point after 108AD, it vanished - never to be heard from again.

Now archaeologists have discovered a Roman 'industrial estate' near ruins which may once have been home to the famous Roman Ninth Hispanic Legion - the lost legion.

The unearthed site includes the remains of a water-powered flour mill used to grind grain and produce food for the soldiers, clothes, food remains, graves and pottery.

Ahead of their time: An artists' impression of the imperial Roman fort at Healam Bridge, North Yorkshire. Archaeologists working on the Highways Agency scheme, believe the 'industrial estate' which has been discovered helped sustain the military in this imperial fort

Remains of a sacrificed horse recovered from the site, which scientists believe was an important centre during the Roman occupation

The site was excavated as part of a £318 million Highways Agency scheme to upgrade the A1 between Dishforth and Leeming in North Yorkshire.


They might have changed the way we live, but the Romans were rather short on fashion sense.

Romans kept their feet warm by wearing socks with sandals the archaelogists discovered.

Rust on nails from 2,000-year-old footwear showed impressions made by fibres.

It is close to a ruined fort at Healam Bridge, which formed part of the Roman frontier 2,000 years ago.

The Ninth Legion had fought victorious campaigns across the Empire, from Gaul to Africa, Sicily to Spain and Germania to Britain.

Many believe that the Ninth Legion disappeared after it was sent to fight the savage Picts in Scotland and never returned.

Other theories are more mundane, however , and suggest that it was either sent to another part of the Empire where it was disbanded or that its name was stricken from the records after it was shamed in battle.

Theories about what happened to the Ninth Legion have spawned a number of novels, TV series and films.

Excavations carried out during a £318million upgrade of the road in North Yorkshire have given archaeologists an insight into how the economy supported a military garrison all those centuries ago.

The area was developed to provide food, drink and other trade-related services to the neighbouring imperial fort at Healam Bridge, near Dishforth.

There was a water-powered flour mill to produce food for the garrison as well as legions travelling along the Roman road of Dere Street.

Large timber buildings next door, probably occupied up until the 4th century, would have been used to process food and livestock, brew beer and make pottery.

Archaeologists have found coins, brooches, shards of pottery and half a ton of butchered animal bones on the site.

They dug up 14 human cremations and the well-preserved skeleton of a horse underneath a building.

It is thought to have been slaughtered as a sacrifice to the gods to bring the building luck.

Cultural heritage team leader Blaise Vyner said: 'We know a lot about Roman forts, which have been extensively studied, but to excavate an industrial area with a mill is really exciting.

'We hope it can tell us more about how such military outposts catered for their needs, as self-sufficiency would have been important.'

The industrial area comprised a series of large timber buildings, mostly on the north side of a beck, which powered the mill.

It would have supplied the fort with goods and provisions - probably processing meat and other food, as well as flour - and could also have developed into something of a settlement focus in its own right.

There is also an indication that the Roman occupants may have worn socks - rust on the nail from a Roman sandal appears to have impressions from fibres which could suggest that a sock-type garment was being worn.

He said: 'You only have to look up the road to Catterick to see how garrison towns are serviced by local shops. Perhaps we have something similar here.'


  • The Ninth Legion formed part of the invasion of Britain under Aulus Plautius in AD43.
  • Previously it had fought the Gauls in 58-51BC and was loyal to Caesar during the Civil War against Pompey in 49-45BC
  • It was stationed at a fortress near Lincoln before moving to Yorkshire.
  • The Ninth suffered terribly in the revolt led by Queen Boudicca in 60 AD, losing up to 80% of its men
  • It was never heard of after AD 117.
  • Some believe that the legion may have been beaten in battles with the Picts, so disbanded in disgrace and was never mentioned in writing again.
  • This theory also suggests that the loss of the Ninth in the North prompted Emperor Hadrian to cut his losses and build his wall
  • Others believe that it may have simply been transferred to another part of the Empire, possibly the Netherlands.
  • The mystery formed part of the plot of the recent film Centurion starring Michael Fassbender, above, and countless novels
Gary Frost, Highways Agency project manager, said the excavation, which started in July 2009 and was completed this summer, gave experts a unique window on the past.

He said: 'They uncovered a hidden world, showing how the Romans sustained the fort and the surrounding area.'

Under the A1: A bird's eye view of the site which includes the remains of a water-powered flour mill used to grind grain and produce food for the soldiers, clothes, food remains, graves and pottery

A 2nd century AD Roman brooch, left, recovered from the site and a Roman coin 218-222 AD, showing Julia Maesa - Grandmother of two Roman Emperors
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New Member
Nov 18, 2010
currently New Zealand
The Ninth Legion didn't just disappear, it was reassembled in Germany and is mentioned in other texts. The names of several high ranking officers of the Ninth are known, and the fact that the records show that these officers may have been active after 117, e.g., Lucius Aemilius Karus, governor of Arabia in 142/143, show the legion continued in existence after 117. The Nineth Legion fought in the War against Bar Kokhba from 130-132 and against the Parthians.The fate of the Ninth being settled somewhere in the East, following a strategic transfer, rather than being lost in a British catastrophe, is most recent the academic scenario. The last testified activity for the Ninth in Britain is during the rebuilding in stone of the legionary fortress at York (Eburacum) in AD 107-8. After that there is ample evidence of the Legion's presence in the Netherlands at Noviomagus, now Nijmegan, which had been evacuated by another Legion, the X Germania. A subunit appears to have stayed in Ewijk nearby. The evidence of the transfer of the Nineth Legion (IX Hispana) to the Lower Rhine in the first quarter of the 2nd century is sound. So although the movie makes a nice story, it is exactly that, just another nice Hollywood story.