The excluded, second-class citizen athiest


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Ah yes, another important case for the human rights tribunal. It's a good thing that no one ever takes advantage and complicates the tribunal with trivial matters so that actual human rights violations are ignored.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
As usual, the OP misleads by cutting off certain parts of the article.

If you actually read the article, it has nothing to do with atheism, but rather, the promotion of one, solitary religion. This isn't a frivolous issue as the meeting's purpose is to be secular (it was a municipal government meeting).


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
They pray at council meeting too and that is a violation of the law separating church and state. If this person had the nuts to just go with that and fight them then he would earn some respect. The sucky baby 'Human Rights' approach really discredits his cause from the get go.

What law is that, that separates Church and State?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Ah yes, another important case for the human rights tribunal. It's a good thing that no one ever takes advantage and complicates the tribunal with trivial matters so that actual human rights violations are ignored.

There is far too much creedence and attention given to these whiny bitches these days.

Not only does this hero have his feelings bothered in some imaginary yet handy fashion, he's a victim of bigotry and, naturally, discrimination too. It always follows that these pussies need an apology too. This guy should choke and die. :lol:

“It’s ironic that I’ve now become a victim of religious bigotry and discrimination at this banquet that was supposed to be an appreciation banquet for the service of volunteers like me.”


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
There is far too much creedence and attention given to these whiny bitches these days.

Not only does this hero have his feelings bothered in some imaginary yet handy fashion, he's a victim of bigotry and, naturally, discrimination too. It always follows that these pussies need an apology too. This guy should choke and die. :lol:

“It’s ironic that I’ve now become a victim of religious bigotry and discrimination at this banquet that was supposed to be an appreciation banquet for the service of volunteers like me.”

Everyone is a frigging victim now a days. It irritates me to no end when someone mis-uses this, or any, label. It irritates when someone cries racism where none exist, when someone cries chauvinism where none exist, where someone cries human rights violations where none exist. There are actual cases of racism, chavunism, and human rights violations (etc, etc) in this world, do we need to be making up new ones? Not to mention that it waters down true cases. We are constantly allowing the people who misuse these systems to define them. So it ends up loosing all meaning.

That's maddening.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Atheist Ashu Solo threatens human rights complaint after Saskatoon councillor’s dinner blessing

SASKATOON — A Christian prayer by a city councillor at a City of Saskatoon volunteer appreciation dinner discriminated against non-Christians, says a volunteer who intends to complain to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission.

Ashu Solo, a member of the city’s cultural diversity and race relations committee, was among the guests at the dinner Wednesday, where Coun. Randy Donauer said a blessing over the food in which he mentioned Jesus and ended with “amen.”

“It made me feel like a second-class citizen. It makes you feel excluded,” said Solo, who is an atheist.
“It’s ironic that I’ve now become a victim of religious bigotry and discrimination at this banquet that was supposed to be an appreciation banquet for the service of volunteers like me.”

more lunacy

Saskatoon atheist Ashu Solo threatens human rights complaint after city councillor's dinner prayer | Holy Post | National Post

So, weren't non-Christians free to offer prayers of their own too, or maybe the atheist could have offered a poem that he liked, no?

To ban all cultrual expression undermines diversity and leads instead to aculturalism. Multiculturalism would suggest all cultures should be free to express themselves.

They pray at council meeting too and that is a violation of the law separating church and state. If this person had the nuts to just go with that and fight them then he would earn some respect. The sucky baby 'Human Rights' approach really discredits his cause from the get go.

Nothing wrong with prayers at the meeting as long as anyone is free to recite prayers from any book and that the nonreligious be free to recite a poem or something instead. In fact, it's probably a good thing as it allows everyone to think of something greater than themselves before debating laws.

Also, Canada has no separation og church and state anyway. The monarch must remain a member of the Church of England and is prohibited from being married to a catholic; plus we have a separate school system to boot. And all of this is in the Constitution.

Wake up.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The Posts' comments section about this good-natured volunteer fellow are priceless. :lol: