The EU referendum is not all about Scotland. Can someone tell the SNP?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's First Minister and leader of the pro-Scottish independence Scottish National Party (SNP), has said that should the British people vote to leave the EU in the referendum on 23rd June then it could spark another Scottish "independence" referendum, especially if most Scots vote to remain in the EU.

I've put independence in inverted commas because the SNP are not really in favour of Scottish independence. Being a rabidly pro-EU party, they merely want to swap rule from London for rule from Brussels.

However, Sturgeon's threat can be considered as nothing more than an attempt at blackmailing English, Welsh and Scottish voters to remain in the EU.

The Scots knew ahead of their independence referendum on 18th September 2014 - which the SNP lost, of course - that an EU in/out referendum was in the planning, yet they still voted to remain in the UK. So Sturgeon making out that a vote for Brexit could spark another Scottish independence referendum is just patronising....

The EU referendum is not all about Scotland. Can someone tell the SNP?

Scots knew that the Tories would hold an EU referendum, so making out that it could spark another Scottish independence referendum is just patronising

Scotland's First Minister and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon

By Tom Harris
23 Feb 2016
The Telegraph

Losing the 2014 independence referendum did not make the SNP losers, just as winning it did not make the pro-UK parties look remotely like winners.

In fact, having cut the No camp’s twenty-odd point lead to a mere 10-point deficit by the time polling day rolled around in September that year, the SNP were riding high in every poll, masters of all they surveyed.

With the Labour Party in particular snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by sounding apologetic for its success in persuading voters to stick with the UK, it was the nationalists who found themselves calling the shots, demanding as many new powers as possible to be devolved.

But with the benefit of hindsight it is possible to identify one significant misstep in the otherwise impeccable political strategy pursued by Scotland’s ruling party, when First Minister Nicola Sturgeon called for the devolution of the right to call any future referendum. Members of the Scottish Parliament, rather than UK MPs, should have the final say, she argued.

It was significant because, for the first time, the SNP were conceding a vital political, constitutional and legal point: the constitution, and referendums relating to it, is a matter reserved to Westminster. In fact, the SNP would have been better advised not even to mention the issue at all; it was a point that the UK government would never have considered conceding so what was the point in demanding it in the first place? But they did, and the matter was clarified beyond all ambiguity.

Yet, from a perusal of media coverage of the “Scottish issue” in recent weeks, you could be forgiven for imagining that the right to call a second referendum is indeed the responsibility of the First Minister and the Scottish Government. “Nicola Sturgeon says vote to leave EU will ‘almost certainly’ trigger a new independence referendum in Scotland” was the first headline I came across after typing the First Minister’s name into Google.

The reasons behind such predictions have been well rehearsed. If Scots’ votes in favour of remaining in the EU on June 23 are outnumbered by English Leave votes, Scotland will in effect be dragged out of the EU against its wishes, thereby triggering demands for a rerun of 2014’s vote in order to allow a newly-independent Scotland to remain part of the Brussels club.

This argument is itself predicated on a falsehood, chiefly that during the interminable and unjustifiably long referendum campaign in Scotland, no-one was aware (a) that the general election due within eight months of polling might deliver another Conservative government; and (b) that said government would hold an In/Out EU referendum. On the contrary, it was a major argument wielded by nationalist politicians throughout the campaign that a No vote on September 18, 2014, might well lead to Scotland, along with the rest of the UK, being outside the EU.

Scottish voters are neither stupid nor ill-informed. Having considered this and many other arguments in favour of independence, they delivered their verdict. They said No, and did so in the full knowledge of what that decision might mean in respect of Scotland’s long term future as a member of the European Union.

Now, it’s perfectly understandable that the media, particularly the Scottish media, will want to thrash this particular dead horse for all it’s worth between now and June 23 (and perhaps beyond). After all, when you’ve been reporting Scotland as the centre of the political universe since at least 2011, it’s a difficult habit to break. But my fellow Scots have an important lesson to learn between now and polling day in 120 days’ time: it’s not all about you, Scotland.

Our English, Welsh and Northern Irish compatriots have displayed a patience above and beyond what might be required of fellow citizens these last few years as a significant minority of Scots took to the airwaves and the doorsteps to explain their desire for a divorce from them. But such indulgence is past. Every vote cast on June 23, wherever you live in our United Kingdom, has exactly the same value. That’s as it should be. And non-Scots must cast their vote for either Leave or Remain without any consideration as to how Scots might or might not react to the outcome.

The First Minister says she wants the whole of the UK, particularly England, to vote to remain in the EU, and we should accept her at her word. Nevertheless there are many in her party who are rubbing their hands with glee in anticipation of the opportunity a Leave vote would create for independence supporters. And it may well be the case that after a Leave result, Scots’ unalloyed love and devotion for all EU institutions, their distress and anger at being deprived of the Common Fisheries and Agriculture policies, will trump their 300-year history of integration into the UK (though I doubt it).

In which case, the UK government (led by God know who, I admit), not the Scottish Government, will have to take a decision about whether or not to allow yet another referendum in Scotland (just as they allowed the 2014 vote to happen by temporarily devolving the necessary powers at the time).

Labour’s track record in standing up to nationalist demands is not a good one. It has responded to every electoral reverse by offering ever more powers to its nemesis. No-one knows what would happen if the UK parties ever stood up to the SNP because it’s never happened before. An electoral backlash, perhaps? Well, gosh, however would we cope with that…?

Now that Labour has ruled itself out of governing at any time in the near (or indeed distant) future, the task of trying to hold together the United Kingdom falls exclusively to the Conservative Party. Whether that task is to be attempted within or outside the EU, the Prime Minister’s only chance of success lies in wielding (or refusing to wield) the legislative powers he already has, not in apologising for having those powers in the first place. The alternative, the “strategy” of conceding time and again to the agenda of the secessionists, can be expected to have the same level of success it has produced in the past.

The EU referendum is not all about Scotland. Can someone tell the SNP? - Telegraph
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Does Quebec post many threads on Scottish political forums??

We've got Scotland, you've got Quebec. Except that Scotland's rejection of independence wasn't quite as close run a things as Quebec's.
What do you expect when the Queen chirps in that there will be 'big trouble' if the vote ended in separation. Scotland should vote to stay in the EU just to piss England off.