The British Election

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

An unpopular Trump casts a shadow over Britain��s general election

In Britain, more than any other country aside from the United States, he has sought to bolster his political allies and trash his detractors. British officials have been taken aback by such overt election interference by a close ally.

source: WAPO

the bloke just can't help himself...........Has to meddle where he is not wanted. He has no understanding of the boundaries of what is appropriate.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So I expect Blackie at any moment to post how horrible it is for Trump to be commenting and trying to influence the British public in their election?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
He's not the first Yank in recent years to stick their oar into British democracy.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
So you're thoroughly hate that Trump has done so?

I don't like foreigners meddling in British democracy.

I hope Trump doesn't start a war of words with Corbyn and Khan when he arrives for the NATO summit. It might help Labour's election prospects.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I don't like foreigners meddling in British democracy.

I hope Trump doesn't start a war of words with Corbyn and Khan when he arrives for the NATO summit. It might help Labour's election prospects.

So you admit that you don't like Trump throwing his opinion out into your politics?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
But you were fine with ex President Obama singing the praises of Justine Trudeau during our recent election .
The bloke just can’t help himself ....has to meddle where he is not wanted . He has no understanding of the boundaries of what is appropriate.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
So you admit that you don't like Trump throwing his opinion out into your politics?

Why Boris could leave Trump out in the cold

IF Donald Trump really doesn’t want Jeremy Corbyn to become Prime Minister, he should just ignore him next week.

The Labour leader would like nothing more than to get into a war of words with the US President.

If he can turn this election into a question of whose side are you on – his or Donald Trump’s? – it will be that rare thing, a popularity contest that Corbyn can win.

Those close to Boris Johnson are just hoping that Trump keeps schtum next week and doesn’t get involved in any dramatics. But as one tells me wearily: “He is totally beyond control.”

I understand that Trump has already agreed to do one major British broadcast interview while he is here.

Boris might, though, have a secret weapon in his attempt to avoid looking like he is too close to Trump – a cold.

When I interviewed the Prime Minister this week, it was clear that he has a campaign cold coming on.

The germophobic US President may well choose to keep his distance from the PM in these circumstances.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
After how you were about Obama and Clinton, you're still pretty soft on Trump.

Where's the anger, the vehemence? The hatred of a foreign nation, especially their current leader, having opinions about your election?

What is YOUR view, Blackie, other than "I don't like it"?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

You were pretty much frothing over Obama and Clinton having opinions about Brexit and 'interfearing'...

Yet haven't seen you do much other than "I don't like it" when Trump says anything.

Is that because he's "okay" since he thinks Brexit is a good idea?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I know, it's shocking to us too to see you go ape shyte over Obama and Clinton commenting about the British Elections and their opinion on Brexit, but if Trump does it... crickets. The insect, not the game, btw.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Well that's no surprise... one misogynist liking another after all.

I hate it when a woman bangs on about misogyny.

A woman complaining about such a thing really is so arrogant as to believe ALL men must like women, as though women are something particularly special, so special that it must be compulsory to like them .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
That's it. It's over now for Corbyn...

Boris Johnson wins final debate: Viewers back PM by 52% to 48% after he roasts Jeremy Corbyn for STILL refusing to reveal his solution to Brexit, supporting the IRA and 'backing the overthrow of capitalism' at final clash before election

Boris Johnson was tonight declared the winner of the final election TV showdown after roasting Jeremy Corbyn over Brexit, supporting the IRA, stealth taxes and 'overthrowing capitalism'. A snap YouGov poll found the PM performed better in the primetime BBC One clash by 52 per cent to 48 per cent - mirroring the result of the 2016 Brexit referendum in a result that will delight Tory strategists. During a bruising hour-long session, chaired by Nick Robinson, Mr Johnson urged the public to back him on Brexit so the country can move on. He ridiculed Labour's muddled position of renegotiating with Brussels and holding another referendum, but with Mr Corbyn staying neutral. 'You cannot negotiate a deal if you are neutral on it... it's a failure of leadership on the biggest issue facing this country at the moment,' he said. The veteran left-winger was also pressed over Labour's plans to introduce a four-day week in the NHS, and failed to deny that he wants to 'overthrow capitalism'. But he insisted he was putting forward an 'ambitious' programme that could end child poverty, as he desperately to turn the tide as polls continue to show the Tories ahead. The clash quickly turned nasty, with Mr Johnson getting a round of applause as he accused Mr Corbyn of 'supporting the IRA for four decades'. He also repeatedly swiped that his opponent was 'ignorant' on the benefits of free trade.