The anti-Donald Trump mob is making America scary


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
when it comes to republicans, for a long time its been 'blame obama', now its 'blame hillary',

I wonder when they are going to figure out how inept they are, and take responsibility for their

own stupidity.
But the democrats never blamed Bush , oh right they still are .


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Excuse me but you seem to have missed his rhetoric on torture of those seen as terrorists. He goes for water-boarding & killing the families of terrorists. Remember our own re-patriated terrorist from guantanamo??
Remember how the Chretien govt went out of its way to rescue Papa Khadr from a Pakistani prison because he was a "Canadian"? Remember how after getting back here, he took his son to the middle east to engage in more terror activities. If the Liberals weren't so goddam worried about rescuing terrorists, the Omar incident would never have occurred in the first place. Small wonder the previous Conservative govt was in no hurry to "repatriate" Omar.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
this is a different year, nothing like this ever before, the dems can stand back and watch the circus,
they don't have to contribute, they have better things to do than become the same low lifes that are
in fighting inside of the republican party, the dems aren't needed this time, its easy to point to
them, but they aren't interested this time, they are free to concentrate on their own business.

Sure the Democrat politicians can stand back while the Democrat activist can get their hands dirty. Same as always.

And in fighting in the Democrat party... well that was fixed by the DNC so their hand picked candidate would never have to worry. After the last Democrat Primary the DNC created and hand picked Super Delegates so that even if there a strong challenger the Super Delegates can vote with the establishment candidate. The DNC does not want another Obama type candidate winning the primary over their Hillary like he did in 2008.

better take a second look and listen to what the regular republicans are saying as the trump group

take all the attention away, they are left without their identity now, they are frustrated and

angry, things will get worse from here on in.

There is no need to take a second look. I see what they are saying and they are pi**ed they are getting beat by Trump. What is the GOP identity now... roll over for the Democrats.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Everything Trump says gets misquoted and built up into something that it never was.
This is just the kind of twisting words that I'm talking about. Trump never said anything about killing families of terrorists.
What he said was, "......go after them".
What he meant was to hold them responsible for being 'accessories after the fact' for knowing of the terrorist plans and either doing nothing to stop it or aiding and abetting.
and that's as it should be. There is no excuse for hiding plans for a terror attack when you know about it whether it's family or not! people who keep silent and allow terror attacks to happen are guilty and need to be held responsible.

As for 'our own re-patriated terrorist', that remains to be seen, doesn't it? He killed an allied soldier and got rewarded by becoming a millionaire for it! On the taxpayers money! His family has publicly stated many times that they hate our society. They should have been deported years ago!
No it doesn't. I have watched every debate and even this morning Trump is looking into whether or not his speeches resulted in his guard sucker punching a black man with no provocation whatever. "We are looking into the matter" was his response, when confronted. He is finding it pretty blooming hard to bluster his way out of taking responsibility, when the whole thing is been played by the media over and over.

As to your other reply......Killing our "terrorist's family apparently seems to be fine with you.....right?? So when does he get down to killing all the families of home grown terrorists, immediately after his election as President?? The man hasn't a whit of sense!!

Actually his supporters seem as blood thirsty as he is. Violence[/B iis never the answer to a problem, it only exacerbates it.
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Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair.”
― George Burns


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Sure the Democrat politicians can stand back while the Democrat activist can get their hands dirty. Same as always.

And in fighting in the Democrat party... well that was fixed by the DNC so their hand picked candidate would never have to worry. After the last Democrat Primary the DNC created and hand picked Super Delegates so that even if there a strong challenger the Super Delegates can vote with the establishment candidate. The DNC does not want another Obama type candidate winning the primary over their Hillary like he did in 2008.

There is no need to take a second look. I see what they are saying and they are pi**ed they are getting beat by Trump. What is the GOP identity now... roll over for the Democrats.

they are fighting amongst each other, its easy to see as one listens to both sides of the republican
parties, and candidates talk, they are struggling to bring the party back to a one large group aLL
pulling together, even with different candidates, that is not happening, it is a real problem within
the party, nothing to do with democrats at all, they have done that all by themselves.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
No it doesn't. I have watched every debate and even this morning Trump is looking into whether or not his speeches resulted in his guard sucker punching a black man with no provocation whatever. "We are looking into the matter" was his response, when confronted. He is finding it pretty blooming hard to bluster his way out of taking responsibility, when the whole thing is been played by the media over and over.

As to your other reply......Killing our "terrorist's family apparently seems to be fine with you.....right?? So when does he get down to killing all the families of home grown terrorists, immediately after his election as President?? The man hasn't a whit of sense!!

Actually his supporters seem as blood thirsty as he is. Violence[/B iis never the answer to a problem, it only exacerbates it.

You just aren't paying attention, are you? You're seeing and hearing what you want to see and hear.

First of all the man who punched the protester was not a guard; he was a 78 year old member of the rally attendants. He threw the punch on his own volition, nobody told him to do it. What Trump is 'looking into' is whether there was any provocation.

Second, I already explained to you that nothing was said about 'killing terrorist's families'. See? you aren't paying attention.

You anti-Trump crowd talk about hate; what are you all doing with your vitriolic condemnations? You're just as hateful as you declare Trump to be.
He has a perfect right to free speech whether you like it or not. Civilized people who don't like it don't need to listen and don't need to vote for him.

You stand up for unruly protesters against the freedom of speech. You defend hooliganism as an acceptable way of protesting. You don't show respect for the democratic process and lawful assembly.
If those protesters were civilized and sensible there are other courses of action they could take.
They could congregate peacefully, march and hold up signs. They could speak out publicly against Trump's policies rather than against the man himself. They could go to a question and answer rally peacefully and ask questions and get answers.

I don't understand the panic. Even if Trump got elected President, he can't change the Constitution, he has to get approval from Congress, the Senate, etc. He would not have absolute power. Don't Americans have confidence in their system?
If they didn't like Trump as President they could vote in an opposing Congress and Senate.
JEEZ! Wake up and calm down!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
You just aren't paying attention, are you? You're seeing and hearing what you want to see and hear.

First of all the man who punched the protester was not a guard; he was a 78 year old member of the rally attendants. He threw the punch on his own volition, nobody told him to do it. What Trump is 'looking into' is whether there was any provocation.

Second, I already explained to you that nothing was said about 'killing terrorist's families'. See? you aren't paying attention.

You anti-Trump crowd talk about hate; what are you all doing with your vitriolic condemnations? You're just as hateful as you declare Trump to be.
He has a perfect right to free speech whether you like it or not. Civilized people who don't like it don't need to listen and don't need to vote for him.

You stand up for unruly protesters against the freedom of speech. You defend hooliganism as an acceptable way of protesting. You don't show respect for the democratic process and lawful assembly.
If those protesters were civilized and sensible there are other courses of action they could take.
They could congregate peacefully, march and hold up signs. They could speak out publicly against Trump's policies rather than against the man himself. They could go to a question and answer rally peacefully and ask questions and get answers.

I don't understand the panic. Even if Trump got elected President, he can't change the Constitution, he has to get approval from Congress, the Senate, etc. He would not have absolute power. Don't Americans have confidence in their system?
If they didn't like Trump as President they could vote in an opposing Congress and Senate.
JEEZ! Wake up and calm down!
He's the boogey man 666 don't ye know. He need to change his name to Damien. :)


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
You just aren't paying attention, are you? You're seeing and hearing what you want to see and hear.

gah. At the end of the day, that's all any of us are doing. You just aren't paying attention, are you?.

Donald Trump is a salesman. A sleezy skeezy salesman. I think the only thing "deep" about him is his artificial tan.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You just aren't paying attention, are you? You're seeing and hearing what you want to see and hear.

First of all the man who punched the protester was not a guard; he was a 78 year old member of the rally attendants. He threw the punch on his own volition, nobody told him to do it. What Trump is 'looking into' is whether there was any provocation.

Second, I already explained to you that nothing was said about 'killing terrorist's families'. See? you aren't paying attention.

You anti-Trump crowd talk about hate; what are you all doing with your vitriolic condemnations? You're just as hateful as you declare Trump to be.
He has a perfect right to free speech whether you like it or not. Civilized people who don't like it don't need to listen and don't need to vote for him.

You stand up for unruly protesters against the freedom of speech. You defend hooliganism as an acceptable way of protesting. You don't show respect for the democratic process and lawful assembly.

Your wisdom and sagacity knows no bounds. :)


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Your wisdom and sagacity knows no bounds.

Okay, whether you mean it or are being snarky, thank you. :) One can never tell in this forum!

I think it's sickening how the media encourages and plays on the criticism. I can understand the other candidates attacking Trump; they're desperate because it looks like he's going to trounce them all. That's politics. Not that attacking the individual instead of the policies is good form, but Trump does that too so in a way he's asking for it.

The ones who are constantly running Trump down are exhibiting more hatred than he does, imho. If they were civilized they would just shut up, let the campaign play out and have some faith in their democratic process. It's pretty insulting to their fellow Americans who support Trump too, like they think they are a bunch of numbskulls. Well that's sure a lot of numbskulls!

Just stating my opinion, right or wrong! Free speech, don't you know!