Teachers to be bribed with signing bonus.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Sorry, I meant to respond to post #8. The wages per se weren't my main concern. When people are offered bribes at other people's expense I think it is only decent that the people doing the paying be consulted first. I wasn't. There is also a second principle, should people accept a wage offer because they are being bribed or should they accept a wage offer because it is commensurate with the work they are doing?

Signing bonuses are very common.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So is murder, mayhem and skulduggery.............don't make 'em right.

So, rather than paying a signing bonus to get a 6 yr deal signed before the next school year. You would rather hold off, possible disruption in the new school year and a possible agreement over just a few years.

Less stability with the very real potential of higher costs in the long run.

That's what you would prefer? Just so you don't feel like you are "bribing" someone?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
So, rather than paying a signing bonus to get a 6 yr deal signed before the next school year. You would rather hold off, possible disruption in the new school year and a possible agreement over just a few years.

Less stability with the very real potential of higher costs in the long run.

That's what you would prefer? Just so you don't feel like you are "bribing" someone?

I don't know what other provinces are like but somewhere along the line the sh*t has to stop in B.C. My grand daughter in grade 12 is going to school 1/2 days from April to June........it's a transition from school to the real world..........f**k! This is a long weekend so they get Monday off which is a stat. fine by me but they are also getting Friday off. What's with that sh*t?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I don't know what other provinces are like but somewhere along the line the sh*t has to stop in B.C. My grand daughter in grade 12 is going to school 1/2 days from April to June........it's a transition from school to the real world..........f**k! This is a long weekend so they get Monday off which is a stat. fine by me but they are also getting Friday off. What's with that sh*t?

and the province is looking at a 6 to 10 yr contract. Something you are willing to throw out the window so you don't have to pay a signing bonus.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
There's two things wrong with it, one is it's bribery and two is it's someone else's money.............not rocket science!

I feel like you are getting way too caught up in semantics and not seeing this for what it is.

You must have understood that the government has to pay money to workers in exchange for their work, right? Exactly what you call that money doesn't change anything.

At the end of the day, all that matters is if the government is getting the best deal possible for the province. If structuring it so that some of the money is paid upfront, and that helps get the deal done, why does that bother you?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I feel like you are getting way too caught up in semantics and not seeing this for what it is.

You must have understood that the government has to pay money to workers in exchange for their work, right? Exactly what you call that money doesn't change anything.

At the end of the day, all that matters is if the government is getting the best deal possible for the province. If structuring it so that some of the money is paid upfront, and that helps get the deal done, why does that bother you?

I don't think you really want to get that "can of worms" opened up! -:)


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
First of all if I were a union I wouldn't sign anything longer than three years.
The powers that be want longer term contracts for their purposes and the
unions are dumb enough to go along. Keep them short term and pressure
the system for improvement until the governments learn not to screw with
the workers. In the past the governments have done things outside the law
and its been proven in court When that happens make the government and
the taxpayers pay to enforce the concept that the law must be obeyed by all.
Signing bonuses are handed out because people are willing to sacrifice their
futures. I don't agree with bonuses as there is much more to be gained by
shorter contracts and bigger asks. I say that because the government is the
one that broke the bond of trust nearly a decade ago.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Which one is that? Open it up.

I'll open it a crack...............for starters how many hours of instruction are students in B.C. getting in a school year?

First of all if I were a union I wouldn't sign anything longer than three years.
The powers that be want longer term contracts for their purposes and the
unions are dumb enough to go along. Keep them short term and pressure
the system for improvement until the governments learn not to screw with
the workers. In the past the governments have done things outside the law
and its been proven in court When that happens make the government and
the taxpayers pay to enforce the concept that the law must be obeyed by all.
Signing bonuses are handed out because people are willing to sacrifice their
futures. I don't agree with bonuses as there is much more to be gained by
shorter contracts and bigger asks. I say that because the government is the
one that broke the bond of trust nearly a decade ago.

Do you really want the threat of a strike every three years? I sure don't.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The threat of a strike is what wakes these people up
longer contracts come with trust and there isn't any
at the moment. If I were discussing contracts under
the conditions and the games the governments have
been playing yes I would keep the pot boiling until they
came with a serious attitude. Remember the union is a
bargaining agent and their goal is to extract as much as
they can for their members. I have sat on both side of
the table. Teachers would be crazy to sit down with these
folks and discuss a long term deal.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
I'll open it a crack...............for starters how many hours of instruction are students in B.C. getting in a school year?

So you just think they should be paid less?

Given the same overall cost, do you care if they are paid an upfront payment rather than a higher ongoing salary?

Signing bonuses are actually kind of better if you can substitute it for something else. If you give them a straight pay raise or better benefit, those are "sticky". It is incredibly hard to get a pay decrease in the future, and all future raises will build off that higher pay rate. One time payments leave you more wiggle room in the future.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
So you just think they should be paid less?

Some of them, many of them should be paid more. What they need to do before any spending adjustments are made is to bring in an efficiency expert to take a look at the whole system, identify the waste, identify which teachers and other workers in the system are an asset and which ones are a liability and make the necessary adjustments. Sadly some teachers are under the allusion they have a job for life- that is just not a reality. They have to be in demand.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Some of them, many of them should be paid more. What they need to do before any spending adjustments are made is to bring in an efficiency expert to take a look at the whole system, identify the waste, identify which teachers and other workers in the system are an asset and which ones are a liability and make the necessary adjustments. Sadly some teachers are under the allusion they have a job for life- that is just not a reality. They have to be in demand.
Well, certainly the education system is turning out poorly educated people. And that's no allusion.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
they should get a singing bonus!

that's right. if they can sing all the lessons, all the instructions, etc., they should get a bonus!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
So you just think they should be paid less?

Given the same overall cost, do you care if they are paid an upfront payment rather than a higher ongoing salary?

Signing bonuses are actually kind of better if you can substitute it for something else. If you give them a straight pay raise or better benefit, those are "sticky". It is incredibly hard to get a pay decrease in the future, and all future raises will build off that higher pay rate. One time payments leave you more wiggle room in the future.
How many hours of instruction are B.C. Students getting in a year ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Sorry, I meant to respond to post #8. The wages per se weren't my main concern. When people are offered bribes at other people's expense I think it is only decent that the people doing the paying be consulted first. I wasn't. There is also a second principle, should people accept a wage offer because they are being bribed or should they accept a wage offer because it is commensurate with the work they are doing?

To be comensurate with the work they are doing many of them would have to take a pay cut. in BC we have this whackey system of pay being based on degrees rather than grade or class being taught. There are also some raises based on time served regardless of quality or class taught. Then there are all the bennies on top.