Syria... is next.


Mar 24, 2002
I really think Syria is next with the latest news coming up. Apparantly they are providing Iraq with night-goggles and some weapons (?). I'm going to include an article.

I have a feeling the U.S. is getting ready for their next target. I don't believe Syria would purposely break any international laws and I have a strong feeling this unusually dishonest U.S. Administration would plant evidence on Syria, just giving a reason for an American attack.

Are we looking at conquering the whole middle east? It wouldnt surprise me with names such as "Rumsfeld" (*cough* Israel *cough*) running around. What can the International community do to stop this? Is there anyway any other country can put the United States to a halt? IMHO, the American forces are so thinly spread around the world, it may be possible.

Anyways, enough of my rhetoric, here's an article from the New York Times.

Rumsfeld Cautions Iran and Syria on Aid to Iraq

WASHINGTON, March 28 — Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld accused Syria and Iran today of interfering with the American war effort in Iraq.

He said he would hold the Syrian government accountable, the first time anyone in the administration has suggested that the confrontation could be broadened to include states that could be aiding the Iraqi forces.

There was no immediate response from Iran, but in Damascus the reaction to Mr. Rumsfeld's comments was swift. A senior Syrian Foreign Ministry official, while not denying the American assertions, denied that Mr. Rumsfeld was engaged in "an attempt to cover up what his forces are doing against civilians in Iraq, which are a violation of the principles of international humanitarian law."

Mr. Rumsfeld's comments, at a Pentagon briefing, seemed to take White House officials by surprise, but more for their timing than their content.

Several senior administration officials said they were pleased that Mr. Rumsfeld had challenged the two countries so directly, particularly Syria, which, according to the administration, has transferred night-vision goggles and other military equipment to Saddam Hussein's forces. The goggles were originally manufactured in Russia, the White House says.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Rumsfeld said the United States considered "such trafficking as hostile acts and would hold the Syrian government accountable."

He would not say whether the United States would consider military action if the shipments continued, but his language was parallel to the language he and others used several months ago about Iraq.

"I don't think you'll hear the president upbraiding Rumsfeld for what he said," one senior administration official said tonight. "He gave public voice to something that has been talked about around here for a week."

At the same time, Mr. Rumsfeld warned Iran to rein in the Badr Corps, a unit of several hundred Iraqis trained, equipped and financed by Iran's Revolutionary Guard. In recent days they have crossed into Iraq and could pose a threat to American-led troops in Iraq, and to postwar stability there.

Mr. Rumsfeld warned Tehran that the United States would treat the fighters as combatants. Mr. Rumsfeld said the Badr Corps had not yet interfered with coalition operations, and one senior defense official said the secretary's comments were "a warning shot" to Tehran.

Mr. Rumsfeld said: "The issue is that General Franks and the coalition countries are busy, they've got a complicated task. We would prefer it not be made more difficult by any of the neighbors."

The Syrian Foreign Ministry official said, "After the failure of his claims of a quick and clear victory, Rumsfeld is trying to justify the failure of his forces, either due to the weather or by accusing others of smuggling equipment into Iraq.

"The invading forces, which are launching a blatant aggression against the Iraqi people, have not registered any accomplishments to date except demolishing civilian facilities and housing, shelling markets, hospitals, museums, food warehouses, busses and ambulances," he added.

Mr. Rumsfeld's statements not only took Syria by surprise but seemed to stun some at the Pentagon, who have never seemed to become accustomed to the fact that the defense secretary knows how to make headlines.

"I was surprised," said one senior military official.

So was the White House. "It's fair to say he didn't tell us this was coming," said one official. "Then again, he rarely does."

President Bush made no mention of the actions of Iraq's neighbors when he spoke this afternoon to veterans of previous wars in the East Room of the White House.

But he seemed to address other countries in the region — and perhaps North Korea — when he said that in the confrontation with Iraq, "We are sending a clear signal to the world that we will not submit to a future in which dictators and terrorists can arm and threaten the peace without consequence."

Mr. Rumsfeld refused to be drawn into a discussion of what his comments could mean, an ambiguity that senior aides said later was meant to keep the Damascus government guessing.

"I'm saying exactly what I said," Mr. Rumsfeld said. "It was carefully phrased. There's no question but that to the extent military supplies or equipment or people move across borders between Iraq and Syria, that it vastly complicates our situation."


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
you seem surprised Andem......there are a few others on the "next' list also..........

A document called Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New Century, was written in September 2000 by the neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

It was produced for Dick Cheney (now vice- president), Donald Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff).

It calls for US (Illuminati) military control of the Gulf region and says: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.'

This 'American grand strategy' must be advanced for 'as far into the future as possible', the report says. It also calls for the US to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission'.

The report also:

* Refers to key allies such as the UK as 'the most effective and efficient means of exercising American global leadership';

* Describes American armed forces abroad as 'the cavalry on the new American frontier'. The report supports an earlier document written by Wolfowitz and Libby that said the US must 'discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role'.

* Describes peace-keeping missions as 'demanding American political leadership rather than that of the United Nations';

* Pinpoints North Korea, Libya, Syria and Iran as dangerous regimes and says their existence justifies the creation of a 'world-wide command-and-control system'.

* Spotlights China for 'regime change' saying 'it is time to increase the presence of American forces in southeast Asia'.. This, it says, may lead to 'American and allied power providing the spur to the process of democratisation in China';



"...the plan is to engineer events, real and staged, that will create enormous fear in the countdown years to 2012. This includes a plan to start a third world war either by stimulating the Muslim world into a 'holy war' against the West or by using the Chinese to cause global conflict. Maybe both."



Mar 24, 2002
Well, Stretch.. I'm not surprised that they are after Syria. It's just so typical.

I'm just floored that they are able to conquer the middle east because "they are a threat to Israel". heh.

I don't know what else to say about these assholes!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
When did Iraq become a break away state from, ... well ... the States?
Anybody ever pin down just what kind of ammo got that galloping turkey?

Guess they decided to let Syria take care of its self?
Who would that be, the French? They couldn't even get their part in the frame-up that the STL is about right. Simple task , show where the car was that blew up and left this moon-like crater. Still working on it apparently, even after trucking away the actual dirt from the very area just so it was the exact same conditions for 'the tests'.

Any chances this can be made into a one for all MidEast issues and who supports who is going to cover many nations, near and far to the area. I would have started a thread but why give Syria a bigger handicap than she already does here.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
When are we going to learn. The groups in the streets demonstrate for freedom and the
Muslim Brotherhood manipulates the vote and in the end we put our enemies in power.
Its time we let people fight their civil wars to the end with all the bloodshed and violence.
That way when its over who ever is in power won. I don't thing we should put weapons in
the hands of our future enemies.
The west is playing a dangerous game, in the East we are making friends with Asian Nations
that want to do us harm In the Middle East we are building up the radical groups that we will
send our grand kids over to fight. What wonderful people we are we will do anything for a buck


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well, Stretch.. I'm not surprised that they are after Syria. It's just so typical.

I'm just floored that they are able to conquer the middle east because "they are a threat to Israel". heh.

I don't know what else to say about these *******s!

You'll find all the answers right here:

The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives - Zbigniew Brzezinski.
ISBN 0-465-02726-1

Be prepared to have a several "Holy ****" moments in every chapter.

On PDF....


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I assume the Syrian military also has specialized communication that are off-grid. Since it is the rebels that are being filmed it would be to their advantage to disrupt how citizens can communicate.

It's not that Syria's government didn't prepare for war. They perhaps, simply prepared for the wrong kind of war.

This week when sweeping outages in Syria's communication networks were reported, the Western media immediately accused the Syrian government of being behind the move. However, it should be noted that NATO-backed terrorists operating inside of Syria have been openly given advanced communication equipment (also here and here) by Western nations, including the United States, allowing militants to create their own, independent communication networks. This includes radio, satellite, and cell networks, as well as the under-reported existence of "suitcase Internet" (also here and here).

The reason a communications blackout in Syria would not affect NATO's primary proxy forces is because any node or bottleneck in Syria controlled by the government has already long since been circumvented, either through independent networks, or satellite links.
Activist Post: Syria's Internet Outage and the Future of Information Warfare


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Some example of how the media is hog-washing us, just in case you think we are smarter than the ones in Rwanda or that misinformation is a rare thing.

(in part)
A growing refrain out of Syria is that widespread rape is taking place—and sanctioned by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
But when WhoWhatWhy examined the allegations, it found that well-intentioned women’s groups trying to document and prevent such abuses may be falling victim to a deliberate disinformation campaign intent on rallying public support for toppling Assad.
If so, this would not be the first time false or exaggerated allegations involving women or children were used to generate public anger and build support for military action. This is a particularly effective and cynical approach—in part because it appeals to the very constituencies most resistant to war and its toll: women and human rights advocates.
While rape is horrifically common throughout the world, and more so in conflict zones, so, too, are “psychological operations” intended to shape perceptions and outcomes. Many regimes, particularly authoritarian and totalitarian ones, lie routinely to their people, but as the purported exemplars of high standards of truthfulness and accountability, the United States, Britain and their allies are expected to uphold those values.
Fomenting public outrage is hardly a new thing. Hitler used it to rally the German people. But it is not just genocidal maniacs abroad who manipulate public sentiment. Widespread opposition to US entry into World War I was overcome through an extensive range of propaganda efforts, including untrue stories of German soldiers bayoneting babies. Ironically and tragically, when credible indications of the Nazi death camps arrived in the United States, the government did nothing, the media punted, and the public, in part because of prior untruths, remained skeptical.
During the first Gulf War, a Kuwaiti princess appearing in the guise of an ordinary, anonymous eyewitness, appeared before Congress and told false stories of Iraqi soldiers killing newborn babies by taking them out of incubators. These stories, concocted by a publicity firm tied to the George H.W. Bush administration, were cited by senators supporting an invasion of Iraq. In 2011, we were told that Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had “ordered” mass rape.
In the Iraqi case, more people heard the original charges than the later corrections. In the Libyan case, the media simply reported the original allegations but failed to report that no corroboration had ever emerged. The allegations simply vanished.
War, Syrian Style? Has Assad Ordered Mass Rapes? - WhoWhatWhy

(in part)

Iraqi Minister Cautions about Plots to Undermine Iraqi, Syrian Armies
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iraqi Minister of Transportation Hadi Farhan al-Amiri warned of clandestine efforts to weaken the armies of Iraq and Syria in line with Israel's interests

"We side with the Syrian nation's demands but we are against the dissolution of the Syrian army, since this is a plot in line with Israel's interests," Amiri said.

Amiri, who is also secretary-general of Badr Organization, cautioned that a serious and clandestine plot is underway to weaken and target the two armies of Syria and Iraq.

"This plot has been hatched to serve the interests of Israel," he reiterated.

Iraqi official have on many occasions lashed out at certain countries for supplying military aid to Syrian rebels and underlined Baghdad's strong opposition to any foreign and military interference in Syria.

"Iraq agrees neither with foreigners and aliens' meddling in Syria nor with military conflicts by the Syrians themselves," Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi this week.

"We want establishment of a democratic system based on people's demand and will in Syria," he added.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against Syrian police forces and border guards being reported across the country.

Hundreds of people, including members of the security forces, have been killed, when some protest rallies turned into armed clashes.

The government blames outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups for the deaths, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad.
Fars News Agency :: Iraqi Minister Cautions about Plots to Undermine Iraqi, Syrian Armies

Are we missing a Canadian General like we had in Libya before Syria becomes a place worth mentioning? lol Or do we do like the STL did when Hezbollah became the elected Government of Lebanon and shut the operation down rather than go ahead and have it shown that the accusations of Syrian Generals being involved was bull**** from the start and the one behind the assassination was Israel and the US.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I know next to nothing about the troubles in the Middle East except for the fact they've been going on for nearly 70 years and it's getting so that every new event is "just another day" as far as I'm's quit being news a long time ago. Does ANYONE have an inkling as to what it would take to accomplish peace over there?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Yeah but nobody is willing to void anything the Rothschild bankers do. That makes the world just one big Gaza, maybe we deserve the **** they dish out because in centuries of abuse they are even stronger than before. The worst part is the solution was the way things began so t isn't like we never has it, we just pissed it away, seems to be a regular habit of ours.