Sod the Scots (and Australian reporting of Brexit)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015

MYTH: D-Day was predominantly an American operation

REALITY: For many people, D-Day is defined by the bloodshed at Omaha -- the codename for one of the five beaches where Allied forces landed -- and the American airborne drops. Even in Germany, the perception is still that D-Day was a largely American show; in the recent German TV mini-series, "Generation War," there was a reference to the "American landings" in France.

But despite "Band of Brothers," despite "Saving Private Ryan," despite those 11 photographs taken by Robert Capa in the swell on that morning of June 6 1944, D-Day was not a predominantly American effort. Rather, it was an Allied effort with, if anything, Britain taking the lead. Yes, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the supreme Allied commander, was American, but his deputy, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder was British, as were all three service chiefs. Air Marshal Sir Arthur "Mary" Coningham, commander of the tactical air forces, was also British. The plan for Operation Overlord -- as D-Day was codenamed -- was largely that of Gen. Bernard Montgomery, the land force commander. The Royal Navy had overall responsibility for Operation Neptune, the naval plan. Of the 1,213 warships involved, 200 were American and 892 were British; of the 4,126 landing craft involved, 805 were American and 3,261 were British.

Indeed, 31% of all U.S. supplies used during D-Day came directly from Britain, while two-thirds of the 12,000 aircraft involved were also British, as were two-thirds of those that landed in occupied France. Despite the initial slaughter at Omaha, casualties across the American and British beaches were much the same.

D-Day: Exploding the myths of the Normandy landings -

Yeah yeah. It was all "British" . They're just as bad as the Amwricans.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I used to have drinks bought for me as well. That doesn't prove anything. Canada gets tulips from the Netherlands every year for housing their Queen. Nice, but it does not prove anything.

History is a compilation of facts. Not drinks or Christmas trees. Your arguments are silly. Go and read.

It does. It proves that the British aren't the universally hated folk you think they are.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
You probably believe in Father Christmas too. No matter. In your simple world, most every day is a holiday. Your mind is certainly uncluttered. You won't understand this, but you are evidence of damaged DNA.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You probably believe in Father Christmas too. No matter. In your simple world, most every day is a holiday. Your mind is certainly uncluttered. You won't understand this, but you are evidence of damaged DNA.

Toddle off, old boy, and just admit your defeat.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I think not. I'll be around to watch the UK plunge further into chaos.

Mother Nature is moving others to your island to improve the gene pool. Change is unsettling, and that is why you're always whining about the EU, immigration (legal and illegal), and blaming other countries for what is clearly a British problem. You have to do this on a Canadian board because no one listens to you at home.

You might be upset to hear that few North Americans care about what happens to Britain. As a group, you're very self centred and unaccepting of the fact that you make no big difference in the world anymore. This societal lack of maturity and failure to accept responsibility has been present since the empire started sinking last century. I believe it is actually frustration because the world stopped paying you much attention.

But that got me thinking. Perhaps Blackleaf is a young person or someone with a disability. Maybe you're on the autism spectrum and I could be treating you unfairly. Because of your state, you either don't understand what is written, or your brain is wired not to accept facts outside of those you can comprehend.

You don't like to read posts like that because you cannot understand the words. Not understanding can be upsetting, but no worries. You're lucky to live in a special world. Everything's fab.

Do you live in a group home? I ask because I thought that at certain times of the day your roommates were busy doing other things and so you go on the computer. Perhaps you're bored.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I think not. I'll be around to watch the UK plunge further into chaos.

Mother Nature is moving others to your island to improve the gene pool. Change is unsettling, and that is why you're always whining about the EU, immigration (legal and illegal), and blaming other countries for what is clearly a British problem. You have to do this on a Canadian board because no one listens to you at home.

You might be upset to hear that few North Americans care about what happens to Britain. As a group, you're very self centred and unaccepting of the fact that you make no big difference in the world anymore. This societal lack of maturity and failure to accept responsibility has been present since the empire started sinking last century. I believe it is actually frustration because the world stopped paying you much attention.

But that got me thinking. Perhaps Blackleaf is a young person or someone with a disability. Maybe you're on the autism spectrum and I could be treating you unfairly. Because of your state, you either don't understand what is written, or your brain is wired not to accept facts outside of those you can comprehend.

You don't like to read posts like that because you cannot understand the words. Not understanding can be upsetting, but no worries. You're lucky to live in a special world. Everything's fab.

Do you live in a group home? I ask because I thought that at certain times of the day your roommates were busy doing other things and so you go on the computer. Perhaps you're bored.

If you think the EU is so brilliant why don't YOU join? You're like Obama - constantly telling the Great British not to leave the EU yet, for some reason, not seeming so keen for your own country to join it.

As for the rest of your post, it's like the inane ramblings of a madman, someone who spends years locked up in places like Broadmoor and Bedlam and who is only allowed out of his straitjacket for an hour a day, during which time he eats the dead bluebottles which have accumulated on his cell windowsill.

It's time to admit that you are yet another person who dared, for one reason or another, to take on the might of Blackleaf and lost. Another body - well, still mortally wounded at this stage - lies on the bloody Canadiancontent battlefield with Blackleaf, bloody sword in hand, walking away, muddy but victorious.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I understand now. You're not autistic. You live in a group home or institution with others who have special needs.

Do you like music? I like all kinds, but not the British stuff. The musicians from the UK are limited, generally speaking. Oh, perhaps I shouldn't have said that. It might upset you.

Who looks after you and your chums? I'd have her check on you. You're fun to talk to. Here are two youtube videos for you to watch. Keep the volume down so Matron won't come in and turn off your computer.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I understand now. You're not autistic. You live in a group home or institution with others who have special needs.

Do you like music? I like all kinds, but not the British stuff. The musicians from the UK are limited, generally speaking. Oh, perhaps I shouldn't have said that. It might upset you.

Who looks after you and your chums? I'd have her check on you. You're fun to talk to. Here are two youtube videos for you to watch. Keep the volume down so Matron won't come in and turn off your computer.

When it comes to popular music, Britain is the No1 country on Earth. It's also much more melodious than the popular music that comes out of America.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
That's right. What a wonderful outlook on life!

Do you play a musical instrument? Do you get to visit places where they feature live music? Do you have a radio?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
That's right. What a wonderful outlook on life!

Do you play a musical instrument? Do you get to visit places where they feature live music? Do you have a radio?

I played the triangle during hymn practice at primary school.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Good for you! Music calms the nerves. Keep playing the triangle. You'll feel so much better!

You must like to watch the 'Teletubbies' or 'In the Night Garden'. They seem to be great fun.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Sod the Bellytubbies.

Here's some more British music, from London hardcore punk band Knuckledust. Forget that North American bubblegum punk (Green Day, Blink 182, Sum 41)...