Social media reacts to Bowmanville Zoo director swearing on live TV


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Social media reacts to Bowmanville Zoo director swearing on live TV
By Shawn Jeffords, Toronto Sun
First posted: Friday, August 28, 2015 05:45 PM EDT | Updated: Friday, August 28, 2015 08:42 PM EDT
TORONTO - It was the kind of monkey business you don’t expect on live television.

Social media exploded Friday when Bowmanville Zoo director Michael Hackenberger was caught swearing at a baboon on Breakfast Television.

Hackenberger was guiding the primate as it rode on the back of a miniature pony. When the baboon jumped off the pony, the zookeeper, appearing angry, called it an obscene name.

“No, no, no, you c---s-----,” he can be heard saying. “Get back up.”
The embarrassing slip of the tongue prompted outrage online and calls for a boycott of the zoo.

“This is so sad,” Twitter user Kim Taylor wrote. “Shame on the @Bowmanville_Zoo !! You should be ashamed!!”

Amanda Campbell wrote: “Everyone should boycott @Bowmanville_Zoo. Not only do they call their animals c---s-----, their entertainment is outdated and unacceptable.”

But not everyone seemed to think it was so serious. Twitter user Connor Burns said people were overreacting.

“People blowing something minor into a big spectacle #classic,” he wrote.

Hackenberger issued a statement Friday night, apologizing for using the “offensive language” in a moment of “exasperation.”

“No one has ever called me a saint, or likely ever will,” Hackenberger said. “But I love my animals and continue to try to do my best to make a difference in the world.”

The baboon used on the segment, named Austin, was rescued by the zoo after it had been seized by the OPSCA where it had been living in a tiny cage with no human contact, Hackenberger said.

“All of the baboons in the troop are rescue animals, who come to us damaged through either human ignorance or research protocols,” he said. “We work to give them full and complete lives.”

Breakfast Television weighed in via Twitter.

“What happened this morning on-air was unacceptable and does not reflect our views and values at Breakfast Television Toronto, and as a result we will no longer be visiting the Bowmanville Zoo.”

BT host Kevin Frankish also took to Twitter to denounce the monkey insult.

“We failed animals today. No excuses. Moving forward we’ll no longer visit #BowmanvilleZoo.”
Michael Hackenberger holding an African lion cub at the Bowmanville Zoo in July 2014. (Veronica Henri/Toronto Sun)

Bowmanville Zoo statement
Social media reacts to Bowmanville Zoo director swearing on live TV | Toronto &