Should Trudeau Be More Aggressive with Albertchewan?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
He was a train wreck.

ONLY AFTER LIE-beral vandals TORE UP THE TRACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And sold them FOR WEED MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how poisonous LIE-beral values are damaging the Cdn image around the world!!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

Canada made deal with the devil by supporting anti-Israel resolution: former U.S. ambassador to UN

From National Post Staff

Published November 7, 2019

Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, accused Canada of striking a deal with the devil over its recent support of an anti-Israel resolution.

Haley said Canada’s decision to change diplomatic course and support the resolution at the United Nations in a bid to secure a seat on the Security Council was an example of “cultural corruption.”

In a surprising move two weeks ago, Canada reversed course and supported a resolution put forward by North Korea, Zimbabwe and the “State of Palestine” that called for a “just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement” to the Israel-Palestine conflict. The resolution explicitly referred to contested lands between the two countries as “Occupied Palestinian Territories.”

(OH great - Our idiot Boy is showing his Soviet Socialist roots yet again by standing with that great bastion of repression called North Korea, and with the economic basket case Zimbabwe and with a PLO Terrorist Haven!! The idiot Boy is voting against the only real capitalist democracy in the region!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The move prompted a backlash of anger from Jewish groups and was also condemned as a “Faustian bargain” by Hillel Neuer of the organization UN watch.

Matt Gurney: This seems an odd time for Canada to switch from its nuanced policy on Israel
Canada's support for UN resolution condemning Israel 'occupation' blasted as 'Faustian bargain'
New foreign affairs minister Champagne faces uphill battle in Canada's bid for UN Security Council seat

(One has to wonder if our allies will be as offended by the blatant hypocrisy as the Jewish groups?? And how will ordinary Cdns feel about standing in solidarity with a VICIOUS dictator like Kim Yong Un?? Will Cdns approve of Our idiot Boy spending a pile of money to buy a pulpit to rage against capitalism, democracy and white privilege?? Security Council seats MUST be bought and Canada is stony broke - as our steadily increasing debts indicate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In a speech to UN Watch’s Inaugural New York Gala Dinner on Thursday, Haley was scathing about Canada.

“It’s just easier not to rock the boat when the crowd is all going one way,” she said. “It’s hard to be the only one going the other direction. But standing alone on behalf of American interests and values is not something to be embarrassed by.

(To be fair - Our idiot Boy is also scorning the interests of Brits, Germans, Australians and any others who would like to see a logical world were the bills are paid and promoting hate between groups and classes IS NOT seen as a useful political tool by aspiring dictators like Our idiot Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“Standing alone for freedom and human dignity is something to be proud of. In America, we don’t celebrate the mob. We celebrate the person who has the courage and conviction to stand up to the mob. Now we’re seeing an example of this cultural corruption playing out in real time.”

She said for a long time Canada had been balanced and fair-minded towards Israel at the UN and had opposed the pull of the anti-Israel culture.

(The Harper Conservative approach to Israel was much more logical in that he recognized that if there is to be peace- then Palestinians MUST BE the ones to make it!! Israel has proven that it can honour a peace treaty - as the spectacle of Israeli tourists happily travelling to Egyptian Red Sea holiday resorts proves!! The only REAL OBSTACLE to peace is now PLO pig headed arrogance!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Idiot Muslims forced Jews to fight 4 wars- and Muslims lost each time - and now Muslims claim Jews are being unreasonable because they WONT SET BACK THE CLOCK to the deal Muslims rejected in 1948 -before all the wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“But Canada is now seeking one of the rotating two-year seats on the Security Council. It faces a vote in the General Assembly. Two weeks ago, Canada surprised Israel’s friends by voting for a North Korean resolution that challenges the legitimacy of Israel. This is a resolution that Canadian governments for years have voted against.

(I suggest that our allies will judge Our idiot Boy as being to immature and politically irresponsible for a Security Council seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“One observer said Canada is making a ‘Faustian bargain,’ trading its integrity for a seat on the Security Council.

“I speak from experience when I say the United Nations presents many such opportunities to strike a deal with the devil.”

Canada’s decision to support the resolution — which is put forward on a yearly basis — marked a departure from previous foreign policy. In the early 2000s, Paul Martin shifted to a more pro-Israel position compared to previous governments and this continued under the Conservative government of Stephen Harper.

( So we can say that Paul Martin represented LIE-berals with a social conscience but of course Martin was not elected due to his ties to the shameless Adscam Scandal and to the profligate WASTE of the Chretien years!! But Our idiot Boy has decided to DISPENSE with main stream white society and cater to the extremists and radicals and white haters in society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(With the added insult to main stream Canada that LIE-berals have now thrown open the Cdn borders to any non white illegal who appears to be ignorant enough to be easily seduced to support LIE-beral values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-beral immigration policy is creating a two tier society with an ever growing underclass that cannot integrate successfully into Cdn society - and as proof we have only to look at the gang bangers shooting each other on our streets since so many of them are the children of Pierre Trudeau era immigrants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
And that more pipelines should be used to lesson a tragedy like this in the future.

Btw have they eliminated the deregulations yet?
I think the feds chipped in $95 million to help the clean up - because Exxon couldn't afford to.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Harper was one of the best PMs we ever had. He is missed every day.Too bad there are so many freeloaders in this country that want my grandkids to pay for their excesses today.
Why should they pay them selves when your grandchildren are so willing ?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I think the feds chipped in $95 million to help the clean up - because Exxon couldn't afford to.
Holy f*ck yer stupid. How the hell do you figure Exxon was in any way responsible for a f*cking rail accident? Maybe if your asshole hero hadn't been busy sabotaging Canada's resource economy by helping push that social contract/social licence bullshit, the blood of Lac Megantic wouldn't be on his hands.

Jesus Christ man, even the goddam American Railway Association has openly stated that rail is pretty much the worst way to transport oil across a country. But no, shitheads like you are perfectly happy to have more potential Lac Megantics happen because "pipelines cause global warming" or some such bullshit.

Can I ask you a personal question? Have you ever been honest about anything? Anything at all?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It was not Exon's problem. Strictly a railway problem and they are federally regulated.

THAT IS A VALID POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you PAY a freight company to move your stuff....................................

and they mess it up.......................................

THeY PAY THE COMPENSATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oil spills are ugly but Exon HAS ZERO OBLIGATION for a train crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Holy f*ck yer stupid. How the hell do you figure Exxon was in any way responsible for a f*cking rail accident? Maybe if your asshole hero hadn't been busy sabotaging Canada's resource economy by helping push that social contract/social licence bullshit, the blood of Lac Megantic wouldn't be on his hands.
Jesus Christ man, even the goddam American Railway Association has openly stated that rail is pretty much the worst way to transport oil across a country. But no, shitheads like you are perfectly happy to have more potential Lac Megantics happen because "pipelines cause global warming" or some such bullshit.
Can I ask you a personal question? Have you ever been honest about anything? Anything at all?
It is kinda like the lefty news linking a ship that got caught moving drugs belonged to some rich white dude because he owned the leasing company that financed the ship. Im surprised they didn't claim the shipyard that built the boat was guilty as well.Or that S&W is somehow guilty when a gun they produced 50 years ago got used in a crime.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Holy f*ck yer stupid. How the hell do you figure Exxon was in any way responsible for a f*cking rail accident? Maybe if your asshole hero hadn't been busy sabotaging Canada's resource economy by helping push that social contract/social licence bullshit, the blood of Lac Megantic wouldn't be on his hands.

Jesus Christ man, even the goddam American Railway Association has openly stated that rail is pretty much the worst way to transport oil across a country. But no, shitheads like you are perfectly happy to have more potential Lac Megantics happen because "pipelines cause global warming" or some such bullshit.

Can I ask you a personal question? Have you ever been honest about anything? Anything at all?

Ohhhh................slow down dude..............................

HemerHOID LIKES IT when you are upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just think happy thoughts...................................

such as: how truly distressed hemerHOID will be when his beloved idiot Boy Justin and his filthy gang of LIE-beral losers..................

get FIRED after the next election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HemerHOID has become laughable and ludicrous in his increasingly desperate defense of all things LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is being mocked from multiple directions now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And YOU DO KNOW that the strikes are piling up against Our idiot Boy in the political game.................... right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals who are dead broke- cannot buy more votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Federal government's climate policy hangs in the balance as Supreme Court considers carbon tax[/URL]

The battle over Ottawa's decision to impose a national price on carbon pollution is heading for a final showdown in front of Canada's highest court this morning.

The Supreme Court of Canada will hear arguments over the next two days on the constitutionality of the carbon pricing system — a critical part of the Liberal government's plan to cut Canada's carbon emissions by 70 per cent of 2005 levels by 2030.

The court is hearing three separate appeals from Saskatchewan, Ontario and Alberta — three provincial governments that argue the federal government is overstepping its authority and encroaching on provincial jurisdiction

The debate over the carbon tax intensified last fall when then-Conservative leader Andrew Scheer campaigned against the policy during the federal election, which saw the Liberals' majority government reduced to a minority.

Since then, the issue has drifted from the spotlight. Hearings at the high court were postponed by six months due to the pandemic.

"Once the pandemic is in the rearview mirror ... environmental responses to climate change are going to be the pressing political, legislative issues for the foreseeable future, " said Eric Adams, a law professor at the University of Alberta.

Is Ottawa overstepping its authority?
The federal government says it derives the ability to impose a carbon tax from the section of the Constitution that gives Ottawa the power to legislate in the interests of "peace, order and good government" in areas not exclusively reserved to the provinces. That clause, the federal government argues, allows it to enact laws to address national concerns that are beyond the scope of one or more provinces.

Ottawa contends that the need to tax fuels that produce greenhouse gas emissions is a matter of national concern and should be recognized as coming under the authority of Parliament.

"A plan that doesn't include the pollution pricing element of it is going to be a far more expensive plan for Canadians," said federal Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson.

"If you're going to try to do this fully through regulatory means or through spending money, it is going to be far more difficult."

But the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario argue the policy is inconsistent with the Constitution's division of powers.

"This case raises an important constitutional question because the environment itself is a subject that is not expressly mentioned in the Constitution," said Carissima Mathen, a law professor at the University of Ottawa.......More


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yep 'Lil Potato put enough into the throne speech to bribe Blacque Jacque Shellacque to not vote against him


bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Found this earlier. Can't argue about the history.

Ted Morton: The great divide between Edmonton and Ottawa The distance between Alberta and Ottawa is not just geographic Author of the article: Special to National Post & Ted Morton Publishing date: Sep 23, 2020 Last Updated 1 hour ago 4 minute read PHOTO BY GOOGLE MAPS Article Sidebar Share TRENDING with Video Article content Alberta wants a fair deal from Canada, but cant seem to get one. Should it build a firewall? Stop trying? Separate?

This is one of a series of opinion pieces adapted from the new book, Moment of Truth: How to Think About Albertas Future, in which some of Canadas most respected thinkers on the subject debate what the best next steps are for Alberta and for Canada.

The distance between Alberta and Ottawa is not just geographic. It is also linguistic. An Albertan visiting the national capital quickly discovers that the locals speak a different language. And if you ever get the opportunity to work in Ottawa, as I did in 2000, you discover that the gap between yourself and most of the civil servants is more than just geographic and linguistic. It is ideological. And its one more example of how what was a minor annoyance 30 years ago, today is yet another barrier for Albertan and Western Canadian concerns to get a fair hearing.

When former prime minister Pierre Trudeau introduced official bilingualism in the civil service, it was sold as a language proficiency test. In practice it has meant much more. As Trudeaus biographer Richard Gwyn observed in 1981, Bilingualism in truth was nothing less than a social revolution. But no one in authority in Ottawa in the late 1960s let on that massive change was about to happen. Gwyn understood that bilingualism was not just about language, but an ideology and a new mission statement for the federal government. Its immediate effect has been to benefit the 16 per cent of Canadians who are bilingual, two-thirds of them francophones and nearly all from Central Canada. Indeed, Canada has the most centralized civil service of all the English-speaking democracies. Over 40 per cent live in or near Ottawa. Forty-five years ago before official bilingualism it was only about 25 per cent.

Geography is only half the story. Official bilingualism has enhanced the influence of a small and unrepresentative demographic of Canadians francophones, anglophones who chose to remain in Quebec (a small minority) and the more educated, upper middle classes of Ontario. Not coincidentally, each of these groups is shrinking as a proportion of Canadas increasingly diverse and more Western population. This class becomes increasingly isolated, and increasingly convinced it is the guardian of true Canadian values. Nevertheless, the larger the government becomes, the more influential this group becomes. This trend is found in all modern welfare states. As the state grows, so too does the permanent bureaucracy. This new class is powerful because it has what elected politicians dont have: job security and policy expertise. Elected politicians come and go. Bureaucrats dont. This is the new permanent government that is eroding democratic accountability in all contemporary welfare states. Predictably, it creates policies and shapes institutions in ways that benefit its own interests.

Since the adoption of official bilingualism, the size and scope of the federal government has expanded from a budget of $15 billion in 1970 to over $355 billion today. Over this same time period, the size the civil service has increased 50 per cent from just under 200,000 in 1970 to 290,000 today. Almost half 43 per cent are designated as bilingual. At the senior levels, this figure is higher, but not publicly available. But bilingualism is about more than just proficiency in French and geography. It entrenches the belief that a central priority of the federal government is to pre-empt the separatist threat by giving Quebecers a disproportionate presence and influence in the national government. Francophone civil servants are the immediate beneficiaries of this policy. Anglophone civil servants who manage to survive the governments multi-year bilingualism training program emerge with this deeply entrenched belief. As a result, the bureaucracys advice to cabinet ministers as well as administrative decisions are made through an ideological lens that prioritizes national unity, and national unity is understood as keeping Quebecers happy. The concerns of Western Canada (and Atlantic Canada) are decidedly secondary. As Donald Savoie observes: The votes for winning power in Ottawa are in Ontario and Quebec, the senior bureaucracy straddles the Ontario-Quebec border and the national media speak from these two provinces. In other words, official bilingualism was never just about language. It was and is about the ideology of a Quebec-centric national unity and its promotion by a powerful and permanent bureaucracy. This means that for Albertans and Western Canadians more generally, our concerns and priorities will always be secondary to those of Central Canada and the Laurentian elites. Since this is not going to change anytime soon, I have become a strong advocate for reforms that will increase Albertans ability to be self-governing by taking over programs that are currently administered by Ottawa: policing, pensions and tax-collection. So I am encouraged by the Fair Deal Panels report, and Alberta Premier Jason Kenneys response to develop these options over the next several years. At this point in Albertas history, they are our best choice.

Decisions made in Edmonton may not always be right, but at least they will be made by people who speak the same language, live in our neighbourhoods, share our concerns and will have to live with the consequences of their decisions. National Post Adapted from Moment of Truth: How to Think about Albertas Future, now available from Sutherland House. MORE ON THIS TOPIC
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New Member
Oct 5, 2020
bob the dog

They need to get back over here to AFF

I love reading their posts and keeping track of what is going on in Pentecost in the frozen north.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Good point.

Though I'm sure my stances on abortion, GLBT+ rights, immigration and so on would shove me into the hated Liberal side of things.
Oh wahhhh. I'm pro-immigration. But as soon as I mention I'm also for immigration controls and believe in national/border sovereignty, the leftards get all Godwin about it.
And when it comes to abortions that aren't a result of rape or genuine medical necessity, the "my body my right" crowd seem to forget that with rights come responsibilities. You body, your right, YOUR responsibility, period.
For the leftists that like to spew non sequiturs like announcing what year it is (in an effort to suggest THEY are more "enlightened/woke" than everyone else) they sure don't seem to think using birth control is very enlightened or "woke".
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Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Is it time to sue these provinces for their climate inaction?

They are disproportionately causing harm to the environment and the rest of the country is having to pay for it.

They should be paying the carbon tax at double the rate of other provinces.
Thankfully all of your post is complete rubbish.
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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek

Kenney calls fiscal stabilization changes a 'slap in the face' amid anxiety, confusion over transfer program

OTTAWA — Alberta Premier Jason Kenney says Ottawa’s recent changes to its fiscal stabilization program are a “slap in the face” to the province, saying they don’t properly account for the hundreds of billions of dollars Alberta has contributed to national revenues over the past few decades.

In its fiscal update on Monday, the federal government announced that it would begin raising the cap on its fiscal stabilization transfer every year in line with inflation. The adjustment effectively raises the cap from $60 per person to $170 in 2020, and ensures the cap will continue to grow at the rate of inflation thereafter.

Fiscal stabilization is among the federal government’s lower-profile transfer programs, distributing money to provinces based on annual revenue losses. Ottawa is likely to pay out around $4 billion to provinces under fiscal stabilization next year, compared with roughly $20 billion under its higher-profile equalization program.

In question period on Wednesday, Kenney said the Liberal government’s changes to fiscal stabilization fell short of provincial recommendations, and were a “slap in the face for the people of Alberta.” He said the province was “shortchanged” by $4.6 billion, after doing much of the “heavy lifting in the history of the federation.”

The premier has for years repeated the claim that Alberta has been cheated out of its fair share of federal transfer payments and has called on Ottawa to make changes. Anger over transfer payments have become more acute in some western provinces in recent years, particularly as the province’s energy industry copes with low oil prices and a lack of new pipeline capacity.

Alberta received the maximum stabilization payment allowed under the program in 2015 and 2016, $250 million for each year, after the oil market crash decimated the provincial balance sheet. That fell well short of provincial needs, Kenney said: the 2015 payment accounted for just three per cent of the $8 billion in revenue losses Alberta suffered that year.......More
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