Setting up a new Homeland for the Quebecois

Where should a Quebecois Homeland be located

  • Switzerland

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Alaska

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

General James Wolfe

Nominee Member
Oct 30, 2006
Since Quebec belongs to Anglo-Canadains and not the ungratefull Quebecois. I think the Quebecois should be sent to set up a homeland somewhere else.


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
I have officially put you on my ignore list; you will no longer hear from me Wolfy. The stench of your stagnant intellect is too much to endure.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I have officially put you on my ignore list; you will no longer hear from me Wolfy. The stench of your stagnant intellect is too much to endure.
You know what s_lone, as much as I half heartedly agree with your view on the General. He is voicing his dismay at what he sees as an ungrateful group. A view I share with him.

His views, as repugnant as you see them, are without a doubt, better thoughtout and put out then those of Numure, who only garnerred a slight lash from you.

If you haven't noticed, I am the biggest critic on this board of the Native peoples. Let me clarify that. I am the bigest critic on this board, that uses knowledge and facts, of the Native people to formulate a judgement, not racist rhetoric and conjecture.

Why you would ignore the General and, but mildly chastise Numure, shows a certain bias as to what you find acceptable and not.

A bias that you have assured me you do not have, but this action, shows that the seed is planted. It may not have sprouted, but it surely germinates within.


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
CDN bear, Wolfy is only repeating the same old thing since the beginning and has proved unable to have a normal and reasonable discussion on the subject. I'm just tired of reading the same old thing so if eventually he posts something smart, let me know and I will look it up. You think I can discuss with someone saying "death to Quebec nationalism"? I prefer ignoring him then to become agressive with him.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
CDN bear, Wolfy is only repeating the same old thing since the beginning and has proved unable to have a normal and reasonable discussion on the subject. I'm just tired of reading the same old thing so if eventually he posts something smart, let me know and I will look it up. You think I can discuss with someone saying "death to Quebec nationalism"? I prefer ignoring him then to become agressive with him.
And I appriciate that, as I do your words and views. You are with out a doubt the most level headed separatist I have ever met.

You arguement as to why you wish to separate, as it dismissed the myths I had, only formed bigger questions.

But you broke years of my own misconceptions, with wise words and absent rhetoric. If applied, that same voice used to break my step, could be posed to the General. Perhaps?

I am still curious as to why the need for independance, though.


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Oh you big cuddly bear... Ok, I'll take him off my ignore list if you put it that way! :)

I'm off to Quebec city to celebrate Xmas with my loved ones so I'll be more quiet in the next few days... Looking forward to keep on with those discussions. You all have a good time, even you Wolfy!

General James Wolfe

Nominee Member
Oct 30, 2006
S_Lone and Company

For years I was a moderate when it came to Quebec. I felt sorry for the Quebecois for a long time. I supported the Canadian goverment giving more autonomy for Quebec and enacting billengualim. I supported the civil rights of the Quebecois.

But since 1995 my views on Quebec and the Quebecois have hardend. The Canadian goverment has shown moderation and have given the carrot to Quebec and the Quebecois so many times and the result was nothing. The Quebecois over 10 years changed me from a moderate to a hardliner. The Quebecois are an ungrateful people who should know their place. I am sick and tired of all their wining and complaining when they get the most money from Canada and treated better than any other province.

Moderation has been thrown out the window and I no longer feel sorry for the Quebecois, quite the opposite. These troublesome people have to be shown their place.

The Quebecois can move to Switzerland where they can establish a French homeland. They can restore the Napoleonic Helvetic Republic. Queebcois are too much trouble to be allowed to remain in Canada. I say deport the whole dam ungratefull population if you have to Switzerland.

Quebec Nationalist are leading Canada to Civil War.

Time to show the Quebecois the stick, since they have rejected the carrot.

Canada and Quebec would be better of with out the Quebecois and their troublemaking leaders.


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Whoa... Do I see a speck of hope for dialogue in Wolfe's words?

Thank you for finally starting to loosen up, too bad you immediately recoiled in your same old repetitive clown talk.

I see Quebecers as having been very ambiguous since 1995, of course the sponsership scandal gave a little boost to seperatism but nothing to create a civil war! I'm not sure I see the ungratitude you see. A strong majority of us are thankful to be part of the Canadian community. We just wish this community would have more acceptation and tolerance for Quebec's desire to be independant. Again, independance does not equal seperation and does not exclude inter-dependance.

General James Wolfe

Nominee Member
Oct 30, 2006

The French are Fascist when it comes to their language. Only in France their is a language ministry to enforce French. Hell the French are so chaunvinsitic about their language that President Chriac left a confrence when he heard a fellow Frenchmen speakin English. The Language Ministry in Quebec remindes me of the Taliban Relgieous Minstry that forced Islam down the throats of people and whom force women to cover up and force men to grow beards.

The Language Police are a bunch of Linguestic Fascists who should be dismantled.

If the French won in the French and Indian War they would have banned English and drove of all the Anglo-Canadians by ethnic cleansing. The French are so intollerant of other languages, but unlike the French the British are so tollerant of other language they allowd the French language to continue in Quebec. Maybe the Anglo-Canadains should copy the French and impose the English language on Quebec.


L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
What if the Swiss and the Alaskans don't want Canadian French? Even France doesn't want Canadian French there (except as tourists).
The idea of moving a people that have lived in an area for a couple hundred years is no different than that of the people that confiscated a piece of land to make room for the Israeli at the chagrin of the others that occupied that area. It's childish. How does Switzerland deal with having different cultures within its borders? It seems to be a relatively content and peaceful population. Here, let me take a chunk of your property so I can give it to someone else. As far as culture loss goes, if a particular people don't want to lose touch with their culture, there is nothing that can be done to force them to lose it. I know of several people who had their own cultures and between the English and french kept their culture hidden in spite of the English and French best efforts at destroying those cultures. As soon as the pressure was off, the cultures were back out in the open.
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Council Member
Feb 16, 2005

The French are Fascist when it comes to their language. Only in France their is a language ministry to enforce French. Hell the French are so chaunvinsitic about their language that President Chriac left a confrence when he heard a fellow Frenchmen speakin English. The Language Ministry in Quebec remindes me of the Taliban Relgieous Minstry that forced Islam down the throats of people and whom force women to cover up and force men to grow beards.

The Language Police are a bunch of Linguestic Fascists who should be dismantled.

If the French won in the French and Indian War they would have banned English and drove of all the Anglo-Canadians by ethnic cleansing. The French are so intollerant of other languages, but unlike the French the British are so tollerant of other language they allowd the French language to continue in Quebec. Maybe the Anglo-Canadains should copy the French and impose the English language on Quebec.


There you go! At least now you have something to say! Thank for sharing it!

Don't forget Quebec has been seperated from France since 1759 (how could YOU ever forget that?!) This discussion is dealing with Quebec, not France. Quebecers are not concerned with imposing French to the world, only to preserve a society in which French is striving because whether you like it or not, language is a huge and essential part of culture. Preserving French is a way to assure the survival of our cultural nation or society if you don't like the word nation.

The laws used to preserve French are I agree, quite debatable, but is it a crime to preserve one's culture?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
What if the Swiss and the Alaskans don't want Canadian French? Even France doesn't want Canadian French there (except as tourists).
The idea of moving a people that have lived in an area for a couple hundred years is no different than that of the people that confiscated a piece of land to make room for the Israeli at the chagrin of the others that occupied that area. It's childish. How does Switzerland deal with having different cultures within its borders? It seems to be a relatively content and peaceful population.
That's a good point, but if you missed it, some of the sepratists have suggested that the non French can move out of Quebec, so why can't the French.

As to your Israeli analogy, the territory in question, was actually theirs to begin with, They were forced out, much like the Natives of North America. Being mandated the chance to go home again seems pretty justified, no matter who was squatting on their land.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The laws used to preserve French are I agree, quite debatable, but is it a crime to preserve one's culture?
Absolutely not, it is a duty to preserve ones culture. But to what extent is that duty to go, before it becomes detrimental to the well being of all.

Lets see, bill 101 polarized a nation against the Quebecois. Did it serve any real good?

Or was it better at sticking it to the Anglais then it was at preserving Francais culture?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
That's a good point, but if you missed it, some of the sepratists have suggested that the non French can move out of Quebec, so why can't the French.

As to your Israeli analogy, the territory in question, was actually theirs to begin with, They were forced out, much like the Natives of North America. Being mandated the chance to go home again seems pretty justified, no matter who was squatting on their land.
Well, I admit to forgetting alot of history, but I still stand by what I said and it goes for both sides of the issue. I see forcing people out of where they live as abuse of authority and it is childish: "It's my sandbox and you can't be here, nyah nyah".


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Absolutely not, it is a duty to preserve ones culture. But to what extent is that duty to go, before it becomes detrimental to the well being of all.

Lets see, bill 101 polarized a nation against the Quebecois. Did it serve any real good?

Or was it better at sticking it to the Anglais then it was at preserving Francais culture?

One thing is for sure, asking newly arrived immigrants to send their kids to French schools has very largely contributed to the survival of French in Quebec.

(This is an interseting debate but I really gotta catch that bus now... I'll stay tuned...)

Y'all be well.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
One thing is for sure, asking newly arrived immigrants to send their kids to French schools has very largely contributed to the survival of French in Quebec.

(This is an interseting debate but I really gotta catch that bus now... I'll stay tuned...)

Y'all be well.
Have a Merry Christmas s_lone!!!

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Absolutely not, it is a duty to preserve ones culture. But to what extent is that duty to go, before it becomes detrimental to the well being of all.

Lets see, bill 101 polarized a nation against the Quebecois. Did it serve any real good?

Or was it better at sticking it to the Anglais then it was at preserving Francais culture?
Exactly, people cannot seem to cooperate anymore; taking sides in some idiotic polarisation seems to be almost mandatory these days. Today's politics and press seem to be wroking to ensure this distastful activity, too.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
To some extent I would agree.
I may even resemble those remarks.

I get aggressive, when the Natives are cast to the side lines as the big boys sit at the big table and ignore we're here. Or worse yet, dismiss with racism.

As much as it would break my heart to see Quebec separate, I do not feel it is our place to stand in her way. It is only in the notion that the natives that reside on their own land within the colonial boundries of Quebec, must follow along because our land merely sits inside somebody elses borders. We agreed to share the land, not give it or our rights away. A fact I have proven time and tima again, only to have it ignored by some.

Me and my people, do not trust Quebec for a meriad of valid reasons, we do not wish to reside within the borders of a soveriegn Quebec, but we are told by Quebec that we will.

How exactly shall we take that. It sure looks a lot like someone is throwing down the guantlet to me. That is a dangerous scenerio. The French Mohawks, have shown their capacity to pick up said gauntlet, and slap the powers that be, with it.

General James Wolfe

Nominee Member
Oct 30, 2006

Here is a mathimatical reason why the Quebecois should move to Switzerland.

The Population of Switzerland

The French Population of Switzerland

The French population represents 20.4% of Switzerland's Population

The Population of Canada

The French Population of Canada

So if you add the French population of Canada 5.158.199 to the French Population of Switzerland 1.479.408 you will have a combined population of 6.637.607 people, which will make French the majority of Switzerland.
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