Senator Hervieux-Payette Lashes Out


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
The Honourable Céline Hervieux-Payette, P.C., a Senator for Québec and the Senatorial Division of Bedford, has lashed out against the policies of the United States of America in light of a recent step-up in criticism for the annual cull of seals in Canada. Her response came two days after a letter from the McLellan family in the United States, which threatened boycotts against Canada if the hunt did not cease.

The [color=red said:
Hon. Céline Hervieux-Payette[/color], P.C., in an e-mail,]What I find 'horrific' about your country is the daily killing of innocent people in Iraq, the execution of mainly black prisoners in U.S., the massive sale of guns to U.S. citizens every day, the destabilization of the whole world by the aggressive foreign policy of U.S. government, etc.


They are not killed for sport reasons like our deer, moose by Canadian and U.S. hunters. You may visit us and you will see that we are a safe and humane society, respecting the traditions of the aboriginal people, not trying to impose the 'white people' standards of living on them.

Click here to read the entire article in English.
Cet article est épuisé en français.
Mme. Hervieux-Payette defended the hunt, citing population control in order to defend the livelihood of local fishermen and hunters in the affected areas, citing that the population (thought to be in excess of five million) is growing out of control and is putting the seals' primary source of food (as well as the livelihood of fishermen), the fish stocks, in jeopardy.

The Honourable George Baker, P.C., a Senator for Newfoundland and Labrador, while denouncing Mme. Hervieux-Payette's comments as having been inappropriate, said that her response may have been affected by the time that she had served on the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, where she and other senators were subjected to a fierce protest during their consideration of a piece of legislation relating to animal cruelty.

:?: Sources
1. Click here for the Web site of


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
It should perhaps be noted that the Honourable Bill Graham, P.C., M.P., the Member for Toronto Centre and Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, has stated that the opinions of Mme. Hervieux-Payette do not represent those of the Liberal Party of Canada, and that his party values the strong relationship between Canada and the United States.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
The current Leader of the Opposition, in particular, has never been particularly "anti-American". He has criticised them, of course where criticism is due, but during his time as the Minister of Defence, I would conclude that he had supported the United States more often than not.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Maybe, why don't you write him and ask, it is the only way to solve this problem.

Even better we will go visit him on Parliment Hill and corner him and ask him if he is Anti-American.

Nah, too much work.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
:roll: Before we uns gets all bent outa shape lak, I b'lieve shud ax us selfs how many Mericans aktually no whut a seel is 8O , and of'n them, how manee reely give a shxt bout a seel hunt :!:

If we offered guided seal hunts for American sports, demand would probably go through the roof. Cash in on seal cammo, cammo clubs. Dang, the east-coasters is a missin the boat.

This topic gets whacked about each spring, then we go back to trimming our toenails........... :roll: Lets get over it.



Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
From the statements I have read though, it would appear that, in my opinion, the hunt might perhaps be justified; if the population of seals in the area is, in fact, becoming disproportionately high to the point of threatening fish stocks required by those in the area to survive and make a living, then perhaps this is the best strategy to employ? Or, at the very least, launch some sort of project to displace the excess population to another area, where they could thrive more easily without adversely affecting other species in the area?


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
I'll be serious then. No matter what we do with the seal problem,we will be tampering with nature and the results could be disasterous, and if we do nothing,the fisheries on the East Coast will be wiped out. Most likely, the course of action presently in effect is the safest one.