RIP He made the destruction of the USSR possible


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Why? Reagan or Parr had zero to do with strikes bringing down the Soviet Union.

Oh I beg to differ on this one, Petros.

The United States under Reagan was instrumental in the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Without Parr's quick decision to go to the hospital Reagan would have died from the assassin's bullet.

Yeah, lucky thing. I heard the other secret service agents wanted to go to Dairy Queen for a Dilly Bar. Can you imagine if they hadn't gotten their way? All sitting around eatng Dilly Bars, Banana Splits and Peanut Buster Parfaits while Ron cooled of in the limo.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
It also depends on what country you are talking about. I talked with
a history teacher from the US once and he said they way kids are
taught is the story helps to lead them a preclusion.
History is a mixture of what were the events and who's truth do you


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Big deal. The USSR was already changing.
She was paying off VISA with her Master Card. That only works for a certain amount of time. When she spent enough to have a strong defense then she wasn't spending more than she was taking in. The rest falls into place by itself.

It also depends on what country you are talking about. I talked with
a history teacher from the US once and he said they way kids are
taught is the story helps to lead them a preclusion.
History is a mixture of what were the events and who's truth do you
Usually the first one that is fed to you, even then over time the correct version has the least consistencies after being thoroughly investigated.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
As we have discussed before, those who actually know Soviet history are fully aware that it was Alexandr Tvardovsky whose revelations as publisher of Novy Mir began the deconstruction of the barbaric Soviet state:

To this day, Stalinists and other apologists for the old putrid order condemn him more than anyone else for his valiant efforts.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You might be a tad surprised at the closeness of the history of the USSR and China during that same period of time.


right to left

New Member
Oct 14, 2015
As we have discussed before, those who actually know Soviet history are fully aware that it was Alexandr Tvardovsky whose revelations as publisher of Novy Mir began the deconstruction of the barbaric Soviet state:

To this day, Stalinists and other apologists for the old putrid order condemn him more than anyone else for his valiant efforts.

So, getting to the here and now, who's going to bring the American Empire to an end? With the Soviet Union out of the way and Communist China turning into Capitalist China, the Empire has run amok all over the globe, overthrowing elected governments and replacing them with compliant dictators that get to terrorize their own populations as much as they want, as long as they follow the directives of international banking and multinational corporations.

The United States (including Canada) is dominated by a corporate government and corporate media. And when greed is your only god, the sociopaths take control. The "too big to fail" banks have orchestrated financial fraud on a grand scale, and can't even be criminally prosecuted for their long history of laundering drug money.

Working on behalf the big banks, we have the CIA and an alphabet soup of agencies including the NSA, designed to extend corporate control throughout the world. In Florida, the School of the Americas was created to train and begin tracking the careers of military officers throughout Latin America, and identify which ones the CIA would engage for military overthrow of non-compliant governments.

At least in the days of the Cold War, governments in the US and other western nations had to make concessions to keep the people on their side. After the fall....which most of you here seem to think was an unqualified benefit....capitalism has become increasingly ruthless: destroying unions and driving wages down through outsourcing and ever-expanding trade deals that only benefit the oligarchs.

It's no small coincidence that Ronnie Rayguns not only fought the Soviet Union, but also fought for banking deregulation, unrestricted trade, tax cuts for the rich/ defunding the social safety net, but ramping up military spending....including stupid sci fi crap like "star wars" that wasted billions of dollars. All in all, it's easy to see how clueless, senile Ronnie gave the oligarchs everything on their wishlist that no leader of any party has been willing or able to push back against! Their drive for more and more extraction and consumption of wealth from nature, or from all of the lower classes they can extract if from through 'austerity' measures, means that only a collapse of western civilization can stop them now.

So, NO I don't see the destruction of the USSR as something that benefits us today. At least prior to 1991 our oligarchs had to reign in their greed and demands on the rest of us.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
right to left;2177012]So, getting to the here and now, who's going to bring the American Empire to an end?
The national suicide of the USA has been a slow but sure thing. I suggest that the citizens of the USA are quilty of it's destruction. In the end there is no one else to blame. They knew thier constitution at one time and then they were put to sleep with entertainments and now they have nothing but debt.

America's "Inevitable" Revolution & The Redistribution Fallacy

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 15:15 "There are so many fault lines that the nation seems consumed by a conflict of all against all... there is an inevitable “revolution” coming because our politics, culture, education, economics and even philanthropy are so polarized that the country can no longer resolve its differences."


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
God you're a knuckle dragging idiot.
I'm beginning to understand why his own dog only wags his tail sometimes as he is greeted after a long day.

The national suicide of the USA has been a slow but sure thing. I suggest that the citizens of the USA are quilty of it's destruction. In the end there is no one else to blame. They knew thier constitution at one time and then they were put to sleep with entertainments and now they have nothing but debt.
Secrecy only comes into the light as hindsight so what happened in 1913 doesn't automatically expire 100 years later in 2013. If it is flawed sooner or later that flaw will create a crash. That is different from a close to extinction type of event unless you refuse to obey that which is stronger. In our world that is currently mother nature and whatever she cooks up that is different from the 'normal', for 'us' a change in winds from west to east to south to north and back again before it hits the winds going north with the Gulf Stream.

With the military defense focusing on defense rather than offense that will free up a lot of money for public works such as making the Mississippi a river that flows in a straight line rather than like a snake. The extra flow due to increased precep can be captured for irrigated fields to the west

Russia's Syrian Operation to Smash Terrorists, End Tyranny of Banking Elite

Air Strikes on IS Convoy in Syria Kill 40 — Naharnet


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Why? Reagan or Parr had zero to do with strikes bringing down the Soviet Union.

Raygun? Wasn't he the third rate actor that played second banana to a monkey in a kid's show?

Really? There was no corruption in the USSR?
And Gorby didn't introduce some wild changes in gov't?
And there were no black markets making a living out of food shortages and the like?
There were no strikes as a result of the above and other issues?
It was all arranged by Parr, huh?
You should come back to Earth.

Of course there was no corruption or black markets in Russia. They are all comrades after all.

right to left

New Member
Oct 14, 2015
The national suicide of the USA has been a slow but sure thing. I suggest that the citizens of the USA are quilty of it's destruction. In the end there is no one else to blame. They knew thier constitution at one time and then they were put to sleep with entertainments and now they have nothing but debt.

America's "Inevitable" Revolution & The Redistribution Fallacy

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2015 - 15:15 "There are so many fault lines that the nation seems consumed by a conflict of all against all... there is an inevitable “revolution” coming because our politics, culture, education, economics and even philanthropy are so polarized that the country can no longer resolve its differences."
I'm a Zero Hedge fan too, but I see a few glaring flaws in this 'James Pierson' analysis he's posted:
1. Americans are against redistribution.
When Americans are asked how much they believe the top 1%, 10% of incomes actually are, they grossly underestimate those at the top of the heap. And when they are asked to produce an income distribution from highest to lowest by what they consider to be fair, they come up with something that looks more like Sweden than America!

So, it seems obvious that the more people become aware of how great the growing gaps in wealth and income actually are, the more they are going to kick this meritocracy BS over the side and call for higher taxes on the rich (especially on unearned income). The fact that an aging one-issue candidate like Bernie Sanders is beating Hillary Clinton in polling in New Hampshire and Iowa, would indicate that the majority of Americans aren't buying this crap anymore.

2. Promoting growth and job creation is going to start bumping up against the hard limits imposed by a finite world with finite resources......if it hasn't already! The US doesn't have room to grow; Europe has stagnated for a number of years. In recent years, China was the economic engine pulling the rest of the world along (including the US).....driving up natural resource prices with their increasing imports and increasing manufacturing output, and then something went wrong: they have discovered that trying to match US per capita incomes is depleting their water supplies, destroying topsoil, making breathing the air in most cities life-threatening those plans of building thousands of coal-fired generating stations will be on hold permanently, while the Government tries to figure out how to keep most people happy while they try to reduce their environmental impacts as quickly as possible. The fallout for the US, Canada and other suppliers has been lower prices for oil, metals and other non-renewables.

3. ........ the progressive case is based upon a significant fallacy. It assumes that the U.S. government is actually capable of redistributing income from the wealthy to the poor.
How convenient of him to start measuring income and taxes after 1979! From FDR up till Reagan, the government seemed perfectly capable of redistributing wealth through the use of progressive tax rates. These pigs complain about 15% tax rate on investment income and hide billions in Cayman Islands banks and other foreign tax shelters.....demanding a tax amnesty before they repatriate all of their ill-gotten gains. At its height...during the Republican administration of Dwight Eisenhower, the top US tax bracket was 90%! If they could, they would dodge paying all taxes and offload the responsibilities of financing government and public services on the rest of us....which is exactly what they seem to be working towards right now.

I still go with my previous theory that the change in attitude of the oligarch class has been brought on by seeing no physical threats to their wellbeing and ability to earn more money. During WWII, they realized they had to make sure the Allies won the war, and during the Cold War afterwards, they had to keep as much of the working classes of people onside and away from socialist movements that rose up during the Depression, so they were a little more generous than they are today. After WWII, the Soviet Union wasn't just a military threat - it was also an economic threat to the west, as the Soviet economy was the fastest growing in the world in the post-war least till the mid-60's, when primary production was back in place and then economic growth slowed as they tried a number of failed attempts to imitate western consumer economies.

So, back to problem of empire facing collapse, I don't think the US problem has anything to do with following/ or not following what's in their Constitution. In the end, it boils down to the same problems all empires face as they reach their limits and try to grab more land and more power: the empire is being bankrupted by the increasing costs of military that has been essential to control international banking and trade. Like so many empires of the past, this one will collapse from within....and take Canada down with it!