Refugee/Migrant Crisis


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
LILLEY: Illegal border crossings on the rise, could become election issue
Brian Lilley
September 17, 2019
September 18, 2019 2:14 PM EDT
A family approaches the unofficial border crossing at the end of Roxham Rd. in Champlain, N.Y. (Charles Krupa/AP)
The number of people crossing the border illegally in August went up once again compared to the same month in 2018.
According to the latest statistics, the RCMP intercepted 1,762 people in August — 1,722 of them crossing at one spot in Quebec. That’s an increase from 1,666 who crossed at the infamous Roxham Rd. border point in August, 2018.
Since Justin Trudeau made his infamous #WelcometoCanada tweet in January, 2017 in response to the Trump administration, more than 47,000 people have crossed illegally at Roxham Rd.
The unofficial or “irregular” border crossing has seen thousands of people arrive at the Canada-U.S. border, claiming asylum after arriving in New York from Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere and making their way to seek refugee status in Canada.
The Trudeau Liberals continue to bristle at any use of the word “illegal” to describe those crossing the border. They point to Canada’s duty under international law to accept and process those who claim asylum.
Yet, signs posted by the Government of Canada clearly warn those looking to cross that it is illegal to do so and that they will be arrested. RCMP officers on the scene also make similar verbal warnings.
Since the illegal crossings spiked following Trudeau’s tweet, the government has done little to stem the tide.
E-mails to the Liberal campaign asking what they party’s policy was on this file were not answered.
The Conservative Party said in a statement that they are shocked by the August numbers and noted that July and August both saw increases.
“Clearly, the Liberal claim that this situation is under control is not as advertised,” said spokesman Simon Jeffries.
That’s fine, but what is the Conservative plan? So far the Liberals have denied there is a problem and attacked those who questioned the wisdom of allowing people to walk across from the United States at will to claim refugee status. Jeffries said the Conservatives will seek a permanent solution.
“Andrew Scheer and Canada’s Conservatives will close the loophole in the Safe Third Country Agreement, and instead, we will focus on helping the world’s most vulnerable who are languishing in refugee camps,” Jeffries said.
The Safe Third Country Agreement was designed to stop what amounted to refugee shopping between safe countries such as Canada and the United States. It says that you must apply as a refugee in the safe country you are in and if you present yourself at a border crossing, you will be turned back.
The loophole? The agreement only applies at official border crossings and not makeshift locations like Roxham Rd.
The Liberals have mused about amending the Safe Third Country agreement with the United States but then walked away when criticized by progressive groups that don’t think the agreement should exist let alone be amended.
So far, the issue of immigration and the border has yet to be raised in a significant way in this election, but it could be a sleeper issue.
LILLEY: Trudeau Liberals trade sunny ways for a campaign of fear
LILLEY: Trudeau offers false hope and empty promises on gun violence
LILLEY UNLEASHED: Trudeau’s gun control measures don’t make you any safer
The open border at Roxham Rd. has aggravated many in Quebec where the province and municipalities have had to pick up the extra costs to school, house and provide social services for the new arrivals from the U.S.
The Trudeau Liberals announced extra funding for Quebec just before the election to cover those costs, but refused a similar request from the Ford government in Ontario.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
EDITORIAL: Trudeau’s still stiffing us for his refugee tab
Postmedia News
September 28, 2019
September 28, 2019 5:01 PM EDT
A family from Haiti approach a tent in Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Quebec, stationed by Royal Canadian Mounted Police, as they haul their luggage down Roxham Road in Champlain, N.Y., on August 7, 2017. Charles Krupa / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is trying to bribe us with our own money to win the election, perhaps he could promise to pay Toronto taxpayers what they’re owed for caring for thousands of refugee claimants that were the direct result of his policies.
Granted Trudeau’s election promises aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.
For example, Trudeau’s promise during the 2015 election campaign that his government would have a $1 billion surplus this year, not the $19.8 billion deficit he projected in his latest budget.
In reality, whether he wins or loses on Oct. 21, Trudeau has already stuck the next federal government with a multi-million-dollar headache, which is paying for Toronto’s ongoing and growing tab for these refugee claimants (aka asylum seekers).
While the daily stories about thousands of them coming into Canada via so-called “unmanned” border crossings — actually they were manned and they were escorted into Canada — are no longer making headlines, the problem hasn’t gone away.
Nor have the increasing costs.
Currently there are 2,678 refugee claimants housed in Toronto’s emergency shelter system, 37% of all the available spaces, barely down from 40% last year.
For 2019, Trudeau has already stuck the City of Toronto with a $30 million tab for caring for them, given that the city’s anticipated costs will be $75.4 million this year, of which only $45.4 million has been reimbursed by the feds.
In 2017 and 2018, the feds provided $26 million to the city to defray the costs, $43.1 million short of what Toronto spent.
MALCOLM: Yes, there is such a thing as queue-jumping refugees
GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau’s immigration policies alarm many Canadians
This year the Trudeau government kicked in another $17 million to transfer asylum seekers to Peel and Durham regions and Hamilton, to ease some of the pressure on Toronto.
But the bottom line is that, as Mayor John Tory and council keep pointing out, the city is owed tens of millions of dollars by the deficit-ridden Trudeau government for providing emergency shelter services to asylum seekers.
Given that the Trudeau government’s go-to response to any criticism of its refugee and immigration policies is that those pointing out the flaws are racists, it’s difficult to engage Liberal politicians on these issues in any rational way.
We also question the wisdom of city council declaring Toronto a so-called sanctuary city in 2013 by a vote of 38-2 — with Ontario premier Doug Ford and the late Toronto mayor Rob Ford voting in favour, by the way — in which council reaffirmed “its commitment to ensuring access to services without fear, to immigrants without full status or without full status documents.”
It’s not that there are no legitimate asylum seekers, there are.
But if you don’t want to encourage people who aren’t legitimate asylum seekers to come to Toronto, then it’s a really bad idea to tell the world you won’t enforce Canada’s immigration laws if they get here.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Americans from Tacoma without healthcare coverage, probably.

Congratulations Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your latest comment sets a new record low............................

for IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Congratulations Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your latest comment sets a new record low............................

for IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't you be having a stroke, now.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Congratulations Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your latest comment sets a new record low............................

for IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, when it seems things can't get any worse they do! But then that's fairly normal with certain people! :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Don't you be stroking out either, Gramps.


The OLD FART CALLING other people "Gramps"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know who we are, old fart?????????????????????

Do you recall making other INANE remarks to us....................

from your Fortress of Senility down there in Oldfolksville???????????????????

How much REAL NEWS filters into your gated community of Oakville????????????????????

Do you remember ever reading a news paper in the recent past?????????????????????

Do you remember even having breakfast this morning????????????????????????


Your memory...........................................

such as it is.....................................

is fixated on Joe Clark...........................................



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Congratulations Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your latest comment sets a new record low............................

for IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You got to make allowances for him, he's getting panicky as the king of all ignoramuses is right on his tail. :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Poll shows Trudeau offside with Canadians on border crossers
Brian Lilley
September 30, 2019
September 30, 2019 6:01 PM EDT
Asylum seekers sit in front of their tent in a temporary camp, Tuesday, August 15, 2017 near Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Que. Winterized trailers will soon be replacing the tents providing temporary shelter to asylum-seekers who have crossed the Quebec-U.S. border, even as the number of irregular border crossings continues to drop. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson ORG XMIT: cpt106
When it comes to immigration, a new poll shows the Trudeau Liberals offside with a good number of Canadians.
Canadians remain supportive of immigration, the kind done through regular channels, but have big concerns when it comes to people crossing the border illegally at places like Roxham Rd. in Quebec. Those are the findings of a poll conducted by Dart Maru/Blue Voice of Canada Poll.
While Canadians give the Trudeau Liberals decent marks on the handling of regular channel immigrants and those who seek refugee status through normal channels, two-thirds think the government is doing a bad job of handling those who walk across at what the government calls “irregular points of entry.”
When asked if the government has done a good job dealing with “Those who are crossing Canada’s borders at unofficial points and claiming asylum,” 64% said no compared to 36% who said yes. The sentiment that the government was doing a bad job was highest in Alberta (76%), Quebec (65%) and Ontario (63%).
“A majority of Canadians view border crossing asylum from the United States as a damnable breach of our legal process and goodwill,” said pollster John Wright who added this is the area where the Trudeau government gets a failing grade.
Since January 2017 when Justin Trudeau posted his infamous #WelcometoCanada tweet, more than 50,000 people have crossed Canada’s border illegally from the United States to claim refugee status. More than 90% of those new arrivals cross a ditch between New York State and Quebec.
When Canadians were asked which part of the immigration system they want their political leaders focused on, 70% said those crossing illegally. That’s a level that cuts across all political parties.
The negative public sentiment to the government’s handling of this aspect of the immigration file is in contrast to how they view immigration and refugee acceptance through normal channels. Asked to rate the government’s handling of “Those who apply for and receive lawful immigration into Canada” and 69% said they are doing a good job. Another 55% said the government is doing a good job of handling the regular stream of refugees.
LILLEY: Trudeau should choose truth for a change
LILLEY: The real question in this election is personal
LILLEY: Trudeau campaign flounders in wake of blackface scandal
The area where the government may be in trouble is in their determination to boost the number of new immigrants taken in each year to 350,000 from just under 300,000 a few years ago. Asked about the number of immigrants Canada takes in each year 37% said too many, 32% just the right amount and 13% said not enough.
“By and large, Canadians are not anti-immigrant. That’s clear,” Wright said. “But they have not been given the clear narrative as to why we need more immigrants to catch up with our lower birth rate and a growing, aging population.”


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You're on a roll, Murphy.

... a repeating piano roll.


Poor stupid Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just another aging Silver Spoon Socialist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sitting pretty in his Oakville gated community......................................

smugly assuming he is IMMUNE to the messes LIE-berals are making!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And just as smugly lecturing the rest of us on what our values SHOULD BE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

even though Curious WOULD BE OUTRAGED..............................................

iuf people tried to ORDER HIM to alter his life to suit others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious demonstrates the CLASSIC LIE-beral arrogance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He sincerely believes that OTHERS should go SHORT..........................

just so that HIS PRIVILEGES can be maintained.............................

IN GOOD ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Charity calls on Ottawa to rescue 25 Canadian kids trapped in Syria
Canadian Press
October 10, 2019
October 10, 2019 6:42 PM EDT
Smoke rises from the Syrian town of Tal Abyad, in a picture taken from the Turkish side of the border near Akcakale, on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019, on the second day of Turkey's military operation against Kurdish forces.Bulent Kilic / AFP via Getty Images
TORONTO — At least 25 “innocent” Canadian children are trapped in a refugee camp not far from where Turkey has launched a military offensive in northeastern Syria, an international charity said Thursday as it called on Ottawa to act now to rescue them.
Save the Children Canada, which has aid workers on the ground in Syria, said the kids are largely the offspring of Islamic State militants, and some of them are orphans, while others have only one parent.
“All children are innocent and punishing them where they were born or what circumstance they were born in is not our way,” said Bill Chambers, the group’s CEO.
“We believe they should be brought home and kept safe.”
The children are largely based in Al-Hawl, a refugee camp about 100 kilometres southeast of the border region where the Turkish incursion is underway. Many of the children have family members in Canada, Chambers said.
Turkey began a military offensive Wednesday into northern Syria against U.S.-backed Kurdish-led fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces who are holding more than 10,000 Islamic State militants, including some 2,000 foreigners. There are over two dozen detention facilities in northeastern Syria.
Turkey’s president said Thursday his country would keep in custody Islamic State fighters who should be jailed while deporting others to their countries of origin — if they could accept them. Recep Tayyip Erdogan said women and children of the Islamic State group would go through “a rehabilitation program.”
Chambers said other counties such as Belgium, Italy, Australia, Germany and Denmark have all repatriated children caught up in the long-running conflict.
He said Save the Children has been in touch with the offices of Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale over the years about the fate of the Canadian children in Syria, but nothing has changed.
Freeland on Wednesday condemned the Turkish incursion, saying the actions risked exacerbating the humanitarian problems that already exist in Syria.
Chambers said the three main camps where the children are held in northeastern Syria have not yet come under attack, but that could change.
“The situation is only going to get worse and some of (the children) really need both physical and mental health help,” Chambers said. “They are traumatized and have lived a completely insecure life.”
The conditions in the camps are dire, he added.
“There’s no health care to speak of, there isn’t enough water, there’s malnutrition, what education there is rudimentary and not something that will provide a future for anyone and that’s before any of this happened,” he said.
“It’s really a dreadful place to be a child. The worst.”
Bessma Momani, a professor of international affairs at the University of Waterloo, said all the children staying in camps in Syria need to get out.
“The camp conditions are certainly radicalizing the children, so the sooner we get them out, the better,” she said.
Momani said the Turkish incursion is just the beginning as she expects Turkey will try to control a corridor along the border that is free of Kurds. The assault could last for months, she said.
Ihsan Kaya, president of the Toronto Kurdish Community Centre, called Turkey’s assault “genocide.”
“We need the world to open its eyes, but nobody cares,” he said in an interview.
The internet and phone lines have been taken down and Kurds in Canada cannot contact their family and friends in Syria, he said.
“It’s just more Kurdish blood being spilled and no one will do anything,” Kaya said.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

Poor stupid Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just another aging Silver Spoon Socialist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sitting pretty in his Oakville gated community......................................

smugly assuming he is IMMUNE to the messes LIE-berals are making!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And just as smugly lecturing the rest of us on what our values SHOULD BE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

even though Curious WOULD BE OUTRAGED..............................................

iuf people tried to ORDER HIM to alter his life to suit others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious demonstrates the CLASSIC LIE-beral arrogance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He sincerely believes that OTHERS should go SHORT..........................

just so that HIS PRIVILEGES can be maintained.............................

IN GOOD ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You get that impression too, eh?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
a native genocide-denier, there's a new one.

Those who think we have a refugee crisis should stop and consider the policies of our Cdn political parties for a minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The refugee crisis will be as NOTHING compared to the

DRUG ADDICT CRISIS if some LIE-berals and a LOT of

Greenies get their way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is an article illustrating a subject LIE-berals DO NOT wish to discuss!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Successful efforts to decriminalize drugs all in the details

By: Jerry Agar

Published: September 24, 2019/ Updated: September 24, 2019 7:27 AM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

A local resident submitted images of syringes and alleged drug use the Dundas St. E. and Sherbourne St. area in Toronto, Ont.

Decriminalize all drugs. That’s the election promise from Green Party Leader Elizabeth May.

She may be on the right track, but the devil is in the details.

(May is a lunatic if she thinks most Cdns will accept an expansion of the harm reduction approach that is turning neighbourhoods into cess pools littered with discarded needles, human waste and not so petty crime and prostitution!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Green Party web site reads: “The Green Party of Canada is calling for drug possession to be decriminalized to deal with the devastating toll of the opioid crisis. The Canadian Institute for Health Information reports that between January 2016 and September 2018, an estimated 10,300 Canadians died from an apparent opioid-related overdose.”

(The carefully AVOIDED QUESTION is HOW does legalization reduce the amount of Fentanyl being sent here by mostly Chinese drug lords?? Does May expect that a new mob of civil service union HOGS will be hired at massive govt expense to PRODUCE Clean heroin and Cocaine and etc?? And how will handing out free drugs prevent addicts from committing crimes to obtain food and warm clothing and other items?????????????????????????????)

(Cdns are already worried -in spite of LIE-beral claims to the contrary - about the size of our national debt and about the risk of being rammed face first into the debt wsll - in the finest Greek style!! The Greenies have already made it clear they intend to MASSIVELY INTERVENE in our economy- forcing us to give up driving - forcing us to rebuild our homes practically from the ground up to make them easier and cheaper to heat!! And now Greenies want to create an even larger under class of drug addicts - without telling us where the addicts will live or what it will cost to keep them stoned and well fed and healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In the finest Soviet Socialist tradition - Greenies simply assume that hard working people who are already struggling to pay their bills- will be comfortable having a HUGE NEW list of bills to pay - for people WHO WILL NOT WORK because they are busy being ADDICTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In the 12 months ending March 31, 2019, Toronto saw 326 deaths from drugs. Almost one a day, a devastating number.

(Is this reality BEING HIDDEN FROM ADDICTS?? Are they NOT AWARE of the dangers?? Each addict MADE A CHOICE to become addicted so how much responsibility and care DO WE OWE THEM?? Is it fair or logical to break our economy and ruin our lives in futile hope of somehow repairing the lives of addicts who are willing to risk death with every needle?????????????????)

“We must stop treating drug addiction as a criminal issue and start treating it as a health-care issue,” said May. “This is a national health emergency.”

(Yes - it is a MENTAL HEALTH emergency - that is being driven largely by peoples despair at finding any decent place to fit into the over taxed and crippled economy!! LIE-beral GREED is driving the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

It is a health emergency. It is also a public safety emergency. Bullets are flying in Toronto due to gang activity and gang activity is invariably tied to drugs, is it not?

(True indeed - and if drugs stop being profitable then what is to prevent gangs from turning to other crimes?? We have seen the MASSIVE PROLIFERATION of FRAUD in all areas of society and our economy!! It is that need for Easy Money that drives crime and legal drugs would not end crime - it would merely shift gangs to other illegal activities!! After all- LIE-berals report that about 40 percent of Cdns still buy Marijuana from illegal sources!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Both Weed and prostitution have been legal in Amsterdam for several decades now and the pot shops and brothels have become havens for credit card fraud, money laundering, blackmail and human smuggling!! On one memorable day - Amsterdam cops raided and closed down ONE THIRD of all the Pot shops and brothels in the entire city due to an array of criminal activity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The City of Toronto’s approach with the so-called safe injection sites is not working. They city’s concentration is on safe injection, with little indication they are working to get people off drugs. People are dying, neighborhoods around the sites are devastated with addicts shooting up in their backyards and defecating on their front steps.

(And HOW will legalizing drugs reduce this unwanted behaviour?? Shooting up and discarding needles in public places and defecating on front steps WILL CONTINUE with legal drugs!! UNLESS of course Greenies are planning to ROUND UP addicts and lock them away someplace safe - with enough drugs and free food to keep them happy????????????????????)

(Are Greenies telling us in some sort of code - that they want to JAIL ADDICTS?? Or are Greenies offering addicts such a good life and pleasant home in not so affordable housing that they will cease making any more trouble for the rest of us?? And have Greenies calculated the COST of such BRIBERY???????????????)

The city provides a place to do drugs, but not the drugs themselves. For people living on the street, there is no legal way for them to get enough money to buy drugs.

(And now we are back to the two questions- will Cdns PAY for this drug give away and how will give away`s stop discarded needles, defecation on front door steps and the petty crime that comes from seeking food and clothing and shelter?? Or will Greenies make us pay for all that as well???????????????)

(Will Cdns happily ante up so that useless, self serving mouths can have happy DRUGGED lives - at the expense of those working to be responsible??????????)

(Several years back there was an online comment from a woman living in TCHC “affordable housing” and she was distressed because the security cameras were broken and she did not feel safe because of all the gang bangers and drug dealers and assorted criminals operating all around her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And some civil service union HOG wrote back and basically told the frightened woman to SHUT UP AND QUIT WHINING - because she was already getting MORE AID THAN SHE DESERVED from govt!! Our HOGS are FURIOUS that gravy they consider to be THEIRS - is being wasted on useless mouths!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(I suggest this view is more strongly held and more prevalent in the Cdn public than LIE-berals or their idiot cousins the Greenies or NDPers wish to admit!!!!!!!!)

(Cdns ARE CHARITABLE PEOPLE - BUT they do expect that those seeking our charity SHOULD BE MAKING HONEST EFFORTS to help themselves!! And VERY FEW Cdns accept that indulging in a lifetime of drug addiction is a valid life choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(WE ARE NOT prepared to be driven into bankruptcy by a horde of addicts!! And we CERTAINLY ARE NOT PREPARED to see major limits put on our lives by greedy vote buying SELF INDULGENT politicians just so they can improve their odds of grabbing power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The DEVIL truly in is the Greenie policy details -and in the LIE-beral details as well - since LIE-berals HAVE DISCUSSED legalizing all drugs as well - with rank and file party members in support - but with Our idiot Boy having a RARE flash of insight and speaking against the idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(But of course THAT LIE-beral CHOICE was made last year - who can say whether LIE-beral political policy weathervanes will swing in a new direction once they are safely past the October election??????????????????????????)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Lawyers for 'Snowden refugees' demand Trudeau grant asylum before election
Canadian Press
October 16, 2019
October 16, 2019 5:34 PM EDT
OTTAWA — Vanessa Rodel arrived in Canada with her seven-year-old daughter last winter, granted refugee status in Canada as one of seven people who helped shelter American whistleblower Edward Snowden in Hong Kong.
On Wednesday she was on Parliament Hill with daughter Keana, begging the federal government to give the same refugee status to the other five, including her daughter’s father and two half-siblings, their mother and another man.
The group offered shelter and other help for a few weeks to Snowden in 2013, who is wanted in the United States for leaking classified documents from the National Security Agency that exposed the scope of massive American government surveillance operations.
The lawyers say the remaining five applied for refugee status in Canada in 2017 and have exactly the same case as Rodel and her daughter did.
Rodel made a similar plea in May, two months after arriving, but nothing has changed in the others’ cases since then, the lawyers said.
Robert Tibbo, the Montreal human-rights lawyer who helped arrange for Snowden to stay with the refugee families in Hong Kong, said Wednesday he wants the current government to approve the refugee claims before Monday’s election.
“My daughter needs her whole family here in Montreal,” Rodel said Wednesday. “She dreams of her father and sister and brothers being with her. Their absence is causing harm to her.”
Rodel is originally from the Philippines. The remaining refugees are from Sri Lanka and face deportation to their home country, where the lawyers say they face persecution. Her daughter, and her daughter’s two half-siblings, are all stateless, born in Hong Kong as refugees. Their asylum claims in Hong Kong were rejected in 2017 when a Hollywood movie led to their outing as the people who sheltered Snowden before fled to Russia.
Tibbo and the other lawyers say the refugee cases were filed during Trudeau’s first term and he has a responsibility to make a decision before the election possibly hands power to a new prime minister.
They argue that Canada’s delay of their case is because the authorities don’t want to risk upsetting the U.S. government, though they had no specific evidence to that end other than the fact Trudeau and his foreign-affairs minister, Chrystia Freeland, have met other high-profile refugees arriving in Canada.
They also said they don’t trust the Conservatives would agree to grant asylum if leader Andrew Scheer becomes prime minister.
However they based that in part on saying incorrectly that in 2015, the Conservatives were in power when Canada rejected the asylum claim of Alan Kurdi’s family. The photo of the child lying dead on a beach in Turkey as his family tried to flee Syria caused a stir in the 2015 campaign, but ultimately it was discovered his parents had not applied to come to Canada, though other relatives had.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Who the hell is Avro????

I am more Singh or Scheer.

I do expecting of Canadian election are more radial.

I think a FLYING AVRO......................................

HIT YOU IN THE HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It would explain your brain damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!