Quit picking on the Shiny Pony


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Trudeau is full of shit about virtually everything!

OH COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop sugar coating his political record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy is the worst leader ever elected in a sovereign, democratic nation..............................

What is REALLY SCARY is Our Idiot Boy got elected BEFORE WEED became legal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Harper balanced a grand total of one budget - and he only did that by clawing money back from veteran's affairs and fudging the books.

OH HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You LIE SO BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harper inherited a MESS from LIE-berals Chretien and Martin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he got hit with the Yankee 2008 melt down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And at the time LIE-berals WHINED that Harper did not run big enough deficits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then the price of oil tanked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And those $10 billion to $14 billion dollar TAX REVENUE CHEQUES from Alberta DRIED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was the oil glut that killed the balanced budgets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And right after Our idiot Boy was elected..............................

HE FORGOT ALL ABOUT how he had DEMANDED BIG CONSERVATIVE DEFICITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the idiot Boy turned around and blamed Harper for messing up the economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And how can we compare LIE-beral to Conservative when the last budghet Harper submitted had a $1.5 billion dollar deficit ............

that he had panned to end the next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Our idiot Boy turned that TEMPORARY $1.5 billion dollar deficit into a THIRTY TWO BILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT in his first year as Prime Minister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy IS SETTING RECORDS for biggest deficit, most costly govt and BIGGEST DISPLAY OF WASTE AND EXTRAVAGANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While at the same time LIE-berals are setting records for MOST LIES told about any Cdn PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals feel COMPELLED to tell those LIES because they are OUT OF OPTIONS and OUT OF GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals feel there is no reason not to lie since they are sinking into oblivion so quickly that nobody will ever record or recall what they said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Letters to the Editor, March 15


Re “A re-emerging fondness for Stephen Harper” (Editorial, March 11): The contrast could not be starker. Stephen Harper knew only hard work and tough, often politically damaging decisions and balanced budgets. Justin Trudeau said budgets simply balance themselves and promptly added $20-billion annual deficits after inheriting a balanced budget. Harper was all about substance and intellectual ability. Trudeau is a narcissist, totally self-absorbed and shallow, relying on style oversubstance! Under Trudeau, Canada is making international headlines for all the wrong reasons, first when he played Mr. Dressup in India, now Lavscam. Harper was recognized internationally for guiding Canada through the greatest economic downturn in decades. I think history will be very kind to Harper, not so to Justin Trudeau.
Larry Comeau

(The difference between a seasoned politician and someone elected because of his surname)
Yes he was the best PM Canada has seen in my life time . Unfortunately he let liberal image consultants and media gurus onto his team . They had him looking totally uncomfortable In his infrommercials . They bored people to death with the just not ready , daring us to have the chance to listen to I told you so . Oh well to bad so sad .


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yes he was the best PM Canada has seen in my life time . Unfortunately he let liberal image consultants and media gurus onto his team . They had him looking totally uncomfortable In his infrommercials . They bored people to death with the just not ready , daring us to have the chance to listen to I told you so . Oh well to bad so sad .

Yep, difference between night and day, one is driven by emotions while the other is driven by logic. :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Financial Post writers tell us Cdn top marginal tax rates are prohibitively high and our economy will suffer as a consequence!

Oh GREAT that means civil service union Hogs who already earn AT LEAST 30 percent more for the same work as those in private sector- WITH OUT CONSIDERING pensions -will BE DEMANDING EVEN MORE GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is it that ETFO- our Ontari-owe elementary teachers union Hogs think it is right to spend ujion dues on commercials telling us that the Doug Ford is making cuts to education and it is not fair- in ETFO eyes- to make kids pay like that...........

And yet ETFO HOGS had NO PROBLEM encouraging LIE-berals to run up those HUGE DEFICITS AND DEBTS that MULTIPLE GENERATIONS OF kids will be PAYING for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

China bans shipments of Cdn Cannola oil- citing problems with “PESTS” !!!!!

So that is how China sees us........as PESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals state that Lavalin scandal was “all about saving jobs”! Well yes- but govt does not usually focus on saving jobs that are supported by CORRUPTION!!!!

On March 8, 2019, Cdn news media displayed its schizophrenic economic view!

On one hand Cdn media crowed about the remarkable number of new jobs created in Jnauary and February!!!!!

In other news they tell us that Bank of Canada is worried about the unexpected weakness in the economy!

Bank of Canada is so worried about this “unexpected weakness” they are now talking about REDUCING interest rates to aid the economy!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals told us our economy was booming??????

And LIE-berals told us we needed tighter mortgage rules to prevent a damaging mortgage bubble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is GLARING CONTRADICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can LIE-berals HOLD ANY POLICY for more than a week?????????

LIE-berals then told us our jobless rate is unchanged since so many new people came forward looking for work!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the BIG LIE-beral LIE in action- to HIDE how many Cdns have despaired of ever having a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the second biggest LIE-beral LIE is how many people CANNOT LIVE on what they are being allowed to earn in our over taxed country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto Red Star media whores- apparently seeking to mitigate some of the damage from Lavalin, ask us if Lavalin “represents a failure of governance or a failure of journalism”??????????????

And of course it is BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral policy is based on personal greed and lust for power at any price!!!!!

Even staunch LIE-beral supporter Peter Newman tells us this in his book “When the Gods Changed”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And BAD JOURNALISM aided LIE-berals in gaining that power in the 2015 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The election of our idiot Boy Justin was a triumph of greed over costly experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Harper balanced a grand total of one budget - and he only did that by clawing money back from veteran's affairs and fudging the books.

Oh I don't agree with what Harper did, but it pales in comparison to Trudeau's borrowing.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
You want to pass a law that will reduce the government's carbon footprint? Pass a law that would give each MP a cheap smartphone (maybe something comparable to a Samsung Galaxy J1) with Skype installed with worldwide unlimited calling. I think that's less than 40.00 per year or something like that, no more than 50.00 anyway. Bingo! No more flights for you!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Yes he was the best PM Canada has seen in my life time . Unfortunately he let liberal image consultants and media gurus onto his team . They had him looking totally uncomfortable In his infrommercials . They bored people to death with the just not ready , daring us to have the chance to listen to I told you so . Oh well to bad so sad .
The Reform Party Yahoos from Bugtussle in his caucus often made the population uncomfortable. Canadians ARE NOT the least bit interested in having the abortion / or Gay rights or any other "family values" debates re-opened, whatever the Reform's hillbilly pastors tell them to go forth and change for Jaysus. Lose those guys and the conservatives will last a lot longer in power, next time. Put the jerkwater Reforma-Cons on the very back of the back bench and leave them there.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
The Reform Party Yahoos from Bugtussle in his caucus often made the population uncomfortable. Canadians ARE NOT the least bit interested in having the abortion / or Gay rights or any other "family values" debates re-opened, whatever the Reform's hillbilly pastors tell them to go forth and change for Jaysus. Lose those guys and the conservatives will last a lot longer in power, next time. Put the jerkwater Reforma-Cons on the very back of the back bench and leave them there.

I think one reason the Conservatives have a hard time getting rid of social conservatives is that some social conservatives may feel trapped. One possible solution I could see would be the estalishment of 'dry zones.' For example, imagine provincial and federal laws and local bylaws banning certain businesses within 1 km of a riverbank, to be implemented gradually within 70 years with some kind of grandfather clause within that time. This might include bars, liquor shops, tobacco shops, brothels (since selling sex is still legal), at least those vaping shops that sell nicotine-infused vaping liquids, casinos, porn shops, and shops that sell lottery tickets.

Then imagine them passing a similar law allowing all of these kinds of businesses within 10 km of a riverbank or waterway to sell these products but under strict self-exclusion laws. In other words, you might have to scan your passport and fingerprint to get into any of these shops and any internet provider must at least offer to block access to porn, gambling, and other such sites. Anyone on a voluntary 5-year self-exclusion list doesn't get access.

Then imagine beyond the 10 km mark, standard laws apply or we could even liberalize laws even more than they are now.

That way, social conservatives would have neighbourhoods that they could move into while the rest of the city could convert itself into a Nevada of the North.

Sure a person could drive, bus, cycle, and, debatably, even walk ten kilometres to get to there. The point here would not be to totally prevcent access to those who want it, but rather to ensure that those who don't can get away from it somewhat.

Right now, there really are no dry zones in cities. As a result, the more the governments liveralize things, the more people just can't get away from it. Sometimes just visiting downtown Ottawa can smell like a marijuana house.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I think one reason the Conservatives have a hard time getting rid of social conservatives is that some social conservatives may feel trapped. One possible solution I could see would be the estalishment of 'dry zones.' For example, imagine provincial and federal laws and local bylaws banning certain businesses within 1 km of a riverbank, to be implemented gradually within 70 years with some kind of grandfather clause within that time. This might include bars, liquor shops, tobacco shops, brothels (since selling sex is still legal), at least those vaping shops that sell nicotine-infused vaping liquids, casinos, porn shops, and shops that sell lottery tickets.
Then imagine them passing a similar law allowing all of these kinds of businesses within 10 km of a riverbank or waterway to sell these products but under strict self-exclusion laws. In other words, you might have to scan your passport and fingerprint to get into any of these shops and any internet provider must at least offer to block access to porn, gambling, and other such sites. Anyone on a voluntary 5-year self-exclusion list doesn't get access.
Then imagine beyond the 10 km mark, standard laws apply or we could even liberalize laws even more than they are now.
That way, social conservatives would have neighbourhoods that they could move into while the rest of the city could convert itself into a Nevada of the North.
Sure a person could drive, bus, cycle, and, debatably, even walk ten kilometres to get to there. The point here would not be to totally prevcent access to those who want it, but rather to ensure that those who don't can get away from it somewhat.
Right now, there really are no dry zones in cities. As a result, the more the governments liveralize things, the more people just can't get away from it. Sometimes just visiting downtown Ottawa can smell like a marijuana house.
"Social Conservatives" are often found to be massive hypocrates. Control freaks? Yes ... "better than thou" moralists? ... only in their own minds.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
"Social Conservatives" are often found to be massive hypocrates. Control freaks? Yes ... "better than thou" moralists? ... only in their own minds.

The following might seem ironic, but sometimes addictions are what lead a person to conservatism in the first place. For example, it wouldn't surprise me if many of the supporters of abolitionism in the day were either alcoholics or family members or friends of alcoholics. Would an alcoholic who supports abolitionism necessarily be a hypocrite? I suppose he would if he pretended to not be an alcoholic. Otherwise, he'd just be looking out for his own interests in trying to keep alcohol out of sight. I suppose he could have compromised by proposing that alcohol sales be legal but hidden with advertizing strictly regulated. That would have led to a kind of legal version of the speakeasy I guess, and that might not have been a bad thing.

I bet that the most vehement opponents of state-promoted gambling are often gamblers themselves who are trying to quit. Introduce an effective self-exclusion policy (i.e. actual card and fingerprint scanner at the entrance rather than unreliable facial-recognition cameras), and that would probably satify most of them.

I bet some of the harshest critics of legalizing addictive marijuana are addicts themselves. Again, had it been legalized with the strictest of rules to keep it out of sight, they might not have minded so much.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You want to pass a law that will reduce the government's carbon footprint? Pass a law that would give each MP a cheap smartphone (maybe something comparable to a Samsung Galaxy J1) with Skype installed with worldwide unlimited calling. I think that's less than 40.00 per year or something like that, no more than 50.00 anyway. Bingo! No more flights for you!


THE LIE-beral herd ALREADY HAVE ALL MANNER of fancy electronic gadgets................................

that they COULD USE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But instead THEY FLY in gas guzzling airplanes....................................

traveling the world as they burn huge amounts of fuel...............................

just to meet up in Davos or some other 5 star joint...............................

to scarf up good food and wine in a pretty setting................................

so they can issue joint communiques to tell us....................................

WE ARE DESTROYING THEIR ENVIRONMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND WE ALREADY KNOW.....................................

BECAUSE we have the scientific evidence............................

that airplanes ARE THE SINGLE BIGGEST POLLUTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES- add up ALL the pollution from ALL forms of transportation.......................







and it does not matter whether they are carrying passengers or cargo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE FACT IS that airplanes are the DIRTIEST WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is environmentally more friendly for a Cdn snowbird to drive a large SUV to Florida than it is to FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Airplanes account for about SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT of all pollution produced by transportation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want to clean the air????????????????

Want to save the environment????????????????????????????????


CLIP THE WINGS of our govt HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And watch the air MIRACULOUSLY CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the 9 months after 9/11 terror attack..........................................

during which time 25 percent of the world airliners were grounded..................................

THERE WAS measurable IMPROVEMENT in air quality across the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its just too bad that govt HOGS are just as arrogant about fouling OUR AIR as tobacco smokers were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008


THE LIE-beral herd ALREADY HAVE ALL MANNER of fancy electronic gadgets................................

that they COULD USE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But instead THEY FLY in gas guzzling airplanes....................................

traveling the world as they burn huge amounts of fuel...............................

just to meet up in Davos or some other 5 star joint...............................

to scarf up good food and wine in a pretty setting................................

so they can issue joint communiques to tell us....................................

WE ARE DESTROYING THEIR ENVIRONMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND WE ALREADY KNOW.....................................

BECAUSE we have the scientific evidence............................

that airplanes ARE THE SINGLE BIGGEST POLLUTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES- add up ALL the pollution from ALL forms of transportation.......................







and it does not matter whether they are carrying passengers or cargo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE FACT IS that airplanes are the DIRTIEST WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is environmentally more friendly for a Cdn snowbird to drive a large SUV to Florida than it is to FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Airplanes account for about SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT of all pollution produced by transportation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want to clean the air????????????????

Want to save the environment????????????????????????????????


CLIP THE WINGS of our govt HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And watch the air MIRACULOUSLY CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the 9 months after 9/11 terror attack..........................................

during which time 25 percent of the world airliners were grounded..................................

THERE WAS measurable IMPROVEMENT in air quality across the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its just too bad that govt HOGS are just as arrogant about fouling OUR AIR as tobacco smokers were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder where Trudeau is taking his personal Challenger today ?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I wonder where Trudeau is taking his personal Challenger today ?

The phrase "anywhere but here" is probably running through the nasty arrogant little mind of Our idiot Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the fact is that the other members of the LIE-beral party would likely BEAT on the idiot Boy if he made a move towards an airport!!!!!!!!!!!

The idiot Boy made his political bed tainted with Lavalin scandal and spiced with carbon tax SCAMS and massively insane debts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now he has to lay in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Till after the October election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The diot Boy CANNOT QUIT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is caught...........................

just like Wynne-bag and has to ride out the storm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the idiot Boy will be EXPECTED- by his party- to look happy and confident and serene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the sake of party moral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all................the LIE-beral party will continue to exist even after the idiot Boy is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The federal LIE-berals will wish to do as Wynne-bag Ontari-owe LIE-berals did........................................

and salvage as much self respect as they can from the disgrace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And because Our idiot Boy is both a skilled drama teacher............................

AND he is a consummate HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He should be able to pull off the confidence trick with relative ease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!