Public union demand for 'aboriginal spirit friend' bereavement leave chastised by wat

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
....and they probably won't be. Just because somebody asked for it doesn't mean the union supports it or will fight for it.

The Union has set the stage in terms of what the negotiating expectations are to look like.

This just opens the door for the employer to take a harder stance and justify their demands to minimize their exposure.

It was a stupid move on the Union's part to even consider such an outrageous demand


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It would be easier to list the times when you were right. Look, I get that you don't like unions but jealousy is such a childish emotion.

I belong to a working persons union so it has nothing to do with unions as such. It is the out of touch with reality government employees that I have problems with. BC teachers is a prime example of union greed. Just like PSAC wanting spirit day bereavement off with pay. It either means they have zero grip on reality or their contracts are so generous that they are demanding silly things just to see how much more they can fleece the taxpayer.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Clearly the writer of the article has no clue how union negotiations work. Entertaining read though.

I don't either. Will you share what you know about the negotiating procedure?

I think anyone can have up to a year off -without pay - for personal reasons and their position is held. Mind, someone will have to fill their position and will be jerked around on their return.

So what's fair? hell if I know!

It's the same for maternity leave. I don't believe anyone considers being hired as temporary mat leave as unfair.

A day off to get drunk and eat with family has plenty of merits.

That's called Thanks Giving. And that might well be a whole different can of worms...

Clearly government sector unions are out of touch with reality.

Might just be the employees that are out of touch with reality.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I don't either. Will you share what you know about the negotiating procedure?

When a contract is up for renewal, the union asks it's members for proposals. The union reps then takes the proposals to the table knowing full well that most are not going to happen and are just throw always. There are usually only a couple of hills the union is willing to die on. For example, last contract we negotiated, I didn't want to be on the Safety Committee. My position is unique and my employer feels it is important for me to be on the Committee. There's a long story behind it but I don't want to be on it and so I proposed that the positions on the Committee be strictly voluntary. The union asked for this and the employer said no. We moved on because nobody really wanted to fight for it. It was an issue that only one person cared about. The author of the article would have people believe "the union" wanted voluntary positions when, in fact, it was not really an important issue for them