Portfolio Management Canada Inc.


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
I agree 100% with what you are saying and that they should be governed by the same act as third party collection agencies. No one deserves to be treated unfairly.

As more and more debts are being sold in the collection cycle by these large creditors, maybe all the provincial governments will soon change the rules to include debt buyers under the collections act as some provinces have already done so. After some research and reading the different acts, it is only Alberta and Saskatchewan that make Aktiv and the other debt buyers follow the same collection acts as third party agencies.

Who are some of the other debt buying companies in Canada and do they try and collect with the same harassing and threatening style as Aktiv?


New Member
Sep 12, 2008

If it has been in dispute since 2001, and you have documentation, why wouldn't you just send it in to the company? If your docs will win for you in court, then it would be enough for them to close the account and stop calling.
Of course, it also makes a difference what province you are in.


New Member
Jul 19, 2008

I have a letter from MBNA acknowledging account paid in full and closed that I have sent to Aktiv, they agreed they would not call again once they had received the letter (a conversation which I recorded and now consider breach of verbal contract), they did stop calling for about 1.5 months but resumed in sept. they have been advised to take me to court, and any calls to my number will be billed according to MY rate

I just sent them an invoice this week :)


New Member
Mar 18, 2008
When does Activ stop?

my wife had a debt owing due to a TD Canada Trust Mastercard. We checked with Transunion & Equifax and the date of last payment they claimed was Oct 2002. Our records show that the date is older than that. We are in BC and even though it is now past the 6 year limitation they keep calling. Isn't this illegal? How do we get them to stop?


New Member
Nov 25, 2008
I Live in Ontario
and have debt that I enquired in 1996,
Originally the debt was sent off to Corporate Recovery services 12-15-99
For the amount of 1124.16

Now this year in Oct. 2008
Aktiv-Kapitol contacted my work, I called back the number on the msg. left and realized what it was,
They now want me to pay 1859.00 (interest incurred over the years)

I think if ppl can afford to pay the debt they incurred they should pay it.
But, I was very young unemployed at the time and have since been very careful with my credit
It was tough rebuilding my credit, and am at the age now where I am seriously thinking about a mortgage in the near future. Is it possible to work out a deal with the collection agency to pay it but that they do not report it to the credit bureau? What are my options at this point?
I have already told Aktiv Kapitol to communicate with me by letter mail and that I am unaware of any debt owing, Ater telling them to contact me by mail only they called back my work again,andn said they didn’t have an address to mail me at However.. After the first call from them I requested a copy of my credit report and noticed that on the transunion file there was 2 inquires from a collection agency under another name . (portfolio management). They have since sent me a letter. what do I do now?


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
Portfolio Management Canada Inc. is shady!

I too have been getting numerous calls from this shady debt collection agency! I was in a debt management program for four years and have successfully paid all outstanding debts I owed to all banks and credit card companies. However, PMCI have repeatedly claimed that I owe $5,000 on a Canada Trust Mastercard. I have never had a CT Mastercard, only a CitiBank Mastercard. I've aksed several time for them to provide proof of this alleged debt, but nothing has come forth from them. I told several individuals that represent PMCI that I have paid all outstanding debts owed and that I have never had the card they claimed I owed money on. I even wrote a letter and sent a copy of my discharge paper from my debt management program. PMCI continued calling and demanding that I repay this alleged outstanding debt. I then wrote them a second letter to inform them again of the facts, and also filled a complaint with the Ontario government, which I also informed PMCI of in the second letter. The calls stopped for about a month. Then I started getting calls from a new debt company -- Aktiv Kapital Canada -- which turned out to be the parent company of PMCI -- they had turned the alleged debt over to the parent in the hope that they might still collect on it even though the letters I sent, the copy of my discharge, and the complaint filled clearly indicated that there was no debt owed! I have since found out through a lawyer friend of mine that PMCI and it's parent company buy "bad" debts, many of which are not valid or are clerical errors on paper only, for pennies on the dollar, and then begin harrassing people in the hope that they will just pay up in order to get the calls to stop! Many of these bad debts date back more than 5 years. I would advise anyone who has been getting calls from PMCI to investigate the alleged debt owing, get as much information as possible from them or the institution they claim first held the debt, consult with a lawyer if possible, and file a complaint with the Ontario Goverment if they persist in harrassing you into paying the debt if it is clearly not valid.


New Member
Jun 25, 2009
well I get calls after 5 pm I tell them off to call me from 8 am till 4 45 pm and i blocked a few numbers also wrote letter to ministry of consumer protection branches saying there herassing me I had one lady tell me to fax my ODSP stuff in then they will close file I was told no not to by mom and they still herassed me I got real pi..ed with them told them to F off and so on they finelly stopped calling me


New Member
Jan 5, 2010
Statute Barred

Hi, I'm new in here, but I have been seeing questions about SOL/Stat.Barred. Depending upon where you live, it's 6 or 7 years from the last date of activity on the account or the last payment made.

After the statute runs out, the creditor/CA can no longer sue you to collect. HOWEVER, they can legally continue to call you and send letters demanding payment.

What you do after that is up to you.

I am married to an ex-CA employee (CBCL) and I'm working on fixing up my credit.. my spouse has been an amazing source of information...anything I learn I will pass along.

To add: Aktiv Kapital buys oldstatute barred debts, hoping they can trick or bully you into paying. Theycannot sue you, just annoy the hell out of you.

Aktiv Basher

New Member
Nov 17, 2010
Don't negotiate, don't admit anything and, if you can afford it, hire a lawyer and sue them for libel and damages. If you, however, admitted the indebtedness or tried to negotiate a settlement, you reset the start of your statutory limitation period which runs from two to six years, depending on the province of your residence, from your last admission of or willingness to settle the debt, or the last payment you made, whichever comes last. The best defence is a well thought of and measured attack. They hire cheap lawyers to sue you and, if they serve you successfully, you have to file a statement of defence denying any indebtedness, pointing out that the Stat Limit expired if this is the case, and ask that the case be dismissed with coasts. Bash them! They're scumbags.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
Don't negotiate, don't admit anything and, if you can afford it, hire a lawyer and sue them for libel and damages. If you, however, admitted the indebtedness or tried to negotiate a settlement, you reset the start of your statutory limitation period which runs from two to six years, depending on the province of your residence, from your last admission of or willingness to settle the debt, or the last payment you made, whichever comes last. The best defence is a well thought of and measured attack. They hire cheap lawyers to sue you and, if they serve you successfully, you have to file a statement of defence denying any indebtedness, pointing out that the Stat Limit expired if this is the case, and ask that the case be dismissed with coasts. Bash them! They're scumbags.

I was just wondering who this advice is directed at. The thread was created about 3 years ago, and the last post before yours was almost a year ago. Most, if not all, of the members who posted in this thread are no longer on this site.