Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
When Gabe Deem was eight years old growing up in small-town Texas, he found a copy of a Playboy magazine and decided naked ladies were the best thing ever. Then, when he was 12, his family got high-speed Internet. Suddenly the naked ladies he craved weren’t just intermittently available, they were infinite and on tap. And they were doing stuff he’d never even imagined. It was like he’d gone looking for his first sip of beer and found an unlimited stash of Jack Daniels and unfiltered Export A’s.

Porn-induced erectile dysfunction, and other problems facing Gen-XXX - The Globe and Mail

It's pretty bizarre we live in an age where a child can't buy a Playboy, can't turn on the TV and watch porn or listen to some hardcore dirty talk on a radio station because all those things are regulated but it is perfectly acceptable to allow a child to watch porn on a phone because trying to stop it would somehow be internet censorship.

My goddamn generation has it's priorities all ****ed up. Thank Christ I grew up in an age when we dumpster dived behind the Red Rooster for tossed expired Penthouse's minus the cover and had to woo, connive, beg and trick our way into a pair of panties and when we got there it was pretty fricken exciting instead of some kind of a let down.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
all those things are regulated but it is perfectly acceptable to allow a child to watch porn on a phone because trying to stop it would somehow be internet censorship.

I doubt anyone is "allowing" it to happen anymore than parents way back when 'allowed' their kids to have magazines. Kids want the stuff and if they are determined enough they or one of their friends will get it for them. That has always been the case.

and had to woo, connive, beg and trick our way into a pair of panties and when we got there it was pretty fricken exciting instead of some kind of a let down.

Ha, there was internet porn long before my first time and I still enjoyed my first experience. Didnt take a whole lot of effort.

can't turn on the TV and watch porn or listen to some hardcore dirty talk on a radio station

They can if they're up at the right time.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Adultery would be s fineable offence if I had my way. That still would not solve the problem of married porn. But then again, don't we have laws against such acts in public? As far as I am concerned, the internet is s public place.

One problem. It would need international collaboration.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
But then again, don't we have laws against such acts in public? As far as I am concerned, the internet is s public place.

That varies considerably from place to place. I'd consider the internet semi public. What we do here on a forum is no doubt public. What a person browses and watches or reads - not so much. No different from watching a movie or reading a book in their own home as in effect that is pretty much what they are doing.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
No different from watching a movie or reading a book in their own home as in effect that is pretty much what they are doing.

The difference is you can access hardcore porn with zero restrictions online while through TV your access is far more age verifiable. Seems to me we do a pretty miserable job as a generation in keeping hardcore porn out of the hands of kids in general but I'm willing to listen if you have an argument to the contrary.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
The difference is you can access hardcore porn with zero restrictions online while through TV your access is far more age verifiable. Seems to me we do a pretty miserable job as a generation in keeping hardcore porn out of the hands of kids in general but I'm willing to listen if you have an argument to the contrary.

That varies quite a bit from country to country. You can put on certain kinds of software on computers for age verifications and blocking certain sites, but there are ways around those even kids can figure out too.

Id argue people were never good at keeping it out of the hands of kids. My parents got it as kids, so did I. I used to actually record porn in the middle of the night on the VCR and sell the tapes to friends when I was in grade 8-11 or thereabouts. It was easy.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Adultery would be s fineable offence if I had my way. That still would not solve the problem of married porn. But then again, don't we have laws against such acts in public? As far as I am concerned, the internet is s public place.

One problem. It would need international collaboration.

Adultery is a bible thumper concept. Has nothing to do with normal people. Hell even preachers cheat on their wives.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
That varies quite a bit from country to country. You can put on certain kinds of software on computers for age verifications and blocking certain sites, but there are ways around those even kids can figure out too.

Id argue people were never good at keeping it out of the hands of kids. My parents got it as kids, so did I. I used to actually record porn in the middle of the night on the VCR and sell the tapes to friends when I was in grade 8-11 or thereabouts. It was easy.

What you seem to be ignoring is access and availability which is what created the market you ironically mentioned as proof that it is not damaging to kids.

Why would a kid now buy a softcore porn tape when for free he/she can log onto just about anything and be watching hardcore orgies with zero limitations? It is that tremendous access that is rendering mid 20's guys impotent because they are now so desensitized a real girl doesn't generate enough excitement to warrant an erection.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
The difference is you can access hardcore porn with zero restrictions online while through TV your access is far more age verifiable. Seems to me we do a pretty miserable job as a generation in keeping hardcore porn out of the hands of kids in general but I'm willing to listen if you have an argument to the contrary.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm

This works every time.

I don't know. Starting with it so young is problematic. Training a young mind is easy. Getting used to sex as depicted in porn would be a problem if you haven't already acquired a nose for the feminine flower. The sweet musky aroma that never fails to make me stand at attention.