Pope scolds Canada on gay marriage, abortion


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
I'm sure you realize that grey-power, the fifty plus crowd of today has more money than any demographic preceeding it. Living a long time is the route to amassing wealth and avoiding that terrible bogeyman the grim reaper.

Religion and predominantly the Roman Catholic Church has taught human beings that we are fundamentally and innately flawed beings with an evil nature. The "promise" of an afterlife of luxuriant non-neediness appeals to those who'd like nothing more than to go on consuming for eternity.

What is evil in this world is the erection of counterfeit values with bankrupt concepts. It's OK to hate homosexuals and women are of course second class citizens...please open your hymnal to ...

What nonesense!


Electoral Member
Sep 23, 2005
Bash Bush Catholics and Canada's way of life, you people are disgusting and I hope don't live in Canada.


Electoral Member
Sep 23, 2005
Re: RE: Pope scolds Canada on gay marriage, abortion

tamarin said:
With Texas on your nomenker you can't be a Canadian either. Thank goodness!

Sorry to disappoint you but.......................I AM CANADIAN.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
1.) Feronia: No they aren't. That is the NATURE of free speech. They can live their life as they wish, the same as anyone else, but like anyone else they also have to listen to things they don't care about. simplest solution here is don't listen to the pope if you don't believe in Catholocism.

2.) MikeyDB..come now, isn't that a little bigoted to assume africans are that stupid?

That they knowingly break the churches position on extra and pre-marital sex but then get all confused by their condom policy? They aren't retards. Condoms could be falling from the sky they still wouldn't use one for the same reason they don't now. If your wife catches you with a condom in your pocket she'll cut your willy off, same as here.

I hate to break it to you , but if you don't like the Catholic religion you don't have to follow it, but that doesn't mean you get to tell other people how to follow their religion either, its not a democracy or a wiki-religion. You can't change parts that are now socially unacceptable.

If its unacceptable, and its not physically doing anything, just preaching. Just ignore it..and sooner or later it will fade away like many religions before it.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

Sorry if it disappoints you but I do live in Canada and I care a great deal about how we all live as members of the same species sharing this little planet.

Bush Catholicism and conspicuous consumption without regard for the consequences all have something in common, care to hazard a guess what that might be?


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

If it were a case of mouthing words absent of impact on human perception then you'd be right, ignore them and get on with living. But the reality is that this religion teaches hatred. It teaches hatred of homosexuality, it reinforces the "correctness" of prejudice based on gender, it uses the unprovable as the foundation for its moral theses and ....well lots of other real-world bad things over its history.

But the real issue I have with Catholicism is that their high priests abuse people and their authority. They have usurped the tenets of an otherwise (a great many parts) sound social philosophy and strategy for life and turned them into a mechanism for coercing compliance and embedding fear.

I'm not really interested in arguing about the evils of the practices of the Roman Catholic Church, and if you choose to embrace that particular dogma go for it. Just remember that when the decision is made by that church that political engines will recieve support for policies and programs that will directly affect human lives, it is your willing suspension of the power of rationality that is their greatest power.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
The high priests don't abuse people in their authority any more so than any other authority figure though. This is why we have things like Internal Affairs for Cops, this doesn't mean we should disband the police.

And all religions are unprovable, thats the nature of them. And you know what? Teaching hatred is fine too. I honestly don't care if people hate each other deep down as long as they can sit down, shut up and behave in society without causing physical harm to each other.

Society should not be in a position to tell people how to think and feel, only how to act so we can function as a society. Many many people for instance hate me, competitors in my business, but as long as they follow the law and compete fairly I don't care, thats their right to hate me.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
The devils in the details isn't it? When a religion espouses "suffer not the little children to come unto me" and the practioners of this religion then molest children it plants a seed of doubt in my mind about the conviction and committment to that particular dogma. For governments to abuse people (as I would agree they've done for ages) isn't quite the same thing as using the "word of god" to establish ones authority then demonstrating through behavior and at the podium that hatred and prejudice evolve from the same source as the "love" of god....

Bastards and liars one and all.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
You think teaching hatred is perfectly OK so long as that hatred isn't translated into action...is that about it?

Doesn't the Roman Catholic dogma teach that thinking the thought is tantamount to committing the act?


Nominee Member
Jul 10, 2006
Montreal, Canada
Re: RE: Pope scolds Canada on gay marriage, abortion

MikeyDB said:

Sorry if it disappoints you but I do live in Canada and I care a great deal about how we all live as members of the same species sharing this little planet.

Bush Catholicism and conspicuous consumption without regard for the consequences all have something in common, care to hazard a guess what that might be?

MikeyDB, sorry to disappoint YOU, but we live in a continent where we are entitled to freedom of religion. That includes those of us who share the Catholic faith.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
I celebrate that freedom with you. what I won't celebrate is giving a pass to religions that conduct themselves in ways diametically opposed to the messages of love and tolerance they espouse.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

That's a beginning. Don't forget the viciousness of several Inquisitions, the support for Conquistadors who slaughtered millions in the "new world"...predominantly Jesuits, Franciscans and Benedictines...

But hey these are the folk that quote the bible and tell us all about loving thy enemy and turning th other cheek ...so I supose we could add hypocrisy to our characterization..


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Every time I consider the dynamic of the Catholic “faith” (I keep my consideration brief to avoid becoming angry) I’m reminded of that great little spiel from Robert Strange McNamara provided on the DVD titled “The Fog of War”.

“It is necessary from time to time to commit evil in the pursuit of good.”

How enlightening that this architect of millions of people’s deaths in a merciless exercise of extermination of the Japanese people then the Vietnamese people should employ the logic of the Inquisitions in justifying what he later admits are acts that should have seen he and the entire American administration charged with committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Unlike McNamara however the Roman Catholic Church and is architects of criminality enjoy the exquisite infamy of behaving like barbarians in the divine light of their espousal of faith in a loving benevolent creator being as opposed to simply generating the impetus to slaughter whereby American industrialists might amass fortunes.

To be sure the Baptists of the southern United States have demonstrated a willingness to deny the African American “personhood” and dismissed Sunday services early to attend lynching in the community squares as entertainment respite from the labor of celebrating their particular version of “god”.

Wonderful how we’ve seen these exercises of “belief” mold societies isn’t it!?


Electoral Member
Sep 23, 2005
Re: RE: Pope scolds Canada on gay marriage, abortion

MikeyDB said:

That's a beginning. Don't forget the viciousness of several Inquisitions, the support for Conquistadors who slaughtered millions in the "new world"...predominantly Jesuits, Franciscans and Benedictines...

But hey these are the folk that quote the bible and tell us all about loving thy enemy and turning th other cheek ...so I supose we could add hypocrisy to our characterization..

Lucky for you we didn't do a better job in cleaning up. :lol:


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
When you say "we" can I conclude that you're either a Catholic, a Spaniard or both? :)


Time Out
Jul 19, 2006
Re: RE: Pope scolds Canada on gay marriage, abortion

Zzarchov said:
1.) Feronia: No they aren't. That is the NATURE of free speech. They can live their life as they wish, the same as anyone else, but like anyone else they also have to listen to things they don't care about. simplest solution here is don't listen to the pope if you don't believe in Catholocism.

Can you please clarify which post you are responding to? There are several.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
The Pope can say whatever he bloody well feels like saying, but I for one have no intention of paying any attention to it. I think he's just an ignorant, superstitious, silly old man whose values are stuck in the 15th century. I grant him the same rights of free speech that I have, and he would no doubt dismiss my thoughts about him just as I've dismissed his thoughts about Canada's position on gay marriage and abortion. I don't care what he says about anything, or what he might think of me if he knew what I think about things. He has no power to enforce his views on the nation anyway.

If he did, that's a different matter entirely; then I'd be on the barricades protesting and trying to stop him, because I think that'd be dangerously wrong and retrograde and uncivilized. And he'd probably try to have me and anyone who thinks like I do repressed. Organized churches, when they also have political power, have been pretty good at that. That's why we can't let them have political power: they think there's absolutely no possibility that they might be wrong.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
1.) Feronia: The one in which you quoated me.

2.) MikeyDB
Catholic history: So, perhaps we shouldn't be secular either when you look at pro-secular societies and organizations? "Reign of Terror" , "Soviet Purges".

You can judge people based on things they didn't do. Thats one of the foundations of our society.

And the Catholic church is far from the haven of paedophiles its made out to be in the media. You are more likely to be molested by a teacher than a priest by something like 50 to 1.

Lets all shut down the education system and blame all the good teachers for the bad ones!

Religious Stereotypes are still bigoted EVEN IF you don't like the faith your targetting. Thats kind of the point. Try to avoid falling into traps bigots have set to lure people in (Anti-Papacy is still VERY strong in many protestant areas)