Ontario's economy to top Canada's provincial growth rankings in 2015


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Sometimes it is easy to become lazy when money is rolling in seemingly unchecked.

I think that's exactly what's happened here. I've always argued that the "Alaska model" works best. Decide what level of service you want and tax people accordingly. Oil revenue should be split between rebates and infrastructure.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Ontario's deficit sits $1.6 billion lower than projected

TORONTO -- A slump in oil prices, low interest rates and a weaker loonie may be hurting Alberta's economy, but Ontario's finance minister says they're giving his province some much-needed "breathing room" as it tackles a $10.9-billion deficit.

The revised deficit figure, announced Tuesday by Finance Minister Charles Sousa, is lower than the previously projected $12.5 billion, but critics and opposition leaders remain skeptical about the Liberal government's ability to balance the books in two years, as promised.

It's estimated that Ontario's economy will grow by 2.7 per cent next year, Sousa said, positioning the province "as an island of economic calm in a turbulent world."

While the drop in oil prices has affected Ontario companies that service refineries, the province is an importer of oil and lower oil prices have meant lower costs for businesses and manufacturers, Sousa said.

"Lower oil prices, lower interest rates and a lower dollar are together giving us some welcome breathing room," Sousa said Tuesday in a speech to the Toronto Region Board of Trade, though he cautioned it may only be temporary.

In Alberta, the budget tabled last week increases taxes and fees across the board and runs the largest deficit in the province's history at $5 billion. Premier Jim Prentice has billed the document as necessary to make up for billions in lost oil revenue and to insulate the province's day-to-day spending from roller-coaster swings in energy prices.

Ontario's deficit sits $1.6 billion lower than projected: Sousa | CTV London News


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Nope a dyke refers to the dominant of two female partners.. the female partner closest resembling a man. She's pretty manly looking.

Just another mouthpiece of the of Liberal Left. No respect for her as an individual, and could care less that she is a premier of a province, with a debt worse than Greece.

Why does it offend you so much?? Is it not a fact, and her sexual orientation would affect her governing and policies. If you're in public office, things like that are public, are they not?

If she can't handle the criticism, maybe she should step down as a public figure.
No need to talk about the topic at hand .

Didn't you hear?

TD, CIBC and RBC are all lefty sympathizers.

And don't get me started on that commie rag, the Toronto Sun.
Great Ontario is no longer a have not Province and will once again be contributing to the economic growth and stability of Canada .
No more equalization .

Ontario budget expected to beat $12.5-billion deficit target

Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa, who will deliver a budget in the coming weeks, says he will beat his deficit target of $12.5-billion for the current fiscal year, helped in part by a lower Canadian dollar, reduced oil prices and the economic recovery in the United States.

Mr. Sousa is expected to unveil the new figure Tuesday at a major prebudget luncheon speech to the Toronto Region Board of Trade. He has not yet announced the budget date and it’s not expected he will do so in his speech.

As Ontario’s budget approaches, two other provincial budgets released last week – in Alberta and Quebec – are providing interesting contrasts. Oil-rich Alberta, usually solidly in the black, is showing a deficit and a bleak economic future, given the oil-price meltdown. Quebec, in deficit territory for years and traditionally dependent on federal transfer payments, has presented a balanced budget and is promising economic growth.

Ontario’s budget – Mr. Sousa’s third as Finance Minister – is expected to come somewhere in the middle. In an interview Monday, Mr. Sousa said he will not deviate from his plan, laid out in last year’s budget, to balance the books by 2017-18.

Last year, the government announced $130-billion in spending and projected a deficit of $12.5-billion for 2014-15.

He said that his coming budget will not put anyone in Ontario in “harm’s way.” For example, it is not expected that the government will make dramatic cuts to health care or education.

Quebec took some hard decisions in its budget. Social programs, for which the province is known, were singled out. Daycare costs are increasing and fertility programs for women were eliminated as part of $1.2-billion in spending cuts.

Alberta, meanwhile, announced a record $5-billion deficit and raised income taxes.

Mr. Sousa is painting a positive picture of Ontario’s recovery from the recession. He said that 500,000 jobs have been created since the 2008 recession and that Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz’s interest-rate decrease in January has helped with investment.


Ontario budget expected to beat $12.5-billion deficit target - The Globe and Mail
Great we didn't add the whole 12.5 billion to the debt .

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Looks like theres some salty individuals here. Maybe we could get the Ontario Premier to run federally. Looks like she's doing a heck of a job.

Actually, she's not. If you read the RBC report, Ontario is starting to do better through nothing that she's done or policies she's implemented, not unlike the US where Obama hasn't done squat for the economy either, but the US economy has started to improve too.

Having said that, in Alberta it's been just the opposite -



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Be sure to get in a (false) attack on Obama in a thread about the Canadian (specifically Ontario) economy.

Aside from that, I love right-wingers. They hold as religious belief that the government should stay out of the economy, then piss and moan when the government doesn't intervene in the economy.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
As a proud Canadian, Ontario is more than happy to help out the inferior provinces.