News on the News: Fake News


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The hidden impact of 'fake news' the mainstream won't tell you
(in part)
The independent media, by its very nature is the enemy of the mainstream. We only exist because they have frequently repeatedly failed to uphold journalistic integrity.
When that mainstream media considers us a threat, it signals that we are on the right path, we are doing a good job. That we are having an impact.
It’s no secret that polarizing audiences can do wonders for your brand – when it’s authentic.
It plays directly into the bandwagon effect, a common psychological phenomenon where people make choices based on the apparent choices of others.
The mainstream media were undoubtedly hoping to tap into herd mentality.

That Putin guy sure gets around.

BUSTED! Supposed Syrian Activist Group Feeding News to Big Media Exposed as a British-Run FAKE NEWS Factory
Darn! Don't you just hate it when a major "Syrian opposition" media outfit that is a frequent source of information for Western media turns out to be a western government front?
A story in Alternet yesterday exposes the media offices of something called the "Revolutionary Forces of Syria" is actually run by westerners based in Turkey and paid for by the British government.
The outfit gave itself away when it tried to recruit a managing editor. The guy in question turned down the job despite the eye-watering offer of $17,000 a month and blew the whistle on them instead:
“I would have been talking to opposition people on the ground and writing news pieces based on statements from media activists who are affiliated with the armed groups in places like Aleppo,” the reporter later explained.
The salary offered for this task was an eye-popping $17,000 a month.
The reporter ultimately decided not to pursue the RFS position because he felt it would be journalistically unethical.
“The idea that I would work for the government of a country that’s intimately involved in the Syrian conflict is one that’s incomprehensible for me as a journalist,” he told AlterNet.
“This was far beyond working for state-owned media in my opinion. It was to actually be a mouthpiece for specific armed groups that are backed by a Western regime with a long history of disastrous interference in this region. That doesn’t mean I don’t have sympathy for people who are against the Syrian government. I am not pro-regime. At the same time, I am a journalist and would like to maintain my integrity at that level.”
The reporter declined to recommend others for the job, saying, “I’m not going to facilitate some dubious relationship between a reporter and what is obviously a propaganda outlet,” he said.
This clandestine propaganda operation is only one of many undertaken by the British government which has pumped $3 million into into pro-rebel propaganda outfits based out of Istanbul alone.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Something to consider.

I do not agree that CNN or USA Today is better than not reading news at all............



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”
― Mark Twain

this may not be such a new news problem


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
I forgot the links......

Even though the North Korean constitution officially states that it allows the freedom of religion, this freedom simply does not exist in the North. As such, I had to learn continuously about the negative effects and harms of a religion while growing up in North Korea. This environment therefore makes many North Koreans agnostic, but some of course conduct religious activities behind closed doors, often however with serious consequences.

The basic principles of North Korean socialism are strongly opposed to and incompatible with religious beliefs

How Christmas Is (Not) Celebrated in North Korea

How Christmas Is (Not) Celebrated in North Korea - TIME


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”
― Mark Twain

this may not be such a new news problem
He used to write a lot of fiction didn't he?

Saddam having WMD's and the Gulf War I caused more than 1M civilians to die needlessly and probably illegally is somewhat more of a deal than being 'mis-informed'. That is one of several nations in that same general area in just the last few years.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”
― Mark Twain

this may not be such a new news problem

Indeed it isn't. Lies have been perpetrated through the media from the times of 16th and 17th century pamphleteers. The evolution of pamphlets into newspapers simply created a medium for lies on a regular basis.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Something to consider.

I do not agree that CNN or USA Today is better than not reading news at all............

Man, that chart looks nothing like the one I saw. Mind you it showed US, European and Canadian news outlets. CNN was NOT mainstream center on that chart and they're not wrong. Seriously, CNN is just Fox News for democrats who can't be bothered thinking for themselves. And the NYT is mainstream center? Not a chance, they push the leftwing agenda and they push it pretty hard. I wish I could find the link to that chart. It's one of those things you run across when you're looking for something else and don't think to save the link.

As for the whole fake news thing, printing stories because some ethnic or religious minority made a claim that they were victimized is fake news if you can't, or don't even bother trying to verify the story.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Fox News retracts claim food stamp fraud at 'all-time high'

“We reported that back in 2016 $70 [billion] were wasted on food stamp fraud,” Fox News contributor Abby Huntsman said on Friday's "Fox and Friends."

That was actually incorrect. The latest information from 2009 to 2011 shows the fraud at 1.3 percent, which is approximately $853 million for each of those three years. Nationally food stamp trafficking is on the decline. So sorry about that mistake.”


Fox News retracts claim food stamp fraud at 'all-time high' | TheHill



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
When is President Obama supposed to come and take all the guns away?

Wayne LaPierre and the gun lobby have been saying he's been planning to for eight years now — and there's only 20 days left, so when it supposed to happen? Considering that it is widely believed that there are more guns than people in the United States, wouldn't that require a massive logistical effort, involving the entire U.S. military, FEMA, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Black Panthers and possibly all the black helicopters the United Nations has stashed away somewhere?

If this giant gun grab is actually supposed to happen, exactly how would they all be collected and destroyed, presumably before Donald Trump takes office? And if they aren't to be destroyed, then wouldn't it be kind of pointless to even collect them, considering the incoming president could (and most likely would) simply return them all to their owners?

And if it isn't supposed to happen, what does that say about the credibility of those who have claimed for the last 2,921 days that "Obama's going to take all the guns away?

Are we a socialist Muslim country yet?

For the last eight years we've also been told that the socialist Muslim communist Mr. Obama would also institute Sharia law in America, yet somehow the three branches of government are still in operation, and there are no signs that he has enlisted a secret army of inner city warriors to overthrow the government and install him permanently in office.

Is this to happen by the 20th? If so, shouldn't we have seen some sort of mobilization effort by now? If not, why do people still put any credibility into the rantings of AM talk radio hosts (you know who they are) who have spent the last eight years churning up and regurgitating any ridiculous so-called secret plan the "Muslim Kenyan" in the White House was supposed to have sprung on us by now? If we believe in personal responsibility, shouldn't those who have been making these allegations have at least by now apologized with an "Oops, we were wrong"?

How come we never saw that Michelle Obama "whitey" tape that was alleged to exist before the 2008 and 2012 elections?

Rush Limbaugh actually claimed that Mr. Obama was paying lesbians to become farmers and invade red states. Presuming that there are enough lesbians to go around, and that they'd all want to leave the relative comfort of blue states where there is Obamacare and Planned Parenthood and economies that pay more into the federal treasury than they take out, what exactly would those lesbians grow? And would there be enough of it to make more lesbians (one would presume that would be the point, right)?

What happened to all those FEMA concentration camps we were told about? If they really did exist, why didn't Obama put Ted Nugent in one first?

If there has been a "War On Christmas," is victory in sight for anybody?

And if there really isn't, shouldn't the guy who started up all the fuss about it, former Fox News and MSNBC talk host John Gibson, author of "The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday is Worse Than You Thought," come out with a sequel called, "Did You Really Believe that Nonsense I Published About a War on Christmas, and How I Paid for My Kids' College Because You Bought It Hook, Line and Sinker?"

If Mr. Obama didn't really have Osama bin Laden killed, why has he been so quiet?

For the fundamentalists: If Mr. Obama really is the AntiChrist, shouldn't he have done something really spectacular by now? (Granted, there was Obamacare, but aside from getting Joe Biden to say a bad word within earshot of a live microphone, I don't know that it qualifies as Biblically impressive enough.)

How much longer will we have to qualify for those great Obama home mortgage deals that have been advertised on Yahoo for the last eight years?

And lastly, will everyone have to turn in their free Obamaphones come the inauguration?

Why aren't we Muslim socialists yet? - Baltimore Sun


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
MSM Exposed Pushing Fake Story on ‘Mysterious Illness’ in States With Legal Weed

The amusing irony of the “fake news” crusade being pushed by mainstream media is the fact that MSM themselves are publishing fake and misleading stories.

Take CBS, for example. In November, CBS Boston published an article promoting an unproven blacklist of fake, misleading news sites. Now, in December, they have published what can only be called a pathetic attempt at a cannabis hit piece – devoid of any rational basis.

The title, “Mysterious illness tied to marijuana use on the rise in states with legal weed,” is enough to make people who don’t click on the article think something dangerous is happening as cannabis is legalized.

Reading the article would lead the less analytical among us to think something serious is afoot in Colorado, portending bad things as prohibition crumbles.

As we will see, there is no substantial evidence of a rise in the illness, and no evidence whatsoever presented for a rise in multiple “states with legal weed.”…


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
less accidents on the road is a disease you can get from legal pot?
who knew?
but hey, you can get lead poisoning from bullets and they are still legal

we should however ban fake nudes
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Yep, not unlike the news that Harper had a hidden agenda when he was elected too! I'm still waiting for it to be revealed!!