NATO nations set to reap spoils of Libya war


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
C'mon dude don't start this now.. I'm being serious. Are you talking about the 2001 or 2011 date?

Okay, I'll just answer both to save time.

If the 2001 date, as I mentioned already, there was no U.S. conspiracy. It was a legitimate terrorist attack.

The 2011 date is just meant to show the country's economic state of affairs caused by the U.S. response to the terrorist attack.

Then my apologies then. But I do not think the economic mess is entirely the fault of our response to terrorism.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Increased spending for these wars certainly contributed a good deal, but entitlements and pork and out of control spending is to blame as well.

Mm.. Yes, I should have clarified, I don't think it was the sole cause either.

Wtf u gotta get all logical on me?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Increased spending for these wars certainly contributed a good deal, but entitlements and pork and out of control spending is to blame as well.
The people being held responsible for the failures and ponzi schemes of Wall St is pathetic and undemocratic.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The people being held responsible for the failures and ponzi schemes of Wall St is pathetic and undemocratic.

This ain;t nothin - Wait till China goes when all the corruption finally comes home to roost. The Princelings have passports for other countries. But the crap will be bigger than what the US - EU went thru. And yes it will affect us all.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I'm still waiting. You won't answer.

It KILLS you to think that NATO bombed the Christian Serbs to save Muslims from being slaughtered.

Wrong wording. If i may:
It KILLS you to think that NATO bombed the Christian Serb Infidels to save Muslims from being slaughtered


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Wrong wording. If i may:
It KILLS you to think that NATO bombed the Christian Serb Infidels to save Muslims from being slaughtered

And the only nations that did anything to stop the Christian Serbs from wiping out the Muslims were NATO nations while Muslim nations stood by helpless or at least indifferent.

Of course they revised history.

Diane Sawyer was in Saudi Arabia and happened to interview a Saudi male. He would not even look at her because she was a woman and only addressed the translator. He said he hated Americans because...

"They attacked muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia and Kosovo."

"Wait a minute, we attacked Christian Serbs in Serbia and Kosovo to save Muslims." she responded

"That's not what we are told." he said to the translator.

That didn't surprise me one bit. Now we know where Aberfett gets his news from.


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
I'm still waiting. You won't answer.

It KILLS you to think that NATO bombed the Christian Serbs to save Muslims from being slaughtered.

haha you think that's what happened.

Thank you finally admitting there is Islamic extremism. After denying it existed for so long....

I love it when you guys shoot yourselves in the foot/mouth.

never did i deny islamic extremism exists, that's a fact.
there are just much bigger threats to western civilization, islam is not a threat. that's what i've said to bozos who think otherwise.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
haha you think that's what happened.
You obviously disagree. So tell us what happened.

The only reason you wouldn't want to tell us, is that even you think your idea is silly.


never did i deny islamic extremism exists, that's a fact.
Ya, we know. I'm surprised you actually know what one is.

there are just much bigger threats to western civilization, islam is not a threat. that's what i've said all along to bozos who think otherwise.
No it isn't just what you said.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
furthermore, the only thing it accomplishes by trying to fight terrorism militarily only exacerbates the situation. creates more tension and leads to more terrorism (see 9/11).

....and when you don't try to fight it militarily it becomes perfectly reasonable, amicable even, and eventually goes away. :)

Doesn't it make sense to be sure the rebels really ARE the good guys

Who is going to do this and under what right?? How is this to be done without appearing biased or prejudiced???

If there was a walk through scan to indicate "good guy" and "bad guy".....;-)

Bombing the crap out of the Rebels' enemy on the Rebels' behalf doesn't make us appear biased and prejudiced?

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Dealing with terrorism militarily only angers the ones who already have an issue with the US and its policies......and motivates them to turn to vengence .

a terrorist act is an act of vengence. It has little to do with 'hating the US life styles etc " and same brain dead prez indicated and the sheeple bought into.

Most of these are not even familiar with US lifestyle or understand it's freedoms. What they do understand and how the US has treated many on the planet for decades.

This has been a build up of anger, resentment HURT over many years.

but most of the kool aid drinking sheeple refuse to give this any thought and understand how things to that bad......and simply prefer the USG version of things........which is simplistic and inaccurate. But it so much easier to fall in goose step mindset and follow the party line from the govt.

Oh hooey. What they understand and see is an ideology that tells them to kill the unbelievers and spread their religion across the world.

Who has Thailand ever hurt? Who have the Nigerians hurt? Who have the Southern Sudeanese hurt? Who have the Philipines hurt? Who had Trinidad and Tobago hurt? Yet all these places and many others are suffering the same onslaught that is being waged against the US.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
don't be naive. It is ALWAYS about the US , directly or indirectly. Empires make sure of it.

.........what did you expect. Was NATO to jump at the request in a knee jerk reaction ??? They had to come up with a plan . Before going off half cocked. If the revolters were serious and they were.....the plan to help had to be formulated so as to bring the most effective short term and long term results.

lol NATO jumped because the Arab League said jump. Obama bows to their Kings, remember?