Nationalize oil firms, almost half of Canadians say


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Nationalizing oil and gas does not mean lower prices.

Gas in Norway is twice the price of gas in America.
Gas in Venezuela is cheaper , unfortunately no one has money to pay for any .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Nationalizing oil and gas does not mean lower prices.

Gas in Norway is twice the price of gas in America.

Here is yet another article illustrating delusional LIE-beral thinking. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Ontario Grade 10 students to be taught financial and digital literacy

Canadian Press. Published: November 3, 2017. Updated: November 3, 2017 11:58 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Ontario

TORONTO </W> Grade 10 students in Ontario will be learning about financial and digital literacy, starting next year. Education Minister Mitzie Hunter announced the changes today to the career
studies course.

The new course includes budgeting and financial management, as well as career
pathway planning, entrepreneurship and digital literacy.

(HAHAHAHA! HUGELY FUNNY! LIE-berals will teach kids about money? The people who insist they have “balanced” our provincial budget this year-2018? The people who have been caught out repeatdly using accounting methods NEVER TAUGHT at any reputable school of business? HAHAHAHA!)

Hunter says it will give students the skills they need to succeed.

The changes stem from 29 pilot projects that were held across the province, and
the government says it incorporated feedback in announcing the enhancement of
the career studies course.

(Hunter is DREAMING- in technicolour! LIE-berals will NOT be teaching kids anything about debt- otherwise they would have to answer UGLY questions about how long and how many generations it will take to deal with our current LIE-beral created debt! And LIE-berals would also be facing nasty kid questions about why civil service union Hogs are ENTITLED to invest TWICE as much money tax free in pensions as ordinary people! And there would be questions about inflation as well- such as LIE-berals telling us how good it would be to start saving for old age when you are young- by forgoing home ownership or holidays and etc- LIE-berals point out that if you start saving at age 25 then with the miracle of compound interest you can have a million dollars by age 65- LIE-berals go on to tell us that at current rates you will get a return on investment of $40,000.00 per year- BUT- LIE-berals neglect to tell us that $40 grand will be what we live on FOR A WEEK in 40 years- thanks to LIE-beral debts and mad spending entitlements!)

(LIE-berals are “POFF`s”- the Party Offering Foolish Fakery in all matters related to economics and immigration and national security!)



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Here is yet another article illustrating delusional LIE-beral thinking. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Ontario Grade 10 students to be taught financial and digital literacy

Canadian Press. Published: November 3, 2017. Updated: November 3, 2017 11:58 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Ontario

TORONTO </W> Grade 10 students in Ontario will be learning about financial and digital literacy, starting next year. Education Minister Mitzie Hunter announced the changes today to the career
studies course.

The new course includes budgeting and financial management, as well as career
pathway planning, entrepreneurship and digital literacy.

(HAHAHAHA! HUGELY FUNNY! LIE-berals will teach kids about money? The people who insist they have “balanced” our provincial budget this year-2018? The people who have been caught out repeatdly using accounting methods NEVER TAUGHT at any reputable school of business? HAHAHAHA!)

Hunter says it will give students the skills they need to succeed.

The changes stem from 29 pilot projects that were held across the province, and
the government says it incorporated feedback in announcing the enhancement of
the career studies course.

(Hunter is DREAMING- in technicolour! LIE-berals will NOT be teaching kids anything about debt- otherwise they would have to answer UGLY questions about how long and how many generations it will take to deal with our current LIE-beral created debt! And LIE-berals would also be facing nasty kid questions about why civil service union Hogs are ENTITLED to invest TWICE as much money tax free in pensions as ordinary people! And there would be questions about inflation as well- such as LIE-berals telling us how good it would be to start saving for old age when you are young- by forgoing home ownership or holidays and etc- LIE-berals point out that if you start saving at age 25 then with the miracle of compound interest you can have a million dollars by age 65- LIE-berals go on to tell us that at current rates you will get a return on investment of $40,000.00 per year- BUT- LIE-berals neglect to tell us that $40 grand will be what we live on FOR A WEEK in 40 years- thanks to LIE-beral debts and mad spending entitlements!)

(LIE-berals are “POFF`s”- the Party Offering Foolish Fakery in all matters related to economics and immigration and national security!)


And it is clear that pollsters can make their numbers and answers stand for anything they like! How else to explain ALLEGED Cdn voter acceptance of a privatized oil industry! WE have already been through the Petro Canada fiscal disaster and frof those who are not aware of the mess- I supply a reminder below:

How sad that some very foolish people try to claim there is not much difference between Lie-beral and Conservative political parties. The reality is that Lie-berals annoy Conservatives by telling lies about Conservatives while Conservatives enrage Lie-berals by telling the TRUTH about Lie-berals! Consider these facts:

During the Mike Harris term as Ontari-owe premier-a Conservative minister was caught misusing ten thousand dollars of tax money for treats-the usual political thing-fancy restaurants and alcohol. And Harris FIRED the minister from his cabinet and made the minister pay the money back.

During that same month, Lie-beral deputy prime minister Sheila Copps was accused of spending one hundred and eighty six thousand dollars of tax payers money in Paris on the usual political treats-fancy restaurants, 5 star hotels and alcohol. When questioned about the expenses-which included a couple of EXTRA free days in Paris with no political duty whatsoever-so she could adjust to jet lag she said-and NOT so she could goof off in the city of lights-she put on her best Princess Royal demeanor and informed the reporters that she was DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER .....AND ANSWERED ONLY prime minister Chretien. Basically she told the reporters and tax payers to **** off and got away with it-not quite the same as the Harris response in spite of Copps taking nearly TWENTY TIMES MORE money than the Harris minister!

Or how about Lie-berals wanting to accuse of Conservatives of being worse money managers than Lie-berals? Yet Lie-berals do NOT want to discuss the fact that their party was in charge during 70 of the 100 years of the twentieth century-during which time MOST of our current national debts were run up! It is sad but true FACT that our national debts increased most rapidly when LIE-berals and their socialist NDP allies worked together! Lie-berals don’t want to talk about the fact that Cdn debts historically built up MOST RAPIDLY during years when minority govts with Lie-beral prime ministers supported by NDP were in charge!

Recently a Lie-beral post on this site lamented that Harper and Conservatives sold off Petro Canada-as if the crown corporation was actually USEFUL in some fashion to Cdns and this is truly spectacular re-writing of history! Petro Canada was created in 1975 by Lie-beral prime minister (and closet communist) Pierre Trudeau. Petro Canada was a TYPICAL Lie-beral creation-a crown corporation sucking up massive amounts of tax money and consistently failing to show a profit in spite of preferential treatment by govt. The special govt aid included FREE access to assorted oil fields on crown land around the country-access which any private oil company would have to bid on and PAY for-and yet private companies out performed the crown corporation civil service Hogs at every turn in spite of govt aid to Petro Canada RIPOFF!

Petro Canada also bought out the small privately owned experimental tar sands project in west Alberta and expanded it massively. As the price of oil soared, other companies joined Petro Canada in exploiting the tar sands. So when our current prime minister the Boy with nice hair-for Brains speaks of shutting down the tar sands he is telling us he wants to DESTROY the energy policy of his father the odious Pierre Trudope-our vicious PET!

By 1990, with Petro Canada STILL sucking up masses of tax dollars to keep afloat-and no real hope of ever making the govt employed Petro Hogs actually PAY their way; and with many private companies producing good profits in Alberta oil fields and making Petro Canada look STUPID; and with the Conservative govt of Brian Mulroney facing a recession, it was decided to cut the MANY losses of govt and sell off Petro Canada-it was NOTHING to do with Harper!! Lie-berals miss no opportunity to lie about Harper and like good socialists, they are quite willing to re-write history-just look at the crap they spout about Harper! Socialists believe their `good will` makes them infallible and any socialist plan that goes wrong must therefore have been sabotaged by their enemies and so Socialists believe they are ENTITLED to re-write history as they please!

Some Lie-berals may jump on this information and ask what is the difference between selling Petro Canada and selling Ontari-owe Hydro? The difference is this: There were and are many companies producing oil and oil prices do fluctuate up and down from time to time-competition between oil companies is not high...but there IS Some. Compare that to your electric bill-and I ASK-when was the last time the price of electricity EVER FELL? In your LIFETIME????

Further, oil is NOT something we need every day. We can walk or bicycle to work-in fact Lie-berals would like to ORDER us to do this! Loonie leftists and Lie-berals are behind the `war on cars` in Toronto. Or we can take a bus or subway. We can control oil consumption costs by car pooling or trading in the SUV on a smaller more fuel efficient car etc. We HAVE some choices about gas consumption-not many, but SOME!

With electricity we HAVE NO CHOICE-it is produced ONLY by one entity-GOVERNMENT! And we need electricity every day. We need it to run subways. Need it for street lights and stop lights. Need it for the heart monitor Granny is hooked up to. Need it for our furnace-the main fuel may be natural gas or even oil but the thermostat won’t run without electricity! Need it for our computers and machines at work.

Oil is something we can often do without if we are careful. Electricity is something we MUST have EVERY DAY!

All democratic govts long ago adopted the notion that a monopoly is a BAD THING and ought to be regulated heavily. Petro Canada was NOT a monopoly-just a very costly business failure and good riddance . Ontari-owe Hydro is a powerful monopoly that WE ALL need and Ontari-owe Lie-berals are selling it off for short term gain and long term pain-a quick one time infusion of cash in exchange for long term LOST PROFITS!

AND Lie-berals have ended the ability of provincial auditors to even look at the books of the electrical MONOPOLY in future and we ought to be asking what they are planning to hide in those now closed off books! Ontari-owe premier McWynnty-the Great Whore who sold herself, her party and our future to the Hogs has now sold 15 percent of Ontari-owe Hydro and has used that small sale as an excuse to completely shut the Hydro books IN SPITE of Hydro STILL being a publicly owned entity! Petro Canada was an easily replaced money pit. Ontari-owe Hydro is an essential service being stolen from Cdns!

There was NO CHANGE in the price or supply of oil after Petro Canada was sold but there WILL BE big changes in the cost electricity in future in Ontari-owe! Lie-berals are scamming the public with this one and sneering as if Conservatives were the problem!

Lie-berals blame Conservatives for ruining the economy during the Harper years....yet after the 2008 recession (engineered by U.S. bankers) Lie-berals screamed at Harper for not spending enough borrowed money to save the economy! And now that Trudope-our foolish Boy with hair for brains-is in charge and the economy is PLUMMETING FURTHER, Lie-berals are blaming Harper for spending TO MUCH! Such absurd hypocrisy from Lie-berals!

And how ironic is it that Justin, the Boy with nice hair for Brains campaigned in the recent election promising to CLOSE DOWN the Alberta tar sands projects-the COSTLY creation of Pierre Trudeau and his Lie-berals! Lie-berals are so muddled they cannot even keep their own policy straight much less figure out what others are doing or why!

And why has the Cdn dollar sunk so far and so fast recently? Money managers and economists are a LOT smarter than poor Justin and they can see (even if he cannot) that his economic `plan` is nothing more than a retread of the crap thrown at us by NDP Bob Rae!

The international money managers that hair-brained Boy wants to borrow from have seen this loonie leftist Lie-beral trick before-anybody other than disgusted bankers remember Bob Rae and his Rae days? BoB the BOOB was going to spend us rich with borrowed money! Or look at the recent example of stupid debt and how to piss off your creditors perpetrated in Greece! Money managers don’t like what they see of our Boy! The Boy with hair for brains has been on the job for only a few months and the economic world has cast its vote: a 70 cent Cdn dollar is our reward for “letting the deficit take care of itself”!

Civil service Working Family Hogs LOVE the Boy because he is going to BUY their support and their love....but the real world of sensible economists think the Boy has hair for brains and Cdns ought to be economically punished for being stupid enough to elect the dolt!

But Lie-berals will tell you its all Harpers fault! And they wonder why some people call them LIE-berals?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Asking a Quebecer about 'nationalizing" something is probably a poor choice of words.

They consider themselves a nation.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Virtually every major oil producing nation has nationalized the oil resource, its extraction, primary refining and major pipelines.. and held this as public monopoly.

It is by far too important a natural resource to be sold off piece meal to foreign corporations. It needs the planning, vast investment and importantly primacy of national interests that only federal public ownership can impose.

The mistake made by Pierre Trudeau is that he limited that ownership to the retail and local distribution sectors, which are best left to private enterprise. PetroCan was a disaster, but because it lacked a comprehensive national vision and prerogative.


Electoral Member
Aug 27, 2017
I am all for nationalization of the oil sector.

However ..... I recall the Petro Canada trip with Pierre Crudeau in 1975.

With the establishment of Petro-Canada, the federal government transferred its 45% stake in Panarctic Oils Ltd. and its 12% stake in Syncrude to the newly established company. In 1976, Petro-Canada purchased Atlantic Richfield Canada, in 1978 Pacific Petroleums, and in 1981 Petrofina. Most of the original Petro-Canada refineries and service stations were acquired from BP Canada in 1983.

In 1990, the government announced its intention to privatize Petro-Canada, and the first shares were sold on the open market in July 1991 at $13 each. The government began to slowly sell its majority control, but kept a 19% stake in the company. No other shareholder was allowed to own more than 10%, however. Also, foreigners cannot control more than 25% of the company.
During the first year, the value of the shares gradually dropped to $8 as Petro-Canada suffered a loss of $603 million, primarily because of the devaluation of some assets. The newly private company significantly reduced the number of properties in which it had a direct interest. It reduced its annual operating costs by $300 million and it went from a staff of close to 11,000 to only about 5,000 employees. Many of these laid-off employees went on to work and start up other oil companies in Alberta, creating a new group of Canadian producers. But many did not work in other oil companies and some left Alberta to find work elsewhere.

In his 2004 federal budget, Finance Minister Ralph Goodale pledged to sell the government's remaining stake in the company and by the end of the year it had sold its 19% stake, 49 million shares in all, for net proceeds of $3.2 billion. As of June 2007, the company's largest shareholders were Capital Research and Management Company (a Capital Group company), with 7.3%, and Barclays, with 4%.–2009

What made me angry about the deal was .....

I think that since it was the Canadian taxpayer who paid for the company, the shares should of been given to Canadians and then let each Canadian decide whether to keep them or sell them.

In a real sense, the Federal government used Canadian Taxpayer money to set up the company and then offered to sell it back to Canadians ..... Asking Canadians to purchase something we already owned.

Reopen NAFTA, reclaim our oil
Canada will need tough negotiators to gain parity in trade agreement.
By Linda McQuaig
June 02, 2008
Last edited:


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Why complicate things? Just charge a higher royalty to resource-extraction companies and then let the market decide the rest.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Virtually every major oil producing nation has nationalized the oil resource, its extraction, primary refining and major pipelines.. and held this as public monopoly.

Excepting dictatorships, oligarchies and Monarchies, exactly which oil producing nations are you referring to?

On that note, gvt owned resource institutions won't be able to charge royalties or corp taxes on the operations.

They will make far more kicking the crap out of the private sector than if they were to run the show themselves

It is by far too important a natural resource to be sold off piece meal to foreign corporations. It needs the planning, vast investment and importantly primacy of national interests that only federal public ownership can impose.

That lame excuse has been used every time that the gvt wants to control a sector... Generally doesn't work out that well


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Canada is a cheap oil whore.

Norway charges far higher royalties and taxes oil profit at 78%

NO shortage of companies wanting to do business there.

Its a shame we didn't adopt their model from the start, because its probably too late now to change.

We get **** all from oil/gas


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Canada is a cheap oil whore.

Norway charges far higher royalties and taxes oil profit at 78%

NO shortage of companies wanting to do business there.

Its a shame we didn't adopt their model from the start, because its probably too late now to change.

We get **** all from oil/gas

I think a tax on 1/3 of net profits from resource-extraction businesses would suffice tax-wise as long as we combine it with sky-high royalties. We should raise royalties as high as the market can bare even if it means all but a few businesses remaining.

One advantage to raising royalties would be to raise the cost of gas which in turn would encourage more people to move closer to work. This would deter suburban sprawl, encourage farmers to reclaim suburban land, and promote more efficient cities.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I think a tax on 1/3 of net profits from resource-extraction businesses would suffice tax-wise as long as we combine it with sky-high royalties. We should raise royalties as high as the market can bare even if it means all but a few businesses remaining.

One advantage to raising royalties would be to raise the cost of gas which in turn would encourage more people to move closer to work. This would deter suburban sprawl, encourage farmers to reclaim suburban land, and promote more efficient cities.

Wow. Did you just get home from a dispensary/vaping lounge?