Murder Suspect Chris Dorner's Online Manifesto


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Police departments are part of the government - hating government is a right wing idea.

Dorner must really put a chink in that theory!

Still calling for the arming of just Latino's so they can kill a lawman?

Racist punk Arpiao harasses Latinos in Arizona because the people are unarmed. But the Black Panthers in Texas show you why the Constitution works to protect them and all else:

Prison » Meet the Houston New Black Panthers; Mobilized as Poll Watchers

Notice how none of the cops dare to stop them. It's time for Hispanics in Arizona to arm themselves & let the racist punk the true meaning of the Constitution.

Black Panthers are right wing?
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
So he was a fan of Hate Speech! Not surprising he admired the folks at MSNBC.

Chris Matthews let that slide right by didn't he? lol


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Dorner must really put a chink in that theory!

Still calling for the arming of just Latino's so they can kill a lawman?

Black Panthers are right wing?

Black Panthers are not against government - just the right to live without police harassment. Ditto for Latinos in Arizona. None of them oppose government like right wingers do.

Still defending baby killer Apraio, huh? Well, no surprise.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Black Panthers are not against government - just the right to live without police harassment. Ditto for Latinos in Arizona. None of them oppose government like right wingers do.

Black Panthers are not against the government? Are you that brainwashed by the libtards? Geez.

Still defending baby killer Apraio, huh? Well, no surprise.

Why do we bother. No wonder why nobody takes you serious. You sound like EAO


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
I stopped giving a sh it when the cops shot up the ladies truck. Holy fack.!!!

Sounds like the ArseyMP have been doing "training assist".

The nutbar in the cabin was not the only nutbar.

Sounds like the offed himself rather than toast.

Not a bad choice given the situation


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Black Panthers are not against the government? Are you that brainwashed by the libtards? Geez.

Why do we bother. No wonder why nobody takes you serious. You sound like EAO

Obviously, you are brainwashed by reichtards. Had you bothered to view a previous video that I posted you would clearly see that the Houston Black Panthers were encouraging Blacks to get out and vote. Had they been anti-government as you believe in your mindless delusionalism, they would have told people to refrain from voting.

As for your baby killing hero Arpaio, he has employed child molesters in his group:

Joe Arpaio hired a child-sex offender for armed

Let’s start with Dominic Boulter, a former member who was arrested — and convicted — for crimes against children.
According to a 2009 article on his arrest:
“Boulter began using an online service called in early 2005 to meet young girls between 13 and 17 years old. Boulter ultimately exchanged nude photos and text messages with at least eight underage girls from around the country. Boulter also suggested that he meet the girls in person to engage in sex acts and to get married, according to court documents.
During the encounters, Boulter told the girls he was 15 years old, 27 years old and 32 years old, according to the document.
Boulter admitted to detectives that he had sent harmful images to one underage girl and that he chatted with another via text message and Web cam as he encouraged the child to masturbate, according to court documents.”

It comes as no surprise that someone like your hero Arpaio employs perverts like that. Reichtards are so like minded.



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You always use the most impeccable, unbiased, credible sources.
You have to love it when people misrepresent the facts of the matter as well.

Boutler wasn't hired after he was charged, he was arrested and fired by Apriao's dept. after he committed criminal acts, and is not now nor has he ever been a member of the "Posse". He was a detention officer in Maricopa county.

Jacob Cutler was a member of the "Posse" when he allegedly attacked his girl friend. He was arrested and the States Attorney dropped the charges and was allowed to stay on the "Posse" after attending anger management classes.

As for Steven Seagal, although he's an over the top, terrible actor and rather full of himself, he is an expert in Aikido, and use of weapons. He is more than qualified to teach hand to hand combat and weapons use, having been the founder of many dojo's, including being the first foreigner to operate a dojo in Japan. His credentials are above reproach.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Obviously, you are brainwashed by reichtards. Had you bothered to view a previous video that I posted you would clearly see that the Houston Black Panthers were encouraging Blacks to get out and vote. Had they been anti-government as you believe in your mindless delusionalism, they would have told people to refrain from voting.

US Liberals clearly are the most uninformed as you have clearly shown. You don't know very much about what you speak do you?

As for your baby killing hero Arpaio, he has employed child molesters in his group:

Joe Arpaio hired a child-sex offender for armed

The source...

For libtards

You have to love it when people misrepresent the facts of the matter as well.


When the Dems/US Liberals release this garbage they know their audience. They know that it will be believed by their moronic followers no matter what they say. Even when they retract a statement after it is found to be fabrication. They realize that the purpose of the lie has been served and their sheep is already bleeting about it. One need only scroll up for a prime example.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
You always use the most impeccable, unbiased, credible sources.

Thank you for the compliment since the source used in the Salon article originally came from Arizona's CONSERVATIVE newspaper the Arizona Republic.

I just love it when you right wingers validate my posts on this forum.

When the Dems/US Liberals release this garbage they know their audience. They know that it will be believed by their moronic followers no matter what they say. Even when they retract a statement after it is found to be fabrication. They realize that the purpose of the lie has been served and their sheep is already bleeting about it. One need only scroll up for a prime example.

Lots of mindless reich wing delusionalism there, especially in view of the fact that the original source was right wing.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Thank you for the compliment since the source used in the Salon article originally came from Arizona's CONSERVATIVE newspaper the Arizona Republic.
It's your opinion that it's conservative not mine.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Thank you for the compliment since the source used in the Salon article originally came from Arizona's CONSERVATIVE newspaper the Arizona Republic.
Whether it's conservative or not is irrelevant, the Arizona Republics article reports the facts, The Salon's article makes up a story.

No where in the article from the conservative paper the Arizona republic, does it say Boutler was a member of the "Posse", let alone became a member after he was charged.

That's just something Katie McDonough made up and you swallowed.

Trying to pin the idiocy contained your posts on the Arizona Republic is silly.

I just love it when you right wingers validate my posts on this forum.
You spelled impugn wrong.

Lots of mindless reich wing delusionalism there, especially in view of the fact that the original source was right wing.
The only delusions around here are your delusions of adequacy.

It's your opinion that it's conservative not mine.
It doesn't even matter Walter, all one needs to do is look at the originating article and how Katie McDonough put her spin on to see that gopher's grasping at straws here.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
It's your opinion that it's conservative not mine.

Horsesh1t. Arizona Republic is not liberal - just because it prints the truth about Boulter doesn't make it liberal. Here is that AR article for those who didn't see it:

''A former Maricopa County Sheriff's detention officer who developed inappropriate relationships with teenage girls faces deportation to Canada after he serves a year in jail ... Boulter worked for the Sheriff's Office from May 13, 2002, until Nov. 25, 2009.''

Arpaio is the sheriff of Maricopa County since 1992. He is the one who hired Boulter.

No where in the article from the conservative paper the Arizona republic, does it say Boutler was a member of the "Posse", let alone became a member after he was charged.

Idiot - I did not say he was. I was only pointing out that it was Arpaio who hired him which is precisely what the article says having quoted the previous article. The writer McDonough says IN THE PAST. It is true that the title is misleading but the article clearly says Boutler had been hired in the past, not the present. And had you bothered to read my post rather than kiss up to Walter you would have seen that I also said he has employed which clearly shows this was done in the past.

As always these right wingers love to kiss up each other's butts. Now watch as they say I'm the one who started with name calling or other sh1t.

This article from Huffington Post shows that the majority surveyed express some reservation about Arpaio's volunteer "posse" members:

Joe Arpaio Guns: Arizona Residents Express Wariness Over Armed Volunteer Posses

Joe Arpaio Guns: Arizona Residents Express Wariness Over Armed Volunteer Posses

''wannabe Rambos" "what can go wrong?"

This was from last month and I'm curious as to any possible update. But it's a good bet that if something goes wrong the taxpayers of Arziona will have to fork over another few million to the $50 million they have already paid thanks to Arpaio.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It's good of you to put a disclaimer on your posts...

Arizona Republic is not liberal - just because it prints the truth about Boulter doesn't make it liberal. Here is that AR article for those who didn't see it:
He didn't say it was liberal.

Arpaio is the sheriff of Maricopa County since 1992. He is the one who hired Boulter.
Ya so? Once he committed a crime the Sheriff's office arrested him and later fired him.

He hadn't committed a crime before he was hired. What do you want? Arpaio to predict the future?

Give your head a shake.

Oh oh, gopher's embarrassed about posting something stupid.

I did not say he was.
Well then, lets examine what you said...

As for your baby killing hero Arpaio, he has employed child molesters in his group:
Liar. No he didn't. Boutler never molested anyone.

Even the title of your link is a lie.

It comes as no surprise that someone like your hero Arpaio employs perverts like that.
It comes as no surprise that you would be dishonest about the time line here, and use a purposely deceptive and dishonest link to forward your agenda.

I was only pointing out that it was Arpaio who hired him which is precisely what the article says having quoted the previous article.
Liar, you and the article you supplied were trying to infer that Arpaio had hired a child sex offender.

You can try back pedaling all you want, but the truth is right there for all to see.

The writer McDonough says IN THE PAST.
And then, just like yourself, goes on to make it sound like he hired Boutler after the fact.

It is true that the title is misleading but the article clearly says Boutler had been hired in the past, not the present.
Good of you to admit that, so when will you be apologizing?

And had you bothered to read my post rather than kiss up to Walter you would have seen that I also said he has employed which clearly shows this was done in the past.
I read your post, which is how I caught all the dishonest misinformation and lies in it.

As always these right wingers love to kiss up each other's butts.
I'm not a right winger, I'm a hippy.

Now watch as they say I'm the one who started with name calling or other sh1t.
You did. First it was 'reichtards' then you called me an idiot.

All I've done is attack your posts and the stupidity they contain.

This article from Huffington Post shows that the majority surveyed express some reservation about Arpaio's volunteer "posse" members:
Liar, it does no such thing.

It shows that the majority are wary about ARMED "Posse" volunteers.

Joe Arpaio Guns: Arizona Residents Express Wariness Over Armed Volunteer Posses

Are you at all capable of being honest?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
"in the past" "he has employed"

As for Arpaio, I have already documented how the state taxpayers have paid over $50 million for his crimes and how they stand to pay more. It is his past that I have been discussing with Walter and Eagle before he stuck your nose in the exchange. That's why I said past. Nowhere do you see any indication that I said there are these same characters in his current ''posse'' - in fact none have been identified.

Next time sober up and then we can possibly have a more intelligent discussion.