Monarchy Yes or No...

Are you in favor of getting rid of the monarchy?

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Nominee Member
Dec 30, 2004
Scott's points are all well taken and touch on issues that many Canadians may not realize. After all, there is a reason we still refer to 'crown lands'.

I'll point out that severing ties with the British monarchy does not in itself make Canada a 'republic'.

The fact is that we will not be a fully sovereign nation until we sever ties with the British monarchy.

The reality also is that the monarchy is a sore spot with a number of Canadians citizens in Quebec and elsewhere.

It's just time to move on.



Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
I'm not 100% sure Canada is mature enough yet to remove the Monarchy. We have to many stupid politicians, and a populous that wasn't taught its own history.

John Muff

Let's open our horizons...

Hi there,

There is no adequate political system that exist that give the population of a country it's deserved voice. No matter how often groups are right, there is always supremacy in a country to do the opposite than what it's citizen want.

#1 Let's get rid of the monarchy, our wish is clearly supported by a majority of canadians. Let's prove Canadians that changes in the political "landscape & structure" wont break the link we have from coast to coast. We are far from bounded based on that link.

#2 Let's push innovations in an all new level. Creating a group that will oversee the development of a true democracy. Based on a 21st century model to allow citizens; through phone, in person & web voting... allow us to juge them on a daily base if wished. We can provide ourselves with laws that mean what we are & what we believe in... Getting rid of the crown is one thing but giving us ways to fight for what we believe in.

John Muff


Nominee Member
Jan 23, 2006
Chicoutimi, Québec
The monarchy costs us almost nothing. We have only to pay the GG a yearly salary for her ceremonial duties. Canada pays NO money to the Queen. The only thing we pay for are her occasional royal visits to Canada. Replacing the Queen with, say, a president would only cost us more money, and we would essentially be doing the same thing... giving ceremonial power to someone, and paying them to cut ribbons and represent Canada abroad while our real leader, the PM, spends his time actually leading the country.

In the US, the president is the head of state, both literally and ceremonially, and he spends so much time doing ceremonial photo-op things that it`s quite easy to figure out that it really isn't he who makes most of the real decisions... it's the poeple who work for him. In Canada, our Prime Minister spends his time actually running the country, and he lets the his GG do all the frilly things. I like things that way. It also places an emergency, non-partisan check on the government`s power. What if, god forbid, Harper had a majority government? He would basically be as powerful as a dictator, being able to do just about anything he wants. With the GG, the Queen, and the Senate there usually only exercising ceremonial power, but constitutionally possessing as much power as the PM, there is lways an emergency check on the PM's power, just in canse he or she gets a little too crazy.

That's my $0.02...


Jun 23, 2006
if only lizzie would live for ever. at least she's got her head screwed on. I think it's wise for someone to have the right of vito and even the capability to take someone out of the PM-ship. imagine if a loony got voted in, like in the USA... the queen would quickly realise that GWB was a twat and fire him, maybe even roast him on a royal barbecue. perfect. But yes, andem is right, one day Charlie will get his hands on those rights and the lord only knows what he might do. Bloody farmer.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Crickey, we've got some republicans here haven't we?....don't tell Blackleafy, he might have a fit.

Personally, I'd like to point out that Canada pays virtually nothing to their royal family. I say "their" because, let's face it, it's what made Canada Canada and not another state in the union of the US. The queen was gonna live in Canada and reign with her family here if Britain fell.....Not Australia, not NZ, not any other British Empire realms.

I know Canada is a decent, rich country on it's own now, it's a growing country, some thing you should be very proud of, but don't sacrifice everything you are for the whims of a few "republicans", I use quotation marks because your already that.

Just a point, but isn't Canada's flag Red and White for a reason?......just like my cross of St. George?


New Member
Aug 25, 2006
What must be remembered is there are very real binds between Canadians and the Monarchy. To wit, the various treaties signed between First Nations and the Crown. Sure, the Federal Government will negotiate changes to these treaties on behalf of the crown, but the monarchy still has a vested interest.

A poster above mentioned that he or she doesn't think Canada should be subject to the whims of a foreigner. Can someone honestly tell me what "whims" Queen Elizabeth has subjected Canadians to in the last 20 years? 30 years? 40 years? 50 years? I think you get my point. (On a related note, exactly what kind of whims can the monarch impose on Canadians? Are there constitutional limitations, or did we simply give the Queen carte blanche?)

As for a cost benefit of the monarchy, well, lots of things cost money that don't necessarily give a monetary benefit back. For example, Canada has two languages. If we were interested in saving money, we'd only have one language. But, in a nod to history, culture, and tradition, Canada has two. Furthermore, there are certain benefits and protections that are given to other ethnic groups in Canada, without regard to democracy or some kind of cost benefit ratio. Is the monarchy so different?
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The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
i am for the removal of the monarchy.

as has been mentioned the Queen has a great track record, and it could be easily expected of Chuck to maintain that record.

but Chuck will never see the throne. this thought scares me.

I'd be interested to read why you would assume that Prince Charles will not take his place on the throne when it is his time. I assure you, the only reason the Prince of Wales will not ascend the throne upon Her Majesty's death would be if the British dismantled the monarchy. Other than that, there is no precedent for His Royal Highness to not assume the throne.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
if only lizzie would live for ever. at least she's got her head screwed on. I think it's wise for someone to have the right of vito and even the capability to take someone out of the PM-ship. imagine if a loony got voted in, like in the USA... the queen would quickly realise that GWB was a twat and fire him, maybe even roast him on a royal barbecue. perfect. But yes, andem is right, one day Charlie will get his hands on those rights and the lord only knows what he might do. Bloody farmer.

I would imagine that the Prince of Wales, after learning from his mother, will dedicate himself to his duties with diligence and wisdom.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
I'm not 100% sure Canada is mature enough yet to remove the Monarchy. We have to many stupid politicians, and a populous that wasn't taught its own history.

That is an excuse. Canadian history is taught, it just isn't something most Canadians are concerned about. The only excuse for knowing nothing about your country and its traditions is laziness.


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
So what the monarchy costs us nothing? In my book, dumping monarchy would be a question of principles, not of practicalities.

The question is, do we believe in monarchy or not? I for one do not and do not feel appropriately represented by Canada because of that.

However, I'm all for waiting until the Queen dies before starting the "dump" process. It's the decent thing to do.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Originally Posted by Jay
I'm not 100% sure Canada is mature enough yet to remove the Monarchy. We have to many stupid politicians, and a populous that wasn't taught its own history.

That is an excuse. Canadian history is taught, it just isn't something most Canadians are concerned about. The only excuse for knowing nothing about your country and its traditions is laziness.

Considering we have a public education system with educators and politicians running it I wouldn't say it was an excuse, I would say that the outcome is deliberate and a very good reason to not hand anymore power to these people than they have.

Long live the Queen.

As far as Charles is concerned I doubt he is fit to hold the title “defender of the faith”.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Originally Posted by Jay
As far as Charles is concerned I doubt he is fit to hold the title “defender of the faith”.

Dosen't matter, the Anglican communion is hardly a Christian denomination anymore. It has been in a state of apostasy for sometime now. So let him defend it as he pleases.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Considering we have a public education system with educators and politicians running it I wouldn't say it was an excuse, I would say that the outcome is deliberate and a very good reason to not hand anymore power to these people than they have.

Still, in my opinion an excuse. If a man loved his country, he would explore its heritage.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
So what the monarchy costs us nothing? In my book, dumping monarchy would be a question of principles, not of practicalities.

The question is, do we believe in monarchy or not? I for one do not and do not feel appropriately represented by Canada because of that.

However, I'm all for waiting until the Queen dies before starting the "dump" process. It's the decent thing to do.

OK, so we dump the monarchy, and than???? What replaces our present system of government. All this talk of how little influence it has on the government is silly, so many things would be impacted for Parliament.