Militia group suspects charged with conspiracy


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Some of their plans were pretty sickening.

They were thinking of calling in a false 911 emergency and then execute the officer(s) that arrive or go to a police officer's home and murder the entire family! They would then open fire on the police while they were at the funeral(s)? These people aren't Christians, they're terrorists and also evil scum.8O:-(


I doubt they were Republicans either.......8O

But ya never know.......

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Funny, despite SJP's fear-mongering, I haven't seen many US Christian fundamentalists blowing themselves up in crowded buses and subways, or flying planes into buildings, or murdering Christians of other sects by the hundreds......or any of the other misdemeanors of the Islamic fundamentalist......

But Heaven forbid the facts get in the way of SJP's pontificating.

The simple fact is that Christian fundamentalism does NOT include the concept of murder and jihad as a basic precept....whereas Islamic fundamentalism does.....

I looked carefully in Sir Joseph's post and could not find any reference to Christians blowing themselves up. Unfortunately, he is right about the motives of certain right wing religious groups in the USA. The ultimate goal of these groups is to seize control of the US government and turn the country into a theocracy. Their first step in this goal is control of the Republican Party and then the election of one of their own as president. With the presidency and congress under their control they would then begin the process of turning the US into a Christian theocracy. You can read more about their goals here.

Those who advocate a theocracy (often called Dominionists) in the US are not necessarily violent and have included among their members and supporters some very well known religious leaders.

So far as members of the group that was arrested is concerned; they do not appear to share the goals of most Dominionists. They appear to resemble the many right wing militias that are scattered about the US. These groups have been in the US for quite some time in one form or another. During the Cold War they armed and trained against an expected invasion by the USSR or China. When this did not materialize they went looking for other possible threats to justify their existence. The collapse of civilization as a result of the Y2K scare gave them hope for awhile and when that too failed to happen they went looking for another possible enemy.

Currently most of these Looney Tunes survivalists now see their own government as the threat and have armed and trained for the upcoming defence of their liberties. Nut cases like Timothy Mcveigh are typical of the type of person who seek membership in these organizations, and the election of Barack Obama has given them one more reason to hate the government and anyone in general who disagrees with them.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Apply the Patriot Act and crucify them! How ironic it is that the right wing Republicans created the Act and now there are movements underway to use the law against them.


There were laws against them long before the Patriot Act, should have sent Janet Reno after them. :smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There were laws against them long before the Patriot Act, should have sent Janet Reno after them. :smile:

Janet did go after them when she was in. She did a good job too. Of course the Waco Texas incident didn't start well with the ATF but the FBI finished off the job.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Some of their plans were pretty sickening.
Quite true.

And furthermore, they are not as some of the more ignorant members here have indicated, right wing Republicans. These are religious zealots. No different then any other religious zealot.

They can justify any manner of repulsive act through careful manipulation and mutation of the written word of their God.

These people are not political, they're apolitical, believing in an anarchistic interpretation of the Constitution, at best.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Nine suspected members of a militia group were charged Monday with seditious conspiracy and related charges in an alleged plot to kill a Michigan law enforcement officer and then attack other officers at his funeral, federal prosecutors said.
A federal grand jury in Detroit, Michigan, indicted six Michigan residents, two Ohioans and an Indianan on charges of seditious conspiracy, attempted use of weapons of mass destruction, teaching the use of explosive materials and possessing a firearm during a crime of violence, U.S. Attorney Barbara L. McQuade and Andrew Arena, FBI special agent in charge, announced.
The five-count indictment unsealed Monday charges that since August 2008, the defendants, acting as a Lenawee County, Michigan, militia group called the Hutaree, conspired to oppose by force the authority of the U.S. government

I agree with Ann Coulter's remedy. We need to bomb their society into submission.:p

YouTube - Ann Coulter - Attack and Kill Islamic Society


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
These guys were a bunch of nuts, criticized as "wanting to start a civil war" even by other Michigan militia groups.

That said, anyone that remembers the last time Democrats came to power can remember both Randy Weaver and the Waco, Texas fiascos.....both manufactured by the US federal government......

If these guys were really planning attacks on federal law enforcement, then thank God they were caught..........but one should wait for evidence to be presented in court before leaping to conclusions.

And, someone should tell SJP that anyone planning the murder of federal law enforcement people is NOT a Christian.....the Bible does NOT call for jihad.

We need more preemptive strikes against such groups. I say we invoke the Bush doctrine.:p

And what do you mean, not Christian. Wasn't it the Pope who'd started the Crusades:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
This is "A" Christian militia group, be thankful they are the only group of their kind that were aware of, all others consider them radical, even the KKK. We were lucky this time.

It doesn't matter. They're all the same. If we can bomb them all into submission, then maybe the smarter ones among them would turn on the others, and finally this war could be over.:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Apply the Patriot Act and crucify them! How ironic it is that the right wing Republicans created the Act and now there are movements underway to use the law against them.


Damn, you eat me to it. Just apply the same logic to us, hold us to the same standards, and, oh no, we can't do that.

We assume all Muslims are the same, we support preemptive strikes on their soil, and if there are a few civilian casualties, so be it. Why not apply the same standards there?

Oh, yes, I forgot about civilian casualties. So be it, collateral damage.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I looked carefully in Sir Joseph's post and could not find any reference to Christians blowing themselves up. Unfortunately, he is right about the motives of certain right wing religious groups in the USA. The ultimate goal of these groups is to seize control of the US government and turn the country into a theocracy. Their first step in this goal is control of the Republican Party and then the election of one of their own as president. With the presidency and congress under their control they would then begin the process of turning the US into a Christian theocracy. You can read more about their goals here.

Those who advocate a theocracy (often called Dominionists) in the US are not necessarily violent and have included among their members and supporters some very well known religious leaders.

So far as members of the group that was arrested is concerned; they do not appear to share the goals of most Dominionists. They appear to resemble the many right wing militias that are scattered about the US. These groups have been in the US for quite some time in one form or another. During the Cold War they armed and trained against an expected invasion by the USSR or China. When this did not materialize they went looking for other possible threats to justify their existence. The collapse of civilization as a result of the Y2K scare gave them hope for awhile and when that too failed to happen they went looking for another possible enemy.

Currently most of these Looney Tunes survivalists now see their own government as the threat and have armed and trained for the upcoming defence of their liberties. Nut cases like Timothy Mcveigh are typical of the type of person who seek membership in these organizations, and the election of Barack Obama has given them one more reason to hate the government and anyone in general who disagrees with them.


That is completely off-base........I would agree that "Dominionists" are nuts....however they are a tiny, tiny part of the American right wing.......even of those that form the militia movement. To insinuate that they have any influence on the politics of a party that garners close to 50% of the vote in US elections is nothing more than a smear.

And, as foreign as it may seem to Canadian sensibilities, the formation of citizen's militias is plainly protected by the US Bill of Rights.........and the liberal sneers at simple people that wish to exercise their rights is unseemly at best......a wonderful exhibition of the left's distrust of the very people whom they claim to speak for.....

As is the tendency to connect Tim McVeigh with the militia movement.....a complete fallacy.....

The link between accused bomber Timothy McVeigh and the militia movement is based mainly on two pieces of information: First, he and his friend Terry Nichols attended two Militia of Michigan meetings--which, significantly, they were told to leave because they were advocating violence. Second, allegedly Mark Koernke, a short-wave radio personality who runs a mail-order business that sells militia gear, was seen with someone who looks like McVeigh. In addition, a Michigan talk show host supposedly said (he denies it) that the host's Rolodex listed McVeigh as a contact for Koernke. This evidence does not come remotely close to showing that militia members encouraged McVeigh to do anything illegal, let alone to perpetrate one of the most vicious mass murders in history.

my emphasis

The Militias Are Coming - Reason Magazine

My original challenge stands....Christian fundamentalists rarely turn to violence.......

You are usually both knowledgeable and nuanced in your posts....the above was an simple slip, I hope.

Think outside the box.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
As Archie Bunker used to say, "The man's a dingbat". lol Except in this case, it's a group.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
My original challenge stands....Christian fundamentalists rarely turn to violence.......

Whereas domestic Left Wing terrorist like the SLA, Black Panther Party, and Weather Underground have killed cops, kidnapped, and robbed banks.

Environemtal terrorists have conducted the most domestic terrorists acts in the US since 2005. I believe it was 23 out 24 incidents regarding domestic terrorism was credited to envionmental groups.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Damn, you eat me to it. Just apply the same logic to us, hold us to the same standards, and, oh no, we can't do that.

We assume all Muslims are the same, we support preemptive strikes on their soil, and if there are a few civilian casualties, so be it. Why not apply the same standards there?

Oh, yes, I forgot about civilian casualties. So be it, collateral damage.

The right wingers all approved of waterboarding against Muslim terrorists [notwithstanding the fact that no evidence established that some of those detainees were even terrorists] in order to extract the full truth from them. Funny thing is, why aren't they calling for that now against these "Christian" Republicans in that terrorist group?

In fact, on some forum (can't remember which one) some right wingers said: dispense with the trials, go ahead and waterboard and then execute the Muslims without trial. Funny how nobody is calling for that against these Christian Republicans now.

Anybody here want to see waterboarding used against those terrorists?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Whereas domestic Left Wing terrorist like the SLA, Black Panther Party, and Weather Underground have killed cops, kidnapped, and robbed banks.

Environemtal terrorists have conducted the most domestic terrorists acts in the US since 2005. I believe it was 23 out 24 incidents regarding domestic terrorism was credited to envionmental groups.

You forgot that the KKK remains active as do other white supremacist groups. The History Channel has made several presentations which show their recent criminal activities. Just because they are Christian Republicans doesn't exempt them from being called terrorists.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010

That is completely off-base........I would agree that "Dominionists" are nuts....however they are a tiny, tiny part of the American right wing.......even of those that form the militia movement. To insinuate that they have any influence on the politics of a party that garners close to 50% of the vote in US elections is nothing more than a smear.

And, as foreign as it may seem to Canadian sensibilities, the formation of citizen's militias is plainly protected by the US Bill of Rights.........and the liberal sneers at simple people that wish to exercise their rights is unseemly at best......a wonderful exhibition of the left's distrust of the very people whom they claim to speak for.....

As is the tendency to connect Tim McVeigh with the militia movement.....a complete fallacy.....

my emphasis

The Militias Are Coming - Reason Magazine

My original challenge stands....Christian fundamentalists rarely turn to violence.......

You are usually both knowledgeable and nuanced in your posts....the above was an simple slip, I hope.

Think outside the box.

I think you need to read my post again. I was pointing out that a religious movement to control the US government exists, as Sir Joseph implied and you denied. I think my source proved the point. I also pointed out that Dominionists do not support violence. As for McVeigh I did not connect him to any particular militia group; I simply pointed out that his ideas were almost identical to those of the militia groups he attempted to join and to form. I believe that I am quite right in that making that connection.


Time Out
Feb 1, 2010
San Diego, California
Duh! When I joined the U.S. Militia at 16 I found myself in serious business. My first armament came from an on duty Police Officer who pulled up at the local liquor store knowing full well I was a minor and sold me his glock 9 gun out the trunk of his patrol car in broad daylight as a welcome message into the militia.

The problem is the militia is a POWERFULL organization comprising of Law Enforcement, Ex-Military personnel and Governement figures with a ton of resources and money.

If the U.S. Government ever became corrupt or overthrown whether constitutional or by law who do you call? Not the Marine Corps, Not the Army Reserves, not the Police Department or your local party rep. You call the U.S. Militia!

Just don't compare them to terrorists, they are a last resort.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Duh! When I joined the U.S. Militia at 16 I found myself in serious business. My first armament came from an on duty Police Officer who pulled up at the local liquor store knowing full well I was a minor and sold me his glock 9 gun out the trunk of his patrol car in broad daylight as a welcome message into the militia.

The problem is the militia is a POWERFULL organization comprising of Law Enforcement, Ex-Military personnel and Governement figures with a ton of resources and money.

If the U.S. Government ever became corrupt or overthrown whether constitutional or by law who do you call? Not the Marine Corps, Not the Army Reserves, not the Police Department or your local party rep. You call the U.S. Militia!

Just don't compare them to terrorists, they are a last resort.

I think you are misreading the thread. It is not discussing the US National Guard or other government sponsored organizations, but the many unofficial paramilitary organizations that inhabit the US. Many of these are extreme anti-government and would do very little to help their country in a crisis. This link might make things a bit more clear.

Militia (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
I think you are misreading the thread. It is not discussing the US National Guard or other government sponsored organizations, but the many unofficial paramilitary organizations that inhabit the US. Many of these are extreme anti-government and would do very little to help their country in a crisis. This link might make things a bit more clear.

Militia (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What happened to these so called militia wannabe's is that they crossed the line, There are lots of militia boys and gals who just play soldier awaiting the apocalypse or something as ridiculous and are harmless. It is when they start preaching revolution for any cause they get themselves into trouble. These people were caught before they could do anything and that just shows the someone out there is standing on the line doing a good job protecting the rest of us.


Time Out
Feb 1, 2010
San Diego, California
I think you are misreading the thread. It is not discussing the US National Guard or other government sponsored organizations, but the many unofficial paramilitary organizations that inhabit the US. Many of these are extreme anti-government and would do very little to help their country in a crisis. This link might make things a bit more clear.

Militia (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Duh again! Oviously the U.S. Militia is against the government. Since when is the U.S. Milita a sponsored organization by the government? They are comprised up of government officials and ex-military, law eforcement, ect. I don't have to read the article I know exactly how it works.

They got caught doing their job, plain and simple.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
The right wingers all approved of waterboarding against Muslim terrorists [notwithstanding the fact that no evidence established that some of those detainees were even terrorists] in order to extract the full truth from them. Funny thing is, why aren't they calling for that now against these "Christian" Republicans in that terrorist group?

In fact, on some forum (can't remember which one) some right wingers said: dispense with the trials, go ahead and waterboard and then execute the Muslims without trial. Funny how nobody is calling for that against these Christian Republicans now.

Anybody here want to see waterboarding used against those terrorists?

Justice, schmustice. So what if we have a few double standards here and there? Seeing how populat Coulter's ideas are, why don't we bomb their society into submission? Oh, oops, that would mean bombing US towns.