Mike Duffy Offends Williams


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I think his description was pretty apt.

Williams is a hometown favorite, that's his job, he's good at it. He's a loudmouth, stirs up the local troops. He's sometimes right, sometimes not. He wants his cake and to eat it, too, which is a noble goal, but somewhat unobtainable.

I don't know what on earth PEI thinks it will get out of supporting NL - PEI is going to be tossed to the wayside as soon as Danny's off to another topic.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Duff is very intelligent and very entertaining. Elizabeth may only wishes she had half the smarts of Mike.

Duffy is entertaining?

You must also be a fan of Coronation Street and the Weather Network. :roll:

And just because someone has some form of intelligence doesn't mean they can't be biased for bribary reasons.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]#4: The Atlantic Accord. In 1985 Brian Mulroney and Brian Peckford hammered out an agreement that allowed Newfoundland and Labrador to become the principal beneficiary of resources on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. The resource would remain with the Government of Canada, but 100% of the benefits of royalties and revenues would go to the province off whose shoreline the resource was found. This is a signed contract folks, much like the same contract that was signed between the governments of Newfoundland and Quebec over Churchill Falls. However, as the oil began to come ashore it was quickly discovered that any royalties realized from the oil drilling was in turn taken away by the federal government (Jean Chretien) in transfer payment clawbacks, leaving the province with zero benefit for the resource. The cry from Newfoundland was hey how are we supposed to become a self sustaining province if we are still at the status quo? When Alberta's oil industry began to take off the federal government of the day saw fit to let them gain a few years of growth while their economy grew before clawing back the transfer payments, they yelled. When Martin came to power he felt so damn guilty for the injustice that the previous government, of which he was finance minister, had inflicted on the province he agreed to reopen the accord for discussion. The result was the revised 2005 Accord, still giving Newfoundland and Labrador a chance to pull itself out of the financial doldrums, but it would just take a little longer (does anyone else see a pattern here?). Just two short years later we find our economist from the west, who's greatest achievment to this point was working the mail room at an oil company and who's lust for power is so strong he will drive a spike through the heart of Canada in order to gain the lofty heights he so desires, rides into Ottawa with a hate on for eastern Canada that would make the columists at the Globe and Mail look like sunday school teachers. So our white knight on a steed decides to whittle away a bit more at the newly signed accord and the result is what we are faced with today, which amounts to a loss of $1.5 billion over the next 3 years to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador and a serious breach of contract between the province and the government of Canada.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]There have been countless other incidents over the years of lesser importance but serious nontheless where the province has taken a backseat to shady business practices, government meddling and outright lies and deceit. Harper perpetuates the stereotypical misconception that eastern Canada is a huge sinkhole who can't stand on their own without help from the rest of the country. And he'll do whatever is in his power to make sure it stays that way. Well man, it's like this. We can't give away any more. We're a proud people who only want what's right. We cannot continue to send our minerals to smelters in Ontario, our timber and water rights to Abitibi, our fish to the foreign trawlers and our people to Fort McMurray. Not to mention the disproportionate number of young people from our province dying on the killing fields of Afghanistan for a country that would rather we simply float out to sea. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]So mister if you think Newfoundland and Labrador has been taking from your country think about this. Since the day we signed on the dotted line in 1949 to become Canada's 10th province, a vote that is still mired in controversy, it has been an uphill battle all the way for justice, fairness and a sense of belonging. There is a concerted effort among certain individuals and groups in this country who's sole aim it is to keep Newfoundland and eastern Canada at a disadvantage. That way they can send us the transfer payments, scream that we are always on the take, use our under-employed people to keep the economic engines of Ontario and Alberta humming along and create anomosity amoung the general population towards the province by injecting people like Mike Duffy in the media to spout his inane BS. [/FONT]

You know the worst thing of it all is that if it wasn't for the maritimes in the first place, there wouldn't be a Canada, let alone the democracy we all use, which the west has bastardized into some kind of sick joke. The Maritimes was what brought the Rest of Canada to the world and vice versa......

At the time the Maritimes were a boom town overall.... but once everybody decided to develop westward, all the people and money went with it, figuring that we were perfectly well off..... but like an aging car, it never last very long if it's not maintained.... and then when we finally require some kind of assistence or help to balance ourselves out like the rest of the country, we'd get a couple of bones tossed our way here and there to shut us up, while everytime the west complained about their problems, they got it all.... citing our fishing and ports should keep us going.

Ports sorta.... fishing no.... as you explained above.

And since we've been trying to get a balance for so long, the west just considers us as beggers and a drain on their nation..... oh... .and that we simply just don't want to work.

Sure, that would explain why so damn many maritimers flew out west to work on those sh*tty oil sands.... because there's no work here period.... everybody needs to live, so they'd rather work grunt work, like the old days of coal mining.... because they have no other choice.

And now the oil sands are slumping due to the economy..... and who's the first they cut off? The Maritimers who spent the effort to go all the way out there to try and make a living. Now so many are back in Cape Breton and elsewhere, right back to where they left off, it was a waste of time.

And of course those out west try and downplay it saying it's the typical seasonal slump.... yet the airline that carts these workers back and forth each week has discontinued its services..... so what does that tell you?

Quite honestly, I've been thinking we should just pull a Quebec and leave.... only maybe make our own nation or join back with the UK..... I'm sure they'd love to have our ports to trade more with the Americas in an easier fashion.

If "Canada" doesn't want us and we're just a hinder, then why not make it easy on them.... afterall, everybody out west are seperatists and out to destroy the nation anyways...... why not do what they expect?

Like they keep saying to us.... Screw em.


Oh and just to keep things balanced, once we're gone, we'll catapult Rodney MacDonald and Mike Duffy accross the wall to the West since they love them.... we sure as hell don't need em. (Of course Duffy will require rockets strapped to his ass to make sure he clears)
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
#1: Churchill Falls. Premier Smallwood entered into a bad deal ...

If Newfoundlanders are unable to take care of their own affairs, maybe they should ask for an outside agency to work on their behalf. Maybe they shouldn't be making deals if they don't have the aptitude for it.

I hardly call this raping and pillaging although I do understand the need to label them as such. It helps to blame others rather than examine your own inadequacies


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
#2: The fishery....
Aside from the fact you obviously some issues with understanding the history of your own home province, the simple fact is you need to get over the fish. Our oceans have been over fished. This isn't a Newfoundland problem. It is a global problem. One could easily wax poetic about some fishing village in Japan and it would sound much the same as the drivel spouted on this side of the pond. Canada didn't rape and pillage Japan. The fishing industry in Stephenville isn't what it was. Coal mining in Medicine Hat isn't what it was. Things change.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]#4: The Atlantic Accord.

Newfoundlanders want to have the royalties and yet maintain their have not status and continue on receiving transfer payments. Most children are not eager to leave their mothers teat. I know it is hard. Newfoundlanders will survive. Albertans did.

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Harper perpetuates the stereotypical misconception that eastern Canada is a huge sinkhole who can't stand on their own without help from the rest of the country.

Actually, that would be you and people like you. You have just finished telling me you need the help of the ROC. You sound an awful lot like a Kweebeck separatist. Long on rhetoric....short on reality.

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]That way they can send us the transfer payments, scream that we are always on the take, use our under-employed people to keep the economic engines of Ontario and Alberta humming along and create anomosity amoung the general population towards the province by injecting people like Mike Duffy in the media to spout his inane BS.

Many Albertans, given a choice, would rather not have Newfoundlanders come here. Aside from the fact that you are hard to understand, most are not commited to this province and leave at the first opportunity. Many Albertans would rather rely on immigration to bring in people that are willing to make this province their home and help in it's developement and growth.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
If Newfoundlanders are unable to take care of their own affairs, maybe they should ask for an outside agency to work on their behalf. Maybe they shouldn't be making deals if they don't have the aptitude for it.

I hardly call this raping and pillaging although I do understand the need to label them as such. It helps to blame others rather than examine your own inadequacies
Speaking of inadequacies. You would do anything to spread false information about this whole fiasco. That's how the government works. They convince people like yourself to spout your rehetoric and bring discord among the populace. There will come a day when you'll eat those words.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
Aside from the fact you obviously some issues with understanding the history of your own home province, the simple fact is you need to get over the fish. Our oceans have been over fished. This isn't a Newfoundland problem. It is a global problem. One could easily wax poetic about some fishing village in Japan and it would sound much the same as the drivel spouted on this side of the pond. Canada didn't rape and pillage Japan. The fishing industry in Stephenville isn't what it was. Coal mining in Medicine Hat isn't what it was. Things change.
Please enlighten me oh wise one on the parts of Newfoundland history I'm having trouble with? Get over the fish? Now I know I'm dealing with an ignoramus here. We are the custodians of our resources and we would be remiss if we threw our hands in the air and said oh well the fish are gone...too bad. That might be your way of handling important issues but it's not mine. For your information, Stephenville is a town that was built up because of U.S. involvement during WWII and later became a mill town for processing wood products into paper. Fishing is not high on the list of jobs keeping that town afloat. Maybe it is now that Abitibi has shut down the mill and left another group of people dangling for income.
I didn't realize I was 'waxing poetic' as you put it. I do go off in a bit of trance sometimes when I look back on my youth, when life seemed a little easier and the province was abuzz with activity. My description of life at that time was done in an effort to show how life was before the total mismanagement by government. The truth hurts does it? The comparision you make between fishing and coal mining is a joke. If fish populations are controlled properly it can sustain a fishing industry indefinitely. Coal is a one time only industry. Once you take it out of the ground that's it...no more.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
Newfoundlanders want to have the royalties and yet maintain their have not status and continue on receiving transfer payments. Most children are not eager to leave their mothers teat. I know it is hard. Newfoundlanders will survive. Albertans did.


Actually, that would be you and people like you. You have just finished telling me you need the help of the ROC. You sound an awful lot like a Kweebeck separatist. Long on rhetoric....short on reality.


Many Albertans, given a choice, would rather not have Newfoundlanders come here. Aside from the fact that you are hard to understand, most are not commited to this province and leave at the first opportunity. Many Albertans would rather rely on immigration to bring in people that are willing to make this province their home and help in it's developement and growth.
Ok, I've calmed down now and I'm ready to respond to your inaccuracies. The 1985 Accord was a signed contract between the province and Canada. The country has reneged on that agreement. In good faith, the province has agreed to re-negotiate the terms of that agreement which resulted in the 2005 Accord. Still a binding agreement, a contract. Now Harper wants to tear the new agreement apart. What part of negotiations and binding contracts does this clown not get? If contracts are so easily tossed aside like that maybe Newfoundland and Labrador should start looking at other contracts....like say...I dunno....CHURCHILL FALLS.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
Newfoundlanders want to have the royalties and yet maintain their have not status and continue on receiving transfer payments. Most children are not eager to leave their mothers teat. I know it is hard. Newfoundlanders will survive. Albertans did.


Actually, that would be you and people like you. You have just finished telling me you need the help of the ROC. You sound an awful lot like a Kweebeck separatist. Long on rhetoric....short on reality.


Many Albertans, given a choice, would rather not have Newfoundlanders come here. Aside from the fact that you are hard to understand, most are not commited to this province and leave at the first opportunity. Many Albertans would rather rely on immigration to bring in people that are willing to make this province their home and help in it's developement and growth.
Your comments about Newfoundland language speaks volumes about this whole issue. We do speak a different language than you. The words go directly to the heart of the matter. And the message is no more screwing with our province. Of course people from the east coast are not going to commit to your province in a big way. Sure we'll take your jobs if they're available but don't expect us to move enmasse to your neck of the woods when the coast is calling. Go ahead and call in all the immigrant workers you can find. I've worked with some of those immigrant workers. Believe me they are not going to make any hard commitments to your province either. Matter of fact they look on Canada as a whole as one piss pot of misery. We can understand their frustration.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Mike Duffy pretty much "offends" everybody... It only counts if someone actually listens to him

Nobody really does though... CTV just kept him on as filler between news programs. I think I might have listened to him for maybe 3 minutes before I finally found the remote under the couch :lol:


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
Not just Newfoundland, but every province from Quebec and east, including PEI, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.

Mike Duffy talking about what's grotesque? Maybe Jaba the Hut should look in the mirror sometime. Mike is Harper's little media lap dog, he's been a suck hole for the Conservatives for as long as I can remember, along with the rest of CTV.

For him to shoot his mouth off about those who oppose plans by the Conservatives isn't a suprise for me, esspecially after he got his fancy little sen. position to buy him off even further.

"Duffy is being manipulated and told what to do by the venomous, nasty Harper Conservatives."

Which is probably 90%, if not, 100% true.

"Mike Duffy said he wanted to be a senator from Prince Edward Island. I would hope that he would act like one,''

You'd think that's be a simple thing to do, but what do you expect when you're in Harper's pocket?

Duffy is about as much of a sell out as Rodney MacDonald. MacDonald's only priority is to PR and damage control what the Conservatives keep doing to the maritimes, while keeping a smile..... and the smile is easy when you're getting bought out more from Harper then you are from those who voted you into power.

For the Conservatives (And Liberals) it's their party first, the community and those who voted you into power second.

Gotta Love Mike?

Hardly.... Gotta like Cheesecake more like. :roll:
Duffy is settling into his new job well. He has to look like he's doing something for the CPC after the golden handshake he received from Harper with the senate appointment. Don't suck too hard though Duffy. Otherwise we won't be able to hear the real message above the slurping and the lip smacking. What's that on your chin? Cheesecake or....eeeewwwwoooo....gross.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
I think his description was pretty apt.

Williams is a hometown favorite, that's his job, he's good at it. He's a loudmouth, stirs up the local troops. He's sometimes right, sometimes not. He wants his cake and to eat it, too, which is a noble goal, but somewhat unobtainable.

I don't know what on earth PEI thinks it will get out of supporting NL - PEI is going to be tossed to the wayside as soon as Danny's off to another topic.
The groundswell is just beginning. We expect it to grow as big as Duffy's cheeks....all four of them.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
The groundswell is just beginning. We expect it to grow as big as Duffy's cheeks....all four of them.

The thing that most out west don't seem to realize is that this is very close to the same reasons that brought about the Quebec Seperatist stuff.

If you're going to be continually singled out as the bad guys, being different, not being fair in an unfair situation, and all that stuff.... and you're not felt wanted, then why stay? The people of the province feel singled out for trying to better their lives and to at least get on par with the rest of the nation, they start unifying their voices and then people start to wonder why the hell are they even in a country that doesn't even seem to want them.

And the real kicker is that once you start talking about leaving, there's a big uproar from the west about trying to break up the country and destroy Canada, basically crying not to leave because they'd end up being screwed in some fashion or another, labeling you as the bad guys and being selfish.

No wonder why Quebec has the bloc..... each maritime province should have their own political party as well.

This is what keeps happening in Quebec.... when they feel they are being treated unfairly and they get fed up of being screwed over.... they get the bloc voted in as a majority and give them the go-ahead to call a vote for seperation.

And then you get this:

Oh Boo Hoo.... don't go.... we really do love you guys out east.... please stay with us for a little while longer so we can suck more out of you guys and keep you as the brunt of our jokes.

Kiss me arse, eh!

I say next time Quebec votes on it, they should vote to leave, and we all should go with them.... screw this country....

And you can thank the Conservatives and Liberals for it too.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
You know the worst thing of it all is that if it wasn't for the maritimes in the first place, there wouldn't be a Canada, let alone the democracy we all use, which the west has bastardized into some kind of sick joke. The Maritimes was what brought the Rest of Canada to the world and vice versa......

At the time the Maritimes were a boom town overall.... but once everybody decided to develop westward, all the people and money went with it, figuring that we were perfectly well off..... but like an aging car, it never last very long if it's not maintained.... and then when we finally require some kind of assistence or help to balance ourselves out like the rest of the country, we'd get a couple of bones tossed our way here and there to shut us up, while everytime the west complained about their problems, they got it all.... citing our fishing and ports should keep us going.

Ports sorta.... fishing no.... as you explained above.

And since we've been trying to get a balance for so long, the west just considers us as beggers and a drain on their nation..... oh... .and that we simply just don't want to work.

Sure, that would explain why so damn many maritimers flew out west to work on those sh*tty oil sands.... because there's no work here period.... everybody needs to live, so they'd rather work grunt work, like the old days of coal mining.... because they have no other choice.

And now the oil sands are slumping due to the economy..... and who's the first they cut off? The Maritimers who spent the effort to go all the way out there to try and make a living. Now so many are back in Cape Breton and elsewhere, right back to where they left off, it was a waste of time.

And of course those out west try and downplay it saying it's the typical seasonal slump.... yet the airline that carts these workers back and forth each week has discontinued its services..... so what does that tell you?

Quite honestly, I've been thinking we should just pull a Quebec and leave.... only maybe make our own nation or join back with the UK..... I'm sure they'd love to have our ports to trade more with the Americas in an easier fashion.

If "Canada" doesn't want us and we're just a hinder, then why not make it easy on them.... afterall, everybody out west are seperatists and out to destroy the nation anyways...... why not do what they expect?

Like they keep saying to us.... Screw em.


Oh and just to keep things balanced, once we're gone, we'll catapult Rodney MacDonald and Mike Duffy accross the wall to the West since they love them.... we sure as hell don't need em. (Of course Duffy will require rockets strapped to his ass to make sure he clears)
I'm with you on a lot of these points. Not so sure we should be promoting separatism though. Not yet. Diplomacy first. Barring that, we shout until we're heard. Barring that we look at our other options. And if separation is the only option so be it. Might as well. Quebec will be gone. Alberta will be gone. What's left? Ontario and it's sinking manufacturing industry? What a patchwork of protectionist regions this country has become, eh? Makes me well up with pride.
By the way, there have been great advancements in personal rocket packs of late. Of course we would have to fit Duffy's out with a modified ignition system, high octane fuel and booster rockets to overcome gravity.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I'm with you on a lot of these points. Not so sure we should be promoting separatism though. Not yet. Diplomacy first. Barring that, we shout until we're heard. Barring that we look at our other options. And if separation is the only option so be it. Might as well. Quebec will be gone. Alberta will be gone. What's left? Ontario and it's sinking manufacturing industry? What a patchwork of protectionist regions this country has become, eh? Makes me well up with pride.
By the way, there have been great advancements in personal rocket packs of late. Of course we would have to fit Duffy's out with a modified ignition system, high octane fuel and booster rockets to overcome gravity.

lol, pretty much.

But I mean, how many contracts, agreements and deals have each of our provinces fought tooth and nail for, only to be screwed over in the end? Diplomacy doesn't work, esspecially after so many decades, and against the rest of the country who trvializes your problems and feel you're just begging for handouts?

How many more agreements should we fight for that will only be broken? In Nova Scotia's situation, how many more times do we need to be sold out by our premiere to the Conservatives?

Everything else is a joke, they simply don't understand anything else but action.

And even if we played the diplomacy card once more.... how many more times down the road are we going to have to go through this? And the next time after that?

I'd start looking at other options.... be that merging with Quebec when they do, or the US, or each other, or the UK..... who knows.... but clearly this country doesn't seem to give a crap about us other then our resources they can grab.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Please enlighten me oh wise one on the parts of Newfoundland history I'm having trouble with?

"An industry that dates back to the end of the 14th century."

No it doesn't

We are the custodians of our resources and we would be remiss if we threw our hands in the air and said oh well the fish are gone...too bad.

That's not what I said. If you are going to dispute what I've said, kindly stick to what I've said. If you don't, I'll make you look foolish...just ask Praxius.