Marijuana Party Leader Joins Liberals


Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2005
Chake99 said:
PoisonPete2 said:
Chake99 said:
PoisonPete2 said:
Chake99 said:
A synthetic product can take the active ingredient out of a natural product and make it easier to administer, and lessen the range of effects, when we use drugs for healthcare we should try as much as possible not to get people to start liking them.

Plants are created to survive, not for medicinal reasons, medicinal drugs are created for healthcare.

Answer; The big danger (allowable under U.S. Pantent Law) is that a Pharma will do a genetic alteration to the natural product and then submit it to the processes as you suggest. Until the 1890's ALL medication was derived directly from plants and animals. From what I've read lately we may be safer in a return to those. Medicinal drugs are created to profit the Pharma creating it. These companies do bury negative trials, and some do not reveal possibly dangerous side effects.


Electoral Member
PoisonPete2 said:
Chake99 said:
PoisonPete2 said:
Chake99 said:
PoisonPete2 said:
Chake99 said:
A synthetic product can take the active ingredient out of a natural product and make it easier to administer, and lessen the range of effects, when we use drugs for healthcare we should try as much as possible not to get people to start liking them.

Oh, by all mean we should make sure terminally ill people do not find pleasure and start enjoying themselves! Let's get real. I know if I was terminally ill I would take advantage of anything that would make me feel better. Heck, even when I'm not ill I still like to enjoy lifes pleasures. Why take out the active ingrediant?


Nominee Member
Mar 26, 2005
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

I never said we do not want them to have fun.

However, the job of healthcare is to take care of people, and getting them to want to take medicinal drugs recreationally would probably not succeed at that.

I have nothing wrong with medicines directly derived from plants and animals.

And PoisonPete2 if something is that harmful or does not lists a side-affect it is in violation of the law or should be banned.

But you seem to have a bias towards tha natural, just because something is genetically tailored doesn't mean its bad, and just as because something is natural doesn't mean its good for you.


Electoral Member
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

If people want to take drugs then let 'em take drugs! In most parts of Europe drugs have been decriminalized and drug addiction is treated as an illness rather than a crime. And just because something's not "good for you" doesn't mean we should have widescale invasions and government intrusion into peoples lives. We should make our own decisions.


Nominee Member
Mar 26, 2005
I agree, Drug addiction should be treated as a sickness not a crime.

That does not mean possession should be legal.

The government should try to stop that sickness from occuring.

You have nothing against tons of natural drugs but as soon as they become engineered if they are negative you are want them to be banned?

Sounds a but hypocritical to me...

Not that there aren't any contradictions in my own political philosophy, but still...


Electoral Member
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

Chake99 are you aware you posted the same thing twice? This could be an indication of excessive marijuana use! In the US, the "war on drugs" costs billions of dollars and many lives. If the war were to end, many lives and billions of dollars could be saved.


Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2005
Re: RE: Marijuana Party Leade

Chake99 said:
I never said we do not want them to have fun.
But you seem to have a bias towards tha natural, just because something is genetically tailored doesn't mean its bad, and just as because something is natural doesn't mean its good for you.
answer - I'm just reacting to the latest news of cover-ups in the FDA and missing information from trials. It would appear that some very large drug companies are not above putting the Public at risk to protect profit. In Canada Health Canada acts more as a ad agency for the drug companies than as a defender of Public interest


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
The drug companys are not selling drugs to make people better their pushing drugs to keep people sick so they can make more money plain and simple :evil:


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
mrmom2 said:
The drug companys are not selling drugs to make people better their pushing drugs to keep people sick so they can make more money plain and simple :evil:

You are 100% right. Doctors seem to just give you a pill to cure anything what ails you. They hand them out so easily, just like candy. There seems to be a pill to "cure" us for anything, these days.

Prescribing and recieving pills seems to be the "in thing" these days. It is a huge business. Most people probley do not need half the pills they get anyhow.


Nominee Member
Mar 26, 2005
And one couldn't say the exact same thing about the chiropracters and spas the green party seems so eager to give federal funding?

What you are stating is an extension of one of the flaws of the free market system. That doesn't mean the free market system isn't the best we have, or that most of the problem cannot be alleviated with government regulation.


New Member
Apr 26, 2005
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

Plants are created to survive??? not medicinal reasons???

I think that you are dead wrong there.... half the reasons we have medicine and health products are because nature provided them in this world... not because we created them. We took what nature gave us. if it werent for many plants and natural resources we wouldnt have any medicines or health products. I guess from your point of view natural gas shouldnt be used and neither should oil or coal..... Or rubber for you car tires... (which comes from plants) How about chocolate... coffee.. do you drink tea?? Do you eat food.. like corn or salads.. carrots... Animals were put on this planet to survive also... in your point of view... not for humans or other animals to eat...

Diamonds were created to stay in the mines... not to be worn by people.


Nominee Member
Mar 26, 2005
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

My point is that the aim of plants is to survive not to be medicinal. They evolve so they can survive better. NOT so they can provide better medicine for humans. Any positive effect it can have is a side-effect of it trying to find ways to survive.'

I am not saying that those positive side-effects shouldn't be taken advantage of, so your analogies are absurd. I am saying since those positive side-effects are just that, side-effects and people can probably engineer more efficient alternatives.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Kinda makes you wonder who joined Harpers party, he is really zoned out, wanting to bring down the government so he can go to the people and commit political suicide.
The Marijuana parties point of view is to focused to have much effect on the political landscape however I am sure he can have some influance.

As for the tobacco use regualations that are being instituted across the nation I do have a problem with it in so far as it is a violation of rights. Legislation like:

Smoking in not allowed in enclosed areas, public transportation, priviate clubs and or open areas (decks)around such clubs, resturants, or priviate clubs.

Is not bussiness friendly nor user friendly the reason is such blanket regulations impose unfair restrections on the opperation and freedoms of both bussiness and its customers.

Proper regulation should be:

Tobacco use and smoking in clearly designated areas only.

This simple statment allows the smokers and the bussines that want to attract smokers to do so and effectivly warns those who do not wish to be confronted with tobacco smoke to not participate. It is all about freedoms.

I believe all now Illigal drugs and any that will be invented be legal and controled. The so called war on drugs has never worked, is not working and will not in the future so why spend a massive amount of resources on persuing that. The only winners of the current illigal drug industry is organized crime and those involved with the production, processing and distribution of the products. The loosers are the users, the victims of the war.

If the true objective is to help the addicts, the users and to elliminate the illigal drug industry then legalize all of it, bring it under the control of our federal government. open up production, transportation and distribution to regular industry and sell it cheap, cheap ,cheap.Then you can Identify the users and properly help them.

Doing that will dry up the the drug preditors very quickly. No money then why bother at least at the profit levels they are used to. the only other point is to massivly increase the punishment against those that still attempt to deal in and illigal drug trade. The issue being making the entire opperation very unattrictive venture.........