Lunacy of the Left


Electoral Member
Dec 15, 2018
All mine thought is a percentage neo-Nazis in only Europe by those race in world but racism are a species in North America by bigger percentage than of Europe. In Europe is never a racism belief is neo-Nazis in four, eight or twelve nations is a belief of mine. Too the least Germany and Sweden and Finland and Romania. The least four nations of Europe by neo-Nazis.

Racism is centrism.

Only USA and Canada by big percentage in world.

Trump is a racist.

Racism are not Left.

Perhaps neo-Nazis.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
All mine thought is a percentage neo-Nazis in only Europe by those race in world but racism are a species in North America by bigger percentage than of Europe. In Europe is never a racism belief is neo-Nazis in four, eight or twelve nations is a belief of mine. Too the least Germany and Sweden and Finland and Romania. The least four nations of Europe by neo-Nazis.
Racism is centrism.
Only USA and Canada by big percentage in world.
Trump is a racist.
Racism are not Left.
Perhaps neo-Nazis.
Go away Avro.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Would you email a tree? In Vancouver you can, and the trees will write back

If you could talk to the trees, what would you say?

It’s not a hypothetical question if you live in Vancouver.

A new art initiative called “All the Trees” is inviting people in the Jericho and West Point Grey area to email their favourite trees with a personal message.

Yes, that’s right, email the trees. And believe it or not, the trees will write back.

Artist-in-residence Holly Schmidt, along with a group that includes historian John Atkin, horticulturalist Egan Davis, poet Rahat Kurd, and indigenous herbalist Lori Snyder, will write back, on behalf of the trees.

Schmidt was inspired to do the project after hearing about a mapping project in Melbourne, Australia that went awry.

The city had been asking people to report damage or disease to its trees through email, but instead of practical information, people ended up sending in personal notes to the trees expressing their admiration.

“This prompted the question, ‘What might people write to the trees of Vancouver?'” says the project’s website.

Locations of trees involved in the “All the Trees” project

So far, 25 trees have been tagged with special markers indicating they’re reachable by email, and people can nominate up to five more.

The tags include an email address, along with an ID number for the individual tree to which people wish to send a note.

The project is funded by the Park Board’s Artists in Communities Program, in partnership with local community centre associations.

Artists selected for the programs are given a $10,000 grant along with $2,000 for materials, and are expected to devote around 300 hours to research and develop their project with the community.

Global News paid a visit to All the Trees on Sunday, where locals enjoying the park expressed a mixed reaction to the idea.

“When I go to nature I don’t send emails because when I go into nature I stay there and I love [it], I don’t take my smartphone and send some emails to trees or something,” one person said.

“I don’t know, it’s a bit of a joke for me.”

“Will I email my tree? Well what would be the benefit of doing that?” asked another, adding, “And how much did they spend on that?”

However, not everyone had negative things to say.

“I love that,” a third told Global News.

“What would I tell my favourite tree? How pretty it is.”

That's the Left Coast of BC for you - if they are looking for a really really stupid waste of taxpayer's money - they'll find it every time. After all this is the city whose former mayor thought the people of Vancouver should get rid of their lawns and plant wheat - during yet another drought.

Good to see there are few intelligent thinking survivors of the leftist BS down there.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That's the Left Coast of BC for you - if they are looking for a really really stupid waste of taxpayer's money - they'll find it every time. After all this is the city whose former mayor thought the people of Vancouver should get rid of their lawns and plant wheat - during yet another drought.
Good to see there are few intelligent thinking survivors of the leftist BS down there.
Not watering lawns to save water to spin turbines to power AC made it 10C hotter.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Justice Pricing: Is it really justice or just plain hate?

The attempt by a Victoria BC promoter to institute “justice pricing” for a movie series has attracted considerable attention, most of it hostile. The “Made You Look Media” company had decreed that to view their latest offering at the Roxy Theatre the “general admission price of $10 (would) be doubled to $20 for all white cisgender males.” Some labeled this move as a clumsy marketing ploy, a hoax to boost the visibility of an obscure film in a shabby downscale venue, but organizers insisted that it was a legitimate way to get the “highest earning group in Canada” to subsidize the tickets of those without the same purchasing power.

To say that this discrimination backfired would be an understatement.

Some critics pointed out that Asians were in fact a more prosperous demographic and others wondered why the higher disposable income of gay males wasn’t factored into the equation. Less restrained voices called the move “pandering to smug self-righteous bigots … and self-deprecating cucks”. After enduring a wave of social media outrage that included threats of human rights complaints, the company’s PR manager Sid Mohammed emerged with a piece of verbal sleight of hand, saying, “We have lowered the price for White Cis-Gendered Able-Bodied Males to $15. Everyone else will pay a discounted price of $10.”

Whether this was a canny (or maladroit) public relations exercise or a sincere attempt to “make the community a better place”, it was nonetheless a maneuver that had nothing to do with “justice” and everything to do with identity politics. Those on the extremes of the right and left in North America are now demanding that their fellow citizens be judged (as Martin Luther King lamented) not on their character but on the colour of their skin. Or their gender. Or their bedroom practices. Or their religion. Or their place of origin. New moral hierarchies are erected: the “privileged” are to be brought low and the “oppressed” are to be raised high. Hiring decisions are made not on the quality of the applicant but whether he or she can offer the firm the correct facial pigment or sex organ. Admission to some university faculties of Education now depends on being able to tick a box that indicates race, disability, gender or sexual orientation, despite the fact that there are no studies showing that these are factors in producing effective teachers.

This is not a time in world history for Canadians to be segregating each other or rushing to put themselves and their neighbours into hyphenated categories. We do not have to look very far south to see the unhappy results that occur in a country when politicians and activists attempt to play off social groups against each other. Rather, we need to find ways to be reconciled, to cooperate, and to flourish in one wonderful multicultural nation where no one even at the box office gets to decide what your worth is as a human being.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Justice Pricing: Is it really justice or just plain hate?

The attempt by a Victoria BC promoter to institute “justice pricing” for a movie series has attracted considerable attention, most of it hostile. The “Made You Look Media” company had decreed that to view their latest offering at the Roxy Theatre the “general admission price of $10 (would) be doubled to $20 for all white cisgender males.” Some labeled this move as a clumsy marketing ploy, a hoax to boost the visibility of an obscure film in a shabby downscale venue, but organizers insisted that it was a legitimate way to get the “highest earning group in Canada” to subsidize the tickets of those without the same purchasing power.

To say that this discrimination backfired would be an understatement.

Some critics pointed out that Asians were in fact a more prosperous demographic and others wondered why the higher disposable income of gay males wasn’t factored into the equation. Less restrained voices called the move “pandering to smug self-righteous bigots … and self-deprecating cucks”. After enduring a wave of social media outrage that included threats of human rights complaints, the company’s PR manager Sid Mohammed emerged with a piece of verbal sleight of hand, saying, “We have lowered the price for White Cis-Gendered Able-Bodied Males to $15. Everyone else will pay a discounted price of $10.”

Whether this was a canny (or maladroit) public relations exercise or a sincere attempt to “make the community a better place”, it was nonetheless a maneuver that had nothing to do with “justice” and everything to do with identity politics. Those on the extremes of the right and left in North America are now demanding that their fellow citizens be judged (as Martin Luther King lamented) not on their character but on the colour of their skin. Or their gender. Or their bedroom practices. Or their religion. Or their place of origin. New moral hierarchies are erected: the “privileged” are to be brought low and the “oppressed” are to be raised high. Hiring decisions are made not on the quality of the applicant but whether he or she can offer the firm the correct facial pigment or sex organ. Admission to some university faculties of Education now depends on being able to tick a box that indicates race, disability, gender or sexual orientation, despite the fact that there are no studies showing that these are factors in producing effective teachers.

This is not a time in world history for Canadians to be segregating each other or rushing to put themselves and their neighbours into hyphenated categories. We do not have to look very far south to see the unhappy results that occur in a country when politicians and activists attempt to play off social groups against each other. Rather, we need to find ways to be reconciled, to cooperate, and to flourish in one wonderful multicultural nation where no one even at the box office gets to decide what your worth is as a human being.
This guy doesn’t understand white privilege .