Liberals win in NL


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
In fact a Liberal/NDP/Green coalition would be a great result in the next fed election


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Not necessarily the majority, eh. Well at least you are admitting that your opinion could very well be in the minority which makes sense considering the outcome of the election in your province.

Well the outcome in NB was a tie, so honestly NB was f'ed from the start.

But I didn't vote Lib or Con. I didn't see one candidate in their parties worth supporting. I voted the way I did because at least locally I knew the MLA and thought she'd be decent enough; ergo I voted the person, not party.

Not happy with the election results? Perhaps you should think about getting out and volunteering for the candidate of your choice come the next election. That way you would actually have done something other than posting your hatred of all things Conservative on a forum.

In the end, NB is either a Lib or Con province. No matter what 'election', I won't be happy with the results, hence my vote for the person, not party. As it is, I don't "hate" Conservatives really. I actually do lean Con in some ways, I just don't agree with how the current Con leadership of NB is doing things right now. People pinned 'hope' on Higgs and he, like every other politician, was full of shyte. If the Cons would do right by NB, or the Libs, or anyone, I'd support them.

As for volunteering, I did. there is a chance the dipshit may actually do something positive? Good to know.

Sure there is. There's always a chance. But it's more likely he won't; I have no faith that Kenny will do anything decent for Alberta, which is a shame.

Ah yes, because 'giving power' to the liberal party was such a brilliant idea./
Didn't say it was, but in NB, so many thought giving power to the Cons would be so much better than the Libs, and it's turned out to be false beyond belief.

Your support of a party that has shown itself to be all but incapable of ruling without interfering in various government contracts; talks a great talk about women's equality but is all too willing to throw any female they deem unfit to be in the party, under a bus; completely unable to answer a single question in the HoC without a handful of notes that are little more than liberal talking points and in no way address the question asked; have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they truly believe 'budgets balance themselves' and are all to willing to apologize for century old injustices but refuse to do the same when caught doing their best to destroy the reputation of an honorable man simply because they wanted one of their biggest party donors to get a ship-building contract - is to say the least, pitiful.

"Your support..."


I don't support the Federal Liberals.

Actually, when it comes to Federal politics, there is NO ONE worth supporting at the moment. Likely I'll vote the way I voted provincially; person not party.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Pretty sure those of us who have the Cons in power are wishing we were NFLD right now.

Sort of. I know for NB, having Higgs in power is like watching a losing game of Janga.


Oh Serrya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am pretty sure you have been hogging up and SMOKING MUCH MORE..................................

than your fair share....................................................

of the recently legalized WEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral ekeing out a minority govt in Newfoundland does not exactly indicate a major political shift!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I predict that Doug Ford will have TWO TERMS as Ontari-owe premier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Simply because LIE-berals under Wynne-bag and NDPers under Bob (BOOB) Rae have so badly disgraced themselves here that the

ONLY CHOICE in the short term is CONSERVATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other of the Ontari-owe LIE-beral non entities that survived the Wynne-bag massacre.............................

has decided to JUMP SHIP................................................

to the federal LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LIE-beral cannot decide whether to stay with the sunken wreck..................................

or get aboard the flaming lifeboat and help with the FIRE FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!