Koran should be read at Prince Charles' coronation


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Yep that can happen but he'd still have to be King however briefly for it to happen. If I was in his position Id probably do that. Hell if I was in that line at all Id probably abdicate. I dont know why anyone would want that job.
agreed, I don't think Charles ever wanted the throne...if he had wanted the throne, he would have dropped Camila, and would have sucked it up and behaved with Dianna

William is being groomed, they have him doing all the right things and the public love him so far so they are grooming properly


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Dunno.... Seems to me it's a case of the more you give, the more you'll have to give.

I suppose it could be taken as a gift or it could be taken as a threat to Islam as a promise to usurp the Imams hold over Islam a condition even now for many decades being waged with force of arms. This would be a bit of a carrot rather than the capitulation of Chrisindom and western hahahavalues.

Which Banking House does William belong too.


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014

Legally Liz Windsor can pass over Tampon Charlie Windsor but this is only done in extreme dircumstances so it is likely that Charles III will reign someday.

That would be a perfect time for Canada to become a republic.

England has not had a lot if luck with monarchs named Charles :)


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
They want you to think that. It is all part of the International Anglo Conspiracy.

Hint:- No jews, Catholics, jains, Hindus, etc.allowed.

"Up the Queen"!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I'm sure "defender of the faith" is understood to be the Christian faith.

Church of England, more specifically.

So, the Left have struck again. This story doesn't surprise me, though. The Church of England General Synod, even right up to the Archbishop of Canterbury himself (especially the previous incumbent, the ludicrous Rowan Williams, who told us that Britain should adopt Sharia Law, obviously forgetting which religion he is supposed to stand up for), is now, like many other things in the Western world in the early years of the 21st Century, infested with politically correct, hand-wringing, woolly-minded, wet lettuce, sandal-wearing Guardianistas who want to throw the Anglican church's great teachings and beliefs onto the fire and instead prostrate themselves on the altar of "diversity and equality". Translated from left-wing speak into proper English, "diversity and equality" merely means pandering to the Muslims (no other religions, just the Muslims) so that even the funeral of a man who is Church of England (not Muslim) and who will be the Supreme Governor of the Church of England when he dies (unless he dies before his mother) should have the Koran read at it.

This is absolutely preposterous and Charles should tell them to get stuffed. His funeral - which will likely be a state funeral - should be a beautiful Church of England funeral only and the Bible, not the Koran, should be present.

Of course, this political correctness has not just infested the Church of England. It has infested the whole of the worldwide Anglican Communion. In America, some episcopalian church is hosting a "multi-faith" (i.e. Muslim) ceremony within its walls, just so it can appear all PC and "tolerant."

I don't think it was a request I believe it was a suggestion by a biship for a hand held out only since

Politically correct twaddle. This is just another case of a Lefty-loony Guardianista wanting everybody to pander and show favouritism to the Muslims.

it is the second largest religion in the UK.

It's a passage or two.

There are only a measly 2.6 million Muslims in the UK.

Islam is also only the fourth largest religion in the UK after the Church of England, Catholicism and Presybyterianism. There are around 6 million Catholics in Britain, over twice the number of Muzzies.

If the Supreme Governor of the Church of England has to politically correctly "Hold out a hand" for the Muslims (who number a mere 2.6 million) upon his death then why not force him to "Hold out his hand" to the Presbyterians and the Catholics?

And whilst we're at it, when a major Muslim leader in Britain dies, why not read out the Bible during his funeral to "Hold out a hand" to the tens of millions of Christians in the UK?

The Monarch is still Defender of the Faith.. uh.. that's the Christian Faith.. even in its obnoxious Anglican expression.

What's obnoxious about Anglicanism?

It's Catholicism which is the obnoxious - not to mention idolatrous and heretical - Christian faith. Catholicism is so idolatrous and heretical that it spawned a whole new religion of protesters - Protestants - against it.

And, if you value the wellbeing of your children and not want them to be touched up by a pervert priest in a confessional box, then you'll do well to baptise then Anglican rather than Catholic.

Funny thing is Charles just might be fine with it considering his history.

Althought I doubt the millions of members of the Church of England won't be too pleased with seeing the Koran being read at the funeral of their Supreme Governor. They need to be taken into account.

And what about the Pope? Should we not force the Koran to be read at his funeral, too?

he would have dropped Camila, and would have sucked it up and behaved with Dianna

Why? Charles never loved Diana. Camilla was the only woman Charles ever loved. Would you want to be married to someone you don't love?

England has not had a lot if luck with monarchs named Charles :)

We've only had two.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Politically correct twaddle. This is just another case of a Lefty-loony Guardianista wanting everybody to pander and show favouritism to the Muslims.
which part is twaddle, certainly nothing which I wrote, since I merely relayed the fact that it was extended from the church not requested by Muslims. So all of the whiners here making it seem as if this is a Muslim invasion, need to back off and if they don't like it, at least have the balls to place the blame at the correct feet and quit generalizing as your side is like to do. You may feel offended by his offer, you may feel his offer is twaddle but what I wrote is fact.

I do understand you have a much worse problem on your tiny island than we do here in our vast open land of flowing rivers and miles and miles and miles of trees. We also have a very inhospitable climate which works entirely to our benefit. Only the strong and hardy survive here so a body has to be really motivated to immigrate here to us.

And I sympathize. I truly do. From back in the late 70's downtown London looked like downtown Dubai with all of the traditional Arab garb strolling on the sidewalks barely a white face to be seen and the money flowed in. Well now it's not just the rich, it's everybody and because like sticks to like they have made little niches where they feel all comfy setting up their own rules....no drinking, women covered in tents with eye slits only and open street protests where they feel quite comfortable telling the media they want death to the infidels and women place exactly where they belong. Oh I feel sorry for you yes, but the money was good for a while.

And now there's quite the mess, yes there is.

There are only a measly 2.6 million Muslims in the UK.
correct on the numbers...it is SECOND in strength
Islam is also only the fourth largest religion in the UK after the Church of England, Catholicism and Presybyterianism. There are around 6 million Catholics in Britain, over twice the number of Muzzies.
a lack of ignorance and arrogance leads to the assumption that Catholics and Presbyterians are not Christian but they are. Thus although you would like to cast them out of your club and separate yourself from them, they are in fact a part of the Christian church and under that big umbrella. In FACT Anglicism is merely a break away from Catholicism not the reverse. If it weren't for the psychopath King Henry Vlll you'd be Catholic. There's a scare for ya. All the beliefs are pretty much parallel except that you do not accept the pope as your leader. That my friend is another fact.

If the Supreme Governor of the Church of England has to politically correctly "Hold out a hand" for the Muslims (who number a mere 2.6 million) upon his death then why not force him to "Hold out his hand" to the Presbyterians and the Catholics?
no need, they are already included in the Christian domain. Fact

And whilst we're at it, when a major Muslim leader in Britain dies, why not read out the Bible during his funeral to "Hold out a hand" to the tens of millions of Christians in the UK?
If the Christians think that would be a good thing and the Muslims are up for it, sure why not, ecumenicism should run both ways.

What's obnoxious about Anglicanism?
I have no problem with Anglicanism. In fact my best girl friend growing up was Anglican. Her church was right around the corner from mine and it was a large heavily populated protestant church. Lot's of goers. It was right around the corner from (gasp) the Catholic church. There was only one minister. MY church had two regular priests, a passel of nuns beside the rectory etc. soooooooo lots to help out. Here's a shocker for ya, the minister and priests hung out and actually helped each other.

I was as likely to see the minister in our rectory as I was one of the priests. I think it was Christian love and sharing actually in action. And in our community we were all okey dokey with it. It was a real Christian community as long as you had the green. Pretty much at that time it was the middle class versus the poor... money did the talking as long as you were dropping your little envelope weekly into the collection plate so unlike today, there was one less divide.

It's Catholicism which is the obnoxious - not to mention idolatrous and heretical - Christian faith. Catholicism is so idolatrous and heretical that it spawned a whole new religion of protesters - Protestants - against it.
That it did yes, a bunch of people got brained washed by a king who wanted a new wife to produce an heir...not that I think that is bad mind you...remember he pleaded his case really hard, tried like crazy to make that stupid church cooperate but the bastards wouldn't...remember all those red seals affixed to those requests...(red tape eh)

So the rich who had been given land and wanted to maintain their wealth had to make a quick decision to live and thus went along for the ride and all of the peasants had to go too or lose their life. People are that way we are survival flexible lucky for us eh. We can change our whole belief system in the blink of an eye when our life or our lands are involved. Then we get a mind set and like stick to it in an unthinking manner until life makes us think again and perhaps reconsider that belief. Narrow, closed minded, hate producing behaviour. It's who we are.

And, if you value the wellbeing of your children and not want them to be touched up by a pervert priest in a confessional box, then you'll do well to baptise then Anglican rather than Catholic.
Nah, I've been alone with a zillion priests never had one look sideways at me and funnily enough they are highly educated, worldly and many, although not all, are incredibly philosophical and fascinating to discuss almost any issue with. You need to lose the hysterical fear. It's not good for you. Most priests are not pedophiles they are just normal men like you and they feel called to god that's all. No biggie, no tail, no horns, just living their life as they see fit for them. I would never leave a child alone with anyone ever, best to always be in groups.

Althought I doubt the millions of members of the Church of England won't be too pleased with seeing the Koran being read at the funeral of their Supreme Governor. They need to be taken into account.
Hey it's your church if you don't like things you can always splinter again eh?

And what about the Pope? Should we not force the Koran to be read at his funeral, too?
The pope we currently have is a worldly man, highly intelligent, and a true man of god. He will be counted amoung the men who keep the earth balanced and keep the light flowing and hold back the darkness. There is a theory about that. One thing I have to say about you Blackleaf for all of your bizarre right clinging, you know a lot about many things so I'm sure you've heard of that theory. I don't know if I quite subscribe to it, but it's possible. Anyway, I digress, I wouldn't in the least bit be surprised if this pope did exactly that.
Why? Charles never loved Diana. Camilla was the only woman Charles ever loved. Would you want to be married to someone you don't love?
You're preaching to the choir. He loved Camilla always, more than many men who smash him and criticize him, he understands what it is to love with a passion. Dianna was a forced marriage and never should have happened but it was a different time and views have altered since then. Charles has more backbone than his critics. The queen married the love of her life...now Charles has too...cheers to him and for standing his ground and being who he knows himself to be.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
agreed, I don't think Charles ever wanted the throne...if he had wanted the throne, he would have dropped Camila, and would have sucked it up and behaved with Dianna

William is being groomed, they have him doing all the right things and the public love him so far so they are grooming properly

Diana was just brood mare to get Tudor blood in the lineage and a real right to the throne.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Diana was just brood made to get Tudor blood in the lineage and a real right to the throne.
well they chose her for a reason, I think the families go back a long, long way and she had been groomed for the job and marriage for a long time...I think in her own little way she loved Charles in a real way at the beginning but she had intense psychological problems and I don't think they "got it". Apparently they are extremely cautious with spending sticking to a tight budget and she with her bulimia would be hiding food and stuffing food and vomiting food and they had no patience or understanding for that. She was also quite fragile and I guess the queen who had huge responsibility from a very young age had no compassion for that.

They got the two babies they needed. Even that was dicey. Remember at one point she threw herself down the stairs while pregnant because he was going riding with Camilla.

Also the king slept with whomever he pleased when he pleased. That's the way that society functioned...always did. Marry who you should, love whom you love and be discrete. She didn't understand that world although she grew up in it. I don't think she was strong enough mentally to do it.

It was a messed situation from the get go.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
which part is twaddle, certainly nothing which I wrote, since I merely relayed the fact that it was extended from the church not requested by Muslims.

I know it was extended from the church. As I've said, the Church of England Synod these days has, like the BBC, Parliament and other great British institutions, been taken over by wet, Guardian-reading, sandal-wearing, bearded Lefty liberals who place political correctness, "diversity and equality" and pandering to all things Islam on a higher pedestal than traditional British, Protestant values.

correct on the numbers...it is SECOND in strength
a lack of ignorance and arragance leads to the assumption that Catholics and Presbyterians are not Christian but they are. Thus although you would like to cast them out of your club and separate yourself from them, they are in fact a part of the Christian church and under that big umbrella.
Islam is the fourth biggest religion in Great Britain, after Church of England, Presbyterianism (Church of Scotland) and Catholicism. I don't think there's anything wrong with counting those three as separate.

In FACT Anglicism is merely a break away from Catholicism not the reverse.
I know it is. Anglicanism is a Protestant church and the Protestants, as their name suggests, are those who are protesting against the idolatrous and heretical Catholic church.

If it weren't for the psychopath King Henry Vlll you'd be Catholic.
How was he a "psychopath"? I'm willing to wager that Henry VIII had no psychopathic tendencies at all. In fact, he's probably England's greatest-ever king.

All the beliefs are pretty much parallel except that you do not accept the pope as your leader.
And for the fact that Anglicans, like most other Protestants, don't indulge in idolatrous and heretical worship as the Catholics do.

no need, they are already included in the Christian domain. Fact
But Charles will NOT be the Supreme Governor - the titular head - of the Catholics and the Presbyterians, will he? He will be the Defender of the Faith, and that faith is the Church of England. The Catholics have their own leader - the Pope - and Presbyterianism is devoid of such religious rankings.

Charles will be the Supreme Governor of the Church of England and the Church of England only. It is the Church of England he should be looking after and defending.

As for ecumenism, the term applies to greater CHRISTIAN unity or cooperation. It calls for greater unity and cooperation amongst the Christian churches, not unity and cooperation between Christianity and other religions.

Also, I'll say again: When Prince Charles becomes king, he will be the Supremer Governor of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Therefore, when he dies he should have a Church of England funeral service. There should be no readings from the Koran or any other holy book in order to pander to the Muslims or whoever. The King James Bible should be the only holy book to be read out at the service which, I hope, will be a purely Church of England one as befitting the titular head of the Church of England.

That it did yes, a bunch of people got brained washed
Yeah? In what way?

Hey it's your church if you don't like things you can always splinter again eh?
Too right. The Church of England Synod is now another hornet's nest of Lefties. As a result, this once-great church is now nothing more than the political wing of the LibDems. It's no wonder church attendances are falling when CofE bishops are telling their flock that they must accept gay marriage and Sharia Law, all things which the church should be speaking out AGAINST.

The pope we currently have is a worldly man, highly intelligent, and a true man of god. He will be counted amoung the men who keep the earth balanced and keep the light flowing and hold back the darkness.
Will the Bible be read out at his funeral?

You're preaching to the choir. He loved Camilla always, more than many men who smash him and criticize him, he understands what it is to love with a passion. Dianna was a forced marriage and never should have happened but it was a different time and views have altered since then. Charles has more backbone than his critics. The queen married the love of her life...now Charles has too...cheers to him and for standing his ground and being who he knows himself to be.
The marriage wasn't forced.

Camilla Shand had already met and wanted to marry Andrew Parker Bowles when she and Charles met. Charles and Camilla got along quite well and shared many interests. Charles dithered in proposing to Camilla, so she became Camilla Parker Bowles by marrying Andrew when Charles was at sea with the Royal Navy. There were also rumours that Camilla didn't want to become a royal.

Diana Spencer, meanwhile (who was related to Churchill), had to suffer her parents having a very nasty separation when she was young and she was looking for love in her life.

She and Charles met each other in 1977 at a hunting party through Diana's sister, who was a friend of Charles. Charles was 29 and Diana was 16 and had just left school.

In 1979, Diana returned to London and moved into an apartment in South Kensington with three friends. She got her first job working as a part-time assistant at the Young England Kindergarten, a nursery school and day-care centre in Pimlico. The memorable photograph of the extremely shy Diana in a flimsy skirt, holding a young child, backlit by the sun, and showing the outline of her shapely legs, was taken by John Minihan during this time.

Prince Charles had reached the age of 31 without finding a suitable partner and, as heir to the throne, was under pressure to do so. A list of candidates was drawn up and Diana was chosen from the shortlist. Diana met Prince Charles for the second time in 1980, when she and her family visited the Windsors during their summer holiday at Balmoral and the royal romance began.On 24 February 1981, Buckingham Palace announced the engagement of the 19-year-old Lady Diana Spencer to Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, 32-year-old heir apparent to the British throne.

The two married each other in front of a worldwide audience of millions on 29th July 1981. I was just four days' old that day and the food menus at the hospital where I was born - St Mary's Hospital in Manchester - had a picture of Charles and Di on the front.

Diana did love Charles, but I think it's fair to say that Charles never really loved Diana.

Prince William and Prince Harry were just 15 and 12 respectively when their mother was killed in a car crash on 31st August 1997.

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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

While we're at it, let's have readings from Das Kapital, Mein Kampf, and the Satanic Bible as well.

I mean, we wouldn't want to exclude anyone