John McCrae gay??


Jan 6, 2007

For goodness sake, being ".gay is an insult??" Is being black, or having blue eyes also consider an insult??

I'm bisexual, and have tons of gay friends. I'm a huge supporter of gay rights. But I find it offensive when people sit around and try to fill in the blanks about someone else's life in ways that they can't possibly corroberate. It's not the accusation of homosexuality that's insulting, it's the issue of sitting around saying 'in hindsight, we've decided this trait could mean this person was _____', and knowing that the telephone game that was history can then easily make them out to be someone they were not.

I also find it offensive that people would imply that the only reason a man would be moved by the death he saw, was if he was lover to the person killed. It speaks poorly of men's mental and emotional states to think that seeing a friend blown to pieces, having to scoop him into a sandbag to bury him, might not be traumatic enough, without there being a sexual agenda to his emotional response.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Misguided or not the man has a perfect right to his opinion.
I never said otherwise... I`ll always call an asshole who wants to cure someone of their self an asshole, and if you don`t like that well then you can get a life as well loser.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I never said otherwise... I`ll always call an asshole who wants to cure someone of their self an asshole, and if you don`t like that well then you can get a life as well loser.

Oh, so you are the "last word" on who is an "a$$hole", oh and I guess a "loser" too, but maybe that is valid as a reflection in the mirror does help with identification! :smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Oh, so you are the "last word" on who is an "a$$hole", oh and I guess a "loser" too`s my opinion...I get to have one too. If you want to to play the part of playground teacher for people who would try to cure someone of a loving relationship then have at it. Maybe think about your wife first though, and how you`d feel if someone told you you need to be cured of that affliction.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.`s my opinion...I get to have one too. If you want to to play the part of playground teacher for people who would try to cure someone of a loving relationship then have at it. Maybe think about your wife first though, and how you`d feel if someone told you you need to be cured of that affliction.

Sure you do, but it's no reason to denigrate people. I don't have particularly strong feelings about sexual orientation, except for the fact that a lot of problems that arise wouldn't happen if people kept it more to themselves.............if you are going to prance down the street in a parade you might receive derogatory remarks, but that has nothing to do with sexuality as much as being a blowhard and screaming for attention. MY opinion only.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Sure you do, but it's no reason to denigrate people.

Your opinion, which you've made abundantly clear many times when you try to nanny up the place. Freedom of speech is a good thing, I don't support limiting people's speech because I think stupid ideas need to be ridiculed. Don't try to force your political correct language on me.

Report me if you don't like it, and then the mods can decide what the correct course of action is.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Your opinion, which you've made abundantly clear many times when you try to nanny up the place. Freedom of speech is a good thing, I don't support limiting people's speech because I think stupid ideas need to be ridiculed. Don't try to force your political correct language on me.

Report me if you don't like it, and then the mods can decide what the correct course of action is.

And what "politically correct language" did I try to force? Simply saying "I disagree" is not only sufficient but much more acceptable than calling a fellow poster a "loser". But you are not alone in this department!
"Report you"? Why? You've already reported yourself to the "whole wide world".
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
And what "politically correct language" did I try to force? Simply saying "I disagree" is not only sufficient but much more acceptable than calling a fellow poster a "loser".

8O Are you for real? :lol: This quote is a good example of what I'm talking about.

"Report you"? Why?

Because the mods aren't an annoyance.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Start with the realization that it is NOT natural, and in fact is not a mental illness.. it is a moral pathology, wilful and deeply self destructive. The answers are not easy, but providing there is a WILL to move away from the fantasy filled neuroses of homosexuality.. there is a way.

Is that how Ted Haggard one of the biggest gay bashers on the planet cured himself of being gay and methamphetamine use? What does he do now? Makes knuckle babies while thinking about little girls in the congregation?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Which proves you're a complete and utter moron and you don't respect us, or this forum, so there's no point in us listening to you ever again. Hang your head in shame and show yourself the door. ------->


I thought the door was
<--------This way